I was almost done with the other fic's chapter, but mood get in the way and instead I decide to write another story concept I had.

Credits to GoukaRyuu as usual, this time around, he helped much of the story ideas and execution.

Enjoy and remember, tell me what you think of it through review!

People say the high school debut is the most important moment in their lives up to that point. High school is the bridge that connects childhood and adulthood; one prepares to eventually enter society through it after all. Even though its main role as a place of higher education has been replaced with college, its social role remains unchanged.

When it comes to high school one could say the first day at school could shape someone's life for the next three years. As such, making a strong impression is a must. Showing off your personality and beauty, or so they say. A certain someone didn't believe it in the past, which more or less caused a constant downhill trajectory in their junior high school social life.

The young girl straightened her slouched back as she stood and walked up to the front of the class. It was pretty clear how obviously tall she was in comparison to every other female student in the room as soon as she passed the homeroom teacher, being over half a head taller at least. Her eyes were dim and her expression was lifeless, though, with a faint tinge of red across her cheeks, one couldn't mistake her for a walking corpse at least.

Such an enigmatic presence, which school did she come from? That was the question that came to the class' collective mind. She was beautiful. Indeed, she was very beautiful, and her tall physique highlighted a strong, slightly broad, yet rather appealing body contour. If she were to wear casual clothes people might have mistaken her for a college girl rather than a high school freshman.

All in all, even some of the boys expressed their fearful attraction in the the first five seconds, excited to know about her.

With halfhearted strength she wrote a series of kanji on the chalkboard.

蜂 (Bee), with helpful furigana written on top of the kanji, which read as Hachi.

"The name* is Hikigaya Hachi. I like reading light novels, playing games, and drinking coffee. As for dislikes, I dislike loud things and big crowds. That's ... please take care of me." She bowed her head awkwardly.

Everyone else looked at her with an anxious expression.

Not only had she addressed herself with an extremely proud, masculine pronoun, but her hobbies too were rather unusually boyish. A high school girl must be both energetic yet at the same time elegant and humble, but this person ... this person just defied all expectations. She was imposing, quiet, gloomy, and even her name wasn't all that feminine.

Her face showed she was on edge and filled with embarrassment. However, not many people noticed this at all. Her impression had not done a good job of presenting a rather awkward, withdrawn girl, which was the kind of person Hikigaya Hachi truly was.

All they saw was a scary presence whose physical beauty was wasted on a frightening character. Not that she expected much out of all this.

It could always have been more disastrous. Hope was the first step to the road of disappointment after all. At least she hadn't made a mistake in her introduction.

"Nee, nee, Hikigaya-san." The girl beside the empty seat where Hikigaya Hachi belonged waved her hand, "How tall are you really? Are you a model or something?"

Hachi sat in her seat, "No, I'm not a model. Anyway, it's your turn."

The short, petite girl with dark blonde hair walked toward the front of the class and cheerfully grinned as she waved one hand, patently confident - if not overconfident. Her hazel-colored eyes blinked cutely as she greeted her classmates. "Hello, my name is Isshiki Iroha. I like sweet and cute things and I dislike people who are pushy."

So straightforward, and yet, she made quite a lovable impression ... to the boys. The girls, on the other hand, just glared with ire.

Hachi sighed and smiled, it was pretty obvious that sooner or later Isshiki Iroha would be a target of bullying.

Whether her bubbly personality was fake or not, Isshika Iroha was a very cute, sly fox. A really, really cute one. It was all too tempting, the type that would cause unscrupulous people to say, "I want to take her home with me!"

Hachi felt rather enchanted. If she were a genuine, 100% hetero boy, Hachi might have fallen in love with Iroha in a heartbeat, like at least half the boys in the class.

No, even the gender barrier might not stop her. This strange, petite girl was just too sly, and Hachi knew she would feel this disgustingly charmed for quite a while, until she could develop a resistance to the cutesy appeal.

I'm too weak for this type, Hachi mused to herself.

"Isshiki-san, do you have a boyfriend?" One of the boys impatiently asked.

