Alright hello! And welcome to another wonderful installment of I Wanna Be A Rockstar.

So... Just a few things to say before we kick off this chapter. The amount of support and feedback I've gotten for this story has been both immense and insane. I never thought something I could write could be enjoyed this much and I humbly thank all of you who have followed, favorited, and reviewed. You all are keeping this story going.

I want to apologize however for the long delay. College isn't easy and I had bit of writer's block on this chapter, i just you all like it.

Song(s) used in this chapter: Three Days Grace - Not Too Late

Without any other delays, let's get to the story!

Sunlight broke through the crack of the curtains as it rose, the beam crawling across the floor and up the bed of a certain sleeping teen. Danny's chest slowly rose and fell as he laid, sprawled out across his mattress, his blanket half on the floor like it usually was every morning. The crack of sunlight made its way up the blanket and across the mattress eventually creeping over the raven-haired boy's sleeping face.

The sudden light made him grimace as he cracked an eye open, groaning in response to the daylight, he rolled onto his side, his back now to his window.

"Morning already…" He grumbled to himself as he opened his eyes once again to look at his alarm clock, a large 6:22AM blinking back at him. He had beaten his alarm by 8 minutes and hated the fact that he did.

"Dammit… Might as well just get up then…" With another groan and a sigh, he willed himself to sit up and stretch a bit. Looking around his room, it was still slightly messy and he had made a mental note to tidy up in here soon. Getting up to his feet, he walked off to take a shower.

With Ember

Having taken a simple cat nap as ghosts didn't really need sleep, but did anyway as a simple pleasure, Ember had made herself breakfast and eaten and was currently fixing her glowing robin egg blue hair in the mirror.

Walking over to the door, she reached for her guitar when a sudden realization hit her.

"I forgot to see what that dipstick was up to yesterday!" She grabbed her guitar and opened her door. "Dammit, Kitty. I had fun yesterday, so much that I had forgotten about what happened at Eddy's…"

Once out her door, she hopped on her guitar and surfed her way through the vastness of the ghost zone, headed for nonother than the Fenton ghost portal. She was determined to get down to the bottom of her suspicions.

With Danny

Having just finished his shower, he hummed softly as he entered his room. "Here's to another shit week at school…" Danny felt the lump in his throat begin to form before he shook his head, clearing his throat.

"No… Don't let her get to you anymore… It's been an entire month." Sighing, he removed the towel around his waist, and tossed it onto his computer chair before looking around in his closet.

With Ember

Having approached the Fenton portal, Ember smirked seeing that it was open. Hopping off her guitar, she slung it around her back before floating over to it cautiously, she poked only her head through, invisibly of course to look around.

The lab was surprisingly empty, but she could hear commotion upstairs, the sound of the Dipstick's parents talking and sounds of dishes clinking.

'Must be breakfast time…' Ember thought before she floated all the way through the portal.

With Danny

Finishing getting dressed, Danny stood in front of his mirror and attempted to fix his unruly hair, giving up after a few minutes with a sigh.

Just then, his ghost sense went off, the all too familiar to him mist showing through his shivering exhale. Looking around, he was listening for any trouble that may be occurring outside, but heard nothing.

"It's one thing knowing there's a ghost nearby, it's another to not hear any trouble soon after." Grabbing his backpack, he figured it was the Box Ghost again and didn't think too much about it. He was running late as it is, not that he didn't always.

Heading out the door Danny quickly ducked into an alley and transformed into Danny Phantom.

Flying up into the air, he scanned the area slowly to see if he could see any trouble but to no avail. Sighing, Danny was snapped out of his vigilant state at the sound of his phone going off.

Pulling it out, he took one more cautious look around before checking the device.

"A text from Tucker.." Unlocking the phone, he opened the text.

'Ghost attack? Look down by the way.'

With Ember

Ember invisibly followed Danny and paled as she saw him change into Phantom.

'Crap! I forgot about his stupid ghost sense! I really hope he doesn't catch me…' She thought as she mentally held her breath. She saw him take out his phone before looking at it for a moment.

Watching him smile at the device, he floated down to the street where she spotted his tech geek friend waiting for him. She saw them fist bump and then talk a bit before Danny ducked into the same alley as before, transforming back into Fenton.

Finally letting out a sigh of relief, she continued her pursuit. "I don't see a guitar case on him… Maybe he left it at home. I could search his room but…" As much as Ember hated to admit it, she respected the dipstick too much to invade his privacy any more than she already was by following him.

Realizing she was losing sight of Danny, Ember kicked into high gear as she flew after him in the direction of one of the most vile, dehumanizing institution in Amity Park… Casper High.

She floated above the front of the school looking down at Danny and Tucker as they walked up the steps of Ember's worst memories.

"God, I forgot about how much I hated going here all those years ago…" Ember huffed as she glared at the building. Her expression softened as she flew down after Danny.

She intangibly phased through any students that were in her way down the halls sending chills up each of their spines.

Watching Danny from a distance, she saw him at his locker talking to Tucker as he pulled books out, shoving his backpack in.

