chapter 2

"Yuuki…I told you to stay inside." Cross Kaien- the legendary vampire hunter scolded his adopted pureblood daughter Kuran Yuuki.

The hunter was frustrated, despite warning her for so many times to stay inside she still disobeyed. He could tell that she practically ran out of the moon dorm sensing her brother's presence near the grounds of the academy.

Yuuki has been acting this way since she was brought here weeks ago.

He understood her feelings, her anguish and her agony. He knew she was in no right mind. What she was going through was not easy. After all Yuuki happily embraced her true self as a pureblood vampire and daughter of the Kuran family. With heavy heart she accepted the sacrifice that her parents made so that she could live a carefree, sheltered human life. She stayed strong and welcomed her future with open arms, left the academy with heart so full of hope.

All that was so easily possible because she knew she would have Kaname by her side...well except now he wasn't!

"Yuuki go back inside!" he told her again, in a voice firmer than the one used earlier.

But the girl did not listen. Instead she tried to run past him.

"WAIT YUKI!" The anger was no longer hidden in the legendary hunter's voice as he yelled at his doting daughter.

However Kuran Yuuki's rushed footsteps came to an abrupt stop when a hand grasped her arm tightly from behind.

She did not have to look back to see who it was,

"Let me go…he is here." She tried to reason hoping he would understand.

"No I can't allow that. He is dangerous." Sadly he didn't, but his actions came with valid reasons too.

"Please let me go…I want to ask him why he did what he did…I have to know!"

"Try and understand Yuuki...he is armed. The sword on his hold can easily kill any vampire. Plus there is no guarantee that he won't attack you. When it concerns your life I cannot take any risk."

Cross Kaien made his point as clear as water. He thought his daughter understood but she proved him wrong.

"LET ME GO!" She screamed with all her might. Her voice came out so loud that it echoed through all corners of the academy.

"YUUKI!" her adoptive father also retaliated back, almost instantly.


It took them both a moment to actually register what just transpired.

He slapped Yuuki, his precious dear daughter!

The slap sounded as loud as her scream in the dead pan of silence that followed after.

Yuki remained unmoving from her position. She just stayed there with her face still bent to the side. Her father on the other hand clenched and unclenched his fist in order to control his temper. He couldn't point out what his feelings were in that moment but could detect it to be a mixture of rage and frustration.

Seeing the all so silly headmaster like this as indeed an odd sight.

This was the first time Keien raised his hand on her! Something that he never even dared to think off in his worst nightmare. Truth be told he never even once scolded Yuuki in the ten years that she lived with him. And now having to see the print of his hand marking her cheek broke his heart.

…but then it was the only way left, to bring her back into senses. For she was not even ready to listen. And as a father he could not lose his daughter to Kaname's madness.

"As the father that raised you I cannot let you chase him. You have to understand, everything you saw in there that very day, the incident that happened in front of your eyes…" he was referring to the slaughter of Aidou Nagamachi and pureblood Hanadagi.

"…is a deviation from the Kaname-kun you know."


Her eyes turned wide. As the inside of her screamed. It refused to accept what she was being told. She did not want to believe it, her heart refused to do so till she heard from him, his words, his reasoning…

Why...Why did he do this? Her heart constantly questioned. None of this actually made any sense. Were they not supposed to have a fresh start? What about the promises he made to her, their parents all those years ago? What about the fact that they are to live as a couple like their father and mother?

All those words, the promises, the sweetest of dreams that he showed her, the hope he filled her up with… What about those countless times he embraced her, kissed her, said he loved her?

…was it all just a big lie?

Is that what he meant to tell her when he said that he will follow his earlier plans!

"I want to go…otou-san." This time she pleaded, addressing the hunter as 'father'.

Knowing all too well how desperately he earned for that. Although Kaien saw her as real daughter Yuuki however called him father on rare occasions. Surely this was one such. It was a nasty move on her part and she hated every bit of it, but at this point there was barely any choice. She needed to soften him, so he could let her go. She has to know. She must find out. Or else she would lose her mind.

And it worked! Just like magic. As if she was the wizard and the word 'father' her spell.

The hunter standing before her stilled. His lips parted, eyes turned wide.

Just when Yuuki thought her plan was working something different happened. Something that she did not predict.

Instead of getting lose his grip on her hand actually tightened! If anything hearing the word 'father' from her mouth after so long actually increased his paternal instinct. Everything took back seat a protecting his child became his first priority.

The Kuran princess continued with struggle to free her arm free. She could not do this any longer. She had to face Kaname. Living like this would be unbearable.


"He is near. I can sense his presence. Please let me go. I have to ask why this happened…" her head bent down with salty tears pouring out of her eyes, droplets of which hit the ground.

Her father said nothing in return. Therefore the silence between started to stretch.

