*Discreetly slides this in ignoring the others demanding my attention*
Oh! Hi! Enjoy!
*runs away*
Growing up in a small town that consist of 4 family farms that provide fresh vegetables, fruit, dairy and meat to the local grosser and butcher had its own drama. There is a small suburban era near the town hall full of the people that proved different kinds of service and a school for the kids from pre-school till high school. A small town indeed called Arendelle, population 740. It can get boring after a while.
I've lived here my entire life and let me tell you 18 years is a lot. My family is one of the four founders, hence the four farms. We farmed the meat; pig, cow, chicken. The usual you know? Then there's the fruit farm, vegetable farm and dairy farm. My family and the dairy family get along pretty well. We exchanged cows a lot. My best friend lives there. She's also the badass in town. A badass with glasses. She's an enigma really. Me? I was constantly confused for a guy. Probably from wearing ripped jeans and flannel shirts, combat boots, you know? Sometimes I'd go to school directly after doing my morning chores, so I was left with a t-shirt and jeans, all sweaty and dirty. My hair was short in the back the rest gelled back just enough not to be in my face, I always looked bored, uninterested. I drove a truck and my friend drove a bike when we weren't carpooling. She wore these rocker type cloths. Today she looked more punk.
Me? I was in my regular faded ripped jeans with my steal toed black combat boots my plain blue t-shirt with a red flannel jacket that had a grey hood. My sleeves were rolled up as to show my masculine arms from wrangling sheep. Because I worked out a lot on the farm and only ate big meals at night with the family I hardly had breasts, because we all know that breasts are only strategically placed fat. Don't get me wrong I enjoy all the attention I get from the girls, but I really just wanted the attention of one girl. And she seemed to be some of the few that weren't interested; part I think is because her family is the ones taking care of the fruit farm. Our families never got along due to unresolved issues back when the town was first founded.
"Hey, Els snap out of it!" My friend snapped her fingers in front of my eyes. I blinked and looked to my eccentric friend, Rapunzel, or Punzy like I call her. She rolled her eyes at me while pushing her glasses up her nose. "Don't turn those misty eyes on me that all these brain dead girls miss read as disinterest," she scowled while puffing up her cheeks. I chuckled throatily and took a bite out of my apple. The soothing crunch of my teeth piercing it and the feel of its juices dribbling down my chin made the nearby girls swoon. I wink to my groupies as Punzy rolls her eyes.
"If you keep doing that it'll get stuck that way," I warned her and she stuck out her tongue at me. I contemplate licking the apple juice away or just wiping it, but by the way my groupies were watching me with a glint in their eyes I put on a show by slowly running my tongue over my chin. Punzy chocked on her coffee as one fainted and another spoke 'What I would let that tongue do to me,' a little loudly. I chuckled.
"Remind me again why you don't tell them you're a female?" Punzy whispered and I looked to her dragging my eyes away from my groupies.
"I never told them I wasn't, they never asked, I aint hiding shit," I reminded her and she nodded.
"You know, you're like an anime character," Punzy smiled.
"Yea, where guys look like girls and girls look like guys," I said and ate the rest of my apple. That was one damn good apple.
"Apples the new obsession of the week?" Punzy asked as I fished out another.
"What can I say? I love me some apples when its cider season," I give Punzy my signature lazy half smile.
"Put that thing away I am not one of your groupies," Punzy growled smacking my arm. I spit out an apple seed at her and she laughed. We look up as the bell rings then stand.
"Aight, see you after school Punzy," I said and threw my apple cores away. My next class was Maths. I hate maths. Taking a seat at the back by the window the class slowly fills. If you call a minimum of 15 kids in a grade a full class. I taped my foot as I rolled my pencil between my fingers while watching out the window. It was a nice sunny day in Arendelle. I couldn't wait for the cider festival to start. It's the only time I enjoyed getting tipsy.
A few birds flew by and a small one dropped just to be swooped up by a bigger one. I smiled. Parents are the best and I loved mine.
"Watch out Els, people might mistake you for someone with feelings," I turn my head to look at Eugene, a guy with dark hair and eyes and a stubbly beard. He was a nice guy, worked at the butcher shop that Id sometimes go to restock them with meat.
He knew I was female, in truth a lot of people did, it's just new comers and the younger teenagers that thought I was a guy. Eugene has been in love with Punzy for three years now, but he is a really shy guy and I've been trying my best to get her to see him. Poor guy, I really wane help him. The teacher clears her throat and we return our attention back to the class. Our teacher was a pretty young thing, new to the town, got here last month. Adorably innocent, fresh out of college. My mouth nearly watered.
I blink as a piece of paper was thrown against my head and landed on my desk. I opened it and the words 'stop staring you pervy vampire' written on it. I looked around, but no one was paying attention to me. It wasn't Eugene, because he would have said it directly to my face and the hand writing was distinctly feminine. I get why this person called me a vampire, because I eat a lot of meat, seeing as I live on a meat farm, my teeth were sharper than normal, specially my canines.
