Dawn smirked briefly then he said,"Well then, why don't we cut the crap and get this over with."

"Agreed. Let's settle things, Dawn.",Vortex said.

"Let's, Kamen Rider Vortex.",Dawn said while getting in a fighting stance. The two titans stayed in place briefly before darting towards one another at their top speeds. When in range of one another, Dawn and Vortex threw punches at one another with their fists colliding and both of them going back a few yards. The two quickly regained their footing and charged at one another once more. Vortex dodged a kick from Dawn then elbowed him the side before blocking a punch and skidding back slightly. Vortex parried another punch from Dawn, only to be kneed in the stomach then punched in the chin. Vortex stumbled slightly then blocked a kick from Dawn before catching a punch then punching Dawn in the gut. Dawn grunted then elbowed Vortex in the face before throwing another punch. Vortex caught Dawn's punch then flipped him onto his back.

Dawn grunted then moved his head to the side before flipping to his feet and kicking Vortex in the side and chest. Vortex stumbled back many feet then he looked to where Theo and Aurora then said,"I need to move us so they don't get hurt."

Vortex then looked at Dawn and dodged a punch before grabbing Dawn by his arm and having the two of them disappear. Theo stood up in surprise and said,"Hey, where'd they go? Aurora did you see that?"

"I did and I'm trying to figure out what happened for myself.",Aurora said while putting her hand through her hair.

(Warning: There is about to be a very big reference to the anime known as Bleach. Reason for this is because it's my favorite anime and because I want it to be in there. You have been warned.)

In a city of skyscrapers that were on their sides, Dawn and Vortex appeared in the air when Dawn flipped over Vortex and axe kicked him towards one of the many skyscrapers. Vortex landed on his feet then rolled out of the way of a punch from Dawn. Dawn stood up and looked around and said,"What the? Where are we?"

"We're in the time stream. Although I don't know why it looks like the inner world of the main character from Bleach.",Vortex said while looking around at the area. Dawn let out a light chuckle then said,"Not surprising. This place always changes depending on who enters first. Anyway, why bring me here? I know it wasn't just because you wanted to keep those two friends of yours safe."

"I brought you here to talk with you, because all though I know I need to defeat you hastily. I still can't help but wonder why you became like this when you were such a good man.",Vortex said while deactivating his transformation, changing him back into Lucius. Dawn changed into his human form then said,"How would you know I used to be a good man?"

"I know because I saw it; your life. I went into the time stream and trained for about three years. In that time I came to know about how you used to care for children that weren't yours, help the many villages that surrounded your place of birth, fought battles that had nothing to do with you. It all just made me wonder, why did you become the monster I know."

Dawn smirked then scoffed before saying in a care free voice,"Ah what can I say, power changes a man. As does pain. Besides what you saw was the history of a man who had died centuries ago. The one who was betrayed by his own family."

Lucius stared at Dawn then said,"Your sister didn't betray you. She simply saw what you had become."

"Of course you'd think that. You're of her bloodline after all. Sheesh, I knew I should've killed you the second I saw you.",Dawn said. Lucius kept his composure then said in a calming voice,"You're talking about the night I first saw you."

"Of course I am, that was the night I made the grave mistake and underestimating you. Before that I could do nothing but think about the prophecy my sister had spoken so I kept watch of her bloodline, hoping that one day I would find the one destined to kill me and kill them first. I thought I had found that person in your brother, Ron, and with me seeing how easily he could be swayed I decided to give him the ability to slow down time and he was then dubbed Midnight. I had presumed that I averted my fate by getting one of my descendents on my side, then I saw you.",Dawn said with malice growing in his voice. "I sensed you had an affinity for time manipulation yet I ignored you. It is one of many mistakes I plan to set right once I kill you and get what I want."

"What is it that you want anyway?",Lucius said, remaining calm.

"It's simple really. I want to be able to control the timestream and make time itself into my view of perfection. Only reason I haven't succeeded in doing so is because of you and your friends.",Dawn said while changing back into his monster form. Lucius sighed then said,"It's so sad to see that my ancestor could become a monster like you. However, I guess that the phrase "one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it" fits perfectly in this situation. Don't you think Ardyn?"

"As I said, Ardyn Praxima died centuries ago. The one you see before you is Dawn.",Dawn said with hatred and anger consuming his voice. Lucius nodded then said,"Henshin." while activating his transformation.