For Yuuki the surrounding now made her feel suffocated. The air felt so heavy that she could barely breathe. She did not want a life like this, living like this would be so hard without understanding a single thing.

"We were about to begin a new long journey…together." The pureblood princess broke the silence. This time sharing her thought aloud. Her voice was broken and the sobs were audible.

"Just when I thought I could also take a step forward everything just had to…" Yuuki let out a frustrated sigh, she could not bring herself to complete her sentence.

"…please let me go ah-"

The hunter looked at the pureblood princess with concerning eyes as she suddenly whimpered in pain. Confused by what was going on.

"Yuuki are you alright?"

She did not answer. Her face contoured in pain. It only added to Kaien's fear when he noticed the changes that was taking over on her back and took a step back when a large set of butterfly wings appeared behind her.

But still...he did not lose his grip on her arm. If possible tightened it further.

"Yuuki…" he called her out in a warning tone. His strict hazel eyes looking down upon her in a challenge. Daring her to question his authority. No matter the status of their true form, end of the day he was the father, she was his daughter. He instructs and she obeys.

The girl too returned the stare. Her warm brown eyes equally challenging him, daring him to stop her. The expression of her face confirmed that her mind was made up, she will go after Kaname.

But then she realized…

"Kaname's presence…it's so far that I CAN'T EVEN PERSUE HIM NOW!"

Her voice came coated with raw anger. The Yuuki that everyone was used to sounded so different. Because the one speaking now was Kuran Yuuki a pureblood vampire, who has years ago devoured the innocent and naïve little human Cross Yuuki.

The color of her eyes changed to bright crimson. Indicating her wrath and rage. Her newfound power changed the course of the wind, as it hit them stronger and harsher than before. Making their hair float around in various different directions.

"Yuuki I feel sorry for you but, but I can't let you go."

Cross lost count of how many times he repeated this same line. But he decided that he will continue to do so till she understands.

But the reality was that his words escalated her anger. With her emotions all over the place Yuuki lost control over her growing power.

The wings on her back lit up and started to flap.


The Kuran princess understood the repercussion of her action when the smell of blood hit her nose. She looked at her father and gasped. He was bleeding from the right side of his face. It appeared as though a sharp blade made a clean slice on that area.

But how did this happen…? Did she attack him…? Was it her doing...?

Look what you did…you selfish filth! Without a hesitation you attacked this person, the one who nurtured you, in the absence of your parents, for all this time like you were his own. Not even for once he made you feel like an outsider and this is how you repay his kindness by shedding his blood…?

Yuuki stared at the man before her in regret before dropping to her knees with tears pouring out of her eyes. This time the tears were not for Kaname, but for her father.

"I'm going to have you obey and follow me this time…alright?" the hunter spoke in a stern voice as he placed cuff around the pureblood's wrist to restrain her power.

The young pureblood said nothing. Her silence indicated that she surrendered.

That gave the legendary hunter the floor to go on.

"All this time I thought that you needed to return to the place where you truly belong. But now it appears as though the relationship between you are Kaname-kun isn't that simple anymore, isn't it…?"

Yuuki could not bring herself to answer that question. Instead she gritted her teeth allowing the frustration to take over.

Because that question brought back a distant memory.

Memory of a parting in which she had no choice but to embrace a reason she could do nothing about. That day she did the very same thing to the silver haired hunter…

…left leaving no proper explanation.

Kuran Kaname stood atop the roof of a building far far away from the grounds of the academy. His dark clothing almost camouflaged him into the darkness of the night. The anti-vampire sword in his grip was causing his palm to bleed. He was in pain, immense pain, yet his face showed no expression of it. Beside him standing was his personal body guard Seiran. Just like him she too was camouflaged into the night because of dark fabric clothing.

Both had their eyes fixated in front, towards the direction of Cross Academy.

Even though they were quite far but thanks to the powerful vampiric eyesight, both witnessed the whole ordeal that happened at the ground of the academy.

First they were very near the academy, because the brunette came with the only purpose to see her, his Yuuki. He just wanted to make sure that she was alright, she was safe and she was protected. He hoped to find her smiling freely just like the times she used to when she was a human.

However the Yuuki that rushed out of the school building was barely recognizable! His heart clenched at the sight of her.

She looked devastated!

There is no doubt to the fact that he is solely responsible for it…He has wounded her by choosing this path. What is worse is that she thinks he abandoned her, in order to fulfill that woman's last wish. If only she understood that he isn't doing it not only for that women but also for her. She is the only pureblood whom he plans to keep alive while finish off the rest. So that no one can come after her, in his absence.

Once Yuuki came out he backed away and watched from far as she struggled to release herself from her adoptive father so that she could chase him.

Her father tried to explain her of the risk but when she refused to listen and he hit her!

