Chapter Four

"This is what we know so far…" Kasamatsu clicked the remote in his hand and photographs from the crime scene appeared on the screen behind him. He then turned his attention back to his unit and said, "last night at approximately 11:45pm, a body was found inside a dumpster in an alleyway off Yoshimi Zaka Street. The victim was female, aged between 20 and 25 years old with no ID. Time of death is estimated at approximately two days ago with cause of death being a lacerated carotid artery. The bite marks on her neck are concurrent with those of a vampire bite and match the bite marks on Aida Riko's neck. It is likely that we are looking for the same vampire."

Kasamatsu clicked to the next photograph.

"We have determined that the killer is male, approximately 35 years old who targets young women. We have ruled out the possibility of a Newborn and are looking more towards a Rogue One. That means that we have a goddamn near perfect killer on our hands, who is making it near impossible for us to catch.

The only connections we have are the locations of the murders. Each victim was found within a one mile radius of each other. Our Jane Doe was found in a dumpster in an alley along the same route Aida Riko ran the night she disappeared."

Kasamatsu cliked his remote and a map of the city appeared on the screen. A large red circle covered part of the map. "The red circle shows our search area. I want men on the ground in pairs, reporting on anything that might look suspicious. Do not- I repeat- do not approach the vampire unarmed and without back up.

Vampires from the East Side are co-operating fully with this matter and have agreed to help in any way they can. Maintaining peace is our number one priority. Thanks to the truce, the streets of Tokyo have known peace for over ten years. Two bodies in the space of a week is bound to cause panic. We cannot let that happen. We need to find whoever is doing this and we need to find them fast. We are barely holding on here. One more victim and this will spin out of control.

I need boots on the ground, surveillance footage from all of the security cameras in the highlighted area. I need backgrounds ran on every missing person profile in the last couple of months. There may be other victims we don't even know about. Anything suspicious you report in and wait for back up. I am not losing any member of this force to a vampire attack. Make sure you are carrying the correct equipment and remember, go for the head.

Any questions?"

One person put their hand up; a young agent who hadn't been on the force long. "Who called the body in? Was it anonymous?"

"No it wasn't" replied Kasamatsu. He could see where this was going when he said, "it was Nijimura Shuzo from the East Side."

"You mean the vampire? How do we know he didn't do it?"

A few heads nodded in agreement.

Kasamatsu eye rolled internally. "Knowing that suspicion would automatically be placed on him, Nijimura-san has given his statement and also provided a sample bite for us. His bite does not match the bite marks on the victim's neck or Aida Riko's. Any other questions?"

Heads turned from side to side, looking around the room to see if anyone had raised their hand. No one did.

"Good" said Kasamatsu, "get to work."

The officers stood and began filing out one by one.

As Kasamtsu switched off the projector, he noticed someone stood at the back of the room with his back against the wall, looking at him. His hair was medium length, he wore glasses and his smile was neither innocent nor without intent.

"Hey," said Moriyama, coming up beside him. "Good speech."

"Thanks" said Kasamatsu, not taking his eyes off the man on the other side of the room. "Look who's here" he said, nodding in the man's direction.

Moriyama followed his gaze.


Kasamatsu nodded.

"What's he doing here?" asked Moriyama.

"Don't know. But I don't like it."

"The Hunter's don't have jurisdiction do they?"

"Not yet."

The pair of them watched as the man called Imayoshi pushed himself off the wall, and left the room with the remaining police officers. Kasamatsu could just make out the corners of his lips turned up in a sly smile.

"We need to get a move on" he said to Moriyama. "I don't like this one bit."


Kise wiped the steam away from the bathroom mirror and stared at his reflection. His hair was wet and tucked behind his ears. He raised his right hand and traced the scar shaped like a bite on the side of his neck.

He sighed.

He may not look any different, (same sunshine blonde hair, honey gold eyes, pale skin and long eyelashes), but he certainly felt it. It wasn't the same numbing feeling that had stopped him from getting any sleep last night, more like a constant buzzing at the back of his mind.

