When dinner was ready, Kagome called everyone into the dining hall, where the kids served themselves their dinner. Souta went and sat with his friends while Kagome sat down with Rogue and the others. Unfortunately for Logan, he had to sit with the staff and listen to Scott's bullshit. But now and then, Logan could hear her laughing with Rogue and her other friends. He would smile to himself, knowing that Kagome was having fun with her friends.

After dinner, Kagome and Souta hung out for a little while longer before they had to leave. As they were leaving, Logan pulled Kagome into the kitchen so he could say goodbye to her properly.

Logan wrapped his arms around Kagome and kissed her, "Have a safe trip back to the city, Princess."

Kagome laid her head on Logan's chest, "I will, Logan, I'm going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too, Darlin'. I don't know when we'll be able to see each other again, but I promise you it'll be soon," Logan tells Kagome.

Kagome smiles up at Logan, "Okay."

"I love you, Princess."

"I love you too, Logan."

Kagome then reached up and Kissed Logan. Giving him one final hug, Kagome made her way out to her car, where Souta was waiting for her.

Meanwhile, in the City, Nodoka and Tony were having a quiet dinner at an out of the way Italian restaurant that Tony knew in Brooklyn. The plans for the wedding are going very well, and the venue that Nodoka and Tony had picked was something extravagant expected for Tony Stark's wedding but not too expensive to make Nodoka uncomfortable. They had decided to set the wedding date for July 23rd that gave them a little of a month to have everything ready. But that was no problem for the great Tony Stark.

As they ate Nodoka and Tony continued to make wedding plans, "Tomorrow, Kagome, Pepper and I have an appointment with the dressmaker to pick out my wedding dress and the girls' bride's maids dresses," Nodoka tells Tony.

"Okay, while you do that, I'll take Souta with Rhodey Happy, and me to pick out our suits. There was something else I want to talk to you about, Honey."

"What is it, Tony?"

"How would you feel if I adopted Souta?"

Nodoka covered her mouth, "Oh, Tony, you would do that?"

"Yes, I want him to be my son officially, but I wouldn't ask him to give up his last name, he could be Souta Higurashi-Stark."

"I think Souta would love that, but we should ask him, of course."

"Oh, of course, I don't want to force Souta into something he doesn't want."

"Let's ask him tonight when the kids get home," Nodoka tells Tony.

Tony grins, "Okay."

Later that night, when Nodoka and Tony get back to the Tower, they find Souta and Kagome watching a movie in the living room. They both turn when they hear the elevator door open. Kagome and Souta smile at Nodoka and Tony.

"Hi, you two, how was dinner?" Kagome asks.

"Good, how was it at the mansion?"

"It was great, we had a lot of fun," Souta tells them.

"Did you guys get a lot done today?"

"Yep, everything is set as far as the venue and the decorations. We decided that we're getting married on July 23rd." Tony tells Kagome and Souta.

"Why so soon?"

"We want to get married before you two start school, and we want to start this new chapter of our life. So tomorrow you Pepper and I are going for our fitting for our dresses," Nodoka tells Kagome.

Kagome nods.

"And while they do that, you, Rhodey, Happy, and me are going to go get our suits, Sport," Tony says

"Okay, Tony."

Tony and Nodoka look at each other then sit down on the sofa, "Hey could you pause the movie for a second, guys, your mother and I have something important to talk to you about."

Kagome and Souta look at each other. Kagome pauses the movie and looks at her father, "What's up, Dad?"

"Well, your mother and I were talking tonight about how, after the wedding, we're going to be living here as one family, and I brought up maybe adopting Souta."

Souta looks at Tony wide-eyed, "You want to adopt me?"

"Yeah, Kiddo, I consider you my son, I only wanted to see if you wanted to make it official. You wouldn't have to give up your last name; you could be Souta Higurashi-Stark. Or, however, you want it."

Souta stared at Tony in astonishment, he suddenly launched himself at Tony and gave him a fierce hug and started crying, "I can't believe I'm going to have a dad!" He cried.

Tony rubbed Souta's back and rocked back and forth, trying the calm the crying child, "Does that mean you accept?"

Souta pulled away and sniffled, "Yes, I would love for you to be my dad, Tony. Would you mind if I start calling you, Dad?"

"I would love it, Kiddo."

"Wow, I'm going to be a Stark," Souta said.

"Or do you want to be Higurashi-Stark," Tony asked.

"You don't mind if I keep my last name?"

"Of course not, Souta. If that's what makes you happy, I'm all for it."

Souta hugged Tony one more time, "Thanks, Dad."

"You're welcome, Son."

While all this was going on, Nodoka and Kagome were sitting on the sofa, crying their eyes out at such a tender scene. Kagome was so happy that Souta was finally going to have the father he's always wanted. She knew that Souta felt terrible that he never got a chance to know his father, and it left a big hole in his heart. Now that Tony would officially adopt Souta, it will go a long way to heal that hole.

Tony kissed the top of Souta's head and hugged him tighter, "JARVIS, have the legal department get started on the adoption papers in the morning."

**Of course, Sir.**

"Now, let's sit down and watch this movie like a family," Tony says as he sits down next to Nodoka. Souta sits on the floor next to Tony, and Kagome sits down next to her dad.

After they watched two movies, Souta had fallen asleep against Tony's leg. Tony smiled and carefully moved his leg, he kneeled and picked Souta up and took him to the room that was going to be his after the wedding, "Why don't you leave him here so that we can have breakfast tomorrow and then go get our tuxedos?"

"Alright, Tony," Nodoka says and kisses Tony.

"In that case, I'm going to go stay with Mom, Dad."

"Okay, Sweetie, then you can tell me what her dress looks like."

"Dad! You have to wait until the ceremony."

Tony pouts, "Fine. I'll have JARVIS spy then."

**Sorry, Sir, Miss Nodoka already told me not to.**


Nodoka and Kagome laugh. Kagome goes to her room and gets a change of clothes then kisses her father goodnight. She then leaves with her mother to her apartment.