
Batman had always known that something like this could happen. He had made plans for this kind of scenario. In Fact he had made many protocols and contingency plans for situations like this. But at the moment he was unable to follow through those protocols. He was grievously injured barely able to stand and the only thing keeping him in the fight was his unyielding strength of will. Batman knew that he wouldn't last much longer, not when faced up against all of them.

With the help of Mad Hatter, Hugo Strange had somehow managed to manipulate the minds of the Justice League. Somehow the league now saw batman as a threat and Hugo had made sure they wouldn't hold back. Needles to say batman was severely outpowered when faced up against the league that was willing to kill.

When the league attacked him batman was caught up almost completely by surprise. But the batman was always ready for anything. Within minutes batman had figured out what was happening and he dispatched Nightwing to track down Hugo Strange and stop him from manipulating the league. Batman would stay and deal with the league.

The fight itself was admirable. For a while batman could maneuver himself around his opponents and outsmart them. But he was only human and they were superpowered gods. He grew increasingly tired every moment. While he did eventually manage to take out Hawkman by using his brutish strength against him the fight was far from over.

Next batman managed to to take down the Flash by electrocuting him. While the Flash was much faster than batman, batman was the better fighter and strategist. When the flash came close batman planted an electric shock device on him without him noticing. Then batman proceeded to incapacitate the Martian Manhunter by using incendiary grenades.

Green Lantern was cocky as hell, like usual. Batman knew how to exploit this. With enough distractions and sufficient taunting batman made the Landern lose his focus for a split second. That was all batman needed. In that split second batman knocked the Lantern out with a severe uppercut. Black Canary was relatively easy to defeat as the only real threat she posed was her scream. Batman just had to keep her distracted so she couldn't focus her power. Then batman immobilised her with his superior fighting skills.

The most dangerous opponents were the league's heavy hitters. Superman and Wonder Woman. Against these two batman could do much more than dodge and dance around. While batman had small fragments of kryptonite on him at all times, it was not enough to take the man of steel out of the game. It was barely enough to keep him down for a few blessed seconds until he got up again. While fighting against these two batman could really feel the exhaustion taking over him. At this point batman was bleeding and broken. But he was stubborn. He would not run. He would stand his ground.

Catwoman had been on her usual evening prowl when she her the noises coming from east Gotham. With cats curiosity she headed up there to investigate. She was absolutely stunned when she found out what was causing all that noise. It was Batman. Fighting the Justice League. It was unbelievable. She found herself stunned as she watched the battle from a nearby rooftop and tried to make sense from all of it. She might not be a detective like that handsome bat down there but she was smart. She quickly came to the conclusion that something was way off. Something or someone was manipulating the Justice League.

Catwoman decided that this was not her fight. It was Batman down there! He could handle whatever was thrown at him .But she could never pass up a show like this. Watching the dark knight fight was just so delicious! So she took a seat at the edge of the roof and watched the fight play out. She knew that batman was good. Very good. But watching him fight these gods... It was just amazing. She could not help but smile as she saw batman practically forcing Hawkman knock himself out. She really liked to watch him work. She found herself cheering for him. The words "Yeah! Take it bitch! Nobody messes with MY bat!" may have slipped through her lips as batman fought Black Canary. And when batman knocked out Green Lantern she might have felt a little bit aroused while watching that magnificent body moving like that.

Although she liked the show she was worried about him. With her intimate knowledge of him she could see batman had taken several nasty hits and continued to take on even more brutal hits. Selina was particularly worried when Superman and Wonder Woman arrived to the scene. Selina knew that fighting against one of them was very difficult for Bruce, but against both of them she knew he would be in serious trouble. At that instant Selina could now see just how tired Bruce already was. She saw now how batman was just barely able to dodge Superman's attacks. Selina knew that the kryptonite he carried around was his only real defence right now.

When Bruce managed to force superman out of the fight for a brief moment Selina felt slight relief. But then changed immediately when she saw Wonder Woman whom she had forgotten charging towards Bruce. She tried to swing at him with her sword. Bruce somehow managed to move away from what would have been a lethal strike. But he hadn't avoided the blade entirely. The sword had sliced into his arm and shoulder! Selina watched in horror as blood burst out of his left arm and shoulder. Her face went pale as she saw how the deep cut just kept bleeding horrifically. She could see just how much in pain her Bruce was. It made Selina's heart stop beating. When Bruce fell to the ground a loud scream escaped her Lips as she watched her love bleed out. And just as Wonder Woman raised her sword again a mix of emotions blurred Catwoman's senses and she jumped off from the rooftop.

Selina didn't know how she got there so quickly or how she got there at all. She found herself in between Wonder Woman and Batman. She had somehow deflected Wonder Woman's strike and save Bruce. She had screamed at Wonder Woman. She might have screamed something like "Hey wonder bitch! I am the only one around here who's allowed to scratch that bat!" as she furiously slashed her claws at Wonder Woman.

Catwoman fought with the ferocity of a wildcat. She was well beyond enraged. She was protecting her property like a wounded wildcat. With everything she got.! But against Wonder Woman...Well she did distract the Wonder Bitch for a while...until the bitch knocked her down to the ground. Hard. Then the Bitch raised her blade again and went after Bruce again. And something deep inside her gave Selina enough strength to get up. She had to get to Bruce. She just had to.

