Title: Poor Malik!

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh. I do not own Malik. I do not own Bakura. I do not own Ryou. I own nothing, ya here? :Runs away sobbing:

Yay, thanks for the reviews, people. ^^ Just to let you guys know, Malik's motorcycle isn't out of the picture yet! Nor is Yami's spazz outs and Malik's revenge. :Smiles: On with the DATE!

Chapter 10: Not the Ordinary Date


"All right troops! Our mission today is to oversee the outcome of this date. In no situation will we interfere with Package A or B. Is that understood?"


"Bakura.try speaking in English." Remarked Jounouchi.

"What's Package A and B?" Yuugi asked.

"Maybe he means Chinese takeout, you know.those little boxes of lo mien they give?" Honda suggested.

Bakura rolled his eyes. "We watch them without letting them know we're there." He said flatly. He reversed back to his military tone. "Got that troops? All right, let's move, move, move, MOVE!"

The little crowd of people, Bakura, Marik, Yuugi, Yami, Jounouchi, Honda, Otogi, and Mai hid behind a bush, planning on watching Malik and Ryou's date. Quickly, they scattered and arranged themselves in tactic formation.

Yuugi stuck a military helmet on his head, clashing horribly with his multi- colored hair. Jounouchi pulled out his toy transmitter.

"Chhh! Chh! Come in mother bird! Come in mother bird! Do you read me?" Jounouchi spoke into the transmitter, faking static noise.

"Package A and B are traveling 10 degrees north! Don't lose sight of them!" Bakura cried, obviously very into his role. "Troops move out! Do you copy? Troops? Hello?"

"Roger." Said the rest of the group, unenthusiastically.


Malik and Ryou stood, staring at the cinema move listings, both a foot apart from each other.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Malik asked Ryou. Ryou tapped a finger against his chin, contemplating.

'I wanted to see A Walk to Remember. But I don't think Ryou would want to see something like that.' Malik, who had a weakness for such movies, thought sadly.

Suddenly, Ryou's face brightened. "A Walk to Remember!" He practically cried out. Then he quickly blushed. "Gomenasai, it's just that I've wanted to watch this movie for so long, do you mind?" Malik shook his head and smiled widely.

They walked into the theater, still unaware of the little crowd of spies that followed them.

"We have to watch some stupid chick flick?" Bakura complained. Yami rubbed his chin.

"From what I heard, it's a really good movie."

"Now where did you hear that?!?!" Said Jou, Honda, and Otogi.

Yami thought for a while and suddenly his expression went flat. "Anzu."

"Aw, come on guys, I've seen this at least six times already! It still makes me cry!" Mai said, pulling Jounouchi in with her.

Yami and Yuugi sat down in some corner. Honda and Otogi sat in the back, settling themselves down for a nap. Bakura and Marik sat all the way in the front, but not before buying a few bags of popcorn first.


Malik and Ryou nestled into their seats. As the movie progressed, they seemed to lean closer and closer to each other.

Hoots of laughter came from the very front seats.


Ryou made a face. "If Bakura was here, that's something he'd probably say."

Both Malik and Ryou became annoyed as two mocking voices continued, laughing at almost everything.

"I'm dying!" Said the female in the movie.

"WAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Howled Marik and Bakura. Some popcorn could be seen, being tossed against the movie screen and bouncing right off.


"Oh man." Grumbled Malik, clutching onto his head. "That's it." He stood.

"Malik, what are you doing?" Ryou quickly pulled Malik back down. Malik stood back up.

"I'm going to kill those two bakas." Malik growled.

"Don't! You'll make a scene! Please!" Ryou begged. "I don't mind really!" Reluctantly, Malik sat down.

The move trudged on. Ryou gave a small sigh at one point and rested his head gently against Malik's bare arm. Malik blushed inwardly and dared not to move.

As the movie ended, Ryou lifted his head. 'How did that happen?'

Bakura and Marik walked out of the theater, still snickering.

"Aww that was so sad!" Jounouchi wailed once the group met outside. Otogi and Honda began laughing. "Urusai!" Jou snapped, but only succeeded in whimpering, making Otogi and Honda laugh even more.

"Hungry, Ryou?" Malik asked as he looked back at Ryou. "Ryou?" Malik scratched his head. Where was Ryou? He suddenly caught a glimpse of him, fighting to get through the crowd. Smiling silently at Ryou's frustrated attempts and flustered face, Malik pushed his way back and grasped Ryou gently on the hand. "Come on Ryou." Malik said softly. Ryou looked up, a bit surprised and smiled.