The sight boiled the brunette's blood. How dare he hit Yuuki! The desire to take down that hunter was immense. But held back knowing it was all done for her safe keeping. Just like him Cross Kaien too only thought about Yuuki's betterment.

Speaking of safety…there was a matter in hand that needed his immediate attention.

"Let us not waste any more time here…" came his words in form of a command.


Then with a toss of his long coat the pureblood turned and stepped into the night, melding into its darkness.

The first time he met her was on a night of a hazy moon.

On that dark night he went to the Hanadagi estate, with every intention to finish off the last member of that family who still lived.

However, as he neared his desired destination, couple of strong scents invaded his nostrils. The first scent that he detected was of sweet jasmine. No doubt remained in his mind whom that belonged to. But then alongside the floral scent there was also the presence of a strong spicy scent.

He understood the girl wasn't alone, somebody was with her. That doesn't count the servants. It's the presence of another pureblood to be precise.

But the question was which one?

All her brothers are dead and not a lot of male purebloods remained.

So who could it be?

Plus why on earth this smell appeared way too familiar to him? Like he had a recent encounter with this person.

It sparked his curiosity further.

He came to the conclusion, the girl was probably smarter than he thought her to be; after all here she is already making alliances to go against him.

In a small span of time it all turned quite interesting.

The thought curved up his lips into a twisted smirk. He liked the challenged. He would have like to have her play longer but sadly it all must end tonight. Because he ABSOLUTELY cannot risk with Yuuki's safety.

Dark shoes stepped into the threshold of the Hanadagi mansion. With his presence fully concealed Kaname sneaked in giving no soul the slightest chance to detect him there. He made a slight change into his plan. Instead of barging inside right away, he took a little detour and found himself the perfect spot from where he could get the full view of the of the picture inside…

Initially his smirk widened. It was exactly as he thought. The girl wasn't alone, there was another pureblood present with her. Her company was none other than the clown of the Toma family.

The two little figures, one boy and one girl were standing side by side at the center of the grand living room.

"I see…so he is here as well." Kaname muttered lowly under the breath.

In truth he wasn't least bit surprised. It all made sense now. Well he had to give it to her, this girl chose a perfect candidate to plan her revenge. Someone who equally hates him on the same level as she does.

However how wrong his assumption was, Kaname only understood that once he listened to the conversation between them...

"I'm not sure if you are aware, your eldest brother late Hanadagi Yoshida, borrowed a huge sum of money from my family…" the Toma heir spoke circling around the blonde haired girl. His childlike voice was full of arrogance and pride.

"…which he never repaid, rather did not get the chance to."

The young maiden with him gave no response, only quietly listened.

A formally suited man appeared behind young Toma holding a file in hand. The boy then presented the set of papers before her.

"These are the papers, written document of the agreement we had…Yoshida-san and I."

The girl remained unmoving. She still did not react nor did she make the attempt to have a look at them.

From where Kaname was standing he could only see her back. However his mature gaze did not miss the tightening of her tensed shoulder muscle.

"I hope you understand what this means Aiyora?" he used no honorific after her name. Under normal circumstances this would be considered an act of impoliteness. But at this point he had an upper hand in the situation in comparison to the girl and one would be a fool not to take advantage of the given situation.

"Starting from this moment everything that belongs to the Hanadagi family now belongs to me...Hiroyuki Toma." The Toma heir declared and then proceeded to specify.

"It includes all the assets and heirlooms, this very mansion, the luxury cars that your brothers owned, the loyal servants everything that holds the Hanadagi name will be changed to Toma from now on…"

He paused,

"...however there is still one problem," but to think he was done was an understatement. He was far from done. His main intention was yet to be revealed.

"...the calculations still does not make up the amount that was loaned."

The girl still maintained her silence giving him the floor to go on.

"Which is why I have come to the decision, a decision that is to benefit us both." He paused briefly to see if his companion had any opinion before he revealed her his other agenda.


"I see you have nothing to say. Then again what can you say, after all your existence mean nothing in the absence of your brothers. No one really cares about you, nor will anyone do…and that's the reason that brought me here, to aid you. Thus without even consulting my own mother I made the big decision about my life.

I am going to make you my wife!"

The expressionless face of her was now replaced with horror. There came a reaction from her, she may not have looked up but her lips parted to pass an inaudible gasp.

"Not now though, when we grow up that is." He assured her "…And from then onwards you shall serve me for the rest of your life… in order to repay your older brother's loan."

A moment of silence passed between the two young vampires while the amused adult still continued to watch the show from outside. Forget about the young female, honestly even Kaname himself was stunned.

"What…did I sound too mean?" this time the Toma heir spoke with a tone of mockery. "Think of it this the positive way and be grateful that I am still allowing you to live here…in my house."

The young male cast a glance at the girl. To find her eyes still glued to the ground.

