Title: My Triumph lasted till the Drums

Chapter 13: When it comes, the Landscape listens—

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

AN: Sorry for the hiatus. Its short… sorry about that. Grad school and writing my book have been taking all of my time. Enjoy this one. Can't promise any kind of regular update schedule.

Dear Nanami,

The village has been destroyed. There has been a terrorist attack on Konoha. Kushina went into labor earlier than expected and an unknown took the chance to free the Kyuubi to attack Konoha. My people are being blamed for it. Otou-san is being forced to relocate the clan to the outskirts of the village. Thousands of people are dead, but my family is safe. I am sure you already heard about your family. My Okaa-san is wondering when you will return… she wants you to know that you will be staying with us when you return to the village. And, we can take care of your ototo. Maybe Sasuke and your ototo will be friends. Okaa-san told me you should be back by the end of the month.

I am sorry for everything that happened. I need you to return home soon.

-Itachi Uchiha

"I don't want to go back yet," Nanami said. Her face was stained with tears and she had not left her motel room in days. Tsunade and Shizune were beginning to worry about the girl. They had received news about the Kyuubi attack days ago, and when Nanami had been informed that her parents did not make it, she grew quiet and left to be alone.

"The Hokage is asking you to return soon Nanami. He wants you to take responsibility for the kid," Tsunade said gently. While she was not one to baby people, she had grown fond for her youngest student and sympathized. While she had no one left in Konoha, she remembered what it had been like to lose her family. She was still recovering.

"I won't be returning quite yet, Tsunade-sama," Nanami said from her position on the floor. She was sitting with her back toward her teacher looking out the window. "And when I do, I won't be looking after that kid." Her voice was shaking as she clenched her fists tighter.

"The Hokage has asked me to tell you—

"I know what he asked you," she said, raising her voice. "I read the letter."

"Nanami, that contained and S-class secret," Tsunade exclaimed. "How dare you go through my things."

"It was left out on the table. Maybe if you weren't drunk all the time, I wouldn't have read it. But I did, and now I know that my parent's child is the monster that killed them!" Nanami shouted. The room was silent apart from Nanami's heavy breathing. Tsunade walked over to her student and say next to her on the ground. She raised her fist, and gently bonked her on the head.

"I'll forgive your behavior this time," she said unclenching her fist to rest it on top of Nanami's head. She began running her polished nails through the girl's dark hair. "You'll have to go back eventually you know."

"I know," Nanami said, whispering. She brought her hands up to her face and covered her eyes. "Just not right now."

"We'll take a few more months in the Land of Tea. I have some friends there that will let us stay awhile. It's along the water. It will be peaceful and we can finish your training," Tsunade said, still running her fingers through the girls matted hair. "But, when we're done, you have to promise me that you'll go back."

"I promise."


My plans have changed. I will be in the Land of Tea with Tsunade-sama to finish my training. I have been told Kaa-san's baby died, so there is no need to worry. I hope Sasuke is doing well. I will keep in touch.
