Disclaimer – I don't own Voltron: Legendary Defender. This is for the first Kallura month prompt for 2017. Keith's autistic, Shiro's brother, Ryo's twin, and while he things he's part Galra, he's actually part Altean. The original plan for 'Moon Princess' wasn't to have flashbacks to the relationship between Keith's parents, but I found the story didn't flow right.

Moon Princess
Tenshi Himi.

"I trust you, Kyra."

The words echoed through her head, her mind a muddled mess as she slumped in the pilot's seat of the ship. Her thin frame leaned slightly to the side, her head lolling, her entire body stiff from her ship crashing down onto the strange planet. Her crystal blue eyes squeezed shut, the pain causing the young female Altean to hitch her breath in tightly.

"I trusted you with my daughter Allura after all."

The thin fingers of one hand reached down to her side where the pain came from, her eyes squeezing shut even tighter as hot tears began to gather in the corners of her eyes. "Shut out the feelings. Don't you dare cry and show any kind of weakness, Kyra. You are a member of the blade, but the blue lion chose you of all people as the newest paladin of Voltron after its previous paladin perished. The fact you're female doesn't matter, as you are a warrior."

Kyra's eyes snapped open, taking in her surroundings. She was in the cockpit of an Altean ship, sitting in the pilot seat by herself with no companion. Her fingers glided over the lifeless controls, her sharp mind remembering hitting the anomaly as her ship traveled to where Altor choose to send the blue lion, his hope being she could find the location and prevent Zarkon from finding that particular part of Voltron.

A groan escaped her lips, the pain making it hard to move. Her fingers of her other hand flickered out over the controls, bringing the cockpit to life. Her limber fingers played with the keys, attempting to bring up the information she needed. A sigh escaped her lips as the Altean script told her she'd actually managed to land on the same planet Altor had sent the blue lion to, yet the exact location was unknown.

"Blue, dear blue, where are you?" Kyra's shoulders and back began to relax, and the pain lessoned slightly as relief temporarily washed over her, knowing full well she was on the right track. Her crystal blue eyes snapped open to read the rest of the report, a hand reaching absentmindedly to a lock of dark hair, pushing it behind a pointed ear. Her relief smashed to pieces, the painful emotion of panic settling into her chest area. "No. No, no, no."

Ten-thousand years had passed.

Her ship had hit an anomaly which sent her ten-thousand years into the future, meaning everyone and everything she knew was gone, but that she had no clue how the war played out. A sob escaped her lips, the frustration making her eyes close, but her arms wrapped around her side as precious memories flickered through her mind. Her fingers touched the hilt of her blade, making her lips push together as hot tears started to form at the corner of her eyes.

"Aren't you a stubborn one, and so small?" a deep voice laughed, making her look up at the first blue paladin who ruffled her hair as her arms crossed her chest. "Altor, what is with the Altean members of the Blade being so small, tiny and cute? He's absolutely adorable."

The corner of her king's mouth twitched, his hands going up in hopes to defuse the situation. "Blaytz, that young Marmora knight is actually a she."

The Nalquodian's mouth opened wide, and he leaned over so he could look Kyra in the eye, still ruffling her hair. "Really? The kid is really a girl?"

"Yes. She's sir Viron's younger sister."

Blaytz' eyes widened suddenly, and the next thing Kyra knew, she was scooped into a hug, the Nalquodian invading her personal space even more. "I was wrong. She's not absolutely adorable. She's absolutely, absolutely adorable!"

In Kyra's mind, the person who was truly adorable though was Princess Allura, of whom Kyra was introduced to from a very young age having been hand selected by Altor and the queen by the Altean blades to be Allura's personal body guard. She became close to the princess, particularly after the passing of the queen. Kyra even remembered Allura's attempt to confess to her childhood crush.

"Sir Viron, will you marry me?"

The first blue paladin burst out laughing at this as Viron looked down at the young princess in utter confusion, unsure of how to answer the rather innocent question. Finally, he knelt down on one knee, getting to the princess's eye level. "Someday, princess, you'll grow up. When that day comes, you'll likely meet someone you're fated to meet, but that person is not me."

Kyra found herself laughing along with the blue paladin, amused at her older brother's discomfort. However, it was soon her turn to be faced with an awkward question. "So…" Blaytz asked. "When are you getting married, Kyra? I'm sure you'd make a lovely bride."

