Okay now, if you think it is funny or ridiculous that Inuyasha is disabled, dont comment. I have been in a special school for some time, and I can tell you there is nothing funny in those people there in their wheelchairs.

This fic will be short. I'd say max. 3 chapters.

Chapter 1 – Just a normal day

Life sure wasn't easy in this family. The family included father Inutaisho, mother Izayoi, older child Sesshomaru and younger child Inuyasha. Both boys were somewhat a bit defferent from others. And how?

Sesshomaru was clearly emotionless, as unsympathetic as possible, cold, withdrawn, now an adult man. He was very intelligent and very good at school, but he had never had a single friend. He was inexpressive and not of a very talkative kind. Now he was 25 years old, still living home with his family in a big apartment house at Tokyo's border. He studied in his room all day, coming for lunch and dinner, and for some coffee breaks. Of course he did do some chores, went to the grocery store and so on.

Then there was Inuyahsa, the family's despair. He was severely disabled.

He could do absolutely nothing by himself. Not dress up, not sit up nor move barely at all. He couldn't talk, only let out some vague mumbling and whimper like a puppy. But one thing he could do was to smile and laugh. But that was not even daily. The usual look on his face was blank, maybe a little sad, like he was asking 'why?'. Inuyasha was 10 years younger than his big brother. Inuyasha was now 14, but would turn soon 15.

To crown all, Inuyasha had severe epilepsy. Because of that, he had a surgery at 10 years of age. It helped a little, but the seizures are still there. And one year ago, last christmas, Inuyasha underwent a scoliosis surgery.

Sometimes Izayoi and Inutaisho felt hopeless, pointless. Was there no end to the neverending hospital-medicine-surgery-theraphy spiral? The neurologist, who took care of Inuyasha, said no, children like this don't live at home. They should consider institutional care. But his parents refused. The only way to keep Inuyasha home was that either of the parents took care of him every day. Well, it wouldn't be very challenging, because Inuyasha was at school every weekday, so that Izayoi had some time to rest. And they had no real money problems, as Inutaisho's salary was good. So they both decided that Inuyasha will stay home.

Morning came. Mom Izayoi knocked Inuyasha's room's door. The room was pretty small. There was this hospital bed, which was filled with stuffed toys. Next to his bed was a drip stand with a feeding pump. Then there was one armchair if someone wanted to comfort or just keep company at Inuyasha.

"Knock knock, can I come?" she asked and walked next to Inuyasha's bed, put it's railing down, reached over Inuyasha, who lied of the bed on his back to open the window blinds. Sunbeams lit up the room.

"Look, Inuyasha. The sun is shining and the snowdrift shines. A beautiful winter's day", mom smiled. "Now mom will wash you a little and then we'll dress up."

Inuyasha lied still on his bed and mom washed him with a warm, wet towel. Before dressing him up, she put a diaper on him. Then it was time to put on clothes – a black T-shirt and loose, grey pants. She couldn't really know for sure, but she thought Inuyasha would like to dress up like a normal teenager. Maybe he was happy about these clothes, maybe he didn't even understand what he was wearing.

"All right, Inuyasha. Now mom will put you in your wheelchair", she said and grabbed the boy one arm under his armpits, other from his knees. "Aaaand... Hopp!"

This, putting Inuyasha from the bed to wheelchair and back, was just getting harder by day, because Inuyasha was just the size of another young teenage boy, and while being maybe somewhat thin, he did weigh almost too much for his mom. Now, in the morning and after Inuyasha's schoolday Izayoi took care of these things, when Inutaisho got home from work, he took care of them. It was very easy for him – he was a full youkai after all.

Inuyasha llied in his wheelchair with a vacant expression. And so...

"You know what, Inuyasha", mom said. "Today might be the last day when I carry you to bed. You are getting such a big boy that I'm getting to weak for it!"

Iuyasha let out a sound like a slimy grunt.

"So, daddy will bring us a little gift when he comes back from work. You'll have to wait until that", she smiled. "But now mom will make sure you won't fall off your wheelchair." And so she fastened the wheelchair's safety belts around his lap and both thighs, two belts on his chest like car belts, and tightened the cushion-like footrests around his legs.

And so mom grabbed the wheelchair's handles, started pushing Inuyasha towards the kitchen and said. "Now we'll go for some morning coffee. And you can come give mom some company."

Izayoi carted Inuyasha with his wheelchair to the kitchen. She placed him in the middle on the kitchen and smiled.

