No peeking

They finally reached the end of the corridor and the door to batman's private quarters and Selina stepped in after batman opened the door for her and Selina immediately felt like home. The first room was like a smaller batcave just with no bats and less moisture and better lighting. The walls were covered with monitors and racks of all kinds of gadgets and gear. The front of the room was dedicated to a workstation and a lab while the back of the room housed a display dedicated to few of batman's old suits and what looked like a batsuit/spacesuit hybrid.

Selina took her time to examine the rooms while batman closed the door and pulled his cowl off and sat on his computer terminal. Selina had always been curious and this was her first time on the watchtower. Okay first time on the watchtower with permission but this was her first time in batman's quarters. After finishing her self guided tour she moved on to the adjacent room. This room was very basic as it only had a bed, a bedside table, few closets and a small table and a couple of chairs. And of course a weightlifting bench In the corner was a small kitchen and a door to a basic bathroom.

And of course Selina could not help her curiosity and went on to investigate the small kitchen and the refrigerator. She examined its content (mostly Bruce's disgusting protein shakes and water) and picked up a water bottle. She then went on to explore the room and went to investigate the bed. As she should have guessed the headboard had a secret compartment for some batarangs and smoke bombs. Then she moved on to the bedside table and opened the drawer. And oh my what she found! Nothing she would have ever expected.

Selina was shocked as she carefully pullet out the two peculiar items from the drawer. The first item was a cut piece of one of her old bullwhip that appeared to have heen cut off with a batarang. After a brief moment of thought Selina knew exactly what it was. It was a piece of the whip she used to tie batman up for the very first time after she had managed to knock him out for a moment. And the other item has a stolen banknote now worthless as it housed a bright red lip mark and a "See you soon, Handsome" message written with lipstick at the back of it. Selina had left it behind after maybe feeling a little bit of guilty for knocking him out.

Selina had been lost in her memories as she suddenly snapped back to reality as she heard Bruce groan in pain in the other room. She quickly but carefully put the items back to their exact spot and closed the drawer and quickly wiped any tears from her eyes and went back to check on him.

Selina found Bruce trying to take off his suit but given his recent injuries he was unable to it by himself.

"You know you could have asked me to help." Selina said with a mix of sarcasm and genuine worry.

"I don't need help" Bruce spat back and made a look off discomfort as he again tried to pull the bodyarmor off.

"For the love of good stop being a jackass and let me help you" Selina said strictly and went on to help him remove his body armor. If there was any excuse to fell him up a bit this was a good one. And boy did she love to feel him up.

"You don't need to act so macho all the time, Handsome. I'm already sleeping with you,you know." Selina said playfully as she helped him change into workout clothes and snuck a kiss to his injured bicep.

Bruce only grunted in response.

Now that the handsome jackass was ready and for the moment busy with his workstation it was Selinas turn to change into her workout gear. She announced that she would be taking a shower first and she disappeared to the next room with her iconic hipsway.

"No peeking!" Came Selinas sultry voice from the other room and Bruce only gave a grunt in response as he was busy tinkering with his spaceage grappling gun.

After a while of hearing the faint sound of the shower Bruce noticed how unusually quickly it ended and then heard wet steps coming towards him. Bruce lifted his head from his work at the same time as Selinas wet head peaked from the doorway. She did not look happy he instantly noticed.

"Bruce!" She yelled at him with a addorply pissed of face.

"What?" Bruce asked puzzled on what exactly he had done wrong now.

"I didn't peek!" Bruce announced hoping that it was about that.

"I know!" Selina yelled as she stepped in the room only a small towel covering her body.

Just for a second Bruce was more distracted than he had been in a while. He took a good look at the towel gald woman before him. His eyes hungrily scanned her from her perfect feet up to her gorgeous green eyes. Selina was always breathtakingly beautiful, always sexy and always seductive but seeing her barely covered with that small towel and small water drops gliding across her perfect skin made his mouth dry.

"I wanted you to peek" Selina said witch a naughty grin and felt so proud of herself for gaining such a reaction from him. He could not take his eyes from her and she felt like she had won. He was so enthralled by her and he would do anything she wished. Selina made note to utilize this approach in the future.