"It's a secreet~" Iroha stuck out her tongue childishly before she returned to her seat, which made half the boys in class swoon. In less than five minutes she already had so many fanboys in her grasp.

And more enemies than Iroha wished she had.

Hachi simply shuddered at the thought; she was well aware how vicious girls could be when they shared a collective enemy in their sights. After all, Hachi was a victim too, back in middle school. As such, while the first impression was important, Hachi decided she wouldn't want to put crosshairs on her back like Iroha just did.

"Then, please take care of me, Hikigaya-san." Iroha grinned.

Hachi could only wryly smile. She wondered if Iroha was that dumb or much too good of an actress and pretending to be dumb. Besides, the closer she looked at her, the more artificial Iroha's behavior seemed to be. Hachi noticed how Iroha had a drop of sweat running down her cheek and her eyes were looking left and right as if she were afraid of something.

She was afraid, afraid of making mistakes that she couldn't fix. Iroha was afraid of messing up her high school girl's debut.

It seemed that Isshiki Iroha was a lot less confident than she appeared to be.

More insecure than Hachi expected.

Chapter 1: High School Debut

Homeroom went swimmingly, though Hachi didn't even manage to remember half of her classmates. In the end, she simply gave up and decided to observe everyone as soon as lunchtime began. Unfortunately, she forgot to bring her lunch box ... much to her disappointment. Instead, she brought out a large size yakisoba-pan** and a box of milk. Not quite the most elegant lunch, but more than enough calories for her needs.

"Umm, Hikigaya-san..." Iroha approached her, then hesitated, "Would you like to have lunch together?"

Hachi looked at her suspiciously and then decided to comply and joined a group of girls with her. "I'm sorry to intrude," Iroha said aloud, but not loud enough to come off as rude. Hachi couldn't really decide whether her slightly phony voice was endearing or annoying, perhaps a bit of both.

The girls seemed to be not entirely receptive of Hachi and Iroha's eagerness to join; however, in the end, they yielded and welcomed them with an obviously half-hearted smile. "Come and join us."

The girls once again introduced themselves, expanding the topic of conversation onto various interests. Fiction, accessories, makeup, fashion, and of course, obligatory boyfriend talk.

None of which Hachi was really concerned with.

"Eh, neither of you have a boyfriend?" One of the girls asked in genuine disbelief and a small hint of a ridiculing tone.

Hachi felt like she wanted to leave in anger, but she decided to stay patient. She couldn't possibly lose a battle of intimidation on day one.

"I just haven't met the right person yet." Iroha cheekily said.

Seriously stop with that fake childish act, it's annoying. Hachi beamed at the girl mentally, not that Iroha could hear her or would accept her message or anything.

Hachi however, simply coolly answered: "I have terrible luck in romance."

"Oh." The girls were completely speechless and utterly didn't believe what Hachi had said to them.

"It's true; I've been rejected seven times." The seemingly cool-looking freshman replied, "No wait, eleven times."

By girls. Not that Hachi would say that aloud.

"Oh come on, who would believe you, Hikio?"

"Isn't that Hikitani?" Another girl guessed.

"Hikigaya." Hachi corrected. People seemed to have issues remembering her family name.

"Whatever. It's too hard to remember, can we call you Hacchan? No offense but Hachi sounds a bit..."

Like a dog name, Hachi laughed at herself. However, she wanted to keep that name no matter what, and she didn't care in the slightest if it sounded like the name of a dog.

"I don't mind." Hachi calmly replied as she took a bite of her bread.

"You..." One of the girls was flabbergasted, "I thought you were pretty scary at first but ... you're a chill one, huh."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Hachi decided she wouldn't humor that. Instead, she finished her lunch quietly as everyone else kept chatting.

She threw the garbage into the bin in the corner of the classroom, wondering what else she could do. They still had plenty of time to rest, and she couldn't really be arsed to gossip this early

"Eh. By the way, let's go see Hayama-senpai after class. I'm really curious."

"Who's Hayama?" Hachi asked bluntly.