"Now you can see, what happens around you."

Izayoi started brewing coffee.

"Do you like the smell of coffee? Do you?" she smiled. "Now mom will take some bread and cheese from here..." she said as she opened the larder.

"Aaaa..." Inuyasha mumbled as mom place the bread and toppings on the table.

While the coffee was brewing, mom walked out of the kitchen. Inuyasha followed her with his eyes and started whimpering a bit. Mom returned and poured the coffee in a cup.

"It's okay, I just went to get the daily newspaper", she said and pet the boy's head. She sat down at the table and started reading the news.

"So, let's see what's happening out there in the world."

"Anngh..." Inuyasha mumbled and slowly turned his head towards his mom.

"You are so cute when you smile", she stroke the boy's hand, smiling like the sun.

Suddenly Sesshomaru joined them in his morning gown. He also poured his share of the coffee in his cup and sat down at the table opposite of Izayoi. As he drank the coffee, he stared at his little brother. The boy stared at him with a uninspiring face.

From outside Sesshomaru might see like he hated his little brother, but that was not true. He thought it was more like sad than shameful to have a hanyou, severely disabled little brother. But really he thought it was more sad than disgraceful to think his brother was and will always be like that.

Sesshomaru drank his cup empty, washed and put it in the cupboard to dry.

"Have a nice day of studies!" Izayoi greeted, but Sesshomaru just walked away without saying anything.

When Izayoi had finished her coffee and bread, it was time to get Inuyasha dressed up in his outerwear. And why? Soon it would be time to go to school! But it sure was no normal school. All it's students had more or less special needs. From ADHD to CP, from mental retardation to severe disability. There weren't very many classroom in the school, and the classes were small, never over ten pupils. The classes weren't distributet by age, but what kind of disabilities they had. So there was an ADHD-class and so on. In Inuyasha's class there were four other pupils. They were all in wheelchair like him, none of them couldn't talk, walk or even stand.

Mom released the wheelchair's belts, lift Inuyasha to her car's backseat on Inuyasha's safety seat and fastened it's belts. Finally she put the wheelchair to the car's trunk. Then she sat down and grabbed the driver's wheel and strated the car.

"Now you'll go see some friends!"

The school wasn't that far. Izayoi parked the car in the inva parking place in front of the building, took the wheelchair out and carted it to Inuyasha's door. Again, Izayoi had to go the massive task to move Inuyasha to the wheelchair. But as the school's main door was only a few meters from them, she didn't fast any of Inuyasha's belts. He wouldn't fall in half a minute.

She locked the car's door and pushed Inuyasha trough the squeking snow through the schoolyard. As they reached the door Izayoi rang the doorbell. Soon a smiling woman, one of the school helpers, came and opened the door.

"Well well, who's there?" she smiled while crouching on the same level as Inuyasha's eyes. "Did you sleep well?" she asked.

"Hhhrah..." Inuyasha smiled a bit, baring hin fangs.

"That's a good smile you've got", she smiled.

Izayoi was about to leave..

"Mom will come back to get you in the afternoon. Have a nice schoolday!"

And so the school helper started taking off Inuyasha's hat, winter coat and, mittens and winter trousers. She corrected the boy's posture in his wheelchair a bit and finally carted him into class 2. That was the class for severely disabled pupils, for the most disabled in the whole school. There were very different aged people in this class. The youngest was eight, oldest 17. So, who were these other pupils?

The youngest, baby-sized little boy was Shippo, severely CP- and mentally disabled. He couldn't move himself at all below his armpits, and his speech was very poor.

Sango was quite the same as Inuyasha. But unlike Inuyasha, she could move a bit. She was completely expressionless and hard to get connect to.

The oldest of the class was Miroku. He didn't talk either, and, like Sango, could move his limbs. But, unlike others, could eat by himself, or at least hold the spoon. Usually it still fell on floor, he most of the time he was fed by a nurse. He also showed some realization, as he could answer questions.

Koga was the best talker in the class. It wasn't like he let out normal words, but he always let out a moan when someone said something, anything to him. He also could move all his limbs, a bit uncontrollably though.

Of course the teaching in the severely disabled class was all different than in a normal school or even some other class in this school. So, in Inuyasha's school there were five pupils, special teachers and school helpers also five together. There was always someone next to a pupil.

Inuyasha was lying in his wheelchair with a blank face.

"Now, first I will recite a poem for you", a special teacher said.

