Long ago, a werewolf couple lived with their werewolf daughter in Transylvania. The werewolf pup's name was Alessa, and she was 6 years old. Alessa wore a bright red baby shirt with an image of a spider web on it. She also wore a studded collar with a circle-a symbol and a slash going through it on the pendent. Her hair was also braided like a ponytail in the back. One quiet evening, the three decide to go on a moonlit walk. While they were walking, Alessa's mother looked at her.

"Sweetie, you look tired. Don't you think you should rest?" She asked.

"But Mommy, shouldn't I sleep when we get home?" Alessa asked. Her mother picked her up and started cradling her in her arms.

"It's okay honey, we'll be right here when you wake up." Her mother said. Alessa then yawned.

"Okay." Alessa said sleepily. She fell asleep a few seconds later. Her mother then gently put her down next to a tree. Her mother then looked at her father.

"Let's get out of here." She said. He nodded in agreement.

"Right." He replied. The couple left the forest and disappeared into the night.


A couple hours later, Alessa had woken up from her nap. She yawned and looked around to find her parents.

"Mommy, Daddy, I'm awake!" She called. But there was no answer.

"Mommy, Daddy, are you here?" She called again. Again, there was no answer. Alessa got up and started looking all over the forest to find her parents. She soon realized her parents had abandoned her.

"I…I can't believe this. Why would Mommy and Daddy do this to me?" She said tearfully. She then started crying. She didn't know what she was going to do without her parents. She started walking through the forest. After what felt like forever, she came across a house that looked like it was abandoned. She opened the front door and went inside. Even though there was nobody living in the house, it still had furniture from whoever lived there before and the house was in slight disrepair. Alessa sat down on the couch and started crying again.

"Mommy and Daddy didn't love me." She tearfully said. She started wondering how she was going to live without her parents. Who was going to take care of her? Who was going to feed her? This was a lot to take in. After a while, Alessa started to feel hungry and decided to see if there was some food in the kitchen. She looked through the cupboard and found some bread. She took the bread and went back to the living room. She sat down on the table and turned on the radio on the table next to the couch. She listened to the radio for a bit and eventually finished eating the bread she found. After a bit, she was starting feel sleepy again. She laid down on the couch and fell asleep. She had some dreams about how life was before her parents abandoned her. They were a happy family before this all happened, and Alessa had a hard time understanding why her parents would just leave her like this.

[The next morning]

Alessa woke up several hours later. She got up and stretched a bit before leaving the house and going for a walk through the forest. While she was walking, she noticed there was a village in the distance.

'Maybe someone there can help me.' She thought to herself. She started walking towards the village. However, she didn't know that the village was full of humans, and that humans hated monsters. She entered the village and she was abruptly kicked out.

"BEAST! GET OUT!" The villagers cried before throwing her out. Alessa gave them an angry look.

"OH FINE! BE THAT WAY!" She called back. This was her first encounter with humans, and she couldn't believe how mean and nasty they were. She started walking back to her house in the forest.

"Hmm…what can I do to pass the time?" She asked herself. She then decided to turn on the radio. After flipping through the stations, there was nothing good on.

"There must be something I can do." She said. She then looked through the closet in the living room and found some puzzles to do. After a couple hours, she finished the puzzles and decided to go for another walk in the forest. Alessa then realized that maybe living without her parents wasn't going to be such a bad thing after all.