AN: Hey all! So it occurred to me, just now at 1:50 AM, that as of right in the Jigoku Shoujo universe, we still have no clue as to who or what Ai's grandma is, or what her origins may be. Or even what her connection is to Ai.

Because this oversight and wasted plot potential, I thought I may as well take a shot at it.

Like my other fanfic, Loving Hate (shameless plug, go check it out, it's on-going) this story will be told in loosely connected drabbles and chapters.

As always, feedback/reviews/ and constructive criticism are deeply appreciated and valued!

Okay, enough chatter, let's start this new journey!

~A Spinners Wheel~


If she had to pick one word to describe all her millennia's of existence, it would most certainly be that.

Round, and round, and round, and round…..

A never ending cycle

Was that fact, of continuation, of ever turning wheels; was it a blessing or a curse?

Who's to say…

Such is the way of fate.

But fate has always been a demanding mistress, and not one that she; the spinner of it, has much patience for.

So compliant, so quick to accept the unacceptable; if she was to define humanity, that would be a great start.

"Shoganai" and all of that….

It disturbs her; that even her granddaughter has succumbed to that frame of mine.

And it disgusts her that the very thought following, was the very one she detests most.


She clenches her fists her so slightly, on the cloth she is currently spinning.

A sigh

It can't be helped…

AN: I know, it's a big pile of nothing right now, but stick with me; hopefully I can spin this into something! (Did you see what I did up there? He!)

Shoganai: A phrase used often in Japanese culture and society, translating to "it can't be helped"

An important phrase to know, when looking into Japanese culture and ways in which people go about the world and how they see their place in that society.

Until next time!

Mia ^~^