Genesis Defender Voltron

ESKK: Yeah I should probably stop making new fanfics since the last one started as a copy and paste of fanfics that haven't gotten updated in who knows how long. I made this one as a sorry for running out of ideas sort of fanfic. Anyway please enjoy this fanfic as we begin the tale of Genesis and Lions.



"Radio waves."

(Scene Break)

*Music Insert


Disclaimer: I do not own Voltron Legendary Defender or Evangelion if I did I would have gotten Anno to hurry the fuck up with Rebuild 4.0 so we can see if this Shinji gets a better ending then original cannon.

(Start Tokyo-3 Aida Residence)

Kensuke Aida a brown haired freckled and glasses wearing young man was looking through a rig of computers and radios as Kensuke kept adjusting it while using his own hacking skills to get the information he needs. "Come on Alien Radio waves show me what you have." Kensuke said as soon got something which was surprising as it sounded like words mixed with static.

"Huh?" He asked as he tried to adjust it a bit and soon got something.

"Voltron…. Voltron… Voltron." The radio repeated every so often which Kensuke saw it was the only thing that made any sense to him.

"Voltron?" Kensuke asked as he looked it up on the internet and saw nothing pertaining to this Voltron online or any of the Major Alien Conspiracy info sites. "Hmm." Kensuke said as he looked at the data and began to search through it more but was only met with nothing which he then went to his next thing. He began to triangulate where it was coming from and saw it was a few miles off of Tokyo-3 near a hiking trail. Kensuke smiled as he looked at it as he knew that area better than anyone since his army shelter spot was there.

"I'm going to need some help." Kensuke said as he smiled at this as back up would be greatly appreciated for this endeavor of his.

(Scene Break a few days Sunday outside Tokyo-3)

"Why isn't this just perfect everyone?" came the voice of Kensuke wearing his normal gear when he comes out here. "The way the sun meets the lake and the mountain air whipping in your face! This was the perfect day for a hike outside the city!" Kensuke called as he smiled at everyone in question.

"This better be worth it Stooge." Came the voice of a red haired blue eyed, American, Japanese, German mix blood named Asuka as she followed Kensuke who claims to know the way as she was also wearing hiking gear she brought with her from Germany before arriving.

"How come, you invited yourself along, Devil Girl?" Came the voice of Toji a tan skinned jock as he was in his track suit so he wouldn't end up over heating as he brought with him his back as the five took the trail.

"Shut up stooge at least I didn't invite Wonder girl like Four eyed lover boy here." Asuka called pointing her thumb to Kensuke as the mentioned 'wonder girl,' was a blue haired red eyed pale skinned young girl named Rei Ayanami as she followed after the group.

"Oh burn Kensuke." Toji said as the blue haired girl then spoke.

"Is there a fire or did someone suffer from a 1st degree sunburn?" Rei asked as she was confused even as she was wearing her school uniform.

"So Naïve wonder girl and so innocent makes me forget sometimes that you're a doll." Asuka said as soon the last member of their group spoke.

"That's not nice Asuka." Shinji said as he was out of breath as he tried to keep up with everyone.

"Oh shut up after all this hike should be nothing for the invincible Third Child." Asuka mocked as she huffed no doubt not enjoying this little hiking trip of theirs.

"If (gasp), you say so (gasp) Asuka." Coughed Shinji as he was out of breath and needed a break.

"Look theirs a lake at our destination when we get there we can all relax and cool off there." Kensuke said as Rei understood hence why she brought her school swim wear with her.

"Yeah all this heat we could all do for a nice trip to the lake." Asuka said as she also brought her swimming cloths as well.

"Hurray!" Shinji huffed from behind as he collapsed.

"I'll go help him." Toji said as he was happy to help a friend as he helped Shinji to his feet and got some water into the young EVA pilot of NERV.

(Scene Break later that day at the Lake)

The lake waters were cool and clear as the crew set up for the day at the Lake. Toji and Kensuke were having a little water gun battle while Shinji was in a floating tube in the water enjoying the coolness without worry of drowning. Rei and Asuka were on the shore as Rei was reading the contents of a tanning bottle as Asuka was telling Rei the bottle was to help girls like them look more noticeable to guys and gave her detailed instructions on how to use the tanning lotion in question. Once that was done Rei gave Rei a look as she saw she could not reach her back as easily as Rei applied the lotion as ordered. "Pilot Soryu if I may request can you lotion my back?" Rei requested as she looked to Asuka who then went wide eyed and sighed a bit there.

"Fine but only because I don't trust the three stooges not to molest you." Asuka huffed as she began to get the lotion on her back to help out Rei a bit. Once Kensuke was done he returned to his stuff and dried off a bit as he then emptied out the heavy-looking backpack he had brought along with him. The items inside included a small satellite, headphones, a receiver, and what appeared to be some sort of Geiger counter. Kensuke adjusted the headphones onto his head listening to a faint electronic beeping and a multitude of voice murmurs.

"Rocking out to something?" Toji asked surprising Kensuke as the others rejoined as they all gathered around Kensuke as it looked like Rei was slightly tanner then her pale skin which made her look a bit normal then most days she's out and about.

Kensuke removed the headphones to speak to them. "It's nothing important." Kensuke responded trying to sound casual.

"Why did you bring all of this equipment out here Aida-san?" Rei asked eying it suspiciously. "It looks similar to the stuff the military uses as well as some equipment back at NERV." Rei said as her voice and face betrayed now room for her not to be answered.

"I didn't steal it if that's what you're thinking." Kensuke defended, before smiling proudly. "I built all this." Kensuke announced as Toji was impressed by it.

"Wow Ken I didn't think you could pull it off I mean you built some crazy stuff before but this is something of a whole new level." Toji said as he was impressed.

"Not much of a major accomplishment but if it works I guess looks don't mean anything." Asuka said looking to the side as she showed she wasn't really impressed or caring for it at all.

"It's nothing really I've always had a knack for building things like this, I guess I got it from my dad and mom. Either way though, I designed the satellite to reach as far as the edge of the Solar System, though it works a little better at night." Kensuke admitted as he looked to everyone.

"You mean all the way to Kerberos?" Asuka asked in amazement wondering what the Hell Kensuke was doing trying to get signals that far out. "Why so far out?" Asuka asked as she was visibly impressed by this feat.

"Kensuke if you don't mind me asking what's out there that you want to catch wind of." Shinji asked as he wanted to know as he was very curious about Kensuke's little hobby he had.

Kensuke sighed as he knew there was no denying it now. 'Well the cat's out of the bag now.' Kensuke thought as he decided to confess. "Okay, fine… long story short, I've been picking up alien radio chatter." Kensuke said as he looked to his friends as they all were shocked here.

*Insert Record Scratch Sound

"...Come again?" Rei asked as everyone else stared at him like he just grew an extra set of eyes.

"...D-did you just say aliens?" Shinji asked tentatively.

"Okay, so you're a little cuckoo, I'll keep that in mind I find your cameras in the girl's locker room." Asuka said as that was an experience Kensuke did not want to relive in his entire life.

"No, I'm serious!" Kensuke protested as he pulled out a notepad with the word 'VOLTRON' written across on the top and child-like drawings of robots and aliens below it. "They all keep repeating one word: 'Voltron'! I didn't know what it meant at first, so I did a scan of the surrounding land of Tokyo-3 and this area," he pulled up a map on his laptop with several blinking points, but one that was biggest was where they were now, right next to Lake they were at.

"I've never seen a radiation spike like this, but when I saw that the Lake wasn't closed off because of this radiation I figured it could maybe be this Voltron." Kensuke said as Rei looked to Kensuke with her eyes having a raised eye brow.