And Kise was sick of it.

He was sick of knowing something bad was going to happen without actually knowing what it was before it was too late.

He had woken up that morning to the inevitable on the news. Another body had been found in the alley way he had ended up in front of last night. Another vampire attack and another innocent person losing their life.

Kise felt like he was walking on eggshells. Like he was a ticking time bomb waiting for the next dead body to show up.

Surely, with his power he could prevent these deaths from happening? And if not, maybe use them to help point Kasamatsu and his team in the right direction? What was the point in having psychic powers if they didn't actually do anything?

Even though the dread was no longer there, Kise couldn't ignore the nagging feeling at the back of his mind. Something bad was going to happen but he just didn't know what or when. He had never felt so powerless and he hated it.

Kise shook his head. He couldn't deal with this right now. He needed to take his mind of it. And there was one thing that would do just that. One thing he swore he would never do again.

He walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Aomine was sat on the couch, reading a book but the minute he heard the bathroom door open he looked up in Kise's direction.

Kise let go of the towel and let it fall to the floor. He watched as Aomine's eyes lowered and a hungry expression appeared on his face. Kise then turned and walked into the bedroom.

Aomine put the book down and followed.


Feeling guilty about using Aomine to ease his own peace of mind, Kise decided to go for a walk. It had been a long time since he'd slept with the vampire. One slip up was fine but Kise didn't want to fall back into old habits. Things were complicated enough as it was.

The walk was long and allowed Kise to clear his head. He didn't think of anything in particular just let his feet take him wherever they were taking him.

Of course when he eventually did stop walking, he wasn't really surprised about where he ended up.

Kise wasn't sure whether it was coincidence or something else that had brought him back there.

He had no idea why he had returned to same place he was last night. He wasn't sure if it was his power or not. He didn't have the mind numbing feeling of needing to be there like he had last night. But then again, he hadn't really been concentrating on where he was going either. Was it a coincidence? Probably not. After all, Kise held little faith in coincidences.

If it wasn't coincidence that had brought him there, then there must have been a reason he had returned to the scene of the crime. So with that in mind, he crossed the road.

The whole area was cordoned off so no one could actually get near the alley.

He stopped at the barrier running halfway across the street. He couldn't get near the alley but he could see various people taking photographs and looking for evidence.

I wonder if they've found anything? Kise wondered.

He looked around at the other nosey fellow members of the public. He then looked back towards the alley and picked one of the crime scene investigators.

Once he was focused, he opened his mind and allowed the investigator's thoughts to enter.

Been here for six hours and nothing. Just blood. A lot of blood.

Kise turned his attention to someone else.

I'm just going to pretend that I'm working so no one asks me anything.

The next person.

I'm hungry.

After various other thoughts about food, smoking and an endless rendition of Abba's Mamma Mia going round one policeman's head over and over again, Kise decided that the whole thing was a waste of time and gave up.

He looked at his watch and decided that it was time to get to work. So he turned around and left.


Kasamatsu was sat behind his desk going through the police reports, when his office door opened and Moriyama entered.

"I've been going through the security footage," his partner explained, "and I think I've found something."

Kasamatsu put down the police report he was holding and followed Moriyama out of the office.

"So," Moriyama started to explain as they sat behind a computer. "This is footage taken from a security camera outside a convenience store opposite the alley where our Jane Doe was found. The camera points towards the entry to the alley and part of the street. Now, time of death has been estimated to be around forty-eight hours ago so I requested the footage from the last three days. After going through everything…I came across this…"

Moriyama hit the space bar on his computer and the footage on the screen began to play.

The street was empty for at least half a minute until two people appeared on the screen; a man and a woman, with the man's arm draped over the woman's shoulders.

"Is that her?" asked Kasamatsu. The picture itself was at a distance and not very clear.

"Can't say for certain but watch…"

Kasamatsu watched as the pair stumbled into the alley.

"Are they drunk?"

"Probably. But that's not the weird part."

"What's the weird part?"


