Elsa was running across the barren wasteland. Her feet and path were hidden by black mists that swirled and billowed as she ran through them. Her skin tight ice dress was shredded and barely clung to her as she frantically ran away. The gashes across her back and shoulders oozed a steady stream of blood and puss down her exposed back.

She could hear the beasts gaining on her with every stride she took. She dared not look back as the snarls emanating from the blood thirsty maws drew closer. She could practically hear their claws click together in merciless glee. Leathery wings flapped with frantic insistence just behind her promising unbearable pain.

But throughout it all the one constant thing that never left her was the voice. The one that goaded and taunted her throughout her miserable existence in this God forsaken wasteland. The one that promised her relief if she just gave up and stopped. Stop and give into his demands.

"WHAT DEMANDS!" Elsa wordlessly shouted, her voice refusing to leave her dry and cracked lips

The voice just cackled and replied "You will know soon enough."

Elsa was woken by knocking on her bedroom door. She quickly checked her surroundings to verify they were free from ice caused by her night terrors. No one really knew the extent that her dreams plagued her, not even her precious Anna. And Elsa would be damned before she gave her people reason to fear her. She has worked to hard and to long repairing her image and creating the trusting relationship she has with her people to let a few dreams throw that away.

However Elsa was pleasantly surprised that she managed to not freeze her entire room. Not even her sheets! In fact it was slightly warm in the room. Pushing those thoughts away she called out and a young servant girl opened the door. "Permission to help Her Majesty prepare for the day?"

"Yes please come in."

The next several hours of her day went like clockwork. Never stopping, always talking to someone about something important. All day was nothing but queenly duties with little time for Elsa. No thoughts of the night terrors entered her consciousness that day, but they did not forget her.