"So that's why you wanted to come here to 'celebrate'! So you could investigate further." Asuka realized as he remembered that Kensuke wanted to celebrate Shinji and Asuka's victory over the recent Angel. "But come on Aliens Stooge you built this thing and allegedly it works and you use it to find Aliens." Asuka said as she was skeptical about this.

"Says the girl who pilots a giant robot and fights alien invaders on a monthly basis." Kensuke countered as Asuka opened her mouth to retort but quickly found she had none since Kensuke was actually right on his counter argument just now.

"He's not wrong." Shinji confessed as if these Angels came from unknown Origins then Aliens would possibly be the reason behind their attacks.

"Point taken." Asuka admitted as she did sound like a hypocrite there.

"But that doesn't explain how you pinpointed the location of this 'radiation,' Aida-san." Rei said as she looked to Kensuke on his investigation of 'Voltron.'

"That's where this here Geiger Counter, comes in!" Kensuke explained as he held the item in question. "I noticed that the repeating series of numbers I keep hearing looked like a Fraunhofer line." Kensuke said as he began his explanation.

"Frown-what now?" Shinji asked very confused about this complex stuff going on here right now.

"Fraunhofer line." Asuka corrected as she began to explain sounding very arrogant about it. "I learned about this back in Germany during my university studies. It's the number describing the emission spectrum of an element. Kaji told me that the military used to use this a few years ago when the threat of nuclear warfare was on an all-time high.

"Exactly, thank you Devil Girl." Kensuke continued as Asuka hugged at Kensuke's insult. "That's exactly what I've been picking up, except this 'element' doesn't exist on Earth, that's what led me to the conclusion that this could be the 'Voltron' thing I've been hearing the chatter, so I built this Geiger Counter that's specifically designed to locate it."

"Still impressive for a stooge." Asuka complimented adding her own insult to it her praising words.

"It's actually pretty cool, really," Kensuke said rummaging around in his bag again before he pulled out a sheet of paper. "The wavelength looks like this." Kensuke said as he showed the power to everyone.

"Aida-san, may I see that?" Rei asked as if realizing something. Kensuke handed the paper over and Rei stood up and held the paper in a way that the wavelength was right in front of him. The others watched as the Albino pilot of unit 0 and First Child of NERV glanced between the paper and the mountain range surrounding The Lake.

"What… What is this?" Rei whispered mostly to herself, though the others heard her as well.

"What are you doing?" Shinji asked curiously wondering what Rei was doing.

"Everyone please look at this," Rei expanded the reading to show them. "This reading matches the mountain range exactly." Rei said as she showed it to them all.

"Wow your right Wonder girl." Asuka said as she was shocked by this.

"So? What does it mean?" Shinji asked as he wanted answers as he hoped these were good answers and not them in a radiated area where they will get a very horrible case of Cancer.

"Kensuke, how accurate is that Counter thing of yours?" Toji asked as he wondered if they may end up getting rich from this kind of historical discovery.

"Um… I haven't really tested it out yet, but it should be able to pick up right away." Kensuke said as they may discover life beyond Earth maybe one of those life forms out their can help the Human Race defeat the Angels.

"Guys… who wants to hunt some aliens?" Toji asked as this may actually be worth the trouble in the end.


Using Kensuke's Geiger counter, (that was surprisingly effective) as a guide, the group soon found themselves deep within the forest surrounding The Lake. Toji seemed uncharacteristically determined to find out what Rai's Geiger counter was picking up. Even the EVA pilots were interested to see what they may find out here even if Kensuke tricked them all into coming along it may be worth the adventure in the end.

"How much further, Stooge?" Asuka hugged clearly wanting to end this adventure to see what they will find and since Kensuke knew how to use the custom made Geiger counter, he was the one leading the group while he had Toji holding the small satellite that went with it to pick up the reading.

"According to the readings… it's right around…" Kensuke stopped in his tracks as they came to the edge of a clearing. On the other side of the clearing was the opening to a cave. "...Here." He said as the Cave was dark and very spooky.

"Inside that cave?" Shinji asked as he got nervous from its ominous look.

"Where else will it be coming from idiot?!" Asuka snapped as she saw this may either be a huge success or a major waste of time for them.

"Okay," Shinji said shrugging his shoulders a bit. "We found out where this 'Voltron' energy thing is coming from, can we go back to the lake now?" Shinji asked as he got a sense of foreboding from this cave.

"No way Shin-man!" Toji exclaimed while looking to Shinji. "I know it's weird for me to say this, but we should totally check it out! Who knows what could be in there!" Toji said as he wanted to see this through to the end of it.

"Exactly!" Shinji nearly shrieked, "What if there's some dangerous radioactive… stuff in there and we end up getting affected?!" Shinji reasoned as Asuka looked shocked.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with Shinji on this I always said I'd never have children but when and if I do decided to have some I could get cancer or have one of my children be born without legs!" Asuka countered as she knew how stuff like this may result in cancer and birth defect.

Soon Rei froze up as she heard it. It was odd and strange but as she looked to the cave she heard it coming from there almost like it was calling her and call her crazy it sounded like… a Lion. "Sorry to intrude but I believe there may be a Mountain Lion within the cave." Rei said as Asuka looked confused.

"What makes you say that?" Asuka asked as Rei looked.

"Do you not hear the Lion roaring?" Rei asked as she was now confused why no one heard the lion inside the cave.

"Ok now we HAVE to check it out." Asuka said as she didn't hear any Lion roaring but she did know that you don't hear stuff like that for nothing.

"Maybe we should." Shinji agreed as Toji nodded.

"Majority wins then let's go." Toji said as they all then entered the cave as Rei was hesitant at first but agreed none the less if to put to rest if she is just hearing things or there is in fact a lion 'calling,' her into the cave. As they went deep into the cave though they were then met with an odd sight before them. And what they inside saw made them freeze in awe.

On the walls of the cave were drawings. Drawings of a giant blue lion. It seemed every wall of the cave told a story about it. Some had images of people bowing and worshipping it, while others showed the lion performing acts of great heroism. Stopping a meteor from crashing into the earth, spreading rain over fields of crops. It went on and on as it even showed the Lions with some aid battling what looked like Sachiel the 3rd Angel.

"What is all this?" Shinji asked as he was looking at the drawings.

"It looks like… drawings of a lion goddess?" Asuka guessed as she looked at the painting as Rei observed the ones with the Lion fighting the Angel.

Rei then looked closely at the markings of the lion, he noticed one drawing was partially covered in dirt so he swiped his hand over it to get a better look. Suddenly all of the drawings started glowing a bright blue. For the first time in her life Rei yelped in shock as she didn't see this coming at all.

"Rei! What did you just do?!" Asuka shouted in alarm as she never expected Rei to do something reckless like this without Gendo giving her orders like that.

"Nothing! I simply touched it! Nothing more!" Rei defended in a panic as she tried to stay calm from their current ordeal here.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them glowed bright blue as well in a circular shape and suddenly gave way. The group slid down rapids of the water screaming at the top of their lungs. The rapids ended in a waterfall that led to a shallow pool at the bottom. Everyone groaned as they picked themselves up, now soaked from head to toe. Rei groaned as she straightened and blinked. When her vision finally cleared, she was for the first time she can ever recall slack-jawed, as was everyone else.

"Lions are everywhere…" Rei muttered as the group stared at the glowing orb with a large mechanical blue lion inside it.

Once everyone calmed down they began to ask the simple and obvious of questions needed. "What is that? Is that the 'Voltron' thing you talked about?" Shinji asked nervously, staring at the giant robot lion. The lion itself was made out of blue metal with metallic legs and torso. The face of the lion looked like one you would see on an ordinary lion with bright glowing yellow eyes and a white muzzle with blue on the edges.

