CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX: Home is the Feeling I Share with You

Odin awoke tangled in Elise's long hair. Several strands had found their way into his mouth and he swiped at them, trying to remove them gently without waking their owner. She must have been sleeping lightly, however, for her eyes fluttered open not long after his. "Morning," she said sleepily, seeing but not comprehending his struggle. "What are you doing?"

"Your hair is everywhere," Odin explained, sticking out his tongue and pulling a strand off of it. "I was apparently restless during the night and tried to eat it."

Elise blinked a few times and then laughed. "Sorry, sorry! It's always been a hassle! Usually I braid it before bed, but last night…" The memory of the night before swept over both of them and they traded conspiratorially embarrassed glances. Sitting up, Elise gathered her long locks and tossed them to her other side.

"Much better." Freed, he lay back on his pillow and reached for her under the covers. "I don't really feel like getting up."

"Me neither, but I'm hungry."

"What if you told the maids that you're sick today and had them bring you food? Then we could just stay here all day." He pulled her against his chest, burying his face in the crook of her neck. "Everyone deserves a day off now and again."

Elise giggled, squirming in his grip. "And how would you explain your absence?"

"I'll say I was called out to a secret mission known only to a privileged unnamed few. As long as I stay out of Milord's way and Niles keeps his flapping gums shut, it should be believable enough."

"I like it. What should we have the maids bring us?"

"Whatever it is, make sure they bring some of that clotted cream we had the other morning. I would hex both my cousins for—"

A knock at the door interrupted their conversation, but the knocker did not wait for an answer before swinging it open. Odin dived under the covers and Elise tried to rumple her sheets up to hide the suspiciously human-sized lump. Camilla strode into the room, already dressed and ready for the day. "Dear Elise," she cooed, approaching the bed. "Still abed? My, but castle life is making you lazy!"

Elise laughed, discomfort making her voice shrill. "You know me, Big Sis! Trying to get my beauty sleep so I can look like you!"

"You're beautiful enough just as you are, dear." Noticing the pallor of Elise's face, Camilla frowned. "I was coming in to give you an update on this whole silly Hoshidan marriage situation, but you seem a bit pale now that I look at you. Are you all right? Should I summon a healer?"

"Um, no need for that," Elise stammered, her legs beginning to sweat. "Probably just a little cold! I'll be fine, really."

Concern still knotting her brows together, Camilla moved to the other side of the bed and sat on it, reaching across to feel her sister's forehead. In doing so, she jostled the lump that was Odin and, feeling him, froze. Her concern melted to a smug knowing expression and she stood again, pulling her arm back. "Poor dear," she said, her voice supremely saccharine. "You really don't look well at all. I think rest and a good hearty breakfast would do you well. I'll have the maids bring you an extra large serving. How about it?"

Embarrassed rather than anxious now, Elise faked a small cough. "Well, you know what's best, Big Sis."

"It wouldn't do for Leo and Xander to fall ill at such an important time, so I'll make sure to keep them away until you're back to full strength." Camilla made for the door, then turned back to wink at her sister. "We'll talk later, dear. Do feel better."

When the door clicked closed behind her, Odin spoke from under the covers. "She knows, doesn't she?"

"She definitely knows," Elise replied. "But she's not mad. She's thrilled."

Odin shuffled around, poking his head out. "I can't tell which one will end up being worse."

"Hard to say," Elise agreed.

Camilla hummed as she absentmindedly dabbled her quill in the inkwell. Deep crimson ink sloshed over the sides of the small container and pooled at its filigree base, but Camilla chose to ignore the small mess for now. She pulled the quill out of the pot and poised it over a pile of papers, but another fit of chuckles overtook her and she dripped ink all over the papers instead of signing them. Clucking her tongue, she replaced the quill in the inkpot and reached for a blotting cloth.

Adulthood is really something, she thought, carefully blotting the ink spots. Adulthood…not that she'd known much of a childhood. Innocence…carefree days…these were crumbs of some scattered dream she'd awoken from long, long ago. Of all the siblings on her bloody family tree, she had only four left and she'd tried so hard to shelter them from the cruelty she knew: the kind of cruelty that changes you—takes your soul and makes you something disgusting. It was too late for Xander and Leo, and Corrin had been saddled with responsibilities out of Camilla's control.