Moriyama pressed fast forward and the image in front of them sped up.

"No one followed them into the alley…" said Kasamatsu.

Moriyama shook his head. "And no one's come out either. That alley is a dead end."

"So assuming that that is our Jane Doe, she would be in the dumpster. But what about the guy?"

"Exactly. We could be looking at our killer."

"We can't zoom in on that can we?"

Moriyama shook his head. "No, but I've got Furihata-kun working on accumulating all of the footage from the surrounding security cameras so we can trace Jane Doe's footsteps and see what her connection is with this guy."

Kasamatsu couldn't help but feel excited. Even though the lead was small, it was something. "Great work partner. Great work. Carry on looking through the footage, see if there's anything else. Did anyone else go near the alley? Does anybody leave? I want to know."

"No problem."

Kasamatsu clapped his partner on the back before leaving the room and returning to his own office, feeling more determined than he was ten minutes ago.


It was just after twelve when Aomine arrived at club Oblique.

The place was empty except for Nijimura and Kuroko. The black haired vamp was behind the bar pouring a bottle of red liquid into two martini shaped glasses and Kuroko was sat on one of the bar stools. He swivelled round when he heard Aomine enter, blood martini in hand, taking delicate sips.

"Yo Aomine-kun" greeted Nijimura.

"Where's Kagetora?" asked Aomine. He wasn't one for pleasantries.

"Out" replied Nijimura.

"Doing what?"

Nijimura smiled. Obviously that was the only answer Aomine was going to get.


Aomine shook his head.

Nijimura pretended to be offended, "now, now Aomine-kun I made a promise to the boss that I would make sure you were eating properly. How will it look if you're all malnourished when he gets back?"

Aomine shrugged. "Not my problem."

Nijimura placed a bottle on the bar in front of him. "Sit and drink."

Aomine thought about turning around and walking straight about before deciding to give in and sat down on one of the stools next to Kuroko (who was busy dabbing away the blood from the corners of his lips with a white handkerchief).

He picked up the bottle and took a long drink. It was true, he was starving but he still hated the fact that the only thing that satiated his hunger, was blood. And bottled pigs blood was the worst.

"So, where have you been?" asked Nijimura, as if trying to make polite conversation rather than just prying into his private life.

"With Kise" Aomine answered, knowing there was no use in lying (Nijimura would see right through it).

"Don't you think you're spending a lot of time with Kise-kun?" asked Kuroko.

Aomine didn't answer.

"Is he the reason you've stopped eating?"

"What? No, don't be ridiculous Tetsu."

"You know what could happen if you get too close to him."

Aomine's grip tightened on the bottle. "I'm well aware of that, thankyou Tetsu."

"How is Kise-kun?" asked Nijimura.

"He's a little shaken up," Aomine's mind suddenly flashed back to Kise walking out of the bathroom naked and the subsequent actions that had happened soon after. "But he's dealing with it." It had been a long time since they had last fucked. It had been quick and hard and something (his) blonde had desperately needed for whatever reason. But Aomine wasn't about to tell Nijimura or Kuroko that. It was none of their business. Besides, it was only the one time. Even though he hated to admit it, Tetsu was right. Things became far too complicated the minute he and Kise were involved. Things were better this way. At least, that's what he'd learnt to tell himself.

"I guess he's still pretty shook up after last night" said Nijimura, "I mean, if I hadn't stopped him, he probably would've found the body."

Aomine wasn't sure what Nijimura was talking about. "What do you mean?"

Nijimura looked confused (at least pretended to anyway). "He was there last night. I assumed he told you?"

Aomine shook his head. "No, he rang asking me to come over but wouldn't tell me why. And I've learnt not to pry. He needed help sleeping so I went."

Nijimura raised his eyebrows and Kuroko suggestively slurped his martini. Aomine rolled his eyes. "I didn't help him sleep like that. You know how his power gets. When it gets too much the static from my mind helps cancel it out. Or at least ease it a little."

"And did it last night?" asked the black haired vampire.

Aomine shook his head. "It took a while but he eventually fell asleep."