"It must be it…" Toji said, unusually serious about this as they may have found proof of aliens in this cave today.

"Not even my EVA is this advance but I bet it can kick this bucket of bolts ass it's barely as big as my EVA Unit 2 legs." Asuka boasted as this robot may be more advance but it was still tiny compared to her precious unit 2 mass-production model.

"But then why is it here then?" Shinji asked as she looked upon the Lion.

"I don't know." Kensuke admitted, still in absolute awe of the giant robot. "But this must be where I'm getting all those crazy readings from!" Kensuke called as they just found proof of aliens here.

Shinji started approaching the lion, seeing that there wasn't anything or anyone here to stop him from doing so. The others followed as Asuka was ready for anything but the Lion did nothing but sit and wait for… something probably. "It looks like there's some sort of force field around it, so it should be okay to approach." Shinji said as he hoped his assumption was right here and it won't attack them for getting to close for its comfort.

As they walked closer Rei kept her eyes on the lion. The teen couldn't explain it but it felt like the lion was staring at her. "It oddly enough feel as if thing machine has its entire focus upon me." Rei said as it felt odd and strange but also comforting all at the same time.

Everyone looked at him like he was nuts, "Wonder girl are you ok in the head?" Asuka asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No I cannot doubt it the Machine is following my every move." Rei said as she looked at the Lion Machine in question.

Shinji was standing right in front of the force field and he put his hands on the surface, his eyes squinted in concentration. "Wonder how we get through this…" Shinji wondered as he looked at the force field and saw its focus was to keep them all out.

"Perhaps it is waiting for something or someone." Rei suggested and then put her hand on the field. She yelped when it felt like a jolt of electricity ran through him. The force field glowed with a blinding light before vanishing from around the lion and the platform underneath suddenly lighting up as well. The ground beneath them also rumbled as everyone simply stared at the lion in shock.

Suddenly and image of Five lions, each looking similar but each a different color, fly high into the sky like shooting stars. In a flash of light, the lions were gone only to be replaced by a gigantic robot with red and green arms, yellow and blue feet, and a head with the same glowing yellow eyes inside the mouth of a black lion. It swung its sword of fire across the sky lighting it for the universe to see and hope.

"Woah!" Rei muttered in awe as did everyone else as Rei never thought she would say that at all. "Uh... did everyone witness what I had witness?!" Rei asked as she couldn't believe it at all.

"Voltron's a robot!" Asuka shouted in shock as the robot together was an evened height to her EVA.

"A huge… huge AWESOME robot!" Toji cheered as he wondered if they would have one of those mecha team up things going on here at all.

"And this thing is only one part of it." Shinji added, "I wonder where, are the other parts of it?" Shinji asked as he wondered where the rest of Voltron was. "And on that note why is this part down here and not with the others? Did something happen to Voltron?" Shinji wondered as he looked at the robot wondering how it got separated from its 'pride.'

"I don't know," Rei muttered but she had to confess something. "But it's still incredible." Rei said as Asuka gasped in shock.

"So wonder girl can be amazed by something incredible it's a god damn miracle!" Asuka called as she wondered if Rei was an alien nut deep down inside her heart.

"I know for certain now that those aliens I heard are looking for this thing," Kensuke confirmed as it looked like the Aliens wanted Voltron but why.

The lion suddenly started to move on its own as it lowered its head in front of the students. Shinji immediately started screaming in fright scared that it might eat them. That turned out not to be the case however as the lion's mouth opened right in front of Rei to reveal a pathway inside of it with stairs which glowed with each of the steps on them.

Skeptical, but still curious to what was inside, Rei approached the platform and walked in. The other students followed close behind as their way out was up a water slide so this was their best bet to get out of the cave they were all in.

Rei quickly took the path up and found what looked like the pilot's control room with a single chair in the middle of the room. Looking around, Rei took a seat and found that the seat fit her quiet comfortably as she then felt the seat push her forward and adjust itself to her height and length. Rei then breathed out to calm herself before she took the controls in her hands to see if she can start it up. "Well does it work Wonder Girl?" Asuka asked as she looked to Rei.

"I am unsure as of now it does not respond to thought patterns but perhaps the controls are full on technical." Rei said as the main screen in front of them turned on to show the inside of the cave they were just in.

"Okay, uh everyone." Shinji said nervously but he knew they needed to return Voltron to where he came from or at least this part of the robot. "I think I just need to point out, just so we're all, you know, aware. We're in some kind of futuristic, alien cat head right now that I think we should send home." Shinji said as Voltron didn't belong to them and he knew mankind wasn't ready for it. But as the words left Shinji's mouth, Rei felt another jolt of electricity run through her, only this one seemed to penetrate to her very core. Her ears suddenly filled with the sound of a purring lion instead of the roaring one as she looked shocked.

"The Lion's roar I heard it was this piece of Voltron." Rei said as she was shocked by it all as everyone was shocked. "And I believe it had just spoken to me through some sort of telepathic link." Rei tried to explain as best she could as maybe it was similar to the EVA's controls somehow as she examined the control panels in front of her before spotting a keyboard. For some reason, as if through instinct she knew which buttons to push. She had no idea what was happening, but it was like the lion was telling her what to do somehow. After pushing the correct keys the Lion activated.


The legs of the lion moved and it lifted its head and let out a mighty roar that shook the cave. The lion seemed almost happy to be moving around, but no one could feel it's excitement as much as Rei was.


"I see you're happy to finally move once more." Rei said as Asuka looked.

"Are you ok Wonder girl it's just a mindless robot." Asuka said as she looked to Rei who ignored her.

"I understand I shall do so." Rei said as she then pushed the controls forward and causing chaos to hit.


The lion shot out of the mountain cave like a rocket and flew into the sky, and as it was descending to the ground it did a front flip before using rockets in its legs to fly across the ground. It then shot into the air again with a series of corkscrews, with everyone inside the head screaming at the top of their lungs, and everyone holding onto either the pilot seat or Rei herself as Rei was oddly enough smiling like an insane woman on a roller coaster.


"REI AYANAMI!" Asuka screamed as the lion did a few more flips. "YOU ARE. THE WORST. PILOT. EVER!" She yelled at the top of her lungs as Voltron flew through the air.


The blue lion landed on the ground once more and began bounding around like a mountain lion. Everyone inside the head held onto something as the ride continued.

(Inside the Cockpit)

"Isn't this awesome?!" Toji called out with a large grin on his face as he looked to everyone.

"Make it stop!" Shinji yelled, as he was starting to look a little green. "Make it stop!" He begged as he'd rather have Misato drive then Rei driving.

"I cannot the Lion is moving on its own." Rei said releasing the controls as the Lion showed it was in fact on auto pilot.


Suddenly, the lion's back legs fired it off the ground and the lion descended into the sky.


"Rei! Where are you going?!" Asuka demanded as the Lion moved to the sky.

"I just stated it is on autopilot." Rei explained as she then heard it. "It's saying there's an alien ship approaching Earth, I think we're supposed to stop it!" Rei said as that didn't make sense to anyone here in any way.

"Wait, if this thing is the weapon they're coming for, why don't we just like, I don't know, give it to them, maybe they'll leave us alone?" Asuka suggested before turning to the controls. "Sorry lion, nothing personal." She said not wanting to get on an alien races bad side.

"Or we end up giving it to them, and they turn it on our planet!" Shinji argued surprising everyone. "This is the first time we're contacting other life outside Earth other than the Angels, we have no way of knowing if they're hostile or not. If we give this to them, maybe not even NERV and the EVA's can stop them." Shinji said as he may not like it but they can't just hand over old alien tech to the aliens who owned it if it's a weapon of war.