But Elise…she'd always had hope for Elise. Tiny, fierce, starry-hearted Elise who'd never understood why her older siblings acted like they were broken beyond repair. She'd never understood that they acted like monsters because they were. Yanking children out of childhood arrests some sort of essential development of the soul. Camilla's childhood lay in pieces in the mausoleums of her dead siblings, so Elise could be a child as long as she wanted. Xander would push her to maturity, Leo was always there to teach her, but if she wanted to be a child forever, Camilla would accept her.

Xander said that she was doing Elise a disservice by treating her the way she did, but Camilla wouldn't be swayed on this point. Right and wrong…she'd let someone noble like Corrin deal with them. Life had muddled them together into an impossible knot in her mind and every time she thought she'd isolated one or the other she was always wrong. So she would braid her little sister's hair and take baths together and let her fall asleep on her lap until they both died of old age if that was what Elise wanted.

And now Elise was taking steps into adulthood of her own choosing—with her own power and not out of duty or coercion. This was…a good thing. Becoming a woman with responsibilities and priorities was proof that she was alive and unbroken. Elise was no monster. Camilla was so, so proud…and a little lonely. It wouldn't have been awful if she'd stayed a child for just…just a little longer, Camilla thought, laughing despite herself.

A knock sounded on the door of her study, and she bid the knocker enter. Selena stumbled into the room as quickly as someone in her state could and, flustered at seeing Camilla's face, hesitated a bit before speaking. "Were you crying, Milady?"

Was I? "No," Camilla said. "The low light in this room is hard on my eyes. You'll understand when you become an old woman like me."

Selena rolled her eyes, but switched over to the topic she'd come to discuss. "Have you seen Odin?"

"Can't say I have," Camilla replied, which was technically true. "Have you asked Leo?"

"I have, but he hasn't seen him today either." Selena bit her lip.

"Is your business with him urgent? I can try to help you hunt him down."

Selena's face brightened and she fished in her pocket for a sealed letter, which she placed in her liege's outstretched palm. "It's…time sensitive, yes. If you find him before I do, could you give him this letter? You'll know if I've found him because I'm going to knock a hole in his head for worrying me like this."

Camilla chuckled, closing her hand around the still-warm letter. "Motherhood is already agreeing with you, I think. You seem to have no lack of energy."

Selena made a face, her hand unconsciously drifting to her belly. "If you say so, Milady. I'll be continuing my search now."

"I'd rather you rested. I'll make sure he gets your letter."

Hand on the doorknob, Selena paused and then turned around to face her liege. "Thank you. For everything, I mean, not just the letter."

Camilla blinked, surprised by the sudden words. Her retainers were adorable, yes, but emotions were not their strengths. "What's this all about? Have you done something naughty you need forgiveness for or is this the pregnancy talking?"

"Both. Neither." Selena crossed her arms, a flush rising in her face. "Can't a girl express a little gratitude now and again?"

"Absolutely. Feel free to express it more often," Camilla teased, winking at her. "You know how I cherish you and Beruka. Why, if you were ever to leave me I'd hunt you down personally."

The flush drained from Selena's cheeks immediately. "Let's not go that far. If…if I ever left you …it'd be for a good reason and not because…because I didn't care for you. As an employer, of course."

Camilla narrowed her eyes as Selena slipped out the door. Something was unusual today. She'd need to watch her more closely in the future. But for now, there were piles of papers to be signed and so little time. After a look at the clock, she placed Odin's letter on her desk. She'd give him and Elise a little more time alone together.

"What a great day it's been," Elise yawned, stretching her arms over her head. A card escaped from her fingers and fluttered to the quilt near her feet. "I had no idea you were so bad at cards!"

"In my defense, your rules are nothing like how I was taught to play these games. I think you made some of them up." Odin flicked through his hand again. "Also, I had no idea you were such a cheater."

Elise laughed, dropping him a wink. "Cheating is a Nohrian tradition. We take a lot of pride in it."

Odin groaned. "So it's a cultural thing…I thought Milord and Niles were just scoundrels."

"Leo is the king cheater," Elise said seriously. "He really makes it an art. Most of the time I don't even realize he's doing it 'cuz he'll argue into thinking his way was the right way the whole time. I don't even know the rules for Spades anymore! Once I tried to play with Xander and I asked him how anyone could win when the first rule was that Leo always wins. He said that wasn't a real rule and I've been confused ever since."

"That's…" Odin shook his head. "Do you want me to teach you the Ylissean rules?"

"Can I still cheat?"

Odin squinted at her. "No!" This woman.