"What? How could a school girl in Chiba not know Hayama Hayato-senpai? He's rich, handsome, and very talented. He's been the Soccer Club's Ace since his first year, and now he's the captain." The girls howled, "In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if there were many girls who enrolled in Soubu just to see him."

"I see. I don't really follow the sports types, unfortunately." Hachi wrily smiled in embarrassment, but to an outside observer, her remarks sounded pretty cocky instead.

Enrolled just so they could see a certain Senpai they admired? Just how brain dead retarded could these high school girls be?

Then again, it's not like Hachi was one to talk. After all, she came here because she was running away from her past.

"Ah I know, you two should greet him."

"Yeah yeah, maybe Hayama-senpai might actually fall for you. Iroha is pretty cute, and Hacchan is kind of cool and sexy, I guess."

Hachi found the hesitation given to the last part rather insulting, but she didn't say anything.

"Not happening, not happening." Iroha waved her hand, but it was obvious that her ego was stroked by their faint praise.

Hachi resisted the urge to put a palm to her face. At least they had acknowledged her physical charms.

She admitted she had become much more physically attractive now than she had been in the past. It was rather awful, a fine blend of relief and disappointment.

Her school debut could always have gone worse, like being caught in a major accident. But still...

So much for a normal, hassle-free high school life.

"Let's go."

Iroha wanted to resist but she was overpowered by two taller, more persistent girls and got dragged out of class. Another girl who was left behind looked over at Hachi.

But she was too afraid to force her so she switched to disgustingly pathetic pleading eyes. "Umm, would you like to?"

"Whatever." Hachi scoffed in response, Don't you regret it if this Hayama fuck falls to my charms too. Hachi thought wickedly.

If she were to look in a mirror she would find the face of a disgustingly evil stepsister, but Hachi was too much of a narcissistic girl to imagine it.

Yeah, with this kind of body, who wouldn't be interested? She snarked inwardly.

Still, humans are animals, and animals have instincts. There was nothing inherently wrong with the concept of purely physical attraction. She wouldn't be so arrogant and naive to declare that satisfying her baser requirements was beyond her.

It was just that Hachi had had enough with foolishly following such primitive, savage instincts.

She wished to have something more meaningful. Even if it was only a tiny little bit.

Something much more ... real.

It might be a little foolish and naive to find something so sacred in this corrupted and twisted world, but a girl could dream.

Or perhaps, she shouldn't. After all, dreams betrayed too many.

Still, nothing wrong with at least trying. Because hard work betrays none.

As she lazily followed her excited classmates, they climbed upstairs to the second floor where the second years were situated.

And much to Hachi's surprise, there was a literal horde of screaming girls.

"...They've all come for this Hayama?" Hachi asked in disbelief, "Can I go back now?"

"Shut up and push through."

Hachi wondered why she obeyed the obvious bully's orders, however, making enemies on the first day might be too much even for her, and so with her superior height and strength, Hachi easily passed through the tight and sweaty crowd of estrogen with ease.

Or rather, the girls were too shocked and frightened to see a girl this tall and strong forcing her way through, so they decided it would be safer to give way to her.

"...whoa, they all respect you." Iroha mused.

What, am I some kind of an alpha lioness? Hachi grumbled inwardly, the way they looked at her made her uncomfortable. Still, it was very convenient.

"It was class 2-F huh." Hachi took a little peek on the open door, where the distressed sophomores were trapped and unable to get out.

"Move aside." Another tall girl walked out, she was almost as tall as Hachi, maybe shorter by two inches, which says something when Hachi herself was easily one head taller than average girls. Her eyes were sharp and murderous, and the fact that she didn't wear a blazer exposed how slender yet muscular arms managed to push the crowd even further with brute strength.

Their eyes met for a moment.

Such vicious, angry eyes. They were kind of charming in their own way.

From the way she wore a ponytail, to how she tied her blazer to her waist, clearly, this sophomore didn't give a single fuck and just wanted to be left alone.

A rebellious type, huh.

"Move it." The sophomore told Hachi, and Hachi simply nodded quietly and continued on her way until her classmates pulled her back by the collar.