Everyone seemed to agree with Shinji's statement, even Toji, who were all glaring at Asuka. Her eyes widen in realization at that possibility and had the decency afterward to look a little sheepish.

"Oh… never mind then." Asuka said as she may have suggested dooming the human race just then.

It wasn't long before the lion exited Earth's atmosphere and entered open space. The group didn't have time to admire the stars though as moments later a large purple ship with illuminating purple lights appeared in front of them like a bolt of lightning, and twice as fast.

"Holy Hell! Is that really what I think it is?!" Kensuke shouted in fear and astonishment at seeing a real alien ship.


After floating and observing the ship for a few seconds, the ship then launched what looked like some sort of organic pulsing sphere at the planet where it made a bee line to Japan before said ship started firing purple lasers at them.


"We need to get out of here!" Toji ordered, sounding uncharacteristically frightened.

"Hang on!" Rei shouted as she pulled on the controls and the lion flew off at top speed. Even though Rei had little to no idea what she was doing, it seemed the lion knew what to do as it maneuvered and dodged all the attacks with little to no effort.

"Okay, I believe I may know what to do!" Rei said keeping calm regardless if she is in a new cockpit type.

"Hey be careful First Child this isn't a god damn simulation!" Asuka yelled her temper flaring up there.

"And you believe I am unaware of that Pilot Soryu?!" Rei snapped as she helped maneuver the lion around the lasers. She then pushed down on one of the control levers and activated a weapon on the Blue Lion.


As Blue Lion flew through space the lion's mouth opened wide and fired a powerful blue beam directly at the side of the ship. It sliced through it like a sword, causing massive explosions.


"Let's try this!" Rei said as she had an idea.


The lion under Rei's command flew closer to the ship, scrapping the lion's claws on the other side leaving deep gashes, causing explosions as well.


"Nice one Rei!" Kensuke cheered as he saw this happen.

"Okay, I think it's time to get these guys away from our planet!" Shinji said as they needed to figure out what they just shot at the Earth specifically Japan.

"My sentiments exactly." Rei said as she controlled the Lion.

(The Warship Command Deck)

"Lord Zarkon, we have detected a Nephilim Type Energy Signature much like your sons Price Lotor and Prince Tabris bit it does not match either of theirs and the signatures owner and four lilin have found the lion. It attacked us and is heading out of the system," the captain of the warship reported to the overlord on the computer screen. The shadowy figure on the other side narrowed his eyes.

"Follow that lion and alert all ships in the area to intercept. Capturing that lion is your first and only priority a different advance ship shall take the hems of last planet of two seeds invasion." The shadowy figure said as the Captain understood the command.

"Yes, your majesty. Full power, after the lion." The Captain ordered as the crew did as ordered of them.

(Blue Lion Cockpit)

"Oh no!" Kensuke gasped as the ship started picking up speed behind them.

"They're gaining on us!" Toji called as he was going to die out here in space where no one can hear you scream.

Shinji's eyebrows furrowed though as he noticed something odd here. "It's weird, they're not trying to shoot us. They're just chasing!" Shinji said as they attacked their ship so they should be getting blasted to space dust here.

"Okay seriously, now we think having aliens follow us is good? I'm not on board with this new direction guys!" Asuka yelled as they were being chased by aliens here.

"Where are we?" Toji asked as he looking around.

"Edge of the Solar System," Kensuke gasped in awe looking at a distant moon to the side. "That's Keroberos, Pluto's moon!" Kensuke called out as the Dwarf Planets moon was right outside their window and sight.

"That's impossible!" Asuka exclaimed not believing it. "It takes the most advanced spaceships decades to get out this far! We got out here in five seconds!" She said as this didn't make sense at all but then again it's an alien robot lion they should expect this at the very least.

Suddenly, what appeared to be, a swirling sparkling wormhole like a vast swirling ocean.

"What the hell is that?!" Asuka nearly shrieked at the sight of it as wormholes in space was never a good thing for anyone.

"Uh, this might seem insane but I believe the lion wants us to go through there!" Rei explained hastily as they needed a plan now.

The gang looked at the vortex. There was no telling what was on the other side of it. There could be more danger. Despite these possibilities though, they're instincts were telling all of them to go. But they all knew that whatever was on the other side was important, and something that they needed to know desperately.

"Where does it go?" Asuka asked Rei who was the driver here.

"I-I don't know… Shinji what should we do?" Rei asked as Shinji's hand was clenching and unclenching before he saw and in turn swallowed his resolve on this good or bad this lion lead them here to its time to see what it wants there and if they can use Voltron to battle the Angels then it may be worth it in the end.

"Go through it." Shinji said as Asuka sighed.

"Well I guess we're skipping the synch test tomorrow and training also." Asuka said as Toji nodded.

"And school let's not forget school." Kensuke added as they then flew close to the wormhole.

With all of that said, Rei urged the lion towards the wormhole, which almost immediately upon entering, closed behind them, the alien ship pursuing them missing it by seconds.

(Scene Break other side of the Wormhole)

Everyone within the lion held onto the walls and chair for dear life as they traveled at breakneck speeds through the wormhole. They were going so fast it felt like their skin was peeling off. Out of all of them Rei strangely seemed to be the calmest. Fortunately it didn't last long as the lion exited the wormhole seconds later, which closed behind them. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't recognize any of these constellations…" Kensuke voiced his observations as they all saw it. "We must be a long, long way from Earth." Kensuke said as they were really far from home now possibly lost in space.

"The lion seems to want to go to this planet," Rei informed them as they approached a planet that looked very similar to Earth. "I think-I think it's going home." Rei said as Asuka sighed at this but out of frustration.

"Great we got the big cat home now how about it does us a solid and takes us home!" Asuka called as she just wanted to go home and sleep this entire day away.


With a burst of speed from the lion, it soared towards the lush planet full of forests, mountains, and oceans almost identical to Earth. Unfortunately, the group didn't have time to enjoy the scenery as they were once again holding on for dear life as the lion descended upon the planet similar to Earth.

"Hey look a castle." Kensuke said as he pointed ahead to the castle in question. Everyone looked up as the mechanical lion approached a mountaintop overlooking a vast ocean. The mountain itself seemed to form around large white metallic building consisting of seven spires, with cyan blue outlines and windows. The formation made it look like a mystical castle from the Middle Ages of Old Europe with a few futuristic touches of Alien Technology added to the mix of it.

As they descended closer, the group couldn't help but look in awe as the sun seemed to shine off the castle making look like pure silver. It felt like they had stepped into a fairytale of old, and judging from everything that had happened to them so far, wouldn't be too farfetched.

The lion slowly descended towards the castle, as its eyes glowed a bright yellow, followed by the cyan blue lights of the castle lighting up as well. The lion landed at what appeared to be the entrance to the castle, and bent down with an open mouth, waiting for its passengers to exit.

"Everyone, keep your guard up." Rei warned them not wanting a repeat of their recent ordeal.

"Something wrong?" Toji asked as he saw this place looked deserted save for the five currently inside the castle.

"No wonder girl is right. We were already attacked by aliens once already, we don't want that to happen again." Asuka said as lucky for her training kicked in hard.

Soon Shinji stopped as now he heard a Lion's roaring as he looked behind him and saw Big Blue was silent not even moving as he could hear the Lion's roar ahead. "Hey does anyone hear a Lion's roar or am I imagining it?" Shinji asked as everyone including Rei looked to Shinji confused by his statement.

"Ok Shinji are you taunting Rei from before because Big Blue here kind of ruins it." Asuka said as Shinji turned his head.

