"For the last time, did you have to bring me?" Sonic hissed, on all fours by Olimar. Greninja was nearby, looking at Sonic.
"You're the only one that knows how to work the scanner for scanning the sea," Olimar replied.
"I can't swim!" Sonic replied.
"Gre," Greninja replied.
"Shut up!" Sonic hissed.
"Mind being quiet?" Olimar asked. "The fish on board are the last of their kind!" Sonic growled before looking away, Greninja just looking out of one of the near windows. All the sudden, the boat shook, some tanks falling off and a piece of paper ripping in half. Greninja then squeaked once the shaking had passed. Sonic didn't move, just looked blankly in worry. Olimar then walked outside of where the three were at, Greninja following. Bowser soon saw the two.
"The fish tanks fell into the water, and I'm pretty sure none of us remember how many tanks there where," Bowser said, looking at Olimar.
"Well, I guess we'll need to scan the three areas…" Olimar muttered.
"Gre gre."
"That too. The thermal image thing," Bowser added. Somehow, during this, Sonic had moved.
"Fifty organisms," Sonic chirped holding the thing to show the thermal images.
"Gre gre?"
"Yea, it does, Greninja," Bowser replied. "Both the fish and whatever is down there."
"Well… Guess it's time to use the sonar," Olimar replied. Sonic muttered to himself before coming over to the sonar, flicking it on.
"Sector Alpha has four tanks and two sharks. Beta has two tanks and four sharks," Sonic started. He then randomly hissed when the screen went black. "Can't tell for Gamma. Blacked out before it could show up."
"Well great. We're stuck with that," Bowser muttered. "Each tank had the same amount of fish, if I recall correctly."
"Gre gre?"
"I hear stuff, ok?" Bowser replied to Greninja.
"We could hold from one to thirteen fish on the ship, by looking at where they sat," Olimar stated. "I also remember someone telling me that each sector has a different number of sharks and each have at least one, no more than seven sharks."
"That'll make things harder or easier," Sonic commented.
"Gre, Bowser, and the blue pikmin can swim," Olimar muttered. Some of the near blue pikmin chirped, telling Olimar something. Olimar nodded before speaking louder. "The blue pikmin will go into Alpha for the first four tanks, Greninja will go into Beta for the next two, and Bowser will go into Gamma for the last seven."
"No wonder I have the last seven," Bowser muttered before the group of one hundred pikmin, Bowser, and Greninja went into the water.
Once they were in the water, Sonic asked, "How was that chosen so quickly?"
Olimar started, "There can only be one, three, five, six or seven sharks in Gamma, and there's already six tanks. The number of tanks can only be between six and thirteen with each of the number of sharks. The only one that will work is thirteen tanks with 39 fish, three fish in each one, and five sharks in the last sector." Soon the blue pikmin came back up, almost all of them holding the four tanks. Greninja came up a few seconds later, holding onto the two tanks. They got the six tanks onto the ship before the pikmin went back down into the water.
"What else would they do?" Sonic replied. After a few minutes, Bowser and the pikmin came back up, the dragon turtle helping to get the last seven tanks onto the ship. Minutes passed and they go the tanks back into place.
"Not bad. Got all of the tanks without losing any of them," Bowser commented.
"Yea, good day," Olimar replied.
"But probably not if you were one of the sharks down there," Sonic muttered, but none of them could hear him.
(After watching the fish riddle-again...-I wanted to make a Smash Bros version of it. Hoped you enjoyed! LSCF, out!)