"I'm never going to marrying." Kyra snapped, her brother laughed.

"Ah, but uncle Blaytz want's to see his adorable Kyra in a wedding dress."

Viron took a more serious stance on the matter. "Kyra, you know that if and when an Altean soul bonds, there is nothing he or she can do about it, right?"

"It will never happen. Ever."

"What's soul bonding?" Viron had answered the princess' question, but the sad thing was, it seemed like the princess would never meet that one person, something Kyra had pushed away as something she didn't want, something she rejected as it was some kind of plan and she'd always gone against the plans for her. Everything was gone, leaving her an empty shell. Her eyes closed again, wondering if she should just die here, as everything she lived for was gone.

The sound of footsteps on the roof of her spacecraft startled Kyra, making her crystal blue eyes snap open. Her breath drawing in fast. She heard a voice, speaking in a tongue she did not understand. Kyra's hand went to her blade, her teeth gritting together, ready to spring forth despite her weakened state. Someone started to pry the cockpit window open.

Quickly, Kyra hit the button to open the cockpit, hopping this would put the person off guard. She saw the silhouette towering over her, and lashed out with her blade. The person was quicker than she expected, their movement speed and agility what the blades looked for in those they sent through the trial. Not only did the cockpit opening not surprise them, they dodged her attempt to lodge her blade in their eye socket.

Specifically, only the very tip of her blade made contact, leaving a long streak across the humanoid's eyebrow as he bent over slightly. Kyra attempted to use this to her advantage and attempted to bring her knife back around, but the person in question was quicker, grabbing her free arm and twisting slightly so she stumbled to the ground.

Had she been at her normal strength, this wouldn't have happened.

Lying on her stomach, her blade slightly away and now in its normal form, she felt the other person's body press against her lower back, as they choose to sit on top of her. She expected an attack but instead heard a voice attempting to sooth her, let her know things were okay. The words were not words she could make out as hands touched her arms.

Taking a deep breath, she attempted to push herself up. "Ie."

One hand gently moved from her arm to the middle of her back, gently touching that place to let her know they meant no harm. She choose to calm down but remained prepared to strike if need be. The person's hands touched her shoulders, and they lifted up slightly indicating they wanted to turn her over so they could get a better look at her, and she wanted to get a better look at the other person.

Kyra let out a sound of pain, and the person let out more soothing sounds, yet another voice that she now realized was there sounded bothered by her appearance. Whoever was above her remained gentle, helping her to turn over despite her injuries.

She discovered the person to be humanoid, but in fact look much like an Altean did, except this humanoid's ears weren't pointed, and there were no marks under the eyes. He was young, seeming to be around her physical age. One eye was closed shut, as blood seeped down from above his right eye where she'd managed to cut him with her blade.

Kyra though saw into that one eye, and he saw into hers, his response was to open the other eye despite the flow of blood. She found herself swallowing, feeling that flutter in her stomach and the tightening of the chest she'd heard other Altean's who had soul bonded talked about. "Ko…"

She swallowed again, not believing, as his grip loosened. Whatever he had meant to say to her was forgotten, and a hand glided to her cheek as he continued to look down into her eyes. She shouldn't have felt safe at that moment, in a strange land, with people who weren't her people, and yet she was relatively at peace as if that empty shell of hers was being filled.

She'd soul bonded.

Despite all her protests that it would never happen, it happened.

She'd soul bonded.

She'd soul bonded and it was with someone who wasn't an Altean, just her luck.

He swallowed, trying to gain his own bearing, his cheeks turning a bright and very vivid red.


"Ah…" The young man startled, before pointing to himself. "Hiroshi. Shirogane Hiroshi."


That seemed to irritate the person who was with the young man. He remained gentle, slowly moving off her, trying to be careful of her injuries, before moving one of his hands slowly behind her back to gently lift her into a sitting position, as if he knew that she was injured. She sat there, confused and bewildered. He lifted his hand again, indicating himself. "Hiroshi. Shirogane Hiroshi." He then looked at the other person. "Takeo. Shirogane Takeo."

She swallowed, then said her first words to the inhabitants of this strange planet. "Kyra."

He then said something else, something she didn't quite get, but something that seemed to upset that Takeo person. "Tenshi himi."

The next thing she knew, she was collapsing into his arms due to her injuries.