"No I honestly hear a Lions roar in this place." Shinji said as he looked to all of them here.

"Ok let's get out of big blue and see what we'll find." Asuka said as everyone agreed on that and hope Shinji wasn't going crazy here.


The group of five cautiously exited the lion and looked around, taking in the landscape. Then suddenly the lion jolted and stood back up. Everyone freaked out a bit thinking the Lion was going to eat them now and even though it was a machine it was still based around a Lion and basic human instincts were responding naturally to a Lion here. Instead of eating them though, the lion simply roared at the door loud enough to shake the ground. The door however glowed cyan blue in its outlines and opened, kicking up dust as it did so. It wasn't long before the castle was free to be entered.

The group looked at the entrance in a mixture of shock and awe before they all released a sigh of relief they didn't know they were holding here. "Well that just happened." Asuka said as Shinji could hear the Lion's Roar coming loudest from inside the castle itself.

Deciding not to waste the opportunity to investigate, the group cautiously entered the castle. It was pitch black save for a few faint outlines of cyan blue along the walls, floor, and ceiling. Despite this, it was still hard to see where they were going, so they constantly bumped into each other.

"Hello?" Shinji tentatively called out after wandering around for a while. The group stopped and stared at him as if he was crazy. What if whoever was in here was dangerous? He could've just given their location away.

"Third Child shut up will you we don't need aliens attacking us here!" Asuka scolded though quietly as she did not need to be dying anytime soon unless by natural causes such as old age.

"You know," Kensuke observed as the group came to a stop at a stairwell. "From the size of the lion, I expected these steps to be bigger…" Kensuke admitted as that seemed logical until something happened.

All of a sudden the room illuminated with a blue beam that shined down on the group, allowing for more of the castle's layout to be visible. The room they were in appeared to be a ballroom of sorts with the stairwell in front and glowing lanterns off to the side.

"Hold for identity scan." a computerized voice spoke as rays of blue light and mist rose up from the floor, rolling over their bodies in a scanning motion. It felt like they were being covered in a warm blanket as it ran over them.

"Why are we here?" Shinji demanded as the scan finished its job. "What do you want with us?!" Shinji asked as it felt like some sort of underhanded method of recruitment… just like back with NERV oddly enough.

The computer didn't answer. Instead, the same mist that surrounded them during the identity scan rose up and filtered into the unlit lanterns that lined the walls, illuminating a path that led out of the ballroom. "I guess we're going that way." Toji said before following Shinji as the five began to explore a bit more.

The further the group walked down the halls of the castle, the more 'mist lights' seemed to turn on as if guiding them somewhere.

"Hello?" this time it was Asuka's voice, surprising enough, that had echoed throughout the castle after a while of walking. As they went further into the castle, Kensuke, Shinji, and even Toji seemed to take turns calling out into the darkness, hoping for signs of life.

The group walked through hallway after hallway and descended or ascended staircase after staircase until they finally reached what appeared to the center of the castle. The metallic doors leading inside slid open for them. It led to a large circular room with the center a few inches taller than the rest of the floor, and identical circles surrounding it. A central control panel stood at the head of it. Surrounding it were several pod-like objects, all with the same cyan blue outlines that matched the rest of the castle's decor.

"Where are we?" Kensuke asked as they all looked around as Rei looked also.

"I am unsure but it feels… comforting here yet at the same time oddly enough reminds me of NERV if Central Dogma was upgraded to this level of technology." Rei said as looking at it now Central Dogma was like a cheap made reverse engineered and downgraded version of this strange and mysterious alien castle.

Soon all of a sudden the central control panel's buttons suddenly lit up with life. Gears shifted and steam emerged from one side of the room, along with the sound of sliding doors opening. Two pod-like structures emerged from the floor. The windows were partially transparent, allowing the group to at least see the outlines of two people inside of them. From what could be found, it appeared to be a man and a woman.

"These-these two aren't dead are they?!" Asuka asked, mildly freaked out. Asuka soon got her answer as the pod suddenly glowed and steam billowed from beneath it. The blue shell that surrounded the figure seemed to dissolve into sparkles or stardust fully revealing the woman inside.

The woman inside wore a long blue and white dress, had dark colored skin, sea-foam colored hair that descended in long waves down her back, pink crescent shapes around her eyes, as well as pointy elf-like ears with purple triangle shaped earrings. And to top it off, she had a golden circlet diadem around her forehead. She looked very similar to some elfish people found in some popular videogames on Earth. But the most notable thing about her is that she looked no older than the rest of them in fact they would dare say they were all the same age here.

The woman's eyes snapped open as she gasped, extending her hand as if to grab something that was in front of her, even though nothing was there.

"Father!" She cried as she stumbled out of the pod, and would've fallen if Shinji hadn't rushed over to catch her leaving a very steamed and jealous looking Asuka to fume over this small act.

The girl groaned, gripping Shinji's arms to balance herself and looked up drowsily at the man that caught her.

Now that they all had a good look at her face, he saw that the woman was actually quite beautiful. The guys in the group all blushed before Toji flashed her one of his trademark smiles. "Well hello there~" trying to act charming as Asuka saw if Hikari saw this she would be ticked off obviously.

"Who are you? Where am I?" the girl demanded suddenly, speaking in a thick British accent that Asuka swore she was from Earth and not an alien planet if situations were a bit different here.

"I'm Shinji Ikari, and you're right here in my arms because you fell and I caught you." he answered trying to be calm here as he swore this girl was as beautiful as Asuka making the two close rivals in the looks department.

The girl looked up at him curiously. "You're… ears." She began as Asuka sighed.

"Great she had an ear fetish." Asuka said as that was weird in her opinion.

He raised an eyebrow and looking in the direction of the body part. "Yeah…?" Shinji asked as he saw the ear were different between them both right now.

"They're hideous." she said bluntly making Asuka balk and take back her earlier statement as she smiled.

"I like her." Asuka said as she saw the whole thing happen.

The girl stood on her own two feet he took a small step away from him, still staring at his eyes in disgust. "What's wrong with them?" She asked as if someone with rounded ears was impossible in her eyes and perspective.

"There is nothing wrong with our ears as you say Miss but that is in our perspective where we come from everyone's ears is like the ones we have and not elf like in the same way as yours." Rei said as she looked to the girl who caught sight of Rei and went wide eyed for a minute as she had a flashback to another woman like her but older and with pointed ears, and brown hair.

"Yuliana?" She asked making Rei go shocked at this as everyone looked at her.

"I am sorry but who is this Yuliana?" Rei asked as she was confused.

"Oh my apologies I'm still confused after waking up." She said rubbing her eyes as she tried to organize her memories properly to which goes where.

Then all of a sudden Shinji was caught by surprise as the girl suddenly gripped his ear, twisted him around and forced him onto his knees as she also held his right arm behind his back. For a slim looking girl, she was incredibly strong, and Shinji had to fight back tears because of how hard she was holding his ear.

"Who are you?!" the girl demanded. "Where is King Alfor?! What are you doing in my castle?!" She demanded as they were all surprised to learn this castle was hers.

"Is this King Alfor your spouse?" Rei asked as the girl looked shocked and almost sickened by that thought.

"No he is my father!" She called out as that made just as much sense meaning she was the heiress to the throne.

"A giant blue lion brought us here! That's all we know!" Shinji cried out, struggling not to break down in tears, though it was extremely hard not to with how hard his ear was being held. His suffering finally came to an end though as the woman let go and addressed the other student council members.

