(A/N): For the review by Fafnir1404, I hope that this review was just one of surprise and not anything else. I found it quite disrespectful that out of all you could have found to review from the last chapter, that was all that you chose to comment upon. Something that doesn't even have to do with the main plot. Something that doesn't even impact the story. Just a passing story detail to add to the world building of the story. In this fic, Sir Nighteye takes the role of Professor Burnet, who is married to Professor Kukui in the game, which the role that All Might takes in this fic. Homophobia is not welcome here. I apologize if I misunderstood what you meant by your review, but I just wanted to make these things clear.
Standard Disclaimers Apply.
Previously on our journey, our hero Izuku made his way through Akala Island and met the mysterious trainer Shouto, who he helped get to Fuyumi. As Fuyumi and Shouto talked, we learned a little of what their father has planned for the future of the world of Pokemon. Now having taken care of the Team Skull grunts loitering around Brooklet Hill, Katsuki and Izuku can continue on their Island Challenge.
"Which of you losers are gonna challenge me first?" scowled the little trial captain, a boy named Kouta, who seemed to enjoy glowering at them the whole trial from underneath his big red hat. Izuku chuckled nervously at Katsuki's bristling. Hopefully he wouldn't fight an actual child…
"You should go first, Katsuki, you were at Brooklet Hill first."
"Damn right I was first! Now get your ass out the way so I can this little fu - brat - on."
Ah, so he really wouldn't fight children. That was a relief to know. Izuku took a seat on of the many rocks littered throughout Brooklet Hill, excited to watch from the sidelines. Kouta's and Katsuki's scowls made it obvious that they didn't welcome the audience, though.
"Chinchou, I choose you. Let's show this fucker who's boss here."
"Hah?! Who let you develop such a dirty mouth, you little shit! Cubone, let's teach this guy who he's dealing with!"
Izuku watched with surprise as Katsuki brought out the little Pokemon to fight the water type expert. Was it an alolan cubone or just a regular kantonian cubone? Ah, guess he wouldn't know until it evolves...A ground type against a water type? Oh, he must be considering chinchou's dual typing, combatting the electric with ground! That was a good move, but what if -
"Shut up or leave!" the two yelled at him and Izuku shut up with a squeak, apologizing profusely. The two trainers gave him withering glares before resuming the start of their battle.
"Chinchou, use bubble beam!"
"Don't mind those puny bubbles, you can power through it! Counter with a bone club!"
Katsuki praised his little cubone heartily when the chinchou went down from the super effective hit. Battles could be a window into a trainer's true heart - was this the true Katsuki? Izuku couldn't help but smile as Katsuki fed cubone an oran berry before switching out his pokemon.
"Shelder, it's your turn! This guy is pissing me off…"
"Ghastly, let's give cubone a rest. Start us off with a thunder punch!"
Kouta blanched, "How - shellder, dodge! Dodge!"
The poor shellder also went down in one hit. Izuku was sure that Kastuki knew how he was staring because of the glare he sent his way, but he couldn't help it - seeing Katsuki shining in battle was amazing! He was actually really strong!
"M-my last pokemon already...Araquinid, lets, let's go! B-beware that thunder punch, okay?"
The large pokemon tittered at her trainer in concern before facing Katsuki and his ghastly, squaring itself into position. Katsuki remained calm and quiet, waiting for Kouta to take his turn.
"Use bite!"
Scowling, Katsuki barked, "You can do it, Gastly! Shake it off! Try to land a thunder punch on that oversized arachnid!"
The two pokemon played cat and mouse for several minutes, gastly trying to land a thunder punch, while araquinid tried to dodge and get back at gastly with a bite. Izuku sat on the edge of the rock, practically vibrating with excitement. And then -
"YES! Go Katsuki!"
Said blond flushed and glared at Izuku, "Shut up, Deku!"
Kouta merely fought back tears, slowly trudging over to his fainted araquinid, giving it a big hug. Katsuki waited for the boy to compose himself, giving gastly some fresh water and a few berries in the meantime. He hadn't been very kind in battle, he knew that such a total defeat was something anyone would have a hard time going through. Izuku found him even more amazing.
"H...here's your badge, as proof that you beat and cleared the Brooklet Hill trial. ...good luck with the rest of your gym challenge…"
Katsuki accepted the badge, looking down at Kouta contemplatively, "...you did good, kid. The only thing for you to do from here is to keep on training. Show me what it means to be a trial captain. I'm sure to come back to you for a rematch when I get the last trial."
Kouta started, looking up at him with surprise, before glaring and nodding, accepting that challenge. Izuku supposes he doesn't mind waiting a day or two to take on Kouta if it meant he'd be able to challenge the captain at his best.
"How long are you going to keep following me?"
Izuku chuckled, "I'm not following you. We're both on the Island Challenge, its only natural that we'd be going the same way."
The two trainers kept on walking along the route, relatively peacefully, rowlett in Izuku's hair chattering away happily with torracat, who lounged contentedly about Katsuki's shoulders.
"You're a pretty strong trainer. I can tell that you really care about your pokemon."
"Hah? Course I care about my pokemon! Pokemon can't grow to their full potential without the care and support of their trainer; any trainer worth his salt ought to know that. You lookin' down on me?"
Izuku laughed heartily, shaking his head, "No, no! I'm not. I guess you made me a nervous wreck, when we first met - you were quite aggressive, always yelling - I was a bit worried for you and your pokemon. But I guess I got to know you better by watching you have a proper battle."
Katsuki fixed him with a glare, growling, "Sounds like you're looking down on me, fucker. My old man and the hag taught me the right way to raise and train a good, strong team. You suggesting that I'd do anything other than treat my partners with care and respect sounds awful fucking high and mighty to me."
"...I suppose that does. Sorry, Katsuki. I think I understand you a little better now. You're just rough around the edges, huh?"
The blond rolls his eyes, speeding up to walk on ahead, "I don't like you. You got yourself some sorta hero complex - yea, I can jump in without thinking sometimes, but you're some other level of bullheaded. We'll be headed to Lush Jungle together cuz you're shit with directions, but after that, I'm leaving you in the dust. Got that?"
Izuku smiled. He could do with a truce. "Yeah. Got it."