Gipsy Danger. What movie is this giant robot in?

Seriously, no reviews.

Sorry that I took this long to get out a chapter. But I do have a life you know.

This chapter, Dana now gets thrown into a cell to be gawked at by sexually frustrated soldiers.


Disclaimer: I do not own Prototype or Metal Gear Solid

"I was made for this," - Speech

"I was made for this," - Radio/Comms

"I was made for this," - Telepathy/Hive mind

"I was made for this," - Memories

"I was made for this," - Thoughts

Big Boss was quite an interesting individual. Even after Dana had shown that she was able to cloak herself, hide in his helicopter for four hours without him noticing anything, and then hit the pilot of a jet with only a sniper rifle, there was no sign of hostility towards her. All he did was sit there on the seat, fiddling with that holographic device of his, and occasionally take a glance at her. He didn't seem to be suspicious of her, and almost seemed to trust her, which was surprising given that Dana's first greeting to him was a pistol and the second one was a bullet.

Dana honestly didn't know what she thought of him. One part of her wanted to kill him while the other didn't. It was weird. She supposed this is what Alex felt when Cross was revealed to be his contact.

Finally Big Boss looked up at her. "Don't talk much do you?" he asked. Dana shook her head. He chuckled. "Well, that's fine. Got any family?" he suddenly asked. Dana hesitated, then slowly nodded. Alex and Pariah weren't technically her brothers, the real Alex Mercer had actually died back in Manhattan and Pariah and her didn't have the same parents, but she still considered them her brothers.

"As far as I know, I don't have any family," Big Boss said. "My mother and father died some time back and I never got around to getting a wife." Now that he mentioned it, Dana wondered if she was even going to get married, especially in her current state. Maybe Pariah and Alex could create something to completely fix her body, but how they would do that without turning her into an infected she didn't know. It was proven that she had a resistance to Blacklight and Redlight, but how far it went was anybody's guess, and no one really wanted to test it. Though technically she was already a Blacklight infected, considering that she and Alex had discovered she a slight connection to the Blacklight hive mind, likely built up from all the exposure she had to Blacklight.

But that train of thought also brought something else to her attention. Since she had that connection to the hive mind, Alex and Pariah would eventually be able to find her. She didn't want that yet, considering Alex would quite likely slaughter everybody at Big Boss's base, including the legendary soldier himself. She would need to suppress it.

Dana sighed


The pilot pushed a few buttons and flicked a switch on the top of the cockpit as large form of Mother Base came into view. It was much bigger than Dana had imagined (THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID. I'm sorry). She had been expecting a ragtag group of soldiers with maybe one or two platforms, but not this hulking monstrosity. If she ever did try and kill Big Boss, she wasn't sure she would be able to make it out alive, leaving the only the vocal cord parasites, which would also likely kill her. She also didn't want any bystanders to be killed if she could help it.

She heard the buzzing of a helicopter coming the right, and then from the left. Pretty big welcoming party, she thought. Big Boss got up from his, but then was stopped by a laser sight pointed at his chest. They would so willingly kill their boss just to kill me? She didn't like them already.

Dana got up from her seat to looked at the helicopter on the left, and was surprised to see that the door mounted minigun was pointed straight at her. Shit. An arm moved in front of her. It was Big Boss's. Is he trying to protect me? she thought. Nothing here made sense. Dana had just tried to kill him, and here he was, trying to protect her. The metal structure of a platform came into view and the helicopter peeled away and then a bunch of armed soldiers on a helipad, their weapons aimed at the helicopter. Then they disappeared, and then more soldiers in slick black body suits with red berets came into view next to a helipad, their weapons thankfully pointed down. Among them was a man with a crutch and a long trench coat, and a man with revolvers at his hips and cowboy boots. Crutch said, "No way she's setting foot on this base."

Big Boss an open hand out to her, and she sat back down on the seats, now no longer able to see what was going on outside. Crutch shouted to Big Boss, "Boss, she's with Cipher."

Fuck it.

As Big Boss moved to sit back in his seat, Dana moved to the open door, looked at Big Boss, and jumped out. She fell down, easily controlling her descent, and then cloaked herself halfway through. Dana landed on the metal platform, creating a small shockwave that drew the attention of everyone present, uncloaked herself and made a big show of phasing her hands out of her cuffs. It was during moments like these that Dana wanted to shout SUCK MY DICK, but she couldn't, and even if she could, she didn't have one.

She stood up, and someone shouted, "Contact! Move, move!" No shit there's contact. The red berets surrounded her with their weapons raised. She could see the fear in their eyes, and she didn't like it. Dana didn't want to be feared, only respected. She was still human, it was just that she was superhuman.

A stray thought flew through her head. If they feared her, then how would they react to Alex, hell, even Pariah? The kid may not be as dangerous as Alex in combat, but he could still be very fucking scary.

Dana cloaked herself, and the soldiers murmured to themselves and lower their weapons slightly as she disappeared from sight. Dana watched them for a moment and slid about 5 meters to her right.

Cowboy came forward and looked around before shouting, "Thermals!" He's good.

Three men came forward and slid goggles over and searched the platform for Dana before surrounding her. She uncloaked. The red berets moved to her new position and surrounded her. As they were moving, Cowboy came over and said, "Seize her."

Crutch came over and said, "Fire!"

A thermal goggle soldier raised his rifle, but Cowboy put his hand on his arm and said, "Miller. She saved the Boss."

Crutch, apparently named Miller, replied, "She was saving herself," and smacked the same thermal goggle soldier on the arm and said, "Fire." For fuck's sake people, make up your goddamn minds. Do you want to shoot me or not?

Fortunately, Big Boss cut in. "Put her in the cells," he said as he came forward and pushed the soldiers rifles down.

"Boss," said Miller incredulously.

Big Boss ignored him. "Keep an eye on her," he said, speaking to Cowboy.

Cowboy nodded. "Right," he said. "Take her away." The soldiers gestured towards Dana to move, but she didn't move a muscle. "What are you waiting for? Move!" said Cowboy, a bit more forcefully. Dana still didn't budge. She felt a hand be placed on her shoulder and turned to see that it was Big Boss's. She sighed, turned around and walked away.


With her unique situation, Dana didn't mind her cell. She was open to the sun and rain, and she could slip out whenever she wanted to, granted that no one noticed her disappearance. But still, who the fuck would put a goddamn toilet in an open fucking cell?

However, Dana found herself quickly growing, even with the boombox in the corner of her cell and her bag full of music tapes. She really had nothing to do.

The only two things that were interesting was her medical check up, where some asshat had tried to put a jacket on her. She broke his arm.

The other thing was Big Boss's visits to her. They talked, or as close as you could get to talking considering she couldn't speak. But it was still wasn't bad at all. He would tell her stories, things that happened around the base and on his missions, and sometimes he would ask her question, to which she would nod or shake her head.

Another added bonus of that was that the soldiers above didn't openly stare at her or catcall her. Yay for small victories she guessed.

But fuck, she was bored. Hell, even getting her assed kicked by Alex or Cross was better than this.

She heard someone climb down the steps and looked up to see Cowboy, who was call Ocelot from what she could gather from the conversations of the soldiers outside her cell.

He held his hands up. "Look," he said, "Big Boss is coming down here to talk about your unique situation. Just thought I'd give you a bit of warning."

Dana nodded and lied back on her 'bed'. It was more like someone put a shitty mattress on a fucking table.

Look, if I ever say something about future chapters, disregard it. It's probably wrong.


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