Summary: Gwen and Aggie Talk about the fact that Luke and Marnie are getting married.

A goblin. Why did it have to be a goblin? Why couldn't it have been a human or even a warlock but that wasn't Marnie it never had been. Ever since she had come home from Halloweentown when she was thirteen some part of Gwen had known Marnie would end up marrying a creature.

"Still trying to get over the shock of it all dear?" Aggie asked from the door between the kitchen and the living room. She walked over and took a seat next to Gwen.

"So, they already told you then?" She whispered still staring off into the distance. Aggie nodded.

"Just after they told you and believe me I know how you're feeling. One moment everything is fine and then the next moment your daughter comes home and tells you she marrying a mortal... I mean a goblin and there's nothing you can do to stop her."

Gwen let out a harsh laugh and turned in her chair to face her Aggie.

"You're enjoying this aren't you mother."

"No." She said. "I remember how it felt, like you're losing a big part of your world to someone you barely know. However, it could be worse. You won't have to go a year without seeing your daughter, you won't have to chose between your home and seeing your family and you won't have to pretend to be something you're not whenever you go visit them."

Her mother grasped Gwen's hand in her own and squeezed it. It had always amazed Gwen how her mother could make her feel better and guilty at the same time. She didn't regret moving to the mortal world but she was sorry she ever made her mother feel this way. She could never quite figure out how to tell her that.

Aggie leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"I know dear and besides there are many creatures I Halloweentown who are worse than Luke that she could have ended up with. Luke is a fine goblin and will make a great husband."

"Besides when you get a grandchild that will fix everything." Gwen put her foot down at that. Marnie was only twenty-three she would not be having a child anytime soon married or not.


Okay so first a few things you should know while it is my intention to do one of those stories where you post a little story everyday until Halloween however knowing my self as I do I will probably get about five chapters in and give up. Second thing you should know pretty much all of these stories will very short. So, consider yourself warned. Finally, I do not own Halloweentown or anything related to it.