The Raising of Two Legends!

Some folks say that legends are just made-up stories from books and fairytales some tell others for fun and games but what they don't know is that most legends are very real. Two legends are very well known in some countries passing on the stories through generations for centuries and they're very dangerous.

One Legend spoke of a Warrior named Sparada, the Legendary Dark Knight, he was a powerful demon who betrayed his own demon brethren to protect the Human World he grew fond of the humans and battle against his demonic home: The Underworld alone. Defeated other powerful demons then the ruler by sealing him off and closing the Underworld from the humans, thus living a peaceful life. Some say he fell in love with a woman and together they had two sons: twins. But Sparada one day disappeared never to be seen again.

Another spoken of a once known tournament in a far-off country called: The Queen's Blade, once held every four years to determine the strongest swords fighters from all over the Continent and as the name implies only female warriors in enter. Those who win the tournament shall be become ruler of the Continent; humans and other races like elves and dwarfs can compete against each other for the title but no killing to the loser. It went on for over 120 years until it was abolished by a tyrant woman and was never held again.

Legends like these are powerful to the heart they each meaning in them though most people in the world don't take it seriously and brush it off as some make-believe stories but to some who believes them are feel inspired. People wants to make their own legend so they inspire others of hopes and dreams, to never lose the Light in the Darkness, and to always have faith in yourself and others around you.

"HEY, Leina, come on hurry down your breakfast is getting cold!" A girl called out.

The girl with blonde hair and blue eye, wearing a school uniform, and her breasts sizes are E-cup, who heard the other girl snapped out of her thoughts on a book she was reading.

"Sorry Elina, I'll be right down!" Leina called back putting the book down on her desk and grabs her bag as she made her way downstairs.

"Good morning, everyone!" Leina said to her family: two sisters and a father.

One sister with red hair and green eyes, also wearing a school uniform and breasts sizes: H-cup, is the oldest named Claudette Vance, though the illegitimate child but she doesn't care for she only wants what's best for her family and hopefully find her own way of life, her own path to proudly walk on. She can be strict at times even to her father going by some rules and all but she can have fun too from time to time.

The other sister with blonde hair and light blue eyes, wearing the same school uniform like her sisters and E-cup, is the youngest, making her Elina Vance, she is energetic and happy sister though she does jumps from her other personalities like looking down on others who she doesn't think they are worthy to be friends with her nor any boy having a chance with her sisters.

The father is Earl Vance, is a business man and CEO of his company: the Vance Company. He can be very strict sometimes but always shows kindness to his daughters as he sees them growing up into fine young women just like their mother who passed away years ago.

"Morning sister, I take it you were reading that book again." Claudette said knowing Leina of her favorite things to do.

"Yes, it's my favorite book in the whole world, I just can't get enough of it!" Leina said happily which made Claudette smile as well.

"That's no surprise, mom gave you that book considering it was pass down from her side of the family." Elina said before eating her eggs, reminded of her late mother always reading them the stories about Sparada and the Queen's Blade tournament.

"The whole thing about demons, elves, dwarfs, fairies, dragons, angels, ghost, and a whole tournament of powerful woman competing to see who's the strongest." Leina said going on about what's written in the book. Leina always loves the fantasy life of medieval times or something close to it and wish that she could be a part of it.

"Well, don't get too into it you have your own life to walk and I know you'll do some great things." Earl said finish eating his breakfast and giving the girls kisses on the forehead.

"Bye girls, have a good day." He said heading out to work.

"Bye father!" The Vance sisters said wishing their father a good day as well.

After a while, the girls finish their breakfast and made it out of their big house that's always like a small motel but a bit bigger.

"I can't wait for school today, have you heard about the event that's gonna happen?" Elina asked exciting.

"Yes, a festival to honor a great warrior who defended the weak and banish evil from the world." Claudette recalled hearing about it from the school's announcement.

"I wonder if this warrior is Sparada, that would be amazing!" Leina said out loud.

"Who knows, maybe we'll meet a descendent of his in that town I've heard about from my classmates." Claudette mentioned which made Leina excited more and Elina sign with a smile.

As the three made their way to school, a lone figure is watching them from far and very high up. The person is a female with light blue hair and green eyes, what make this girl very different than normal is that she has two wings though one is smaller than the other, wearing a white dress with a short skirt, long gloves over the elbows, and metal long boots. She looks at the Vance sister with worry-sad expression.

"I hope they'll be okay, they're not like their previous life and the danger is coming soon." The Winged Girl said then pulls a determination look.

"I have to be ready to protect them by the Order of the Head Angel, I will not fail them or die trying!" She declared before flying off to the school where the sisters are going.

(Train Station)

A bull train make its stop at the station where everyone is gather to either get on or get off from the inside, the doors slide open as the announcer tells the people that the train has arrived.

One person, a young man standing out like all the rests, steps off the train and made his way outside of the station taking a good look of the town he's at and starts to wonder where to go next.

He's about in his teen years like 17-18 years old, pure white hair and red eyes, wearing a long red coat with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, black pants fingerless gloves, military style boots. He does not appear to be wearing a shirt underneath his coat just a stripe around his muscular looking chest, and carrying a large briefcase on his back.

"Well, better get find that demon disgusting as the old man who send me here before his dying breath, also to protect his daughters of course." The red coated boy said to himself. Thinking back on finding man laying alone in an abandoned alley, warning him a about a demon taking his form and will go after his daughters.

He took the job, knowing how it feels to lose your family right before your eyes. He starts walking hoping to find the demon before things get worse, luckily, he's friends found out about the man and sent out to his three daughters before it's too late.

Right after he get himself pizza and a strawberry sundae from the long train ride.

KO everyone, a new story has been unleashed into our fanfiction world and hope you all enjoy it!

This is my new Queen's Blade crossover with Devil May Cry, the idea came to me by a viewer though couldn't remember his/her name I'm sure he'll/she'll be proud of this! And yes, Dante is gonna have a harem in this story.

KO comment, favorite, and follow through of how this story will go!