"And this morning?"

Aomine sighed. "He…was ok. But he knew something had happened before we even turned on the TV or I could tell him about the text Kagetora had sent. He didn't tell me he was at the alley last night though." Aomine couldn't help but feel slightly pissed at that. And not just at Kise. There was no way Kagetora didn't know so why hadn't he told him?

"Aomine-kun," said Nijimura, his voice being the most serious it had been since Aomine had sat down. "I found Kise-kun looking into the alley last night. He was stood right on the edge. I was on my way back from the place Aida Riko's body was found and ran into him by complete coincidence."

"What was he doing there?" asked Aomine.

"No idea. But he looked terrified. And not in control. It took me a while to get through to him. Then he seemed to snap out of it and realised where he was and what he was doing. But he couldn't stop looking at the alley and his heartbeat was through the roof. He told me he'd been out for a walk and I think part of that was true. I don't think he knew how he had ended up there. Then he left before phoning you."

Aomine sighed dramatically before placing his head on the counter. "Dammit Kise."

"This has happened before?" inquired Kuroko.

"Not for a while. He used to sleep walk a lot when he was younger. At least, that's what we thought it was. And then it kept getting more regular and more intense the closer it got to that day."

No one spoke for a couple of seconds. Then Aomine continued. "Kise can control the mind reading but he can't control his premonitions or whatever you want to call them. Sometimes they're just feelings and other times they take control of him. He may not even realise what's happening."

"Do we know why Kise-kun is having premonitions about these murders? Bad things happen all the time. So why now?"

Aomine shrugged. "I don't know. His powers didn't exactly come with a rule book."

"But he is connected somehow" said Kuroko.

Nijimura nodded in agreement but before he could say anything else, his phone rang.

"Hello..." he answered. "Yes…yes…oh really?" He looked at Aomine. "Yeah. Ok. Got it." He then closed his phone and said, "that was the boss."

"Where is he?" Aomine asked.

"He has a job for us" replied Nijimura (obviously ignoring Aomine's question).

"What job?" queried Kuroko as he finished his martini.

Nijimura smiled. "We're going underground."



Aomine internally rolled his eyes. "Great" he muttered before picking up his bottle and downing the lot.


"Where did you go?" Kasamatsu muttered to himself as he stared at the evidence wall in his office. The vampire that had killed their Jane Doe did not leave the alley the way he had gone in and contrary to popular belief, Vampire's didn't fly or jump really high. That only left one option.


Kasamatsu studied the pictures of the crime scene until he found the one he was looking for. He unpinned the picture and looked at it closely. In the corner of the picture there was half a manhole cover visible.


His office door opened and Moriyama entered. However, Kasamatsu was too preoccupied with his recent discovery to notice the solemn look on his partner's face.

"Moriyama, I've figured out where our vamp went." Kasamatsu walked around his desk and held the picture in front of Moriyama's face. "See that? That's a manhole. Which means our vamp must have gone into the sewer to escape. It's the perfect explanation. And I bet you top dollar that there's one near the bridge where Aida Riko was murdered too. It makes perfect sense. Vampires have perfect night vision, it wouldn't be a problem for him. Plus, it's a direct route around the city. I need to get the sewer line plans for the city, and find the section of pipe that connects both murders. We'll send a team down there tomorrow morning. Better do it during the day. If it is a rogue vamp then it will be weaker when the sun's up. How are you getting on with the security footage?"

"About that…" Moriyama hesitated.


"There's something you should see."

Kasamatsu stared wide eyed at the screen in front of him. He watched as Kise stood in front of the alley way just half an hour before the body was called in.

Kise stood there for about two minutes just looking into the alley. It looked like he was about to move forward when Nijimura appeared. Kasamatsu watched as the pair talked (the footage was silent so he had no idea what they were saying), before Kise turned around and walked away out of view of the camera.

Nijimura waited a couple of seconds before heading into the alley.

Moriyama stopped the recording. "Fifteen minutes later, Nijimura-san called in the body."