"Most of the birds have gone away

On this cold, winter's day

But there is one bird I can see

Looking for something to eat

Little bird, I'll feed you

Till the cold, winter's through

And all your friends come back to play

On some bright and warm spring day!"

Inuyasha grinned a bit.

"Was it a nice poem?" the teacher smiled. "Now we will get to see the bird's nest live!" she said and tood a birds nest made of hay from her bag. She placed Inuyasha's hands on his wheelchair's table and and put the nest in his hands.

"Maybe some day we will see a real bird building a nest like this."

Inuyasha's smile didn't fade, but he didn't look in her eyes.

"Alright. Now we will do some schoolwork", the teacher announced. "When the answer to my question is 'yes', blink your eyes. If 'no', just keep a serious face. Can you do that, even though you're such a smiley boy?" And so the teacher took out a board of pictures and held it on the wheelchair's table.

"Now tell me, Inuyasha, what animal says 'meow'?" For a while it was quiet. "Well, is it a dog?" she asked and pointed at a pictue of a dog.

No kind of answer.

"Good, Inuyasha. It's not a dog. Well, is it a duck?"

No answer.

"Could it be a cat?"

Now Inuyasha stared smiling so that his fangs were bared, and he laughed out a but runny.

"Great! It's a cat! Cat says meow!"

"Nnngaa..." Inuyasha moaned and lift his right arm a little.

"There comes the beutiful sound", the teacher smiled. Inuyasha sounded again. "Yes, there it comes, beautiful voice..."

Next it was time for the almost daily music lesson. All the six pupils in their wheelchairs were put in a ring at the middle of the classroom, and one of the special teachers sat in the middle. The other teachers and school hepers were standing outside the ring with some instruments in their hands.

"Okay now. We will be playing together" the teacher in the middle of the ring announced. "I will play the drum, and you can join me and also sing!"

Of course she knew that none of the pupils would let out a sound.

And so the school helpers split around so that every pupil had someone helping by their side. B ut because Shippo and Koga could move their hands better than others, they shared a school helper.

"Here goes..." the teacher in the middle said, started playing the drum and sing":

"Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the newborn King!"
Peace on earth, and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled
Joyful, all ye nations, rise,
Join the triumph of the skies..."

Inuyasha had been given a tambourine, and a teacher helped him play it by grabbing his wrist and pounded it for him. He smiled.

And, as actually always, Shippo was most excited about this. He had a small, egg shaped maraca in his tiny little hands. He shook it as fast as he could.

As in almost all other classes pupils were learning playing recorders or even guitar, in class 2 no-one could do better than percussion instruments; tambourines, maracas' and drums. But everyone enjoyed it.

Next it was time for personal therapy. There were three music therapists who went thorough the classroom, giving each pupil a short therapy sessions. Inuyasha had to wait for a while, but soon it was his turn.

"Dear Inuyasha, dear Inuyasha, it's nice to see you here", the therapeutist sang while playing a kantele. "Dear Inuyasha, dear Inuyasha, it's nice to see you..." she repeated. "Well, where are you?" Inuyasha gave no answer. "You're here at school!" she clapped her hands a few times. Inuyasha gave her his fang-bearing smile.

The therapeutist lift the kantele off her lap and put it down on Inuyasha's wheelchair's table.

"This is just the right size", she nodded and grabbed the boy's wrist, starting to play.

"Five little ducks went out one day
Over the hill and far away...", she sang

"Aaannnnh..." Inuyasha laughed still smiling his fangs visible.

After this lesson it was time for a little afternoon nap, and for those in tube feeding, Inuyasha and Sango, it was lunchtime. So the feeing tubes would be soon connected on tubes in their stomach. Inuyasha's wheelchair's back was adjusted nether, and he had a drip stand next to him. There was a bag of nutrition fluid hanging from it, and a tube going through a pump before reaching Inuyasha's stomach. Only Inuyasha and Sango were tube-fed, others could eat normally, but with help.

There were lots of different people working in this school. Special teachers, school helpers, different types of therapeutists and practical nurses. The nurses took care of medications and feedings. Now there was a nurse standing next to Inuyasha, his personal nurse Chiaki. She was very slender and tall, and she was wearing sporty clothes. Now she was carrying a tray with a jar of medcine and a big, plastic syringe.

"Here you go, some epilepsy medicine." So she lift up the boy's shirt enough to reveal the feeding tube. She disconnected the feeding tube for the few seconds that the medicine's insertion took.

