I don't own Highschool DXD or Overlord

Sorry for me removing chapter 4 its just that I had kinda incomplete set up, so I decided to add some more background. Eventually, I will put a revised chapter 4 back, so thank you for your understanding.

Chapter 4.1: the meeting

? location

The darkness was everything that our young Pervert could see. "Where am I ?' Issei though as he continued to peer into the darkness trying to figure out where is he.

But before he could even notice a sword was being pointed towards Issei neck. "what the HELL!" the Pervert yell out as he felt the cold hard stell touching his skin

"*sigh* to think the current wielder of the tome of Nazarick would be this defenseless "Issei than turn around and saw a man covered from head to toe in shining white armor with a helm that has a colossal sapphire embedded in the middle of his chest, radiating with pure and divine light. The man is also adorned with a reddish cape attached around his left shoulder.

"who are you?!" the Pervert clearly said with fear in his eyes.

"hahaha sorry for scaring you Issei Hyodou. I was just testing my cute Kohai." The knightly person than sheeted his sword and snapped his fingers. Which chase away the darkness and its place an armory full of silver and holy attributed weapons appeared. All neatly organized based on raw power, sharpness, and critical rate.

"wow, these weapons are awesome." The Pervert commented as he saw just how cool each weapon looked.

"hahahahaha, you have good taste if like the weapons within my collection." The paladin clearly amused by Issei reaction pulled out a dull red short sword with a green jewel embedded in the hilt. With the holder engraved with the portrait of a majestic dragonfly and gave it to the Pervert.

"what is this?"

"this is a give and an apology for you scaring you Issei Hyodou." The knight than remove his helmet and an elderly man with hair and immaculate beard entirely white. He has visible wrinkles on his hollow face, which makes him seem gentle in appearance, but his eyes are as sharp as an eagle's.

"wow, you look so cool! But since you know who I am, who are you?"

"hahaha, I like you more and more Issei. But forgive me for not introducing myself. My name is Touch me the Paladin of Pure Silver and one of the past owner of the tome of Nazarick." Wich made Issei raised an eyebrow.

"ehhhh do you want me to touch you or something?"

"*sigh* I know you are going to comment on that. And no I don't, its just my name and don't you have anything else to ask about me?"

With a -_- face Issei continued talking, "okay then what do you mean by the previous wielder of the tome of Nazarick?"

"its like what it impels Issei, just like you I once wielded the tome and came here to give you a warning and a little help."

"with what?" Issei asks with a bit of confusion plastered in his face.

"well, you see this is something that Ainz exclude to mention about the fate of wielding the tome, as he believes that each user should live their life's freely to their own accords and not fallow some destiny forge long ago."

"which is?"

"the fact that you and the other four riders of the apocalypse will decide of the end of the world will happen." The paladin said while sighing.

O_O was the face Issei made after hearing the paladins explanation "what!"

"calm down Issei, before we continue, I have a question for you. Do you want to see this world burn? "Issei gulp as he could feel the daggers being stared at him by the paladin.

"no, I don't! I love this world and very grateful for it. Sure there were some hiccups along the way, but I don't want to see it be destroyed." the Pervert shakes his head furiously.

With that, the paladin smiles "good looks like even now there is still hope for this world. I am glad the current wielder isn't full of hate and despair. "

"you mean there were that hated this world."

The paladin made a sad smile "yes unfortunately out the past 41 owners, ten of them wish for the apocalypse. Not that I blame them as they had a very shitty life."

Curiosity got the better of Issei, so he asks, "what happen?"

"*sigh* they were all victims of just how cruel the world could be." The paladin than showed several videos depicting summaries of their fates. One of them was abandoned during childhood at the first signs of manifesting the tome and was branded a witch and demons. Another was betrayed out of fear of the power they held. But the most common reason was because of the deeds of godly beings. Where most of them just played with human life as if they were just toys. And destroying them would also mean the destruction of a phantom and the realms they control.

"Wow, that kind of heavy no wonder they wanted to destroy everything." The Pervert commented as he doesn't know how to react.

"indeed it was boy, that is why I am giving this sword. The swords of the Insect King. Which can give you insect-like reflexes and the ability to communicate with bugs."

"so basically I became spider-man/ant-man with this sword."

"yup that correct."

"well that's kind of cool but can't you give me a different kind of sword with a much cooler power." And just as Issei finished that sentence, he was bonk on the head by sir Touch me.

"You really are a brat you now. You are getting your powers for free and still have the nerve to complain. really youngster these days." Issei was rubbing his head out of sheer pain during the knight lecture.

"ow ow alright- alright sorry about that, but why are you giving me this?"