Kasamatsu didn't say anything.

"That was your friend right? Kise-kun?"

The detective nodded.

"Did Nijimura-san mention his run in with Kise-kun?"

"No he didn't."

Moriyama nodded in understanding. "I wanted to show you before I wrote it in my report. What do you want me to do?"

Kasamatsu thought about his answer. "Leave it with me. It was probably just a coincidence. I'll ask him about it. Sorry but, don't write anything just yet."

"Understood. I'll go get the sewer line plans for the city."

"Thanks, Moriyama."

Moriyama offered another nod of understanding before leaving Kasamatsu alone.

"Dammit Kise" Kasamatsu huffed, running his fingers through his hair. The relief in all of this, was the fact that Moriyama had found the footage and no one else. His partner knew Kise was a close friend and he also knew (at least Kasamatsu believed he knew, even though he never said anything) that Kise was special in some way. And that if the wrong people found out, they would use and exploit him.

Kasamatsu had felt the need to protect Kise ever since he met the blonde all those years ago. Kise had been a living shell; broken and fragile. It had taken Kasamatsu a long time to piece his friend back together again. Along the way, Kasamatsu had inevitably found out about Kise's ability and the day the pair had left the orphanage for good, was the day Kasamatsu vowed to never let anyone hurt or use Kise for his power ever again. Ever since, whenever Kise helped out with his investigations, Kasamatsu kept his identity secret and on a need to know basis. Although he hated to think it, the detective knew that there were members of the Government who would love to get their hands on a rare and powerful psychic. And Kasamatsu was not going to let that happen.

And it was because of that (and the fact that Moriyama never asks questions), that Kasamatsu deleted the footage on the tape. Well not all the footage, just enough to make it look like Kise had bumped into Nijimura by accident and hadn't been staring into the alley for two minutes on his own.

When all was said and done, Kasamatsu leant back on his chair and let out an almighty sigh.

He didn't need to speak to Kise to know what he was doing there. He had a general idea about how Kise's power worked, he didn't need the specifics. The fact that Kise was there at all, proved to Kasamatsu that there was something significant about that alley (other than the dead body).

So, with that in mind Kasamatsu stood up, stretched and got back to work.


"One Ghastly Ghoul, two Bloody Vampires and three Cokes. Enjoy your meal."

Kise expertly made his way around the tables and to the group of four that had just walked in. "Table for four?"

They nodded.

"This way please."

He seated them at a table on the other side of the restaurant and handed them a menu each. "Take your time, I'll be back over in a couple of minutes to take your order."

He then bowed and went to pick up the meals Doris had placed on the counter.

"Good God, is the whole town in tonight?" asked an exasperated Momoi and she placed an order.

"Hey don't complain," said Kise, "it's good for business."

"Yeah but it's bad for my sanity. And my feet."

"Don't worry Momocchi. Your feet are beautiful."

"Awww thankyou Ki-chan. Does that get mean they get the rest of the night off?"

Kise smiled. "No. Table ten." He handed two plates to Momoi who rolled her eyes before taking them and walking away. Kise picked up the remaining plates and delivered them to two gentlemen sitting at table six.

When the front door opened, Kise didn't have to turn around to know who had just walked in. It wasn't the static, just a feeling. It wasn't a psychic thing either, at least Kise didn't think so. He put his hand over the scar on his neck. He was sure the tingling coming from it was because Aomine was nearby. Again, something it hadn't done in a while. It probably had something to do with the fact that they'd slept together. Great.

Kise turned around and looked at the blue haired vampire stood in the doorway. Aomine raised his eyebrows ever so slightly and tilted his head towards the main doors. Kise sighed and walked towards Momoi. "I'm just heading outside for a second. You going to be ok?"

"Sure" she nodded towards one of the other female waitresses, "I have Minami-kun after all. Thank god she decided to show her face for once, as incompetent as she may be."

"Thanks, I won't be long. And be nice."

Aomine was waiting for him outside the restaurant.