"Now." Selina said oozing with seduction as she took a grip from his shirt and pulled him up from his chair.

"Follow." Selina commanded with such sultriness that a lesser man might have fainted on the spot.

She let her towel fall to the ground and started to pull him backwards towards the shower with her hungry eyes fixated on him. At this point his mind was empty except for his desire for her and he happily complied.

With Selina at the lead the two of them disappeared into the bathroom.

After vigorous lovemaking in the shower they had somehow ended up on the bed on which they now laid naked and satisfied. Bruce laid there on his back one arm casually behind his head and the other injured arm awkwardly rested on Selina's lap as she gently examined it and and gave it light kisses on spots that hurt the most.

"Well that was one way to exercise" Bruce said with a rare smile and planted a kiss on Selinas head.

"Hmmm. I'll say." Selina smiled with satisfaction as her fingers subconsciously found their way to the claw marks she had given him years ago.

"You seem to be very proud of your handiwork." Bruce stated as he watched her play with his claw scars.

"You do that all the time, you know" Bruce said with a quick laugh as Selina looked at him with confusion.

"Oh." Selina said quietly as she realized what he meant. She looked at her hand and his scars and thought to herself how she sometimes didn't realize she did that.

"Maybe I like the reminder that this is my territory" Selina said with a sultry whispered as she carefully leaned in to kiss the claw marks.

"I might have preferred a less permanent reminder." Bruce said with his batvoice sending shivers of pleasure down on Selinas back.

"Bruce, stop. You know what that voice does to me." Selina moaned with her eyes closed as she tried to control herself.

"Besides that's not fair. I have just as permanent reminder of whom I belong to on my body." Selina said lifting her behind up slightly. She was referring to the bat emblem tattoo on her right buttcheek she had gotten a while ago.

"Well yes but that wasn't exactly my doing. Unlike these." Bruce said gesturing to his chest.

"Yeah yeah. Stop complaining jackass" Selina said as she carefully climbed on top of him and pinned him down from the wrists and kissed him.

"We really should get up and go exercise" Bruce said not really motivated to stop what they were doing.

"Remember that I'm in charge of your wellbeing when Alfred is not around?"Selina said with sexy determination.

" I say the exercises can wait a little while longer." Selina said and carefully applied more pressure towards his wrists and leaned in to kiss him again.

While this was happening in the other room the door to the quarters opened and superman stepped im. He was looking for batman to get his opinion on some urgent league matters. He was so focused on the matters at hand that he didn't notice the sounds coming from the other room and marchen in to the room.

Now usually this was not a big deal as Bruce rarely slept there and was usually working all the time while visiting the watchtower. It was semi-regular that superman would just walk in and ask him for help. But o boy was it a big deal this time. Somehow he had managed to walk in on Bruce and Selina having sex. Naked. Right in front of his eyes. This was not good.

"What the fu…!" Selina screamed as superman entered her peripheral vision and instinctively tried to find something to cover herself with and not finding anything close by resorted on covering herself with her hands.

At the exact same time Bruce had reacted instinctively with throwing the indurder with one of the hidden batarangs not realising it was Clark thus having no effect on him.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Was all superman had to say as he immediately retreated from the room and exited to the corridor with a picture of naked Selina riding Bruce burned onto his mind. This was bad. This was very bad! superman thought in shame.

Back at the bed Selina was staying absolutely still in shock still staring at the spot superman had occupied. Still covering herself with her arms she turned her face towards Bruce who was at the time, staring at the exact spot she did. Only his face was filled with anger and regret.

"You couldn't lock the door?" Selina hissed in anger and lightly slapping him on the face.

Bruce didn't say anything. He didn't really have anything to say. To be honest he didn't have anything to think either. He was just felt furious and surprised… and he felt strange...he was still inside…

"Well the boyscout has seen me naked" Selina stated in an odd tone witch Bruce took notice off. She had still not moved.

"Now I have to repay the favor" Selina said again in the odd tone and let out a sigh.

"What?" Bruce asked not liking where this was going. She still had not moved.