"it's because of your current level, you are weak, and there are plenty of bad people that would like to take advantage of your powers. The best you can do right now is to run away, and that sword will help" the reason that Touch me gave was kind of disheartening towards Issei. But he has to accept it, as besides casting spells as a distance the Pervert has no combat training. Running away while letting his servants engage in close combat is the best way he could survive. But still, it was kinds frustrating for Issei.

"by the way mister Touch me can you tell me more about your self." To this Touch me smiled and began to talk about himself. And from his stories, Issei concludes that Touch Me is a very righteous and fair person. He is willing to go out of his way of helping people in times of trouble without hesitation and befriended them afterward. He will also scold people if they have done something terrible or wrong. Touch Me has a strong sense of justice, which he follows by and upholds spiritually. He is also a very straightforward person, the kind who was very direct in his words and deeds. In short, he is somebody that would fit into a slot reserve for a typical protagonist of a shonen story.

The type that Issei likes and get pump and begins to wonder if he is willing to train him in the art of combat. Sure it's a long shot, but it was probably worth it right. "mister Touch me can I ask you to train me."

To this, the paladin just sighs "sorry Issei it is impossible for me to teach you. As I am only a partial soul left behind within the tome of Nazarick. A ghost from the past, I can only point you in the right direction and give some cheat powers, but to help you grow only those that exist in the now can do that. And besides, you could always ask shalltear to teach you. She may not look it, but she is one of the top two warriors within the Tomb Of Nazarick."

Issei jaw drops as he heard that statement, "you mean that thirsty girl and cute."

"ohh yes don't be fool by her looks her power level should on par with a demon lord general


"Okay, I will take your word for it." Issei took the paladins to work with a bit of skepticism as the idea of that cute vampire being that powerful was kind of hard to swallow.

"I sense some doubt in you Issei, but oh well you will see her strength the moment you return back to the physical world. "

"what do-" before the young brunet could finish, he was suddenly pullback to the café.


After his short and refreshing nap Issei same something unpleasant within the air. It was the scent of iron, the smell of blood. He then notice that the café was in a mess. With broken tables and chairs around him, all except the ones that the Pervert was using. Panic began to sip into Issei mind. Then he heard Shalltear Bloodfallen lovely voice.

"Oh, master, you have awoken." Issei than turn to see Shalltear covered in the blood.

"Shalltear what happen here?! And why are covered in blood!" the Master asks as he began to panic internally.

"Oh, this Master, you don't have to worry. there were just some bugs that insulted you that's all." The vampires said with a smile that sent chills down that master spine.

"explain Shalltear."

"oh very well Master, you see there was these annoying yokai, I believe they were called Tengu. that barge into this café and demanded that you and I come with them for questioning. "

"and then."

"well, I weighted my options and decided the best course of action that would satisfy your kind nature would be to go with them." This brought a smile to Issei face.

"but then those rotten birds began to insult you. When I came out with a cover story of us being a couple. They said 'you could do much better than this loser' and they dared to laugh at you." at this moment Shalltear eyes began to grow red and she shakes with anger. "not only that they dared to wake you up from your peaceful slumber. That was the last straw, and I made sure that those dirty flies were punihed accordingly."

"hence the destruction of this building," Issei said as he was internally crying while gaining a satisfied smile from the vampire.

"by the way, Shalltear where are the body's?" to this his servant pointed towards the corner. And to Issei horrors he saw four mummified corpses of a humanoid being with all the moisture in its body had evaporated, the skin of theses Tengu grew dry and cracked as all of their feathers have fallen off. At the tip of its hands were sharp claws. A crimson red light, much like those belonging to a vampire, glowed in its empty eye sockets. It also has razor sharp canines gleamed within its half-opened mouth.

"a fitting punishment don't you think master, now they will obediently follow your orders for the rest of eternity." after hearing this proud moment of Shalltear punishment. Issei was starting to panic and was about to scream at the vampire. But was stopped by some force as suddenly all of the anxiety, fear, and anger evaporated from his system.

"well I guess that is okay, but Shalltear next time something like this happens again just wake me up okay." This work shocked our little Pervert. As he was okay in what Shalltear has done here. 'what is going on here?'

"very well my lord next time I shall follow your commands."

"good, then shall we now find a place to sleep for ourselves tonight, Shalltear."

"yes Master, you lot! Go into the portal until you are summoned." And with the vampires command the lesser ones move into the portal that she has prepared. "sorry for the waiting master now let's go and conquer a place to sleep!"

Issei facepalms "no conquering or any act of violence, enough blood has been spilled tonight. "

Well, I hope you guys enjoy this revised chapter.