Sorry this took so long to update! I have recently published two new stories. This chapter we have dinner, and everyone is very curious about Maria and Sam's relationship. I'm trying to write better, so hopefully this chapter has fewer typos. Also, Peter and Aunt May will be in this chapter. Hopefully you've all seen homecoming!

Dinner had been served, and everyone was chatting at last somewhat comfortably. The tension had mostly left the atmosphere, and the table's occupants were at ease. Natasha cocked her head as she sipped a glass of wine, looking at Maria.

"So, Hill, how long have you and Sam been going out?"

Maria tried not to visibly choke on her drink. "Oh, uh, a month or so."

Pepper smiled happily at the harmless conversation. "I'm glad you two are happy. Lord knows you need someone to keep you from working until midnight, Maria."

Sam laughed. "And she runs with me in the mornings, since my old partner left me in the dust. It's a mutually beneficial relationship." Steve feigned offense as everyone laughed.

Clint smirked at Sam as he took a swig of beer. "If you're running in the mornings, Sam, you're doing something wrong." This caused an even louder bout of laughter and earned him a smack on the arm from Laura. "What? I'm being honest!"

"As much as you only beat me to it by a second, Barton, there are small people here," reminded Tony.

"I'm fifteen, Mr. Stark!" Peter protested.

"Don't worry, Peter. I was talking about those three," Tony explains, waving his fork at the small Bartons. Lila and Cooper are playing Tic Tac Toe on a napkin, oblivious. Nathan is laughing cheerfully in his mother's lap.

Natasha yawned, trying to mask it with another sip of wine. Pepper notices, and changes the subject again. "Well, I know we've all had a long day. I'll show everyone their suites, if you're all ready?"

A loud chorus of cheers follows this statement, and everyone rises, ready for bed.

I'm sorry. This took way too long. I really hope this chapter is good! Hopefully I'll update it soon... but probably not as soon as I'd like.