Disclaimer: I do not own anything. I make no money by writing and publishing this item.

Revisions [25/10/2017]: Formatting, and warning note in place of summary and note below. Added time frame. Fixed errors.

Note: Firstly, thank you for clicking, I hope you enjoy! This "chapter" entirely deals with the divergent moment but it does not necessarily portray how things will unfurl as the store progresses. Some people care, so I'll put this warning here: While romance is not my focus, I will confirm the following [shipping] = Luna/Harry, confirmed. Others are not as given the same amount of importance.

Chapter Zero: Discovering Aristocracy

5 October, 1995

Luna was not often sensibly assertive. She was not known for speaking up in a way most people understand.

However, she grabbed onto Hermione's sleeve after the meeting in the Room of Requirement broke. The majority of the the students interested in forming the Defense Association, also coined as "Dumbledore's Army", have left the premises. Only she, Hermione, and Harry have yet to exit.

More serious than Hermione ever recalled her being, Luna asked "Have you heard the expression 'two can keep a secret, if one of them is dead'?"

Taken aback, Hermione merely nodded in reply.

Smiling vacantly, Luna quietly mused as they both walked towards the door, "Well, we just signed a contract regarding a secret bestowed upon a quantity of individuals numbering more than two. I think that even the Kensington Kelpies would be cautious about the information being so freely given throughout the Palace."

Still shocked, Hermione bit her tongue about the nonexistence of Kelpies in Kensington Palace. Instead she focused on the rest of Luna's sentence and mulled over her reply.

Before she could speak, the blonde continued, "It's not bad to trust each other. Especially when we're working towards a common goal. But even with a solid Quidditch Team lineup, doesn't Gryffindor keep reserve players?"

Harry interjected, "Yes. What do you suggest?" The Sorting Hat once said that he had a good mind, and that he would be great in Slytherin. He noted both girls had lagged behind and had stuck around. He let Ron go on to socialize with Lavender Brown.

He was feeling anxious and instead of basking in the success of the first meeting, he was slightly lost in thought about many things that could go wrong. Like how exactly would everybody keep their silence? Some people like Wayne Hopkins and Zacharias Smith were not exactly on speaking terms with him. How trustworthy were they, really? Furthermore, Ron somewhat acted immaturely regarding the Triwizard Tournament the previous year. Who's to say history wouldn't repeat itself?

When he noticed Luna grab Hermione's sleeve, he paid attention. And in spite of possibly talking about a nonsensical creature, he understood her entirely.

Luna tilted her head as she replied, "We can't keep anything complicated. The material we have to cover will be intense as it is. Do you think, Hermione, that changing the name from Dumbledore's Army to Discovering Aristocracy right now, before the contract's magic finishes its binding would be alright?"

The brunette finally grasped the prudence of the subject matter Luna attempted to impart from the start. "Of course. We can't be too careful. But the contract, once signed, is already active. Changing it now would basically invalidate the one signed."

Luna looked at Harry as she replied. "That is true when no applicable codicils are applied. As the primary author of this contract, Hermione, you have the ability to amend the document in a way that does not change what the majority of the agreement is. For example, Harry here has competed in the Triwizard Tournament last year. The officials most directly connected to the committee enforcing the event stopped referring to it as the Triwizard Tournament, and simply called it 'Tournament'. If they had kept referring to it as Triwizard, there would have been only three wizards. For another example, Gilderoy Lockhart's books were entitled in a way that gave a vague reference as to the actual point of the book. The Sirens of Delphi actually commented that his book titles were misleading, but not necessarily incorrect."

Hermione, again, ignored the creatures, and focused on the matter. "So if I call the group-"

Luna shook her head, and cut her off with a word, "Write."

"Okay, if I write that the group is named 'Discovering Aristocracy', how exactly does that apply to learning defense and yet correctly labels the document?"

Harry took the parchment in Hermione's loose hands. He read for a moment, then pointed to the fifth line.

The group will be learning various skills passed through oral tradition, and uphold the legacy and conduct of the Hogwarts Founders.

Luna expanded, "It wasn't just about harnessing magic that the Founders taught, before. There were also classes in etiquette, philosophy, and even estate accounting. These subjects are now taught by our parents, or a tutor. Aristocracy incorrectly but currently pertains to the Sacred Twenty-Eight traditions. Before the fourteenth century, however, it can be applied to Familial Magicks. The families known as the Pendragons, Hufflepuffs, Slytherins, Peverells, Gryffindors and Ravenclaws? They passed down their different approaches to magic, and more. After the Battle of Camlaan, Sir Galahad ensured that each family's traditions, culture, etc survived wars and battles. The Magna Carta further solidified his ideal, when the Statute of Secrecy was first implemented. Prohibition of learning their subjects, such as casting the protective charms or even dueling skills, is not sanctioned. So as an example, Dueling is a class that each family of the Aristocracy included within the Familial Magicks that predates the Ministry. The Magna Carta and Hogwarts's Legendary Guardians have the power to enforce the class as needed."

Hermione clarified, "Are you saying that upon the event that our security measures fail, the name on the document we signed would legalize our activities in the eyes of the Ministry?"

"I'm happy you listened to me, Hermione." Luna smiled, then started to walk off. "Oh Harry, good night. Sleep tight, don't let the Slyquarks bite."

"And you as well, Luna." Green eyes stared down a partially gobsmacked but pensive female, "Is that enough of a logical reason for you to change the name, Hermione?"

Wordlessly, the brunette edited the parchment accordingly. And Harry breathed a little more easily when the parchment glowed silver, signifying a binding contract. Yet he felt that his troubles this year were far from over.