Fractured Skulls

A/n at the bottom

Warnings: Swearing, Colonello/ Lal

Tag You're It

There were two options, either get killed or let Skull drive. Reborn was to busy shooting down anyone that go within a five meter range of their group. Mammon was overtaxed from using their powers and could barely stand. Colonello and Lal were in the same boat as Reborn; Verde had his arms full of research equipment and documents that they had stolen. Fon's leg was broken.

There was a beat up looking pick up truck.

"Guys come on!" Skull called out the sound of gunfire, already in the driver's seat.

The six scrambled to find somewhere to hold on. Verde was in the front seat with the stolen goods. Everyone else was stuck in the back..

"You good?" Skull shouted.


"Go? Okay!"

And go Skull some certainly did. Who knew that a pickup truck could go so fast. No bullet could hit them. A group of six goons were in the truck's path and Skull sped up! They scattered like bowling pins when they noticed.

Colonello, Lal, Reborn, Fon, and Mammon slid across the back with each turn the car made.



With that the truck was launched into the air courtesy of a ramp made of some wooden pallets.



Here Come the Kiddies

Surprise upon surprise Lala and Colonello did end getting married and having kids. Skull has often force to be a babysitter. Which didn't really bother him, after all Skull was an older brother with a big family.

He was the middle child out of eleven. With ten aunts and three uncles, most of whom were married with kids themselves. Skull had his fair share of taking after young ones.

Liam was a good child. He ate when he was hungry and almost immediately went back to sleep after being burped. If he woke up he could easily be rocked back to sleep.

Mila the middle who was three was a terror for her parents, but well behaved for Skull. She wasn't interested in guns or weapons like her parents hoped. She was only three but already showed a fascination with the world, always asking questions about anything she could think.

Rodrick was the oldest at age seven and shaping up to be like his father both in interests and his treatment of Skull. Still Skull treat the boy with respect and continued to try and correct the behavior.

No one really knew how close the children were to Skull until the annual Vongola Halloween party. The three came along and Skull was invited too.

Reborn had begun to treat Skull as he usually did, but found himself with Mila's teeth in his hand. Liam screaming in his face and Rodrick trying to stab him with a fork in the leg.

Um… No He's Ours

"Oh my god, Skull is that you?" a voice came from behind him.

Skull whipped around only to see a rather old man in a wheelchair calling out to him. The young man pushing him looked about twenty.

"Sylvester?" Skull gaped not believing that his old friend and agent was standing in front of him.

"The one and only," Sylvester laughed jovially, "Oh this is my son, Leonty."

The young man reached out to shake Skulls hand, "Pleasure to meet you, Skull. My father has told me all sorts of stories about you. Though I didn't expect you to still look so… young or beautiful."

Skull couldn't help but blush slightly. He may brag about his looks but it was still nice to be appreciated.

Leonty's eyebrows rose, "Surely you know it? You see your face everyday."

"I… well… it's just that…" Skul babbled averting his eyes.

Leonty gently used his hand to foce Skull to look at him, "It's just what?"

"What are you doing to the Lacky?"

That's Colonello's voice.

"Lacky? This beauty never. He must at least be a lover." Leonty smiled.

Skull ripped his face away from the loosening grip of Leonty. He made gagging noises, "Lovers? With him, disgusting!"


Katekyo Hitman Rento Tsuna stared at the book on the shelf. No way, no fucking way.

Tsuna flipped book one of the series to read the back.

"Tatsuna comes home one day, only to be greeted by a little baby mafioso who apparently is his new home tutor. His job is to guide Tsuna into his role as the 50th Boss of the Vogea mafia family. With the help of all his new friends and an array of special items such as the 'Dying Will Bullet', he might just be able to do it"

Who even wrote this? Tsuna flipped the book back to the cover.

Damien Mortimer


Tie Me to the Ocean and Leave Me There

Skull was seven when he first was those rolling waves. Not children would have been nervous, but Skull jumped right in sputtering at the salty taste. He wanted to study the ocean he told himself.

It never happened. Skull's father gambled away all their money and Skull had to become a stuntman. He was a damn good one too. Still the endless blue waves called to Skull.

Skull paid off the debt his father owed, but was too deep into the business to quit by then. Still Skull tried to keep up with whatever new studies were being done in the ocean.

Skull was called into a meeting and met people that he didn't particularly care for. Skull had to work with them and then he was turned into a baby. IThe only redeeming thing that happened was darling red octopus hat was gifted to him.

Skull had fun training the sea creature. It was hard work, but worth it. Oodako was Skull's partner not his pet. No matter what Reborn said.

Wow I'm super sorry, but here you go.