A/N: Jonerys Week | Day 6 | Genderswap/Genderbent AU

Aegon Targaryen (nickname Jon) is the youngest brother of Viserys and Rhaegar Targaryen. Aegon and Viserys flee to Essos to escape Robert Baratheon's assassins. Jon has the typical traits of a Targaryen: violet eyes and silver hair.

Ned Stark brings home a bastard girl named Dawn Snow (nickname Dany) who has the dark hair and grey eyes of the Starks.

Through their parallel journeys, fate finally brings them together when Jon sails for Westeros to reclaim his family's throne while Dany is named Queen in the North after taking back Winterfell from the Boltons.

Will a foreign invader and Northern fool see eye to eye? Will the Dragon King and Northern Queen become allies or enemies? Fight or fuck? And what of Dany's secret lineage as the daughter of Lyanna Stark and Jon's brother Rhaegar?

This is a one-shot re-imagining of Episode 7x03 "The Queen's Justice".
Mostly a word-for-word recount of the scene where Jon and Dany first meet.

I use the names Jon-Aegon and Dawn-Dany interchangeably. If you find the characters a little OOC, they should be as they are completely different characters. I only chose to genderbend Jon and Dany. Everyone else is the same.

Obviously, I took wild liberties in twisting this story to kind of make sense (I know some of it doesn't) BUT iIf this is something you would like explored or want me to rewrite scenes with Genderbent! Jon and Dany, send me a message!

Thank you!

Jon Targaryen watched with a careful eye as the Northern lady and her companion entered through the doors of the throne room. Her long, black hair was tied back into a knot. She was dressed in heavy armor as if ready for a battle although absent her weapons.

They gave up their weapons without a fight. That's a good sign. Jon thought.

As his guests walked towards the centre of the room, Jon leaned back on his throne. His head held high and a relaxed smile on his lips.

"You are standing in the presence of Aegon Stormborn of House Targaryen. Sixth of his name and rightful heir to the Iron Throne. Rightful ruler of the Andals and the First Men. Protector of the seven kingdoms. The Father of Dragons. Khal of the Great Grass Sea. The Unburnt. The Breaker of Chains."

As Dany walked into the massive throne room, she couldn't help but admire the magnificence of it. The dragon carvings etched into the Valyrian stonework, the tall pillars, the large Targaryen insignia on the floor. It was all wonderful to behold. Ser Davos had told her about the grandeur of the Targaryen stronghold on their journey but it was one thing to be told and another to behold it with your own eyes.

Her gaze fell on the silver-haired man seated on the stone carved throne at the front of the room. She was surprised at how young he looked. He had a long red cape draped on one side of his body. His armor was black but trimmed with red stones. A necklace with 3 dragon heads hung from his neck. The ruby hilt of his sword was visible as well.

He couldn't be much older than I. She thought trying to prevent her mouth from hanging open in awe.

His Herald, a young women dressed in a similar style to him had just finished announcing his long list of titles as he sat back observing her with a smug smile.

Dany gulped and passed a quick look at Ser Davos.

Davos nodded slightly, "This is Dawn Snow."

An awkward silence passed as everyone waited for Ser Davos to continue. Dany passed a pressing glance to Ser Davos again.

Davos cleared his throat, "She's Queen in the North."

So much for first impressions, Dany thought as she fidgeted nervously. She wished she had her sword. Or had worn her fur cape at least to hide her shaky hands.

Jon greeted them with a courteous smile, "Thank you for traveling so far, my lady, I hope the seas weren't too rough."

Dany bowed her head slightly in respect, "The winds were kind, Your Grace."

"Apologies, Your Grace." Interrupted Ser Davos, "I have a Fleabottom accent I know but Dawn Snow is Queen in the North, Your Grace, she is not a lady."

"Forgive me…"

"This is Ser Davos Seaworth, Your Grace." Tyrion informed Jon without hesitation.

"Forgive me, Ser Davos." Jon continued, "I never did receive a formal education but I could have sworn that the last ruling sovereign of the North was Torrhen Stark who bent the knee to my ancestor, Aegon the Conqueror. Torrhen Stark swore fealty to House Targaryen in perpetuity in exchange for his life and the lives of the Northmen. Or do I have my history wrong?"

Dany could see the confidence in the King's smile and felt her hands grow cold.

How will I be able to get him on our side?

"I wasn't there, Your Grace." Davos answered.