Vortex and Dawn immediately charged at one another beginning their fight again. Vortex dodged a punch from Dawn then blocked another before getting kneed his stomach. Dawn punched Vortex across the face then was hit by four strong attacks from Vortex. Vortex blocked a kick then was elbowed in his stomach and skidded back a few yards from Dawn. Dawn leaped towards Vortex and threw a punch at him, only for Vortex to dodge it then knee Dawn in the stomach.

Dawn growled then elbowed Vortex in the side then punched him in the face twice before he was kicked in the stomach. Vortex threw a punch at Dawn, only for it to be dodged. Dawn grabbed Vortex by his throat and tossed Vortex into a skyscraper that was above them. Vortex crashed into the skyscraper, causing windows to shatter and the actual concrete to be cracked. Vortex gasped then easily moved out of the way as Dawn flew up to him and kicked the skyscraper, causing it to begin to fall down. Vortex saw this and saw that Dawn was charging towards him. He then parried a few attacks from Dawn before punching him several times then slamming the monstrous man down to another skyscraper. Dawn crashed into the skyscraper and growled in anger before firing a red and blue energy blast at Vortex, who evaded it.

Vortex then pressed down on the lever on his driver causing it to announce,"COUNTER ACCELERATION!"

Vortex and Dawn then began fighting one another at untraceable speeds. The two then jumped from skyscraper to skyscraper until they stopped on one and threw punches at one another. The attacks collided and sent a shockwave out causing several of the other building's to have their windows shattered. Dawn then parried a few punches then threw a kick at Vortex, who blocked it and stumbled to the side. Dawn smirked and began relentlessly attacking Vortex, who could only block a few of the attacks before being hit by the others. Dawn chuckled evilly then he slammed Vortex into the building they were standing on, causing the building to break apart into rubble.

Vortex grunted as he and Dawn plummeted towards another set of skyscrapers until Vortex kneed Dawn in the stomach six times then threw Dawn towards the skyscrapers. Dawn landed on one of the pieces of rubble then used it to vault towards Vortex, destroying several pieces of rubble in the process. Vortex met Dawn head on and delivered a strong right hook to the monstrous man's jaw before they both crashed into the skyscrapers below them.

Vortex and Dawn got up and threw attacks at one another before hitting each other in the face. Vortex then punched Dawn in the stomach before getting punched in the face. Vortex then kicked Dawn in the side before punching him several times. Dawn elbowed Vortex in the chest then was punched in his jaw. The two titans then hit each other with all their force, which caused them both to fly back a few feet away from each other.

Dawn grunted then he stared at Vortex, who got up and said,"Getting tired Dawn?" with as much energy as he had when the fight began.

Dawn gritted his teeth, becoming angered at how he was being bested by Vortex. He then growled before having red and blue energy cover his body and he darted towards Vortex. Vortex simply readied himself while pressing the lever on his driver five times.

"CHRONO CATACLYSM!",The driver announced as Vortex's right boot was engulfed in silver, gold and light blue energy.

Dawn drew back his fist and threw a punch at Vortex. Vortex dodged the punch and roundhouse kicked Dawn in his side, causing the monstrous man to tumble on his side then stop on his front. Dawn began to have electricity spark over his body and he struggled to get up while he said,"No, no. I won't lose to you. My plans will be realized."

"No they won't Ardyn.",Dawn heard. Dawn looked in front of him to find his sister, Mithra, standing there with a comforting look on her face. Dawn's eyes widened then said,"Mithra?! Your cursed prophecy will not become true so long as I live." as electricity still sparked on his body and he fell back down.

"You're not living. You haven't been for a long time.",Dawn heard coming from behind Mithra. He looked to Mithra's side and saw his human form standing beside Mithra. Dawn gritted his teeth in anger,"How am I seeing you? What is happening?!"

"You're dying. Something that should've happened long ago.",Ardyn said in a wise voice. Dawn growled then said,"No! I can't die! I'm, I'm!"

"You're finished Dawn. It's finally time for you to rest.",Vortex said. Dawn looked at Vortex then said,"H-how would you know? All you are… is my… goody two shoes descendent."

"I know I am Kamen Rider Vortex and time is on my side.",Vortex said confidently. Dawn grimaced then said,"I always hated that… catchphrase." before falling to the ground and exploding while shouting in pain.

Vortex sighed in relief then looked around as the skyscrapers changed into the field he was in while training. Vortex reverted into Lucius and said,"It's finally over."

Lucius then looked up to see scenes in the sky. One of the scenes had a Kamen Rider that was themed after a cowboy shooting down a bunch of monsters while fighting a bigger monster. Another of the scenes showed a Kamen Rider that had different sized horns cutting down shadowed figures with a scythe. Another of the scenes showed a Kamen Rider that had black and red armor which was beastly in nature fighting off what appeared to be werewolves. The last scene was of a Kamen Rider who had armor that was themed after Gurren Lagann and he was fighting a character from an anime.