With Danny

With a sigh, Danny closed his locker and turned to head to his first class of the day, Mr. Lancer's English class.

As he turned the corner, he had the misfortune of slamming into the worst person he could slam into at Casper High.

A blond haired, blue eyed jock who towered over almost everyone grabbed Danny by the front of his shirt before slamming the teen into the lockers next to them.

"Hey, watch where you're going, Fenturd!" Yelled Dash as he let Danny fall to the floor with a loud thud, an accompanying yelp from Danny.

The jock laughed with the other A-Listers in toe as they all walked off. Grumbling, Danny picked himself up and dusted himself off. He fixed his shirt and sighed as he continued to walk to Lancer's class.

With Ember

Not believing what she had just seen, Ember felt her blood boil. If there was one thing the rock diva hated more than authority, it was bullies. Another disbelief was in why Danny hadn't done or said anything to defend himself.

'The Dipstick really just let that blonde meathead throw him around like a fucking rag doll.' She shook her head and made a mental note to deal with that jock.

Relaxing a regaining her composure, she continued after Danny.

Unfortunately for Ember, the rest of her day was spent watching Danny go through a regular day of school, watching him fall asleep in Lancer's class, struggle to answer questions in biology, and the pitiful display in gym.

She didn't understand why Danny portrayed Fenton as such a weakling loser when Phantom was a strong, leader type. She blushed slightly as she shook her thoughts of him in this way. Finally following him home, she was sure that once he got to his room, he would show her why he was buying those guitar strings.

Danny opened the front door to Fenton Works and walked in while Ember simply phased through the door, following behind invisibly.

With Danny

Walking through the front door, Danny was met with the usual sight of his empty living room and the usual whirring and welding sounds coming from the basement.

Heading into the kitchen first, Danny grabbed a cold bottle of water from the fridge and a nice red apple from the bowl of fruit on the counter before walking up the stairs to his room. Humming softly as he walked into his room, he tossed his back pack onto the floor next to his desk.

Setting the water bottle and apple on his night stand, Danny reached under his bed to pull out the case holding his guitar.

Setting it on the bed, he took a seat near it and opened up the case.

Ember simply floated there in shock, her eyes widening at the guitar in the case, trailing down the next to the body she definitely approved of Danny's taste.

'So that's what the strings were for…' She smiled, piecing it together.

'He doesn't really look like the type to be into guitar but who else's guitar could it be?' Anticipation was killing her as she wondered if she would play anything.

Danny picked the guitar up and placed in on his thigh as he checked the tuning a bit. Looking down to the floor, he figured his parents were too engrossed in their work and too far away to hear him.

Clearing his throat, he began to strum.

This world will never be

What I expected

And if I don't belong

Who would have guessed it?

I will not leave alone

Everything that I own

To make you feel like it's not too late

It's never too late

To sat Ember was shocked again would be an understatement at the very least. Not only could Danny play, but sing as well. She remained in awe as Danny continued, his voice getting a bit more intense as he strummed.

Even if I say

It'll be alright

Still I hear you say

You want to end your life

Now and again we try

To just stay alive

Maybe we'll turn it all around

'Cause it's not too late

It's never too late

While his voice softened again, the song continued with the intense tone of the beginning.

No one will ever see

This side reflected

And if there's something wrong

Who would have guessed it?

And I have left alone

Everything that I own

To make you feel like

It's not too late

It's never too late

Danny's voice once again became tense as she strummed.

Even if I say

It'll be alright

Still I hear you say

You want to end your life

Now and again we try

To just stay alive

Maybe we'll turn it all around

'Cause it's not too late

It's never too late

The world we knew

Won't come back

The time we've lost

Can't get it back

The life we had

Won't be ours again

Danny's voice became soft again as he strummed out the last part in the same tone as the beginning of the song.

This world will never be

What I expected

And if I don't belong

Once again, his tone intensified as did his strumming. His eyes were closed, and he seemed lost in his own little world as he played. Seeing this, Ember smiled at the emotion she never knew he could show.

Even if I say

It'll be alright

Still I hear you say

You want to end your life

Now and again we try

To just stay alive

Maybe we'll turn it all around

'Cause it's not too late

It's never too late

Maybe we'll turn it all around

'Cause it's not too late

It's never too late (It's never too late)

It's not too late

It's never too late

As Danny finished, he let out a sigh and set the guitar back into its case before grabbing the water bottle, taking a much-needed drink.

With Ember

Ember simply floated there a while longer in complete shock and awe at the display she had just seen. She wanted so badly to clap but she stopped herself before flying off intangibly through the ceiling and up into the sky before vanishing in whirlwind of blue flames.

She appeared in her realm and set her guitar aside before letting herself fall back. Landing gracefully onto her couch, she sat there in silence.

Her mind was still trying to process what had just happened.

"Oookay… So, Babypop can actually sing and play guitar… And he's.. Good. Real good." She still couldn't believe it even as she was saying it.

"I gotta call Kitty and tell her about this…"

Don't you just love cliffhangers? I know I do heheh. Don't forget to leave a review telling me what you thought and as always, I'll see you all in the next one.

Stay classy! ~