Fractured Skulls

A/n at the bottom

Warnings: Short little drabbles, not connected,

Fire Starter

For as long as Skull could remember he was terrified of fire. So when he was forced to learn how to used his dying will flames he always kept them internal. The thought of letting them touch his body was enough to send him into a panic. The heat made Skull want to vomit.

However, there was no way Skull was going to tell any of the Arcobaleno that. He could picture then mocking his fear; their jeering insults. So Skull grit his teeth and tried not to flinch. Luckily, Skull was an amazing actor.

Dancing with Myself

Skull nearly choked on his breakfast when Reborn asked him for a favor. The favor being teach Tsuna how to dance. Skull wasn't quite sure how Reborn knew Skull could ballroom dance; he wasn't entirely sure he wanted to know.

Skull began with posture.

"Posture is like clothing when you're dancing. You wouldn't wear a winter coat when it's summer, would you?" Skull had said.

Next was shadow dancing.

"You shouldn't drag someone into something when you have no idea what you're doing." the stuntman tutted.

Actually dancing with a partner.

"Why am I the girl?"

"Because, before you can lead you have to know what it's like to follow."

When Skull was done Tsuna could've danced his way out of a fight. But Skull didn't just teach him how to dance. He gave him tiny bits of wisdom too.

Tsuna was never improperly dressed for a function, he alway stood tall, he meticulously planned every move the Vongola made, and he thought about how each order would affect all branches of his Familia.

Power of Pronouns

Skull wasn't male nor were they female. They never corrected the Arcobalenos though. They never saw the point. None of the "Strongest People in the World" ever listened to them anyway. Skull was use to that, but it didn't hurt any less. It was Enma who finally noticed.

"Skull… are you really a boy? Not that you don't seem masculine, but… from what I can tell whenever anyone uses a masculine term to describe you, you finch."

Skull nearly cried," I'm not… male I mean, but I'm not female either I just am."

"Do you want me to use more neutral term to describe you?" Enma asked, "I won't be able to switch over immediately, but I'll try."

"That would be nice. You're a good kid Enma. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

"Thanks, I think you make a pretty good older sibling."

That's when Skull started crying.

Maybe I Should have Read the Books

When Skull woke up he panicked. This wasn't anywhere familiar. High arched ceilings, the smell of antiseptic, white cotton sheets, nothing felt right. Then memories flooded Skull's brain. Oh, I guess Viper was right reincarnation does exist. Still, what kind of fucked up life have I had? Child abuse, neglect, dead parents, I'm what like eleven and what kind of boring name is Harry Potter.

As it turned out Harry Potter was a famous name.

Acid Tears

Skull always thought it was strange how the mafia limited themselves. There were two types of clouds. Normal violet ones that had the urge to fight anything within arm's length with small exceptions. And Inverted ones that could function better in normal society, but not by much. Skull was neither. He didn't get mad. It was a waste of energy. What would punching someone in the face accomplish? Nothing beside a pissed off person and a broken finger.

No, Skull didn't get angry; he got sad. Skll would cty. He never saw a problem with expressing his emotions in such a manner. Other's did, apparently boys don't cry. Which was pretty idiotic in Skull's opinion "Why?" he had asked there was no proper answer beside the occasional "It's weak."

Why, what made crying weak? Skull didn't get it.

So when Skull (forcibly) joined the mafia where it was even more unacceptable for men to cry. He decided that somehow he would fight with his tears. But Clouds could fight with tears only make them multiply. And it was hard to kill a man by drowning him in your tears. However Skull wasn't an idiot and knew there was more than one way to fight.

Skull got into the more political side of the mafia. Contracts, making deals, and paying people off Skull was no Viper, but he made decent money. When Skull wore more traditionally feminine clothing and toned down the make up tears were very effective against males of power. Females could see through it far easier.

Being turned into a baby kind of put a damper on it, but Skull felt powerful all the same.

A Life Before Never Ending Life

Skull dreams, of course most everybody does, but Skull's dreams were different. He dreams of the taste of blood heavy under his tongue. He dreams of revealing in death. Skull dreams of the feeling of grass between his toes and a hand cold in his. He dreams of a tiny body clinging to his as her tries to calm down a screaming baby.

He dreams of lying in a field of flowers two women with him one twenty years younger than the other. Skull dreams of an arm wrapped around his tears sliding down his face. He dreams of sobbing and clutching a woman's cold, lifeless body close to his as he bleeds out. Skull cries when he wakes up, but he's never sure why. He doesn't remember his dream.

Drifting for Forever

Skull doesn't have a sky. He never has. Skull doesn't understand the fuss about them. After all he's doing perfectly fine. He had heard other cloud talk about how they knew if a sky might be worthy and Skull wants to feel that. Skull searches for a sky to make him feel such a thing.

What the stuntman doesn't know is that there is no sky big enough to carry such a cloud as himself. A sky of such overwhelming power and strength has never been born. So, Skull waits for something that will never come.

I guess these could work as prompts too… If they inspire you let me know.