"Where are you going, you cool beauty?"

"We need to find Hayama-senpai first."

"I don't give a rat's a-" Hachi's words were interrupted by a chorus of anguish from the crowd around them.

"Senpai isn't here!"

"Wait, what? Oh, why?"

The crowd yelled their displeasure as they slowly began to disperse in the pursuit of the school idol's shadow.

Hachi's classmates could only shrink under her annoyed glare. All this hassle and the jerk wasn't even here?

"Oh well, we tried, we should just go back now." Iroha sighed in relief.

"What are you happy for, gah."

As the other girls threw a temper tantrum, Iroha and Hachi were left in front of the second year's classroom. The two girls simply looked at each other and sighed again.

"Why did you follow their suggestion, Hacchan? It's obvious they're bullying us." Iroha pouted and smacked her broad back in annoyance.

"Have you seen a mirror recently? You're practically a doormat." Hachi said in return, obviously calling out Iroha's hypocrisy. "They're just vultures that get bored easily once their prey gives up. Once they get enough of you they'll leave you alone. So just bear with it for today."

"That's kind of rude, but I agree," Iroha said flatly, she couldn't really bother to defend those classmates of hers. "But ah, I do want to meet Hayama-senpai. Uuu~"

"What about me?"

Iroha looked aside while Hachi had to turn 180 degrees to look in the direction of the voice.

A young handsome man with radiantly blond and spiky hair stood before them, in such close proximity it made Hachi step back by sheer reflex.

His face was handsome. Very handsome. His eyes were crystal clear, with such brilliance that it pulled all of Hachi's attention to them and them alone. His rugged, manly jaw was clean shaven, further adding more attractiveness to an already charming smile.

And let's not even get started on his ... well-toned body. Even underneath the thick blazer of the school uniform Hachi could trace all the muscles underneath, inch by inch, every single strand of them, bulging as if they were about to burst.

In conclusion: motherfucker is hot, emergency cooling systems go!

Hachi quickly stepped back with an awkward smile as beads of sweat began to roll down her chin like small drops of rain. Leaving the confused and embarrassed Iroha to shield her.

"Umm eh, please forgive us for being rude." Iroha clapped her hands, "We were just curious about you, that's all."

"Ahh, even the freshman are all about you, Hayato-kun!"

The one who said that was a boy with orange-dyed shoulder length hair. He might not be as princely as Hayama Hayato, however, his sharp chin and the angles of his cheeks certifiably gave him a gorgeous appearance. Like vocalists of famous J-rock bands.

With the way he shoddily dressed it was pretty clear this one followed the rather typical delinquent stereotype. Still, it did make him all the more attractive, in hindsight.

Hachi inwardly cursed and desperately suppressed her raging libido. Her heart rate elevated to such levels that she couldn't help but blush in the face of two attractive Senpai.

"I'm Isshiki Iroha, a freshman." Iroha quickly recovered back to her shameless, cute girl mode, and then introduced the much taller girl, "This is my classmate, Hikigaya Hachi."

"Pleased to meet you." Hachi flatly bowed, now that she had regained her composure she wasn't letting hormones get in the way of an objective assessment.

"Nice to meet you." The blond boy said, "I'm Hayama Hayato."

"And me, I'm Tobe Kakeru, at your pleasure." The orange-haired boy added. "What do you need from us, adorable Kouhai***?"

"Umm, it's alright, we were just curious about what our famous Senpai was like and would like to know you more. Please don't mind us, tehe~" Iroha winked sweetly and left.

Hachi just nodded quietly and followed.

"...These freshmen are something." Tobe Kakeru commented, "That Isshiki-san is really cute, and damn, Hikitani or something was it? She's just ... damn."

"That's Hikigaya." Hayato corrected him, "I think they would appreciate it if you didn't look at them with that kind of dirty smile, Tobe. We Senpai have dignity to maintain."

The blond boy said with a smile, but his voice dripped with furious understatement.

"But really, she's really tall, maybe almost as tall as you?" Tobe commented, "Seriously man, probably a model?"