"Ice cream, Malik! Can we get some ice cream?" Ryou said excitedly as he spotted a Haagen-Dazs stand. Immediately, Malik thought about what Yuugi, Otogi, and Jounouchi had said the other day.

'Now does he like vanilla, chocolate or strawberry?' Malik thought. 'Curse those bakas.' He scowled.

"What flavor would you like Ryou?"

Ryou's eyes widened at the endless list of choices. "I don't know.I've never tried it before.Bakura said it was bad for my teeth."

Malik rolled his eyes. It was just like Bakura to prohibit Ryou from having sweets. How did the heck did Otogi, Yuugi and Jou reach the conclusion of which flavor Ryou liked, then??? And who in their life never had ice cream before??? After all, what could a little ice cream do?

"What about cookies n' cream?" Malik ventured. It was his favorite flavor; maybe Ryou would like it too.

"Ok! If you say it's good." Ryou smiled.

"Baku-chan! Can we get some ice cream too?" Marik squealed after Ryou and Malik had sat down somewhere in the food court.

"Me too! Me too!" Said Yuugi, pulling Yami to the line.

Otogi and Jounouchi stood, sulking and muttering.

"I was pretty sure he liked strawberry." Otogi mused.

"You're wrong. He likes chocolate. He just doesn't know it." Grumbled Jounouchi.


Malik watched as Ryou dug his spoon into the soft ice cream and brought it to his mouth. Ryou's face lit up in delight.

"This is good!" Ryou cried as he shoved his spoon into the scoop of ice cream again, unaware that some ice cream had rubbed off on his nose from his excitement.

Malik laughed silently to himself, beholding the sight of Ryou with a rather large dot of ice cream on his nose. 'He looks a bit silly, yet cute.' Malik thought. Unable to hold back the urge, he leaned forward and licked the ice cream off. Ryou jumped with a surprised squeak.

"You had ice cream on your nose." Malik pointed out with a sheepish grin. Ryou rubbed his nose and blushed.


"Come on Malikky, let's go! Let's go!" Ryou tugged on Malik's wrist, bouncing up and down. Malik winced at his sugar high.

'Dammit.' He cursed. 'Bakura was right about not letting him have ice cream.'

"Ryou, you need to calm down." Malik said frantically as Ryou began to jump up the escalator, dragging Malik along.

"What are you talking about? I am calm!" Ryou let go of Malik and dashed all the way up. Malik clumsily followed. Ryou giggled. "You're such a slow poke, Malikky!" His chocolate brown eyes shone innocently, watching Malik. Malik couldn't help but smile.

'He's so cute.' Malik thought. He decided to play his game. He raced up the escalator and Ryou quickly ran off, singing in his pretty soft voice,

"You can't catch me!" (Hahah I know it's corny but hey, that's like me when I get sugar high!)

"Yes I can!" Malik sped after Ryou, knocking a police guard down by accident.

"You stupid kids! This is a shopping mall!"

Malik laughed, high from his own adrenaline. He turned and politely gave the cop the middle finger. The cop gaped.

"Hehehe! That's my hikari!" Grinned Marik as he peeked out from the corner.

"Come on! We can't lose sight of them!" Cried Bakura. Jounouchi held his toy transmitter to his mouth as they ran.

"Chhh! Chh! Target spotted! They're heading for the entrance! Chh Chh! Oh no!! Chh! Signal is Chhh becoming Chhh faint!"

Everyone else stared at him with narrowed eyes. "We're right here, Jou."

Yuugi stopped.

"What's wrong, aibou?" Yami asked.

"Does anyone realize we're chasing after no one?" Yuugi said slowly. Bakura halted.

"Great." He groaned. "We lost them." He scowled.

Disappointed murmurs came from everyone.

"And I really wanted to see what happened." Said Mai in a huff.

"Mission aborted." Muttered Honda.

"Wait a minute!" Cried Marik. "We're going to give up this easily?!" Heads perked up. "We've worked too hard too get Ryou and Malik into this relationship! All of China is counting on us! The fate of the Ishtar and Bakura family lies in our claws!"

Blink, blink.

"Claws?" Bakura cocked an eyebrow. "Have you been watching Mulan?"

"Yes." Marik admitted meekly.

"For a moment there I thought you were actually inspiring." Muttered Otogi.


Malik silently entered the house, pulling Ryou with him.