"Fine…" Elise huffed and slid off the bed. "I'm going to go to the washroom. You shuffle and deal the cards while I'm gone." She stuck her feet in her slippers and slapped her cheeks a bit to pink them up as if she had a fever in case she chanced upon one of her brothers in the hallway. When she got to the door, she paused and knelt down. "Hey, there's a letter here addressed to you!"

"To me?" Odin set the cards down and walked over to her. "You and Camilla are the only ones who know I'm here." He took the letter and, seeing the blank seal on the back, turned it over. "This is Selena's handwriting."

"Well, open it."

Odin slid his nail under the seal, breaking it, and unfolded the letter. "Could we light a lamp? It's getting dark already," he groused. When Elise did as requested, he held the letter to the light. His eyes grew wider and wider with each line. As soon as he finished it, he turned to look out the window. "What time is it?"

"I dunno. Probably close to seventeen o'clock," Elise replied, noting where the shadows were hitting her bedroom floor. "Why?"

"We have to go. Now."

"What? Why?"

Odin grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the window. "I'll explain on the way. Um…here, put some clothes on." He picked up one of her training shifts and tossed it to her. "Where are my sandals?"

Elise scrambled into her clothes, watching Odin with troubled eyes. "Um…here's one of them! And…oh, there's the other one!"

When they were presentable, Odin swung open the window and looked down. "Do you think you could get on my back?"

"You're gonna carry my down the tree?" Elise asked, incredulous. "Can you do that?"

"It's that or throw you out and hope for the best. Take your pick."

Pressing her lips together, Elise considered the situation, then dragged a chair over to assist her in climbing onto Odin's back. Legs and arms wrapped firmly around him, she swallowed hard. "Okay, I'm ready. Don't drop me."

"Never! Hold on tight!" Odin patted her leg, then climbed out onto her balcony.

"Where is he?" Selena muttered, alternating looking up at the sky and down at the enchanted dragon scale in her hand. "Lady Camilla told me she'd found him and I'd put very specific directions to where we'd be in the letter. Even he's not a big enough idiot to screw this up."

"Take a few deep breaths," Laslow suggested, trying to calm Selena and his own racing heart at the same time. "He'll be here."

Selena stopped and breathed slowly for a moment, then cracked her eyes open. "It didn't work. He's still not here. Do you see this?" She shoved the scale in his face. "Minutes left. Not hours. Minutes. We don't know how long the portal will stay once it opens."

Laslow watched the numbers tick down for a bit, then slid his eyes over to Selena's. "Have you...considered what we'd do if he didn't make it? Or…if he chose to stay?"

"Not an option," Selena snapped, looking away. "We're going home together. We left together, we'll return together."

Biting his lip, Laslow spoke softly. "We have to understand that Elise is a very real part of his life now."

"So we'll bring Princess Puff with us. Lissa would be thrilled."

"She might not want to come with us."

"If she really loves Owain, she'll suck it up and come anyway."

Laslow shook his head. "That's not…I mean, you could say the same for him, couldn't you?"

"No. No, you couldn't." Selena crossed her arms defensively. "You, Owain, and I have fought across time and multiple dimensions to even have a home to go back to. Don't forget what Anankos promised us in exchange for fighting this whole stupid war on this stupid continent. We're owed calm, peaceful lives with our families. We've earned it."

"We've earned the choice, sure—"

"Think of what he'd be giving up if he stayed. He'd never see his mother and father again, or Lucina, or your parents, or our child when it's born… He'd never get to lay flowers on Cherche and Cynthia's graves. He'd never get to celebrate the harvest festival in Ylisstol again, or see the snow lights in Regna Ferox, or hear Brady play the violin at court, or smell the first bloom of the wildflowers on the Plegian border…" She shook her head, tears building in her eyes. "He can't give all that up for one woman. He can't."

Laslow opened his arms, taking her into them and stroking her hair. "For one woman you say…but I would give every single one of those up for you."

Selena pulled back to look at him, her mouth agape. "That's…that's different and…"

At that moment, the scrub rustled and Odin and Elise came barreling into the tiny clearing. "We…hah…we made it!" Elise cheered upon seeing Selena and Laslow.

"You IDIOT," Selena exploded, marching over and tweaking Odin's ear. "Look at this countdown! Two minutes later and you'd have missed it! Do you enjoy giving me a stomachache?"

"Augh—ow! Sorry, sorry! Just let go!" Odin reached up to massage the ear she'd ravaged. "I had to grab something from my quarters."

Finally looking down at the pouch in his hand, Selena scoffed. "Is that all you're bringing? Not even a change of clothes? What if they gave us all up for dead and threw our things out?"