Folding the piece of paper up into an airplane absentmindedly, I stared out of the window again. I didn't like doing what paper told me to, but I'll give this paper the benefit of the doubt. When class was done I had to duck into the seniors locker rooms to avoid my groupies. Sometimes I wondered if I was stuck in an anime. I let out a breath just to have my eyes bulge almost out of my scull at seeing the object, uh person, of my affection half-dressed into gym cloths sporting the same deer caught in headlights look. A heart beat later she threw me with her duffle bag and was yelling at me, calling me a pervert and such. I apologised profusely as I scurried out of there as other girls started to enter. It took me about 2 minutes to realise I had gym as well. I contemplated going back in for three more heartbeats before deciding 'what the hell' and entered again. Most were already out the back door to the courts outside. I dressed into some lose shorts and a t-shirt sporting our schools logo on white shirts with blue shorts. Running a hand through my gel infused hair I step out into the bright sun. Today we're playing tennis for marks. Tennis is cool. The first two to go against one another are twin sisters. The schools best team up for tennis. They were good. Evenly matched. I can see why they're so good.
Next up was me against my crush. Taking up a wide stance I watch as she threw the ball up, looking like a butterfly, before sending the ball tumbling towards me. I hit it right back and we played back and forth for about 5 minutes till I wacked it back to her with a back hand after a 180 turn. She dived to get it, but missed it by about an inch. She dropped harshly to the ground and I cringed. Why do I feel like a monster?
"Coach I'll take her to the infirmary, my fault anyway," I told our PE teacher as I made my way to Summers. I picked her up effortlessly. Hey, I carried my fair share of newly born calves and some are not light.
"I can walk you know? I just scraped my knees and palms," she almost growls and I ignore her. I can see two of my 5 groupies press their faces against their class window as I carried Summers into the school building. Her name was Annabelle, Anna to everyone else.
Huh, Annabelle, like that creepy doll.
"Why are you frowning?" I looked down into her bright teal eyes. She looked so innocent with her innocent eyes and lushes auburn hair framing her delicate face.
Damn I had it baaaaad.
"I wasn't aware you had emotions," she whispered.
"There are a lot of things people aren't aware of me," I whispered back before entering the infirmary.
"Hey Miss Heart, I have a patient for you," I smiled as I placed Anna on the bed.
"Elsa! Swooping another girl in here are you? If you keep this up people will talk," the middle age woman chuckles.
"Don't they talk already?" I asked with a smirk. She giggled and swats my arm playfully.
"Na, this one was entirely my fault, played tennis for PE, got a bit too competitive and ended up hurting the fair Anna here," I said placing my hands behind my back like a soldier at ease. Anna crosses her arms over her chest and pouts.
"First you treat me like I am incapable of walking and now like I can't speak for myself," she grumbles and the nurse ruffles her hair.
"Calm down Anna and be glad Elsa brought you in, after lunch I had a girl in here that had fainted because of her," the nurse chuckles and I look to the side.
"All I did was enjoy my apples," I defend myself.
"You know there is such a thing as too much apples right?" Anna asks and I nod.
"Yes I do, a cup full of their seeds is enough to make cyanide," I answered.
"I'll keep that in mind next time I say 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' then," the nurse chimed.
"It should be 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away but too much and in the grave you will stay' right?" I asked and the nurse giggled.
"Still a rhymer I see," she giggles as she checks Anna's scrapes.
"Working on your cider gut already?" Miss Heart asked and I nodded.
"Cider season is on its way and I wane be prepared to drink a lot of cider at the festival, this year I'm gonna win that drinking contest," I boasted proudly.
"I'd be worried if I didn't know you could handle your alcohol intake," the nurse said as she finished disinfecting the scrapes.
"All you have to do is drink 2 glasses of water for every glass cider," I smiled. Anna looked at me with wonderment, but she looked away when she caught me catching her.
"I'll be on my way Miss Heart, Anna," I said with a nod before dipping out of the nurses room. I made my way back to the locker rooms and took a shower. It was nice and warm, but I didn't shower too long seeing as the others needed warm water too. After the shower I got dressed and went to sit outside on the roof of my truck. I ate another apple as I waited for school to end. Sure enough the bell rang as I finished my apple. Punzy jogged up to me and jumped up into the back of my truck.
"Groupies coming at 12 we have approximately 3 minutes to get out of here!" Punzy hollered at me and my eye widened. Chucking my apple core to the trees I swing into my truck through the open window as Punzy jumps onto her bike. We screech out of the parking lot just as my groupies scurry out of school. Punzy laughs loudly as she speeds past me.
One day I will buy that girl a helmet I swear.
I hope ya'll like this!
I have a few chapters done for this and only cause it's a different story I had made when in school, just changing a few things so almost everyone will be a little OOC.
As always updates are once a week unless stated other wise.