"Shh. Marik might be around." Malik said. He wandered around the house and to his relief, there was no one around. (Except for Ishizu of course, but shes working her butt off like always ^^)

Ryou peered into a cabinet. "Hey Malik, can I have a drink?"

"Huh? Oh yea, sure." Malik flopped down on the couch, resting his tired muscles, which had chased Ryou around for what seemed like all day. Damn did that sugar take a long time to wear off. Nonetheless, Malik smiled at the memory of Ryou squealing whenever Malik caught him, only to have Ryou escape from his clutches again. Malik stared out the window.

'Almost time to take Ryou home.' He thought he watched the sky darken. Somehow, he felt as if he hadn't made the most of this date. He frowned. Suddenly, a hiccup broke his thoughts. Malik shot up to see what made the odd sound.

"Ryou?" Malik called into the silence. Ryou turned awkwardly at the sound of his name.

"Malikky?" He slurred.

'Oh no.' Malik thought. 'Was he sugar high again? No wait, he doesn't sound too hyper.'

Then his memory hit him in the face. The cabinet? The cabinet! Noooooo that wasn't where drinks were kept! It was Marik's store of alcohol! Malik smacked himself on the head. He remembered that Bakura and Marik liked to get drunk and go out on killing sprees or something. Great. Not being of drinking age was one thing. But being the hikari of Bakura was another. If Bakura ever found out that Ryou had even set his eyes on alcohol, he wouldn't be too happy.

'Wouldn't be too happy? Quite the understatement.' A voice in Malik's head muttered. He frantically thought back to what he learned in health class. He had to sober up Ryou before he went home.

"Cold showers and coffee can sober up someone!" Malik remembered the health teacher saying. Or was it 'cold showers and coffee can NOT sober up someone'? Malik pulled on his hair in frustration. Agh! Who cares! He had to try SOMETHING!

He averted his gaze back to Ryou who was stumbling out the door.

"Ryou? Ryou!" Malik jumped up and ran after him out the door. He looked around but saw no sign of Ryou.

"Baka! Baka! Baka!" Malik cursed himself.

"Malikky!" Ryou said happily. Malik looked up to see that Ryou was on top of his roof.

First he let Ryou have too much ice cream, then he allowed him to touch alcohol now Ryou was on the roof! Some great babysitter he would make.

"Ryou get down from there! You can hurt yourself!" Malik said desperately.

"Aww, you're no fun. You're just like Baku-chan, Malikky!" Ryou said with a silly look on his face.

Malik didn't have much of a choice but to climb up and get him down. He grabbed onto the ridges of the house and squeezed his eyes shut.

'Oh.how I hate heights.' Malik whined in his mind. He pulled himself up and crawled warily towards Ryou.

"Err...come on Ryou, it's time to come down."

Ryou pouted, drawing his mouth down in a frown and stared at Malik with his innocent brown eyes. He shook his head.

"Come on Ryou." Malik pleaded as he reached Ryou and sat down. Ryou shook his head again and scuttled into Malik's lap, surprising him. Ryou wrapped his arms around Malik's bare waist and reached up, pressing his soft lips firmly on Malik's, slowly forcing him to react. Malik responded and though his cheeks were flaming, the honey sweet taste of Ryou's lips was something he couldn't resist. Malik was surprised that there was no trace of alcohol to be tasted. Gently, Ryou pulled back and resumed his position against Malik's chest, sighing contently and closing his adorable brown eyes.

"Aishiteru.Malik-kun." Ryou whispered drowsily. Not wanting to wake him up, Malik decided to stay on the roof, holding him close and watching the gentle rise and fall of Ryou's breathing. He ran a hand through the mass of silver-white hair, savoring its soft feel. Ryou unconsciously nestled deeper into Malik's chest. Malik hoped that Ryou wouldn't be cold as he held Ryou even closer rocking him gently.


Ackk, this chapter was a little disappointing =( I hope it wasn't too confusing. I was trying to get it done before the weekend was over so that I would have time to do my school work =( I know, I know, the chapter was kind of weird too xP Gomen people! I'll try to write better over spring break! Someone also mentioned that it was kind of short. I DID want to make more chapters for the date but I was afraid you people would become impatient. *scratches head and grins sheepishly*

By the way, thanks to the people who reviewed my other two fics and told me what they thought of it. You guys are so helpful!!

One more thing, when I watched A Walk to Remember, I DID laugh at it cause my friend kept on making side comments xD So to the people who liked the movie, sorry ^^''