"How do you have the Blue Lion? What happened to its paladin, Yuliana?" She asked mentioning the mysterious woman once more who apparently looked like Rei. "What are you all doing here? Unless… How long has it been?" She asked as everyone looked at each other confused at what she was asking of them seeing no way to tell her when they had no idea themselves.

"Look, lady, we don't know what's going on or what the hell you're talking about!" Asuka exclaimed defensively as she had no idea what was going on here at all.

"Can you tell us who you are?" Shinji asked as he was calm about this even with his ear stinging in pain. "Maybe we can help you." Shinji offered as he looked to the confused Princess here.

"I am Princess Allura of planet Altea." she answered as she approached the central control panel. "I've got to find out where we are, and how long we've been asleep." Allura said as she put her hands on both sides of the control panel, which lit up in bright cyan blue and a translucent screen appeared in the center of it.

"Ok that's cool." Kensuke said as Toji agreed as he saw it.

"Just like the movies." Toji said as he saw the whole thing play out as they all approached Allura's work area.

Suddenly the second pod opened as well, to reveal a tall, white-skinned man with orange hair and a bushy mustache, pointed elf-like ears and blue markings at the corners of his eyes. He gasped as he saw Toji. "Ah! Enemy combatants!" the man exclaimed as he jumped from his pod and attempted to jump kick, who quickly got out of the way. This in turn resulted in the nearly falling to the floor, but he managed to regain his balance by holding onto Allura's sleeping pod.

"Whoa, quiznack! You're lucky I have a case of the old 'sleep chamber knees.'" the man also spoke in a think British accent just like Allura. "Otherwise, I'd grab your head like this, wrap you up like so - and one, two, three - sleepy time!" he said, demonstrating everything with hand gestures and snapped his fingers at the end.

"Oh yeah?" Asuka smiled smugly. "Well before your stupid old ass did that, I'd," he jumped and kicked into the air in a mediocre karate move. "Like that." Asuka taunted as she saw this guy was an idiot thinking he can take them all on alone.

"Oh really? Well, how could you do that when I've already come at you with this? Ha, ha, ha, hey!" the man retaliated with fake karate moves of his own, which didn't seem to intimidate Asuka in the slightest.

"Pilot Soryu enough!" Rei scolded as she looked to Asuka. "We are their guests here it's best we show them respect in their own home." Rei said gesturing to Allura as Asuka saw Rei had a point.

"Oh right Princess who we have to show respect or we all suffer for it." Asuka said as she didn't know if alien royalty was like Earth Royalty in any way for them.

"It can't be!" Allura suddenly gasped in shock of her discovery.

"What is it?" the man asked, suddenly alarmed by Allura's tone.

"We've been asleep for ten thousand years!" Allura said as that shocked everyone as it explained why this entire place was deserted. She and that old man must have been put in those pods when their planet was being destroyed. In other words she's a princess to a destroyed world which was a tragedy in itself.


Everything was in flames around them. It was their 'final' battle against Zarkon, the leader of the Galra, and the Alteans had lost horribly. A purple battleship approached the castle as the face of their enemy appeared on the computer screen before them.

"Zarkon!" King Alfor growled.

"Your fleet has been destroyed Alfor, I will be there shortly to claim Voltron." Zarkon said in the same voice from the Warship communication line.

As the screen switched off, a massive purple laser shot at the castle, damaging it greatly. The castle quickly lost power as soon a woman who looked very much like Rei but with brown hair tan skin, and the Altean features of the pain near her eyes and the pointed ears as she was wearing a white suit with blue highlights on it.

"Father!" Allura spoke to the man before. "We must form Voltron and fight before it's too late!" Allura called but Alfor looked down in defeat.

"It's already too late," the king replied. "We must send the Lions away, we can't risk them falling into Zarkon's hands!" Alfor said as the woman nodded.

"We can't give up hope!" Allura exclaimed desperately, hoping to change her father's mind.

"And we won't as long as Voltron stays out of Zarkon's hands there will be hope!" The woman said as Alfor nodded respecting the Last of the Paladins resolve here. "I'll take Blue Lion I know its systems better than anyone and hide it and take the secret to its location with me to my grave if I must." The woman said as she looked.

"But where will you hide it Yuliana?" Alfor asked as Yuliana smiled.

"The one place that will be impossible for Zarkon to get a proper fix on. The Third Planet to be seeded by the Elder Giants twice." Yuliana said as Alfor was shocked at Yuliana's reckless plan. But that was very much like her reckless with courage but wise with cunning and technical knowhow.

"Very well I will trust in you Yuliana." Alfor said as Allura saw they were almost giving up here.

"I am sorry daughter." the king approached Allura, placing a hand on her cheek lovingly. "If all goes well, I shall see you again soon." He said hoping this would not be the last time they see each other. The last thing Allura remembered before blacking out was seeing her father's face and his voice telling her he loved her as Yuliana ran torts Blue Lions Lair.

(Flashback over)

Allura grit her teeth as the memories returned to her. "Planet Altea and all the planets in our Solar System, have been destroyed! Coran, father is gone, our entire civilization… Zarkon!" She yelled as she knew Zarkon was behind this whole ordeal here.

"Zarkon?" everyone questioned semi-unison.

"He was the king of the Galra." Allura explained as the description was leaving her voice with venom. "A vile creature, and an enemy to all free people!" She growled as no doubt Zarkon was a really bad guy if he destroyed an entire Solar System like Alteas.

Before anyone else could comment on this, Rei suddenly gasped and then yelled, holding his head like he was in immense pain as she felt like something or someone was trying to get deep into her mind. She could hear the muffled voices of her classmates exclaim in worry as he collapsed onto her knees.

"Bring me the Lion young one return to the place you belong at my side and bring Voltron with you." A voice Rei did not know said as she tried to make sense of all of it as it was followed by images as she saw it all. But most of all she saw the destruction of a planet and two spears of unknown origin but she knew what these duel pronged spears were before it was followed by a black moon sized object and a white moon sized object. The last image she saw was a man she instinctively knew as Zarkon himself.

"Ayanami what happened?" Shinji asked as he looked to Rei.

"I… I saw something and I heard a voice." Rei said as she had seen it. "And I saw Zarkon." Rei said as she knew she never met the man but somehow she instinctively knew him. "He was talking to him telling me to 'return to his side.' But I was never with him nor do I have any recollection of being among his armies." Rei said as she tried to make sense of it all.

"He's still alive?!" Allura exclaimed in shock. "Impossible!" She called as everyone was shocked enough by the fact Rei seemed connected to Zarkon somehow in an impossible way.

"I can't explain it but, it's true! He's searching for a superweapon called Voltron!" Rei said as she knew they already had a piece of Voltron with them.

"He's searching for it because he knows it is the only thing that can defeat him," Allura explained, "and that's exactly why we must find it before he does." Allura said as everyone was wide eyed as they felt like they were just drafted into Altea military with that bold statement.

(With Zarkon)

Levitating purple crystals glowed in a way they hadn't in millennia. A hunched figure gasped as if she had been holding her breath for a long period of time. The woman emerged from the chamber, her eyes a bright yellow and dark indigo skin with her face dipped with red markings that descended from her eyes and long white hair flowing down behind her hood.

"The Blue Lion has returned." she reported approaching the man who stood by a window of the ship, proudly gazing at his fleet of ships. "But now I sense a resurgence of Altean energy with the girl you try contacting the new princess." The woman said as it was true the girl was Nephilim like Tabris and Lotor making this girl the third heir for the Galra.

"Alfor's daughter lives… how?" Zarkon asked, turning to the woman for answers focusing on the Altean Energy part.

"I know not… but it is time to reclaim what is rightfully ours."