Odin shook his head. "Severa, listen—"

"And what is happening with your hair right now? This is how you're going to greet your mother after all this time?"


Selena talked over him, her words pressured now. "Don't even get me started on how you smell right now. Honestly…"

"Severa." Odin grabbed her shoulders and looked into her eyes. "I'm not going with you."

Selena's eyes flitted back and forth frantically between Odin's. "You don't mean that," she said harshly.

"I do."

"Bring her with us," Selena said, jerking her chin at Elise, who was standing a few feet away, anguish on her face.

Odin shook his head. "I can't."

"Don't you want to see our child? Sakura says—says it's a girl…" Selena put her hand on her belly, her pleading eyes afire.

Odin hesitated before nodding. "I do…I really do. But…the timing can't be helped."

A flash of light, and the portal opened behind Selena. Brilliant gold magic swirled in its center, beckoning them to enter. Selena glanced down at the scale, which had reset its countdown. Three minutes. She looked back at Odin and, seeing no sign of backing down in his eyes, her face crumpled. "Then…then I'll stay too…!" She choked out, tears finally escaping her eyes. "The three of us have always been together, no matter what!"

Laslow looked at her in alarm, and Odin shook his head again, more firmly. "No. You have to go home. It's where you belong. You've always been waiting to go home but…there's nothing there for me."

"Nothing except us!" Selena cried. "And your family! Or are we worth so little?"

Odin reached out, hugging her as fiercely as he could. "You know that's not how it is. That's not how it is at all. We may not be related, but you'll always be my sister—and I love you like one. And I'll miss you so, so much."

Selena clung to him. "I…ugh…I love you that way too even if…but this isn't…" She gritted her teeth. "I'll stay."

Odin kissed her on the forehead. "You'd regret it, we both know that. Even so…that means a lot to me." He pulled back to look her in the eyes. "Thanks for everything, Severa." With that, he gently but firmly pushed her through the portal at her back.

Keeping an eye on the time ticking down on Anankos' scale, Laslow stepped forward and took Odin's right hand in his own. "Be well, Owain." he said after a moment, his own emotions threatening to betray him. "Maybe we'll see each other again."

"Who knows?" Odin replied, squeezing his hand. "The world is strange and full of dragons. Be well, Inigo."

After another attempt at a smile, Laslow ducked through the portal himself and disappeared from view. Odin picked up the dragon scale and watched the time tick away until it hit zero and the portal disappeared with a sound like an autumn wind.

Elise slowly approached him, bringing the lantern with her to illuminate the now dark forest. She dawdled for a moment, then wrapped her arms around his waist from behind. "I'm…I'm so glad you stayed…!" Odin patted her arms, not wanting to show her his face yet. She understood, burying her own face in the space between his shoulder blades. After a while, she spoke again. "Owain…that's your real name, isn't it?"

Odin finally turned around, hugging her properly. "Not anymore," he replied. Ignoring the brambles in her hair, he laid his cheek on her head and breathed deeply. "Let's go home."

Odin should have been like THIS IS FOR CYNTHIA when he pushed Severa through the portal since she yeeted Cynthia in chapter 10.

This is the end of the story proper, though there will be an epilogue at some point. I hope you've enjoyed this ride—I've certainly enjoyed writing it—and maybe we'll see each other again in the future!

Btw I finished the Golden Deer route finally (first route finished—my life is super busy…) and now I'm starting on Blue Lions. Can't wait for the DEPRESSION KING lol

Marrying Claude was…a bit disappointing…?

ShinnyPichu88: You shut your mouth about my child Hilda

flashyhero: Yes and I am an addict

LoveGlutton: I mean, I guess she could have just told her that they were in love and gonna get the maaaaaaaaaarried but yeah…if she'd told her about their sexcapades Olivia probably would have just killed herself and saved Selena the trouble

The Greatest of the Short Ones: I'm weeping actual salty tears right now. Thank you so much for caring enough to take the time to write that amazing review. I'm so happy that we were able to connect over these ridiculous characters and their ridiculous lives! I definitely agree that my Achilles' heel is doing far too much 'telling' and not enough 'showing'…but I'm working on it and you encourage me to do even better! I hope that the end of this story and the upcoming epilogue satisfies you. I actually do try to hear the characters' voice actors saying the lines as I write them haha…it keeps them in character. And the secret to writing Odin is to really let out your inner chuunibyou—we all have one. Thanks again! I can't write enough exclamation points to show my gratitude…