"Beats me." Hayato couldn't care less and walked in to his classroom.

Meanwhile, Hachi and Iroha were about to descend down, only to be held back by the returning tide of estrogen that had come back to pursue Hayato, now that that person actually had come back to his class.

"For fuck's sake!" Hachi spat.

"Hacchan, language." Iroha wiggled her hand in front of her taller classmate, but Hachi just ignored her.

Instead, Hachi's eyes were focused on a pair of ... large tracts of land in front of her.

The soft, ample figure of a pink-haired senpai leaned on her. Her back to Hachi's chest. Hachi might not have much of it, but it was more than enough to cushion the ensuing impact.

"Boobs." Was the only thing in her mind when Hachi looked down. The way the girl wore an open-collared shirt that displayed her assets with such freedom...

As the crowd passed, the Senpai quickly walked away from Hachi's accidental embrace with a reddened face. Her rounded cheeks, expressive pair of big eyes, along with a shapely figure had caught Hachi's attention a little too much. She looked really ... nice, no, that would be quite an understatement.

Though, with the way she dressed, slutty might be the better choice of word.

It seemed that her brain still couldn't decide whether it prioritized men or women. So Hachi thudded her own head to the wall to bring her senses back on track.

Who said Soubu High, the academic school with a National-wide reputation for the high average grades of its students, had a shortage of attractive people? Certainly, that was utter bullshit.

Hachi felt a mixture of excitement and dread to the thought.

"Are, are you alright? I'm sorry." The pink haired girl smiled friendly.

"It's alright, senpai. Please excuse us." Iroha nodded.

"Wait, wait."

The girl grabbed Hachi's arm of all sudden and glared intently at her.

"...What is it?" Hachi glared back in response.

"No, my bad." The Senpai let her arm go, her eyes became meek again as she apologetically smiled, "I thought you were someone else."

"I see. Please excuse me." Hachi left with a cold tone.

The pink haired Senpai simply stood there, dumbfounded.

Had they met each other before? But where?

"Wanna go back to class?" Iroha whispered.

"Not yet, it's annoying," Hachi responded.

Instead, they walked upstairs and then climbed some more, which brought them to the legendary high school rooftop.

"Why are we even here, there's no one around?" Iroha complained.

"It's precisely because no one's around that I'm here; you're free to go back if you want." Hachi coldly told her.

Iroha pouted in response to that, "Mou, we're friends now, so don't be so cold to me."

Hachi had never acknowledged their friendship or anything; they were classmates, sure, but still. That said, Hachi didn't really mind. It wasn't like she had a good track record with having friends in the past.

She couldn't bear to be choosy, not now.

"Well, I like to stay in quiet places like this." Hachi smiled, trying to be as earnest as possible. "It was too much to deal with the situation down there."

"To be honest, I agree." Iroha laughed, "Those girls lack subtlety. You can't attract boys by forming a big crowd like that!"

"Oh, so Isshiki is a master of attracting boys, huh? What's next, a harem of rich college boys?" Hachi teased.

Iroha's face became red as she hit the taller girl several times, to no ill effect at all. "Of course not, Hacchan you're terrible. Terrible! I'm just saying you need to be careful and composed."

"I wish I could have your confidence." Hachi laughed, "I think I almost pissed myself when I met that Hayama guy."

"That's not true at all." Iroha looked at the sky with moist eyes, "So, do you like Hayama-senpai now that you've had a look at him?"

"Not really. He might be handsome, but I don't know him at all." Hachi lightly replied, "Can you say you like someone just because of their looks?"

If physical attractiveness were the most important aspect alone, Hachi wouldn't have trouble fitting in.

"Not really." Iroha giggled, "But now that I saw him, Hayama-senpai does have this friendly and charming vibe, it's not just his face, I think. Maybe I should try to get close to him."

"Good luck." Hachi scoffed.

The sound of a heavy object falling caught their attention, and they noticed that the pony-tailed Senpai they saw before jumped off the roof storage building.

She patted her skirt to get off all the dust.

"We meet again, Senpai." Iroha politely stood and bowed.