"Yes, I shall wipe that foul race from the universe forever, and take back Voltron. Contact my commanders." Zarkon said as he then pulled up an image of Earth. "Once Voltron is mine the power of the ancients shall be mine as well." Zarkon said as he looked to Earth where Tabris lead the advance forces to their inevitable victory.


At another area of the universe, a few hours away from the planet Arus, where Allura's castle rested, another Galra ship was patrolling the area. The commander inside was just reattaching his mechanical arm when he was called for an audience with Zarkon.

"Commander Sendak, the Princess of Altea is alive and is hiding in your sector, we believe she alone knows the whereabouts of the remaining Lions. Your battle fleet is the closest to her location. Retrieve her and the Lions. With them all, the Galra Empire will be unstoppable." Zarkon ordered knowing that they had just retrieved one of the Lions in question.

"I fight for the empire." Commander Sendak replied, on bended knee, "I conquer in the name of Galra. No foe has ever stood in my way and none ever will. Vrepit sa! Set a course for Arus." Sendak ordered as his crew nodded and carried out said commander's order.

(Back on Arus later)

"Princess you must eat." Coran said as he knew the Princess was still reeling from such a revelation. "It's been ten thousand years!" He said as Allura was stubborn that much was for certain as they were all gathered in a dining room area.

"I'm not hungry." She said as everyone couldn't help but pity the princess out of time.

"I haven't eaten since breakfast and I starving." Asuka said, eying the weird green alien food hovering in front of them. It didn't look like the most appetizing thing in the world, looking more like mashed up veggies covered in boogers than anything else. "Well down the hatch." Asuka said as she took her chances unable to hold back her appetite anymore, she tentatively picking off some of the goo and tried it. The taste wasn't terrible (it didn't taste amazing either though), but the texture was definitely something to get used to. Asuka nearly gagged as the substance seemed to slide down her throat like a slimy avocado but it wasn't as bad as the rations she had to stomach at NERV.

As Asuka sampled the Altean 'delicacies,' Shinji was looking around the castle as even if it was almost empty it was still a sight to behold. He knew NERV or any ancient castle would be unable to compare to such a marvel as he had to admit he was kind of jealous for the Altean's who once roamed these halls and Allura who called this incredible Castle home.

"I can't believe your civilization made such advanced technology ten thousand years ago." Rei said in awe for the first time in her life as she felt so much at home here. "It must have been an incredible place." Rei said as she looked around the castle itself.

"Yes it was, but now it is gone and we're the last Alteans alive." Coran said sadly, as genetics couldn't work that well to make an entire civilization with just two people. You can't have a Garden of Eden with Adam in Eve twice without some sort of genetic diversity among them.

Allura's eyes flooded with tears as she hugged Coran, sobs racking her body. Shinji clenched his fists, not out of anger for Allura but anger at himself for years of self-pity and guilt. He had lost his mother and his father ditched him to uncaring relatives and teachers. He thought he lost everything but looking at Allura he saw what it truly meant to lose everything. She was basically the last of her kind her parents and family were gone. Shinji may not get along with his family but at least they were still alive unlike Allura.

"I know idiot." Asuka said seeing how Shinji looked angry. "I didn't need anyone but she needs someone." Asuka said as she looked at Allura with pity for the first time in her life. Allura had truly lost everything she had ever known and now she was alone in the universe save for Coran here but still one thing was for certain. If any of them found Zarkon or met him Zarkon will regret it for the rest of his last few moments of life.

The two separated though when a squeaking sound came from the sleeping pod. She gasped in delight at seeing a small group of Altean mice waving and smiling at her. "Looks like we're not the last after all." Allura said to the group of mice before her as that was a comforting moment for her as well.

This was short lived though as the control panel suddenly started beeping in alarm. One of the screens glowed a bright red as a screen opened to reveal a purple Galra ship slowly approaching the planet.

"A Galra battleship has set its tracker to us!" Coran gasped as the ship was approaching the planet.

"How did they find us?" Allura asked, holding the mice in her hands.

"Did they follow us!?" Kensuke asked in alarm but Rei then looked to Allura and the Lion.

"No… the Lion and Allura awakening they must have detected the energies involved and tracked us accordingly!" Rei called as they all saw her logic on this.

"How long before they arrive exactly?" Asuka asked as they needed a game plan fast.

"At their speed, let's see... carry the two...I-I'd say maybe a couple of days?"

"Good." Allura said with a determined look before looking at the five earthlings here. "Let them come, by the time they get here, you five will have reformed Voltron, and together, we will destroy Zarkon's empire." Allura said as everyone was shocked at this statement from her.

"And who says we're being drafted into your military!" Asuka accused as then Shinji spoke.

"Asuka Earth is also in danger they fired something some kind of ball thing at the planet when we left! We can't just ignore this." Shinji said as he looked to Asuka who saw he had a point.

"Princess." Rei began, getting right down to business. "If there are five of these lions, how are we going to find the rest?" Rei asked as that was a very good question here.

Allura didn't say anything as she put the mice back on the floor and walked towards the center of the room. A large crystal directly above her head shone down with a brilliant blue light around her. She closed her eyes in concentration.

"King Alfor connected the Lions to Allura's life force, she alone is the key to the Lions' whereabouts." Coran explained as that was oddly convenient for their entire situation here.

Allura's eyes suddenly opened again and the blue beam expanded around her as a result, separating into multiple particles surrounding the room and engulfing everyone in it. The lights dimmed allowing only the blue lights to be visible. That is when everyone realized that the particles were actually stars. They were standing in a 3-D model of the entire universe.

"These are… coordinates!" Rei suddenly realized, seeing all the stars and planets floating around them.

"Hey look," Kensuke called seeing an image of the Blue and Black Lions side by side on one of the planets. "The Black Lion looks like in the same location as the Blue Lion." Kensuke said as that meant they had the head start.

"In other words we already got Big Blue and Deep Black already we are on a roll!" Asuka called as she saw they had two Lions already while Zarkon had zero.

"Uh I think or joy is short lived look." Toji said as he pointed to the Red Lion location which was oddly moving and that meant… it was on the Galra ship away from them.

FUCK!" Asuka cursed at this predicament as they needed all give Lion to form Voltron by the looks of it.

"Look at your primitive synapses firing away in their little brain cage though the vulgar words should never leave a ladies mouth." Coran commented, seemingly quite impressed how smart this simple human truly was. Asuka seemed to catch on to what Coran was saying though, and to put it simply, she wasn't that amused.

"Very observant, that's because the Black Lion is in the castle." Allura said with a warm smile but a stern look as they all saw it.

"To keep the Black Lion out of Zarkon's hands, King Alfor locked it in the castle, it can only be freed if the other four lions are present." Coran said as that meant they had to get into the Galra ship and take back Big Red from them.

"As you've found, the Lions choose their pilots," Allura began her explanation as everyone looked to her. "It is a mystical bond, and cannot be forced. The quintessence of the pilot is mirrored in their lion. Together, they form something greater than science can explain." Allura explained as that meant the Lions had to choose the pilots.

The princess moved her hand swiftly, having the coordinates move in one direction as if on a computer screen, the image of the Black Lion floated in front of them, "The Black Lion is the decisive head of Voltron. It will take a pilot who is a born leader, and in control at all times. Someone whose subordinates will follow without hesitation, but also one who as the temperance to wait and know when to take action when the time is right. But most of all the pilot must be a leader not by image but by spirit." Allura explained as Shinji was shocked by this.

"N-no you're wrong I'm not a leader." Shinji said as Allura sighed.

"Did you hear a Lion's roar when you entered here?" Allura asked as Shinji was wide eyed by this as even now he can still hear it.

"Y-yeah." Shinji said as Allura smiled.

