Foxy glares at the human in front of him. Freddy is an anthro child, she should not be bonded to this-this bastard! He realized they were bonded as soon as they hugged. Their magic swirled around each other.

"Thank you, for helping her. Now if you wouldn't mind letting go," the human hints as he steps closer. Foxy glares he glances at Freddy to see the lass's face quickly cover up her pain.

Foxy reluctantly lets go, he's trying to help the lass, not hurt her. The human, Mikey, as Freddy calls him.

"Thank you, for helping her," the bastard grinds out. He pulls Freddy away quickly and picks up their shopping bags. Freddy meets his eyes as she opens her mouth to say something.

"Wait, Mikey. He can help us!"

"Nope, we'll find someone else."

They need help? Foxy can't bring himself to abandon the lass's bright blue eyes. He easily catches up with them.

"I'm sure I can help ya. Should listen to the lass more often," Foxy grins at the human. He makes sure his eyes glare at the bastard. His glare is returned as they leave the mall.

"No, we don't need your help."

"Right, it's not like I had to save the lass and find you."

"You don't look like the saving type," is growled back at him.

Foxy is ready to show the human what happens to people who cross him when a small hand grabs his. Freddy's other hand takes the human's as they walk towards the parking lot.

"I knew you two could get along," the lass smiles at them both.

"We don't get along!" they chorus.

"Foxy we need your help fighting," Freddy says as she looks at the cars confused. Mike tugs her through the column on the left.

"No, we're fine. I'm sure Foxy has much better things to do-"

"What do you mean, lass?"

"Hey! Don't igno-"

"We go to a school where there is this big competition where guardians and authors duel against others," the small bear says. Foxy feels his stomach drop.

"Lass, don't tell me you-"

"And we're here. Now goodbye, Foxy," the human says as he pulls Freddy away. Foxy growls as he dashes in front of them. They blink in surprise at his speed, he ignores it.

"You're going to put the lass into the Night Academy battles!?" Foxy cries. The human flinches and stays silent.

"Unless another anthro bonds with Mikey, I will have to. I'm his only anthro right now," Freddy explains. She gives him a hopeful smile.

"We are going to find someone else," the human turns to Freddy. Her lip trembles and her eyes turn watery.

"Please? Can you two at least try? For me?" she begs. Both men immediately cave.

When they approach the school Freddy knows Foxy tenses. The tall gates open and Mike drives them through. She decided to fill the awkward silence of the car by telling Foxy about the people she's met at the academy.

Mike returns the car to the school's garage. Freddy takes both of their hands and leads them to the golf cart. She's running out of things to say. Mike clutches her bags in his other hand. Freddy feels a flash of guilt for not carrying a bag herself. Before she can offer Mike squeezes her hand. She finds him smiling at her, she smiles back.

Instead of going back to the cabin like she thought, Mike takes them to Angel and Vanheim at their building. When they enter the office Freddy spies the sweets tray. She stops herself from grabbing one.

Mike starts to explain the situation to Vanheim, his arms hug Freddy close. She distantly listens to them talk and Foxy joins in. Papers are ruffled and questions asked.

Freddy isn't sure why papers are being brought out, don't Mikey and Foxy just need to bond? That should take care of everything.


The little bear sits up and focuses on Angel. "There's someone outside who wants to meet you. Do you want to meet them while these three finish up?"

Freddy looks at Mike and Foxy before following after Angel with a smile. They enter the next room on the left. Inside is a human woman, her back is straight and her hair in a tight bun on her head.

The woman's steely grey eyes stare at Freddy and the corners of her lips turn down.

"Freddy this is Madame Creen. She's a well known instructor for anything in entertainment. She can help you learn how to sing and dance," Angel explains.

"Don't be so sure. She's almost too old and I can already see her horrible posture," the women sniffs.

Freddy blinks in surprise. No one has been anything but nice to her since she woke up. Madam Creen is the first person to look at her like this.

This should be fun.

Hello all! I'm sorry this is incredibly late. Thanks to all of you who have been waiting patiently. Thanks for reading!