Lucius looked at each of these scenes and said,"Who are these people?"

"These are other riders that are in the process of or soon will fight their own battles against evil.",Aurora said as she appeared next to Lucius. Lucius looked at Aurora then he looked back at the scenes and said,"So there are other riders besides just me, Aurora and Theo?"

"Yes. You shall meet them in time but, now you must return to your friends.",Aurora said while opening her hand at side causing a white portal to open next to her. Lucius looked at the portal and nodded before walking towards it. He then stopped briefly and looked at Aurora while asking,"Before I leave, there's one question I have for you."

Aurora only looked at Lucius as he asked his question,"What exactly are you? Because I know you're not Aurora yet you seem so familiar."

Aurora smiled warmly then said,"You know who I am Lucius."

Lucius looked at the ground briefly then he nodded before entering the portal as it closed. Aurora smiled then her appearance changed so that she was a young Caucasian woman with brown hair. This woman smiled warmly then said,"I'm so proud of my son."

Back in the quarry, Lucius stepped out of the portal and was greeted by Aurora hugging him and Theo running up to him and shouting,"Lucius! That was awesome!"

Lucius nodded as he hugged Aurora back then they pulled apart and Aurora kissed Lucius deeply. Theo looked at the two and said,"Okay guys, I'm still here. Guys."

Aurora pulled away from Lucius then said,"Okay, you need to explain everything that has happened to get you this rather amazing body you have." while adoring and grazing her fingers over Lucius' muscles. Lucius chuckled then said,"I'll get to explanations tomorrow. Right now I just wanna rest for a bit then celebrate the fact that it's all over."

"Understandable.",Aurora said.

"I am all for that. Fighting bad guys is really hard.",Theo said while stretching.

"You're preaching to the choir on that one little buddy.",Lucius said while patting Theo on the back. Aurora smiled then she said,"So, how we gonna get out of here."

Lucius smiled then said,"You both should hold your breath and brace yourselves." while putting his hands on the back of both Aurora's and Theo's heads. He then used his inhuman speed to have the three of them scale the quarry effortlessly.

Few weeks later…

Lucius and Aurora were laying down in a field together with Aurora laying on Lucius' chest and Lucius having his hands behind his head. Lucius was now wearing a red tank top, blue jeans and black sneakers. He had also shaved his beard.

Aurora was now wearing her hair in a twin braid style and she wore a yellow t-shirt, blue skinny jeans, and white jordan sneakers.

Aurora sighed then said,"It's nice how you like going out a lot more than you used to, although I wish I was the one who helped you be able to do that."

"You did help me though. You helped me with a lot actually.",Lucius said. Aurora looked up at her boyfriend then said,"Like what?"

"Like with how you helped me defeat a group of crazy people that wanted to use time for their own selfish reasons.",Lucius said while looking at Aurora.

"Besides the obvious reason.",Aurora said.

"Hmm, well then how about how you helped me discover how much I love you by being by my side through everything that's happened throughout these past few months.",Lucius said. Aurora smiled warmly then said,"Good answer Lulu."

Lucius chuckled then he kissed Aurora lovingly and she returned it. The two pulled away from each other then said simultaneously,"I love you."

Suddenly, Lucius' phone began ringing and he answered it,"Hey Theo, something wrong?"

"Uh yeah see. I understand none of this science stuff you and Aurora want me to read so I'd like to know ask for your help.",Theo said on the other line. Lucius sighed then he said,"Have you asked Ashley for help yet?"

"Yeah and she told me to call you because she was busy.",Theo said. Lucius groaned then said,"We'll be there in a bit." before hanging up. Aurora looked at Lucius and said,"Let me guess, Theo needs help?"

"Yeah.",Lucius said.

"How am I not surprised.",Aurora said while smiling. Her and Lucius then got to their feet and began walking back to Lucius' motorcycle while holding hands. Lucius smiled as he looked into the sky then he heard Aurora say,"I can't understand why Theo always calls you to help him with the stuff we gave him to study?"

"Well it's probably because he knows that time is on my side.",Lucius said with a smirk. Aurora chuckled then playfully hit Lucius on his arm as the two chuckled.


Hello peoples, I'd like to thank all of your for taking the time to read Kamen Rider Vortex. It means a lot to me and I thank you immensely for it. Please go read some of my stories and maybe follow and favorite them, tell your friends about em too. Anyway, I shall say thank you once more then I will say goodbye.