"No, of course not." Jon grinned, "But still. An oath is still an oath. And perpetuity means… forever. Does it not, Lord Tyrion?"

"It does, Your Grace." Tyrion replied.

The smirk on Jon's face settled, "So, with that being said. I assume, my lady, you're here to bend the knee."

Dany narrowed her eyes. The arrogance in the Dragon King's voice only further unsettled her nerves. She didn't come here to be talked down to or to trade insults. But Dany resolved to be as honest and as patient as she could be.

"I am not." Dany responded, her head held high.

"Oh." Came the King's disappointed reaction, "How unfortunate, travelling all this way to break faith with House Targaryen."

"Break faith?" Dany repeated, her hands balled into fists, "Your father burned my grandfather and my uncle alive. He would have burned the Seven kingdoms if-"

"My father was an evil man," Jon stated firmly, his smile wiped from his face. He seemed to look sincerely remorseful as he continued, "On behalf of House Targaryen, I ask your forgiveness for the crimes he committed against your family, and I ask you not to judge a son by the sins of his father."

Dany was slightly surprised at the sudden apology and glanced at Lord Tyrion who seemed to have a knowing look on his face as if telling her that her impression of the Dragon King may be mistaken. His words echoed sentiments she herself had spoken to the lords and ladies of the North back in Winterfell when she pardoned the Karstark and Umber children.

"Our two Houses were allies for centuries, and those were the best centuries the Seven Kingdoms have ever known." Jon said, his voice steady and sure , "Centuries of peace and prosperity, with a Targaryen sitting on the Iron Throne and a Stark serving as Warden of the North."

Jon sat up straighter, his purple eyes unwavering as he looked at her, " I am the last Targaryen, Dawn Snow. Honor the pledge your ancestor made to mine. Bend the knee and I will name you Wardeness of the North. Together, we can save this country from those who would destroy it."

This time it was Dany's turn to smirk.

You're not going to get what you want that easy.

"You're right." Dany said, pausing for effect as she could see the look of interest peak in Aegon's eyes when she said those words, "You're not guilty of your father's crimes, and I am not beholden to my ancestor's vows."

Jon clenched his jaw, this woman had some gall walking in here and outrightly defying him.

"Then why are you here?" he demanded softly, trying to keep his emotions in check.

Dany took a deep breath, "Because I need your help and you need mine."

Jon scoffed as he leaned back again on his seat, placing one hand on the hilt of his sword, "Do you see this sword?"

"I do." Came Dany's unimpressed reply.

"This is Blackfyre. The very sword Aegon the Conqueror wielded when he first came to Westeros. Thousands of men have fallen on this blade, by own hand."

Dany remained silent and unmoved.

Jon fumed, "Did you see my Dothraki bloodriders? All of whom would kill you where you stand if I say the word."

"I did."

"And my three large dragons?"

"They're hard to miss, Your Grace." Dany responded with a wry smile.

"And yet," Jon challenged, "I'm the one who needs your help?"

"Not to defeat Cersei. You could storm King's Landing tomorrow and the city would fall. But you haven't because you don't want thousands of innocent people to die. So in that sense, you're better than Cersei." Dany answered straightforwardly, her voice gaining strength as she continued, "But that's not important. Because right now, you and I and Cersei and everyone else, we're children playing at a game, screaming that the rules aren't fair."

As Jon clenched and unclenched his fist, he looked at the back of his Hand 's head, "You told me you liked this woman."

"I do." Came Tyrion's curt reply.

"Well. In the time she's met me, she has refused to acknowledge me as her King, refused to bend the knee and now she's calling me a child." Jon said the last word with gritted teeth.

Tyrion could feel Aegon's temper rising, "I believe she called us all children. Figure of speech."

"Your Grace, we are all going to die if we don't defeat the Night King and the army of the dead!" Dany stated hotly.

"The army of the dead?" Aegon asked in an unimpressed tone, "Let me guess. Is that another figure of speech?"

"My Lord," Dany said turning to Tyrion, "I know you don't me well but do you think me a liar or a madwoman?"

"No. I don't think you're either if those things." Tyrion responded.

"The army of the dead is real. The White Walkers are real. The Night King is real. If they get past the Wall while we're squabbling amongst ourselves, we are all going to die." Dany declared as she stared down the Dragon King, her grey eyes blazing.

That's it. Jon thought as he rose from his throne, I've had enough of this insolence.