"That that is more than enough proof that you are the chosen pilot for Black Lion only the chosen pilots can hear their lions roars even from distances." Allura said as Asuka now figured out why Shinji and Rei heard the Lion's roars they were both chosen by the Black and Blue Lion's respectively.

Allura waved her hand again, and this time the image of a green lion appeared, next to a planet that seemed to be covered in lush green jungle. "The Green Lion has an inquisitive personality and needs a pilot of intellect and daring, one who is not only willing to seek the truth but also be willing to share it with others and not flaunt it. Kensuke, you will pilot the Green Lion." Allura explained as they all saw this as Kensuke smiled at this while the Lion appeared before him.

"Genius isn't what I would call the stooge but meh close enough." Asuka said as Rei then elbowed Asuka on that comment of hers there.

"The Blue Lion calm and collected but as fierce as the tides themselves henceforth the Blue Lion had chosen you Rei so it will be yours to command." Allura said as Rei nodded in understanding to the Lion choosing her.

"The Yellow Lion the powerful yet most gentle of giants and who will protect its pride before its own needs even at the cost of self-harm hence why the Yellow Lion will be piloted by you Toji." Allura said as she looked to Toji who was smirking at the comparison.

"Powerful Giant fits me perfectly." Toji said as Asuka rolled her eyes there.

"The Red Lion is temperamental and the most difficult to master, but when it is, it remains the most loyal to its pilot out of all of the other lions." Allura began as the only option for this particular Lion was the one it was the most identical to the most temperamental and difficult girl to get along with as the Lion materialized before Asuka. "It's faster and agiler than the others, but also more unstable. Its pilot needs to be someone who relies more on instincts than skill alone." the Red Lion hovered in front of Asuka. "Asuka, you will pilot the Red Lion its fierce flames will be yours to command once we are able to retrieve it." Allura said as the Lions needed to be brought together fast.

All five of the lions suddenly came to life, roared, before running around their respective pilots and shooting off into the sky like shooting stars. Everyone shielded their eyes as the lights of the castle allowed Arus's natural light to enter the room. They watched in awe as the legendary hero himself stood before with all the colors of their respective lions, the head of the black lion revealing his face, wielding a magnificent sword.

"Once all the Lions are united, you will form Voltron, the most powerful warrior ever known. The Defender of the Universe!" Allura said as that was an incredible call to battle speech for many of them here.

"One problem Earth is in the middle of its own War so unless Voltron can pierce an Angel's AT-Field it's pretty much a sitting duck." Asuka countered as Allura then chuckled a bit there. "What's so funny?" Asuka asked as Allura then looked.

"You call it an AT-Field we call it the Light of Soul it's a trait of the Elder Giants who used it and were able to bend it to their will but they left behind instructions of hot to pierce those Fields. Voltron was such a means to pierce that Field and in turn defeat those mindless fake Elders of Zarkon." Allura said remembering when Zarkon first used the Angels as the humans called them against Voltron 10,000 years ago.

The image of the warrior vanished into sparkles, leaving everyone watching in shock, wonder, and even a little fear. Though the robotic warrior was far more impressive than any EVA they've seen it was still intimidating to know that the five of them would be the ones piloting it. Even Asuka was nervous even though she wouldn't admit it and was the pilot of one of the most advanced EVA's in the world right now. Sure the EVA Unit she could handle, but a giant robotic lion? Would it feel the same way or not?

"Awesome!" Kensuke exclaimed as a brief moment of silence.

"Ok but still this is all great an all but if memory serves the other two lions are on other planets how the hell are we supposed to get there and also how the Hell are we supposed to bust into a Warship and steal Big Red!" Asuka demanded as she knew she was in the presence of royalty but she looks to be the only one who has noticed the major flaws in the plan.

"Well for starters we should split up." Shinji began as everyone looked to him. "Well I figured me and Rei could go with either Toji and Kensuke and help them get their Lions while you stay here and help Allura get the defenses up since the Galra ship does have your Lion locked up and all." Shinji said a bit nervously as Asuka scoffed a bit.

"So if they come in earlier than expected I can grab Big Red and man the defenses… not a bad idea Third." Asuka said as Shinji blushed a bit at the compliment even if it came off as a rude comment from Asuka.

"Very well then I'll accompany Aida-san and Pilot Ikari you will accompany Suzuhara-san we can retrieve the Lions and come back as fast as we can." Rei said as she chose her partner for this mission.

"In the meantime, I'll get the castle's defenses ready they'll be sorely needed." Allura said as those guns and force-fields could be very useful with the Galra on the way to their location.

"I'll ready some pods, and load in the coordinates so you can reach the Green and Yellow Lions," Coran spoke as he proceeded to do just that while Rei made her way to Blue Lion.


After Shinji and Toji got settled in their pod with Kensuke ready to board Blue Lion Kensuke couldn't help but admire the design on all of them. They had sleek silver vehicle outlines with neon blue around the edges that seemed to be a trademark of the castle. While they loaded in, Rei was already waiting in Blue Lions cockpit as she was to provide a sort of escort to Kensuke's Lion and if need be provide cover for him.

"These are the coordinates for the Lions you'll be looking for. Once you land, they should lead you right to them." Coran explained as he gave Kensuke and Toji small devices to help locate their missing Lions.

Kensuke, being the most techno-savvy of the group pressed a blue button on the device. It caused a screen to pop up that had the image of the planet where the Green Lion was located. Toji seeing this from his Pod followed the action, seeing where the Yellow Lion was.

Shortly after it wasn't long before the three teams were launched into the atmosphere of Arus, two in pods and the other in the Blue Lion. Shinji and Toji took up the helms of their Pod to Blue Lion's location while Kensuke was Blue Lion being accompanied by Rei who was piloting Blue Lion seeing as they may need to save the other pods for a real pinch.

Shinji and Toji were in their pod by their lonesome as they had taken control of the ship as Shinji was reading the pods instruction manual as he was lucky Allura had an Altean to Japanese Translator visor he could use as he was to help drive the pod and learn as he goes. A computer screen soon appeared in front of them with Coran's face on it. The same happened for Kensuke and Rei in the Blue Lion.

"We can only keep the wormholes that lead to the other Lions open for about two of your Earth hours, so you'll have to be quick about your work." Coran warned as everyone got it.

(Toji and Shinji)

"Ok got it get in, get the Lion, and get the Hell out of there." Toji summarized as that sounded easy enough but in these types of adventures Toji knew that things will go wrong because Murphey's law is a bitch.

(With Rei and Kensuke)

"Understood any more information you may provide sir?" Rei asked as she looked to the screen.

(Castle Command Room)

"Well there is some good news. The good news is, according to my readings, all three planets are relatively peaceful. So if you do get stuck, they could be relaxing places to live out the rest of your lives."

"Wait, what?!/Say what?!/Come again?!" were the responses that followed, none of them, save for Rei, realizing that Coran was joking as they could easily locate the Blue Lion, and the pod also had a tracking device on it.

"Well enjoy the trip!" Coran called as he smiled at them wishing them good luck.

"Wait a minute! /Hold on! /I did not receive the memo for this!" they all protests were soon silenced as the pods and lion disappeared into the wormholes.


ESKK: Yeah I know I shouldn't be making new fanfics like this but meh this one spoke to me. Anyway I decided to give Voltron Legendary Defender a chance and since the only other EVA Voltron fanfic hasn't been updated in years it's to assume that story has been either abandoned or canceled. It's called Neon Genesis Voltron check it out when you get the chance. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this new story of mine because well I worked hard on it now then together everyone LETS GO VOLTRON FORCE! Leave a review and like I say every day to everyone who reads my fics, ja ne.