"What's up?" Kise asked, his hand still rubbing the scar on his neck, a movement not gone unnoticed by Aomine. Realising what he was looking at, Kise lowered his hand.

"I just wanted to see how you were feeling."

Kise shrugged. "I'm fine."

There was a moment's pause.

"Anything else?" Kise asked.

Aomine hesitated before asking his next question. "I spoke to Nijimura. He told me you were at the crime scene last night."

Kise's eyes widened ever so slightly.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know," Kise sighed, "I just didn't. I was walking home- or at least I thought I was- and next minute I'm in front of this alley way. The whole place reeked of…death and evil. Then Nijimura-san turned up and I left. Next thing I know, I can't sleep and I'm having flashes of the dead body they found in the dumpster. Then of course, we wake up and it's on the news."

"You should have told me."

Kise laughed. "And what good would that have done? It's not like we can do anything about it anyway. It's the way it always has been. I get these…feelings or whatever the hell it's called and then another dead body turns up."

"Kise-" Aomine moved to touch him.

"Don't" Kise retorted, stepping back.

Aomine nodded and lowered his hand, a sad look of understanding on his face.

Kise looked equally devastated. But it was for the best. Right?

"I have to get back to work."



"I can't come over tonight. So…be careful."

Even though Aomine didn't elaborate, they both knew what he meant.

"I will."

He then headed back into the restaurant, without looking back.


Aomine met Kuroko and Nijiumura down an alley further down from the one the latest victim was found in. It was on the same stretch of pipe line and was out of sight from the public.

"What do we do once we've found the vamp?" asked Aomine.

Nijimura smiled a knowing smile.

"Oh…" said Aomine, "and Kagetora's fine with that?"

"Of course he is. The boss wants this done quick and efficiently. If we are certain it's the same vampire responsible for the killings, we have been given orders to take care of it by any means possible."

"Ok…and when's the boss coming back?"

Nijimura didn't answer.

Aomine rolled his eyes. Typical.

"Shall we?" said Nijimura as he bent down and removed the manhole cover with one swift movement.

"That stinks" said Kuroko.

"Hold your breath Tetsu" teased Aomine.

"Remember," said Nijimura, "quick and efficiently."

He then jumped into the hole and disappeared into the dark, quickly followed by Kuroko then Aomine.


Kise was ready for bed. He had starting getting a headache towards the end of his shift so after getting a shower and popping two pills, the blonde decided to call it a night.

He made sure the front door was locked and all the windows were bolted.

Even though he hated to admit it, Kise felt a little nervous sleeping on his own. At least with Aomine there, there was someone to wake him up or stop him from doing something stupid if he started sleep walking.

But he was on his own. And Aomine had warned him to be careful. There was nothing more Kise could do except make sure his apartment was locked. He removed the keys from their usual place and stashed them high up. He also cleared the floor of any potential obstacles he could hurt himself on if he did decide to go for a late night stroll.

Hopefully, that wouldn't be the case but he didn't want to take that chance. He put his phone in his pyjama pocket (just in case he did go for a wander, he could phone someone to come and get him-worst case scenario) and crawled into bed. He switched off the light and closed his eyes.

Everything went quiet.

When he opened his eyes, he had no idea where he was.

Taking deep breaths, Kise tried not to panic. It was pitch black and cold. Wherever he was stank of damp and mould. All he could hear was water dripping overhead and the sound of his own shaky breathing.

He reached into his pocket and breathed a huge sigh of relief when he felt his phone pressed against his leg. He pulled it out and unlocked it. The light hurt is eyes as it illuminated the area around him.

He was in some kind of tunnel, just tall enough for him to stand up straight in. The walls were a slimy green and there was a trickle of water running underneath his feet. It was then that he realised he was wearing trainers along with his coat over his pyjamas.

He also had no signal.

"Great" he said to himself.

He switched on his phone's torch app and used it to survey his surroundings.

The tunnel ran in front and behind him and there was nothing above him apart from the curved dripping ceiling.

