Last Time:

"Rosalie, Alice take her somewhere to hunt she needs it" Esme says opening the door for us

With that both Alice and I grab an arm each pulling Bella out of the house and into a very deep part of the woods where their where no humans around. Alice had stracked down a deer and bit into its neck holding it infront of Bella. It only took a secound before the dying deer was in her hands draining every drop of blood from the deer.

'This is"Rosalie, Alice take her somewhere to hunt she needs it" Esme says opening the door for us

With that both Alice and I grab an arm each pulling Bella out of the house and into a very deep part of the woods where their where no humans around. Alice had stracked down a deer and bit into its neck holding it infront of Bella. It only took a secound before the dying deer was in her hands draining every drop of blood from the deer.

'This is going to be a long internity' I thought with a sigh watching Bella run after another deer with me and Alice following right behind her. going to be a long internity' I thought with a sigh watching Bella run after another deer with me and Alice following right behind her.


No ones pov

After Bella completely drained five more deers, she had calmed down. Her clothes was tattered amd covered in dirt and blood from all of the deer she just killed. We started home so we could finish packing for our move to Alaska; and to get Bella into a shower and a fresh clothes for her to wear.

As soon as we got home: Rosaile rushed to her and Emmet's room to pack up her clothes taking a pair out for Bella setting them in the bathroom. Before going back to her's and Emmett's room to help him finish packing for the Family's trip to Alaska. While Alice speedily packed her room seeing Bella stare out into space as she was looking into her room; Blank expression on her face as she didn't know what to do. Once Alice was done packing she helped Bella wash herself and change into the fresh clothes Rosalie just gave her, throwing her old tattered ones that was covered in blood stains away.

((Time skip to around 9pm))

Alice's Pov

Everyone just finished packing everything into our cars, now we where saying our last goodbyes to our home Carilse and Esme drove both they cars packed full of they're personal items and drove off in they're cars, Emmett and Rosalie in they're jeep following behind them, the last to leave was me, Jasper and Bella in my bright yellow car. We watched our home disappearing in the trees as we zoomed threw the streets music playing on our raido's drowning out the sounds of the night. I smirked seeing the jeep Rosalie and Emmett where in, I pressed on the gas peddle more honking my horn at them as I chuckled zooming past them. Which started the race we always have when moving, which made me laugh harder seeing that they where gaining on me. I could hear it now Rose yelling and trash talking and Emmett laughing and trying to catch up.

This went on for a few minutes until we caught up with Carisle and Emse, I again speed past them as we entered into Alaska. As we came upon our 'cousin's' house I was the first one there, as Bella, Jasper, and I got out of my yellow porches Carlise and Emse pulled up and a few minutes later Emmett and Rosalie finally pulled into the yard.

I smirked as Rosalie got out of the car fuming, then I began to laugh seeing that she was pissed. As our Vampire family came out to see what the ruckus was, Rosalie scooped up some snow into her hands starting our grand snow ball fight which was aimed at me but hit Jasper in his back.

After a few hours of playing in the snow we had introduced Bella to our family once again. Now we all where in they're house Emmett challenged Bella to play Mortal Kombat, I sat there watching Emmett lose every single round to my mate who had lost her memory.

"How does she keep beating me!" Emmett screamed throwing the controller on the floor almost breaking the controller causing me to laugh "Whats so funny Pixie?!" He continued

"Just the thought that maybe your terrible at that game you skyscraper" I commented with a smirk on my face seeing him frustrated

Bella's Ones Pov (Time skip 3 years brought to you by chibi Rose hugging chibi Alice)

It's been a few year's since I have meet the Cullen's have taken me in, they have been so kind to me and kinda strick on me in the beginning but they made sure I stuck to the animal blood diet. I haven't recalled anything that happened to me in my human life, which I am kinda grateful while being a bit sad because I dont know who I was before. Now me and my family are getting ready to leave to play a base ball game. Everyone jumped into they're uniforms and went out to the car area, to pack up and head to this town called 'Forks, Washington' because they where going to have a bad thunderstorm in a few hours