"Good! Then..." she said and re-connected the feeding tube. She pressed some of the pump's buttons, and before it started pumping the fluid, it beeped. "...Alright. Now you will go get some sleep, and when you wake up, your tummy will be full." Chiaki sroke Inuyasha's dog ears that were covered under his blue bandana with darker blue paw prints. Inuyasha smiled with his eyes half open and croaked quietly.

After the nap it was lunchtime for other pupils than Inuyasha and Sango. They could carry on sleeping for a little while.

"All right, Koga, open your mouth. Have some milk..." a nurse smiled and placed a sippy cup at the wolf boy's lips. He opened his mouth and started drinking slowly. Suddenly he started coughing hard, and so the nurse quickly took the sippy cup back and started petting his back. "Take your time, no hurry..."

Because Koga had been having some swallowing difficulties over a past few years, which were getting worse by day, it had been considered to put him a PEG-tube, the same feeding tube that Inuyasha and Sango had.

Miroku's feeding was the easiest in this class. Even now he was holding a plastic cup in his hand and drank with a straw. A nurse beside him smiled.

"Good, Miroku! What do you think, would it be time for a bit more solid food?"

Miroku didn't answer in any way, but still the nurse went to the school's kitchen to get a spaghetti bolognese -babyfood jar, since Miroku couldn't digest normal food. She warmed up the food in a microwave oven and sat by Miroku. She opened the jar and took a spooful of the food, placing it near his right hand.

"What do you think? Could you eat it by yourself?"

Slowly Miroku reached his hand to the spoon, and the further he got, the more his hand was shaking. And when he grabbed the spoon, it fell on floor.

"Whoops. Well, it's okay, I'll help you out."

When the lunch was finished and Inuyasha and Sango woken up, it was the time for something everyone in this school loved. You see, there was a pool in the school. Because there were five classes in this school, every class had a turn to get swimming once a week. And today it was class 2's turn. Five therapeutists led this lesson, one therapeutist for each pupil. Every pupil (except Shippo, because he was so little he could be carried in therapeutists' arms) was lift to the pool by a pool lift, called 'the swing' in the school. Everyone weared a life vest and arm floats. As Shippo and Inuyasha were the only ones who couldn't move their legs at all, this was never easy for them, especially Inuyasha. He had to float on air mattress, but Shippo again, for being so small, could be held up on the surface by the therapeutist.

Inuyasha smiled on his mattress on his stomach. His therapeutist was holding his wrist and moved it around under the water. Inuyasha smiled a little.

"Feels nice does it?" the therapeutist asked.

"Fwaa-aan!" Shippo shouted suddenly.

"Fun? Did you say fun?" the therapeutist asked.

"Haha!" the little boy laughed.

"You hear that, Inuyasha? Shippo is speaking. Could you maybe do the same?"

For a while it was quiet, until...

"Ghhha..." Inuyasha moaned. The therapeutist tilted her head and smiled.

At the other side of the pool Koga wasn't holding back himself. He howled like a real wolf – which, practically, he was – and swam so the water spattered.

"Slow down, young man! I can't keep up to you for much longer!" his therapeutist laughed out.

The swimming lesson was over, and the pupils were lift off the pool to the shower chairs. And while almost all staff of this school were female and four out of five pupils of this class were boys, they dried, put on diapers and dressed them up, no-one complained about it.

"Come, Inuyasha. Let's get washed up", nurse Chiaki said and carted Inuyasha into the showering room. She was wearing gumboots and a plastic apron. She squirted a huge pile of shampoo on her hand and started rubbing it on his head. Inuyasha smiled and let his ears droop.

"You do have a great hair, young man!" Chiaki praised as she lathered the shampoo.

After Inuyasha's hair had been washed and dried, Chiaki pushed him to the changeroom in his shower chair and parked in text to hs wheelchair and his clothes that were lying in it. First Chiaki put a diaper on him, then his clothes. Then she lift him into his wheelchair. For her it wasn't really hard, as she was sporty and muscular considering how slender and young she was.

Finally she put the blue bandana on Inuyasha's head to cover his dog ears.

"Okay now, Inuyasha", Chiaki said, holding her hand on the boy's shoulder. "What about now?"

Inuyasha seemed a bit tired. He stared at Chiaki with a vacant expression.

"Are you tired?" Chiaki asked. "What if I adjust your wheelchair's back seat down so can rest a bit until your mom comes to get you."

Inuyasha didn't react.