"Left or right?" he asked himself. Kise deduced (or rather guessed), that the fact that he had woken up facing one way meant that the other way must have been the direction he had come from. He couldn't stay where he was, so he decided to go with that theory.

He turned around but before he could take one step, he heard something behind him. Something that wasn't a drip or his own shaky breathing. Instead, it sounded a lot like a snarl. And it was getting closer.

"Oh shit" he whispered. "Come on, move…" But his body wasn't listening to him. He didn't dare turn around to find out if his suspicions were true or to see how far away it was, because he didn't have time. "Come on feet. Move." Nothing. "Move." He closed his eyes and gripped his phone tight in his hand. The snarling was getting louder.

Kise gritted his teeth and shouted, "MOVE!"

That was enough to snap his body out of it.

He started running.

The tunnel veered left at the end and Kise heard the thing crash into the wall just seconds after he turned the corner.

Water splashed around his ankles as he ran. Kise could only see a mere few feet in front of him. He could hear the thing scrambling to its feet and continue giving chase.

And as if things couldn't get any worse, Kise tripped.

He went face down and his phone flew out his of his hand, landing face-up further down the tunnel.

Kise didn't have time to react as he turned over and saw a pair of red bloodthirsty eyes and equally bloodthirsty fangs lunge towards him.

What happened next happened so fast, it took Kise a couple of seconds to catch up.

Just as death seemed an absolute certainty, something large and extremely fast knocked into the vampire, sending him hurling down the tunnel.

The light from Kise's phone barely illuminated the figure stood in front of him.

"Are you ok?"

Kise's eyes went wide with disbelief as he recognised the voice instantly. "Aominecchi?"

Aomine bent down in front of him and cusped Kise's face in his hands. "Are you hurt?"

Kise shook his head.

"Good. Get up and-"

Aomine didn't have a chance to finish his sentence before he was flung into the tunnel wall, filling the place with dust and bits of brick.

Kise shuffled back out of the way and watched in shock as the vampires faced off. It had been a long time since Kise had seen Aomine in his vampire form; with sharp fangs, red eyes and a blood curdling growl.

Although he was the one pinned against the wall, it was clear Aomine had the advantage. He grabbed the rabid vampire by the throat and smashed him into the tunnel floor. He then grabbed the vampire's head and began beating it into the ground.

Kise closed his eyes tight, desperately trying to ignore the sounds of skull cracking on stone. The sounds soon turned to mush and seemed to echo off the walls.

Kise didn't even realise they'd stopped until Aomine said, "Kise? Kise?"

Kise opened his eyes and found Aomine kneeling in front of him. His fangs had gone and his eyes were no longer red. His face was splattered with blood.

Kise looked behind him to where the body of the lifeless vamp was lying on the floor, twitching. The water around him was turning red.

Aomine stood up before hooking his hand under Kise's arm and pulling him to his feet. He then bent down and retrieved Kise's phone.

"You're ok" said Aomine as he stroked the hair behind Kise's ear.

Kise couldn't speak. Instead he moved forward and collapsed into Aomine's arms. The vampire slowly wrapped his arms around Kise's shoulders and held him tight.

He looked up when he heard the distant sound of footsteps. Soon after, Kuroko and Nijimura appeared in front of them. Aomine stepped to one side and allowed them both to examine the body.

"Is this him?" asked Kuroko.

"Not sure" said Nijimura. "Although, thanks to Aomine-kun's handy work, we don't have much to go on."

"It's not him" said Kise, speaking for the first time.

Aomine stepped back and Kise looked at the three vampires staring at him.

"How do you know, Kise-kun?" asked Nijimura.

Kise looked back at Aomine who gave a slight nod.

He then turned back to Nijimura and said, "I don't. It's just a feeling."

"I think Kise's right" said Aomine. "This wasn't a Rogue Vampire. His moves were far too erratic. I'd say we're looking at a Newborn. And judging from the way he came after Kise and the way I took him out, he's been stuck down here, starving."

Nijimura put his hands on his hips and sighed.

"Perhaps you're right. But we won't know for sure until we match his bite with the bites on the victims. At least you didn't destroy his jaw."

