ATLAB x Voltron

A young Allura stares at the bright red comet in the blackened sky. The screams of her own people piercing her ears. "How?" She asked herself.

Coran her air bending teacher, spirited towards her, "Allura, we have to escape! It won't be long till the fire nation takes the temple!" He exclaimed.

Allura turns to him, a tears in her eyes, "Coran… I have…to -" At that moment Fire nation soldiers burst into view, before they could attack Coran pushed them back with his bending. After making sure they were all gone, he violently grabbed Allura's arm and started to run.

Coran led her down a flight of stairs defending them from fire nation soldiers. Everything seemed to blend and blur in together into visions of her people being slaughtered one by one, Allura witnessing air benders wasting their last breaths defending their homes, defending her. Her home was going up in flames, and she was to blame.

Gasping for air they arrived at their destination, the flying bison landing grounds. Coran walked her over to the edge of the cliff.

"Coran where are we going? We have to save our people!" Allura said anxiously.

With a grim face Coran faced Allura, "It's too late for them, we have to escape now!" Coran said assertively.

"There!" A group of fire benders chased after them, they simultaneously sent a blast of fire towards them. Coran blocked the flames and counter attacked with a strong gust of wind. He quickly turned to Allura, "Looks like it's only going to be you." Coran managed to press Allura's pressure points, blocking her chi. Allura felt her body go limp.

Coran shoved her off the cliff.

Lance hated the sun. Its harsh rays beating down on him sucks, especially when walking down the town hill to his small home with a handful of fruits, vegetables and spices from the market up hill. Why Hunk ever chose to live underneath the hill was beyond him. Arriving to their small wooden home Lance dropped everything and stretched.

"Hunk!" He called.

No response.

He still wasn't back from gathering water from the lake a mile away. Lance stood around their small home doing small chores waiting for him. The thought of starting lunch crossed his mind until he realized how angry Hunk would get if he started without him. He was better off washing clothing anyways.

Lance then heard Hunk's heavy breaths by the back door.

"Lance…some help. Please." Hunk said, heaving.

Lance rolled his eyes, he didn't understand why Hunk wouldn't let him get the water. After all he is a water bender. Lance walked outside to find Hunk on the floor gasping for air. Large buckets of water next to him, some of it splashed on the ground. Before it could evaporate, Lance twirled his finger and lifted the water, putting it back in its place. Lance smiled embracing the feeling of the moving water.

Hunk quickly stood up, angrily looking at Lance. "What are you doing! You know we can't bend!" He whispered. "Someone will see us."

Lance sighed, "Hunk, we live in the outskirts of town. No one ever comes here."

"Remember that kid that came? Asking if we could buy some of his dumplings."

Lance nodded annoyed, "Hunk you were just mad because I mentioned they were tastier than yours."

"That's beyond the point Lance. You never know who could be watching, they could report us to the fire nation. You know they are enslaving benders!" Hunk said frustrated.

Lance frowned, he had a point.

"Sorry, I just…" Lance said remorseful. Hunk placed his hand on Lance's shoulder.

"I know, Lance. I miss it too, but it's to protect us. You risked your life to get here and I won't let you throw it all away." He said sympathetically. "Now Lance help me bring the water inside."

Picking up the large bucket of water was harder than expected, and just for a moment he didn't mind having to carry the much lighter fruits from the market every other day.

Several days passed without trouble. The kid with the dumplings came back but before Lance could buy some, Hunk stopped him. Hunk offered to buy the kids recipe but the kid refused. As Hunk raised the price for the recipe the kid accepted, took the money, and gave him one dumpling telling him to figure it out. Since then Hunk has trying to figure out the recipe asking Lance to take two to three trips to the market a day. Which was starting to annoy Lance.

But tonight was the night, the night of the full moon. The night in which his bending would feel its most powerful, when it would be most tempting.

Making sure Hunk was asleep Lance quietly made his way out of his home, and headed towards the lake. He walked over to the lake every month to bend. It is what keeps him going in these times. It reminds him of home and who he is…or was. Now he is a simple non-bender that lives in the earth kingdom with his best friend.

Arriving at the lakes shores he inspects the area for any unwanted visitors, then removes his shoes and steps into the cold waters.

Lance took a deep breath, "It's been a while." He said to himself.

Stepping further into the lake he bended the water around his head creating a bubble and swam into the lakes depths. There he swam with the fish and bended the water as he pleased, expressing himself for as long as he could. As he swam he forgot the world, the fire nation, the raids, his family.

What he would do just to see them one last time. But he knew that wasn't happening anytime soon. He swam to the to the lakes surface, and floated gazing at the stars and moon.

"Where ever you are…please stay safe." Lance whispered.

Just as he was dozing off to sleep, a large shadow covered the moonlight. Lance swam up to find a very large animal crashing into the lake, causing a large wave of water pushing Lance further from land.

"Oh no!" Lance made a current towards the shore so he can properly save the beast. Getting into position he lifted the water underneath the beast enough to gently lead it to shore. But the beast kept thrashing and heading towards the lake.

"It would help if you would stop thrashing around so much!" Lance said.

That's when he saw it, the moonlight was shining on a silhouette underneath the water. It looked like a person. Acting quickly, he forced the beast into shore and ran into the lake.

"Please be ok, please be ok." Lance thought to himself. Lance approached the person and wrapped his arm around their waist, immediately swimming back to shore.

Exhausted, Lance dragged the person to shore, "She is a girl…a very pretty one. Not now have to save her!" Lance thought to himself. He leaned in checking for a sign of breathing. He didn't hear any. He placed his hand on her chest and felt it…water!

He bended the water out, almost immediately the girl started to cough violently.

"Hey are you ok?" Lance asked.

But the girl didn't reply. She simply closed her eyes.