Jackie couldn't lie, her stomach was performing somersaults worthy of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders' grand finale as she strutted into school the following morning.

Her latest manoeuvre was downright daring. God knows it had required something close to a military mission to achieve it, with Fez as her double agent, but this was war and sometimes a woman had to utilise somewhat dubious tactics in order to get what she wanted – by which she meant bribing Fez with candy until he finally caved under the sheer weight of chocolate bars she was thrusting into his hands. (It had taken a fair few to get him to stop demanding the payment for his assignment was her flashing him instead.)

But if Hyde thought that a little bit of name calling and hands-on business was gonna stop her then, man, was he wrong.

Damn, when had she started saying 'man'; if she didn't know any better she'd have thought she was starting to sound like Hyde.

Anyway, where was she? Oh yes.

This was war.

And so she put on her war paint – pink lips, rosy cheeks, glittering eyeshadow – and strolled down the corridor of Point Place High as though she wore a Led Zeppelin t-shirt combined with a mini-skirt and pink, fluffy cardigan every day.

And not just any Led Zeppelin t-shirt: Hyde's favourite t-shirt. Possibly the only item of clothing that he cared about in the whole world. Hell, probably the only thing he cared about in the whole world.

She waved to her fellow cheerleaders who waved back and immediately started whispering away to each other. Their harmonious giggles followed her down the corridor, carrying beautiful, melodious words such as "Isn't Led Zeppelin adorable with pink?" and "Hard rock bands are so cute!"

Turning a corner, she saw him. Not a surprise really seeing as she was heading for his locker.

"Hi puddin' pop," Jackie said sweetly.

Hyde swung around. "Oh hi baby doll…" he started, but stopped instantly and stared. "What do you think you're wearing?" he growled.

"Oh this?" Jackie simpered. "I hope you don't mind, I borrowed your favourite top. But seeing as I'm your favourite girl and you wuv me," she batted her lashes as she did her baby voice mockingly "I didn't think you would mind."

Perfectly timed, Kimberly swooped past and called over to Jackie as she did "Cute top, Jackie! It looks so pretty!"

"Thanks Kim!" Jackie replied airily and turned back to Hyde with a sickeningly angelic smile.

At least, she attempted a sickeningly angelic smile, but in all honesty, she feared there was far too much gloating triumph in her eyes for it to be wholly believable.

Ah well, her mission 'Make Hyde Mad' was a success, judging by the throbbing vein in Hyde's forehead.

Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she began to flounce past him.

Quick as a flash, Hyde's hand reached out and grabbed her wrist, spinning her around with it and slammed her – somewhat harder than he had intended but to hell was he going to apologise – against the lockers.

To her credit, she didn't even wince.

He stepped in close to her and hissed "You take that off right now."

"If you want to get me to undress, Hyde, at least buy me dinner first." Jackie teased.

"Off. Now." Hyde clearly wasn't in the mood for playing games.

"But why?" Jackie opened her eyes as wide as they could possibly go as she stuck out her lower lip.

"If I hear another person calling Led Zeppelin 'cute' I'm gonna punch someone." Hyde snarled.

"But it is so cute with this little pink cardigan, don't you think?" Jackie taunted.

"You are ruining my reputation." Hyde stated. "Who the fuck is gonna give me their lunch money now?"

"You ruined mine!" Jackie retorted.

"Yeah but yours is stupid!"

"So is yours!"

"Take it off."


"I said take it off!" Hyde's hand slammed against the locker against his volition.

"Make me!" Jackie was aware her face was growing red, but for once in her entire life, she didn't care. This was too much fun to worry about looks.

Wow. Did she really just think that?

A silence fell on them as they just stared at each other, breathing heavily, faces far closer together than they had realised, definitely closer than they had ever been before.

Suddenly, a deep, male voice sounded from over Hyde's shoulder. "Miss Burkhart? Mr Hyde?" Mr Brown, the deputy principle asked. "Is everything alright?"

They pulled apart to realise something of a crowd had formed around them.

"Yes. Fine." Hyde replied, stepping back from Jackie but not breaking eye contact.

"Jackie?" Mr Brown pressed.

"Absolutely fine, sir." Jackie echoed quickly, smoothing down her hair and pretending not to be surprised by how even her voice sounded.

"Right. Good." Mr Brown mumbled uncertainly, but carried on down the corridor. "Out of my way, people, nothing to see here." He commanded.

"This isn't over." Hyde muttered viciously and stormed off down the corridor, forcing himself to slow down to an unbothered swagger by the time he reached the end.

"I think it is." Jackie shouted back, uncharacteristically unconcerned by what her 'friends' thought of her. She beamed at them as though nothing had happened, then she too set off down the corridor towards her first lesson, ignoring their mindless, pointless questions and instead fixating on the way that Hyde had looked at her when she'd said 'make me' and wondering why it simultaneously made her want to puke and sing from the hilltops. And wondering why she felt the same whenever she wondered what Hyde was planning next.