Aomine shrugged. "I plan ahead."

"Of course you do."

Nijimura looked at Kise then back at Aomine. "You should take Kise-kun home. We'll clean up here."

Aomine nodded before wrapping his arm around Kise's shoulders and guiding him down the tunnel.

They didn't talk much on the way home.

Aomine didn't ask any questions and Kise was extremely grateful for that.

When they got back to his apartment they found the front door ajar and the lock broke. Lying on the floor was a broken statue Kise had brought back from China the year he and Kasamatsu went travelling. He must have used it to break the lock and open the door.

"Guess I'm going to have to barricade myself in next time" said Kise in such a way that Aomine couldn't tell whether he was joking or not.

Aomine waited on the couch as Kise showered. He had thought about ringing Kagetora to fill him in, but there was no doubt that Nijimura had already done that. So instead, he grabbed a book from one of the bookshelves and read.

Kise stood under the shower with his eyes closed and arms by his side. He let the hot water pour over his skin and wash away all of the dirt, grime and blood.

For the first time in a long time, Kise felt scared. Sure, he was almost killed by a rabid vampire no less than two hours ago. But that didn't bother him. What scared Kise more than anything, was himself. Or more specifically his power.

Kise didn't realise how far away from home he actually was until he resurfaced and Aomine lead him back to the main street. How could he possibly have got that far and down into a sewer, without waking up or realising what he was doing? He had even made sure he couldn't get out of his flat by hiding the key high up. But apparently that wasn't good enough.

He also knew that the newborn vampire they had encountered (and subsequently killed by Aomine), wasn't the one they were looking for. But then, why had Kise gone down there in the first place? Surely there must be some connection between the vampire in the sewer and the murders?

Kise turned off the shower and sighed. He dried his hair and wrapped the towel around his waist.

If the killer was still out there, then Kasamatsu needed to be told immediately. But Aomine had assured Kise that Kuroko and Nijimura-san were already on that. All he had to do was rest.

But the truth was, Kise was scared of falling sleep.

But that's why Aomine was there. And that alone made Kise feel safe. He knew that Aomine would never let anything happen to him.

And that was what was going to help Kise sleep that night.

Kise looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. He tilted his head to one side and ran his fingers alongside the bite mark on his neck. The scar felt warm and raised.

It had been almost fifteen years since he had been bitten. The legend was, the scar from a vampire bite burned when the vampire who had given it to you was close by.

Kise didn't know whether that was true or not.

After brushing his teeth, Kise made his way out of the bathroom.

Aomine was sat on the couch, reading a book.

The pair looked at one another, an unspoken truth passing between them.

"You're staying right?" asked Kise.

"I'm not going anywhere."

Kise nodded with relief.

"I'll be right here" reassured the vampire.

"Ok. Goodnight."


And with that, Kise made his way into the bedroom and closed the door behind him.

Aomine waited until he knew Kise had gotten into bed before picking up his book and continuing to read.


Hello everyone! It feels like the story is starting to move along now. I really enjoyed writing this chapter, especially the interactions between Kise and Aomine. I know this chapter may have raised questions, especially about their history and relationship, but don't worry, they will be answered!

Nightmare-taichou- Hello! Don't feel like an idiot! I'm really pleased you are still enjoying it. I love Kasamatsu. He's my favourite captain from the manga! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as well! : )

Aoife- Hello! Thankyou for your wonderful words! AoKise are my life haha. I'm really pleased you enjoyed Unintended and Little Bitty Pretty One. I regard those as my 'main stories' and I will be finishing Little Bitty Pretty One at some point, so don't worry! I'm having a load of fun writing this one though as it is different and I've always wanted to write a supernatural AoKise fic haha. Hope you enjoyed this chapter : )

Aone- Hello! Thanks for reading! More AoKise interaction in this one and even more to come! Hope you enjoyed it! : )

Thankyou everyone! I'm pleased that so many people are enjoying it just as much as I am writing it!

I love you all