"Lunchtime is about to end, teachers will come to inspect this area so you better scram." The older girl said with a no-nonsense tone.

Hachi simply walked passed her and picked up something.

A box of cigarettes. No wonder the Senpai smelled so familiar.

"Senpai, you dropped something." Hachi waved the box, much to the older girl's shock and fear.

Her haughty and unfriendly face now looked absolutely vulnerable and terrified.

"Don't worry; I'm not the type to snitch on people I have no issue with." Hachi handed her the lost possession.

"Umm eh, yes, I won't say anything, please spare me!" Iroha begged as well, knowing that she just witnessed something troublesome.

"You ... think I would believe you?"

"Senpai, we don't even know each other, why should I care what you do?" Hachi asked bluntly.

The sophomore was quiet for a moment. And then sighed.

"I owe you a favor then."

"Huh?" Iroha blinked in confusion.

"I said, I owe you a favor." The girl repeated, louder, "I hate being indebted to anyone so be quick."

"Oh." Hachi said with monotonic voice, "I honestly don't care. But maybe you can help Isshiki over here."

"Huh? Me?" Iroha spun around in further confusion and pointed at herself in a panic, "What about me?"

"Isshiki is interested in Hayama-senpai so if Senpai could … maybe help her a little and find a chance for Isshiki to get closer to him, maybe we can consider that favor paid." Hachi lightly smiled.

"I see, Hayama huh."

Sweat dripped down the other girl's cheek; it seemed that had been a little too problematic a request. Then again, it's not like Hachi expected much.

From the beginning to the end, this particular Senpai had an "I have no friends" sign written all over her face.

"I'll see what I can do, but no promises. I'm not particularly close to that person." Senpai finally agreed, "Who are you and what class you from?"

"Umm, I'm Isshiki Iroha of Class 1-C; this is my classmate, Hikigaya Hachi."

"I'm Kawasaki Saki." The Senpai said as she turned back to leave, "I'll talk to you later about the results."

"Thank you." Hachi flatly said with no actual sense of gratitude whatsoever.

"Hacchan you're awesome!" Iroha hugged her and jumped around. "How could you talk with that scary Kawasaki-senpai just like that?! You're way too cool!"

Hahaha, we're the same age after all. Hachi inwardly said to herself.

A little fact that remained a secret was that Hikigaya Hachi was one year older than everyone in her class.

"I got a phone call, go back to the class without me," Hachi said as she pulled out a ringing phone from her skirt pocket.

"Alright, don't stay too long!" Iroha giddily grinned as she ran downstairs with newfound spirits.

Man, it's as if I got a sister for a classmate. That was what Hachi had in her thoughts as she accepted the call. "Hello, Komachi?"

"[Aneki, how was your first day at school?]"

"Annoying, but it could be worse," Hachi said in a deadpan voice.

"[Eh, don't tell me you didn't get any friends again?]"

"I got one." Hachi corrected hastily, "I got a new friend."

"[Good for you! I was really worried, you know?]"

"You don't have to be. I'm fine. Really. It's about the end of lunchtime, I'm hanging up."

"[Alright, I'm waiting for all the juicy details. Later!]"

As Hachi closed the call tears began to flow from the corners of her eyes. The overwhelming emotions she desperately tried to suppress simply leaked out endlessly.

"Why am I even crying? It must be the hormonal instability." She scoffed between sobs.

Yeah, it was totally not because she was happy or anything! She rubbed away the tears and slapped her own face.

She still had a class to attend.

And thus, her high school girl debut had begun.

やはり, 俺の 女子高生 デビュー はまちがっている。

As Expected, My High-School Girl Debut is Wrong.


Original Story by Watari Wataru

* "Ore" is a very masculine and proud form of "I" in Japanese, whereas normally girls would use the formal form "Watashi", polite "Watakushi", or childish "Atashi".

** fried noodle bread, basically a hot dog with noodles instead of sausage

*** Senpai-Kouhai dynamic, obviously means senior and junior, referring to older/younger or more/less experienced people, respectively.