He walked down the steps of his dais and stepped closer to Dawn. His hand on the hilt of Blackfyre as he came towards her.

"Your father, Ned Stark, wasn't he Robert Baratheon's best friend? Did he know that his best friend sent assassins to murder an innocent baby boy in his cradle? Not that it matter now of course. " He said as he stopped in front of this Northern Queen, "So many men and women have tried to kill me. I can't even remember any of their names. I've been bought and sold like cattle. Chained, beaten and burned. Betrayed and abandoned. And yet here I stand."

"Not because of any gods or myth or legends. But because I am Aegon Targaryen. The son of the Dragon. The blood of Old Valyria. And I take what is mine with fire and blood." Jon's purple eyes were fierce and proud.

"The world hadn't seen a dragon in centuries until my dragons were born. The Dothraki were too stubborn and frightened to cross any sea but they crossed the Narrow Sea for me. I was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms and I will." His voice echoed in the large chambers and Dany could see why he was called the Dragon King. His presence was arresting and the fire in his eyes looked as wild as dragonflame.

But Dany stood her ground, not backing down, "You'll be ruling over a graveyard if we don't defeat the Night King."

Tyrion quickly walked towards the pair as it was clear that things were slowly getting out of the hand. He looked up at Dany, "The war against my sister has already begun. You can't expect His Grace to halt hostilities and join you in fighting... whatever it is that you saw beyond the wall."

Davos too stepped closer to add his own thoughts, "I understand why you don't believe her, it sounds like nonsense. But if destiny has brought Aegon Targaryen back to our shores, it has also made Dawn Snow, Queen in the North."

As Jon listened to Davos, he kept his steely eyes on Dany.

Davos continued, "You were the first to bring Dothraki to Westeros? She is the first to make allies of wildlings and the people of the North. She was named the first Lady Commander of the Night's Watch, the first Queen in the North, not because of her birthright. She HAS no birthright, she's a damn bastard!"

Dany almost blushed at Davos' words as she averted her eyes from Jon's as Davos spoke.

"All those hard sons of bitches chose her as their leader, because they believed that she was the only one who could lead them. All those things you don't believe in, she faced and fought those things for the good of her people. She risked her life. She took a knife in the heart for her people. She gave her own—"

Dany grabbed Davos' arm to stop him from revealing too much and passed him a stern look. Jon noticed this and looked at Tyrion who simply shrugged his shoulders.

Davos cleared his throat, "If we don't put aside our enmities and band together, we will die. And then it doesn't matter whose skeleton sits on the Iron Throne.

"If it doesn't matter, then you might as well kneel. Swear your allegiance and bend the knee to King Aegon, help him to defeat my sister, and together, our armies will protect the North." Tyrion insisted.

"And why would I do that? There's no time for any of this!" Dany retorted, her irritation finally boiling over.

Aegon's glare at her deepened and Dawn glared back, "Meaning no offense, Your Grace, but I don't know you. As far as I can tell, your entire claim rests on your Father's name and my own father fought to overthrow the Mad King. The people of the North are trusting me to lead and protect them and I will continue to do so as well as I can for as long as I can."

Jon managed a small smirk at her outburst, "That's fair. It is also fair to point out that I am the rightful ruler of the seven kingdoms and by proclaiming yourself queen of the northernmost kingdom, you, my lady, are in open rebellion."

Dany breathed hard through her nostrils and was just about to give this pretentious King a piece of her mind when the Spider, Lord Varys, came running in.

He whispered urgently in Aegon's ear which caused the King's expression to turn grim as he nodded to Varys.

"Forgive my manners." Jon said cordially with a forced smile, "I am sure you both must be tired from your long journey. Your rooms are prepared for you. You will have baths drawn and supper brought to you shortly."

As Jon turned his back to them, he gave orders to one of the Dothraki men standing on one side of the room in a foreign tongue. The Dothraki man nodded his head obediently and motioned for the rest of his men to escort Dany and Ser Davos out of the room.

"Am I your prisoner, Your Grace?" Dany asked as the Dothraki approached her and Ser Davos.

Jon swiveled halfway to face her and gave her a smug smirk, "Not yet."

The Dragon King pulled his cape over his arm and proceeded to the war room.

Dany was about to follow him when Davos touched her shoulder, giving her a look that said Not Now, Your Grace.

Dany decided to heed his warning and turned to leave as the Dothraki stood on either side of them.