The look of disappointment took over his phony jolly face before a twisted grin appeared at the corner of his lips. He was hoping for some reaction out of her. The fact that he got none actually made him further frustrated. He felt unappreciated, not acknowledged... and that added fuel to his firey temper!

"…You know it's considered rude to not interact when someone is speaking to you." He stated calmly in a matter of fact tone, while slowly circling around her like a predator does to its prey.

Even though he sounded calm his aura however darkened. The effect of it surely fell upon the girl, she may not have said anything out loud but the goosebumps on her skin gave away the secret. It showed how terrified she was. Her large blue eyes that shined with tears showed vulnerability. And that actually added to young male's entertainment. He savored her fear like it was the most delicious meal he ever had. Therefore he decided to tease her more.

"…hmmm I see, so you're the rude arrogant type aren't you?" He commented throwing her a look of disgust. Now his voice sounded like it was spitting out venom.

She still said nothing nor did her gaze look up to meet his.

"Here I thought of you to be a fun mate to play with, but I guess you aren't worth it…" he said this time poking her in the arm. Determined to get a reaction or rather to add more to her fear.

"You should respect me, after all from now on you are to live under my mercy."

She just remained there like she was a stone sculpture.

So he started to taunt her further...

"Such a pity that your brothers did nothing to protect their precious sister's future. What disgrace in the name of siblings…"

Now that got a response. She looked up, facing the young pureblood for the first time since he got here. Her eyes held pure raw rage as she glared at him; yet no words came out of her mouth, not a single word of protest. Because she already knew that it would be pointless. It will lead to nothing. No matter how much hated hearing ill about her brothers, truth cannot be changed. Her brothers are gone, her loved ones no longer exist. There is no one who will stand up for her. She is on her own now, a helpless child who must live the rest of her long flow of life at others mercy…

"You want to cry, don't you?" he asked giving her a slight push making her go couple steps back.

He waited for her response. Eyes almost pouring into her blue orbs. His breathing came out short. His short temper now hanging by the edge of a cliff. He had been patience all this time but no more.

"CAN'T YOU TALK!" he yelled making the girl flinch with fright.

Frustration in his voice was now evident. As he suddenly snapped and ended up giving the Hanadagi girl a harsh push. This push came with so much force that it threw her form on the floor.

"I'm going home. You are no fun…"

But he paused upon reaching the main entrance of the house, then looked over his shoulder and warned.

"It would be in your best interest to not make me angry. Don't forget your fate lies in my hand now..."

And with those words his body disintegrated into many small bats and vanished into the dark night.

Now that the Toma heir was gone the Kuran king stepped out of his hiding.

The anti-vampire sword in his hand, ready. All that he has to do now is finish her off once and for all. Then again that task shouldn't be that difficult when he has firsthand experience in slaughtering purebloods- her three brothers for instance.

Kaname entered the mansion with ease because there was no spell at the entrance to restrain him. It took him by surprise, even after that huge massacre no one really bothered to put a barrier to protect this girl. He found his heart to be suddenly questioning,

Is there no value for her life at all?

She managed to gather herself and stand up on her feet, still facing the wall. While he stood there, just few feet behind her. His grip on the sword tightened. He was ready.

But as she turned, he found himself hidden behind a big rounded pillar.

Don't look, don't look, don't look...

Something inside him warned. It thumped in his heart telling him again and again not to look at her.


His curiosity questioned.

Do not disobey, the consequence will be hard and not only for you.

But alas he did not listen. Somehow he just could not.

So he looked...

Tears that gathered at the corner of her eyes all these time, finally started to roll down her face. She did not scream, nor did she cry, just silently let the tears fall. Sometimes silence is louder than scream and it was that time when those big innocent pool of blue eyes showed him all. It showed her loneliness, the helplessness and most importantly the pain of losing the loved ones.

A hand moved over to her chest and tightly clutched the fabric over her beating heart in hopes that it would ease the pain. But Kaname knew all too well that it would not help. Pain such as these does not go away so easily, it is because wounds like these are never meant to be healed.

And who else but him knows the extent of such agony…?

It was the first time Kuran Kaname found himself facing an emotion that was sealed off from his system long time back for the sake of his beloved Yuuki. He made himself belief everything was fair if it was for her. For the first time his heart disagreed and was filled up with regret!

It was the feeling that overpowered his strength in that moment and changed the course of everything that happened henceforth…

The sword fell from his grasp and bounced down on the floor making a loud clashing noise.

The girl jumped on the spot snapping out of her trance.

Hence all he could do was flee from there, leaving his mission…unaccomplished.

a/n: thank you for taking the time to read. And for the support you all showed in the last chapter. I hope this chapter showed you that, this will be completely different from the last version. As for Kaname, he will not be the dark character like he was in the previous version. In fact he will be the nicest here out of all my existing stories. Hope you enjoyed and will continue love it the same way you loved Ultimate Betrayal.