Selina managed to reach Bruce slightly before Wonder Woman. But Selina was in no shape or form capable of fighting the amazon again. But that had not been her intention. She fell down to the ground next to Bruce's wounded body and took him to her arms. She shielded his body with hers as Wonder Woman raised her blade to strike again.

"Step aside Catwoman!" The wonder bitch said with commandin voice.

"This doesn't concern you and I do not wish to harm you!"

Selina just kept holding him. There was no force in the universe that could make her move and leave him. She was prepared to die for him. She loved him. She couldn't live without him! Nothing but him mattered to her. She would protect him. No matter what happens. In the corner of her eye Selina could see how Wonder Woman's blade started to come down.

"So be it" Selina heard the wonder bitch say.

In that moment Selina tightened his hold on Bruce. She closed her eyes. Selina knew that if their roles had been reversed Bruce would have done anything to protect her. Now she would do anything to protect him. She would not let go. She would protect what was hers. If this was to be her end...then at least she would go protecting the man she loved so fiercely...At Least they would go together! Selina could feel the tears running down on her cheeks.

Then...nothing happened.

Everything had gone absolutely silent...but then Selina could hear a sword falling to the concrete. Selina could sense that something had changed. She could hear Wonder Woman's quiet voice behind her.

"What have I done?" Selina heard Wonder Woman whisper.

Selina didn't know how but somehow Nightwing must have managed to free the league from Strange's control.

Selina opened her eyes and slowly turned her head to see what was going on. She could see Wonder Woman standing there. Shivering. Looking confused. Selina could see small tears in her could see the immense guilt in Wonder Womans face.

Wonder Woman looked down at Catwoman and and Batman...Batman lying on Catwoman's lap...barely breathing. Her eyes shifted to her sword now laying on the ground. It was red with blood...Batman's blood. She felt an array of emotions racing through her head until she finally settled on guilt and disgust for herself. Her primary thought was to make sure Batman would make it. She had to do something. She had to make this right.

"Bruce?" Wonder Woman said weakly as her eyes filled with tears and she moved towards Batman's horrifically wounded body. She reached her arm and tried to touch tend his wounds...that she had caused.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM!" Catwoman screamed viciously staring up at Wonder Woman with hate and disgust in her eyes.

Wonder Woman was instantly shocked and tool quick steps backwards. She had no idea why catwoman, a criminal and one of batman's rogues was acting like this. But in a split second she got her answer. She knew the look on catwoman's face. It was a look that you never mess around with. It was a look of a mother panther protecting her cubs. It was a look of total commitment on protecting something you cared deeply. In that moment Wonder Woman knew that this cat burglar not cared for batman but fiercely loved him.

Once Wonder Woman had backed away Selina's full attention went immediately back to nursing Bruce. She did everything she could to help him. She went through Batman's utility belt like an expert looking for his medkit. When she found it she went to work on his wounds. She couldn't do much but it was something. At Least she could try to stop some of the bleeding.

She whispered soothing things to Bruce as she tried to clean up the wounds. She was so busy with nursing Batman that she failed to notice the justice league forming around her. Once she was finished with her work she glanced up on the League who all looked at batman in concern. Selina didn't say anything. She just moved her hand on batman's utility belt and found the batmobiles controls.

"Move" Was the only thing catwoman said as the batmobile raced down towards them. The batmobile had almost hit the green lantern as it came to full stop right next to batman and catwoman. In dead silence Selina gathered all of her strength and very carefully lifted batman up from the ground. With great effort she carried him towards the batmobiles now open cockpit.

"It's okay, baby. Kitty is gonna take you home" Selina could hear herself whisper to the dark knights ear. She immediately felt the tiniest tint of embarrassment as she realized that they were not alone. But she would not show it. Cats were never embarrassed. And neither was she. She just kept on walking.

"So are we just gonna let her take him? Isn't she a criminal.?!" The Flash said clearly clueless about what was happening. He got no verbal answer but Superman gave him a look that said "Not now".

"You look like you could use a hand" Superman said softly to Catwoman and stepped forward to take Batman of her hands.

Selina instantly turned her back towards Superman and shielding Bruces body with herself in a protective manner. When Superman was about to say something she gave him an icy stare that made it clear to everyone who was there why catwoman was feared in her own right.

"I think you people have done enough" Came the icy response and Selina continued towards the batmobile.

Once Selina had reached the car she gently put batman on the seat and strapped him in very carefully. She then quickly sat herself on the driver's seat. She could hear the Flash saying something about her ability to drive batmans car batman's care just as she closed the hatch and went full speed towards the cave...and away from those monsters. The only thing on her mind right now was to get Bruce somewhere safe and get him proper treatment. She would not let him die on her now...Not after all of this. Not after all they had gone through.

Selina activated the autopilot and focused on nursing Bruce. She made sure that he was still breathing. Good. She could see his chest rising steadily. She was technically alone. Now she was free let all of her emotions out. She curled up next to Bruce and started to weep. She was so happy that he was still alive. But she was extremely worried. She was still very afraid that he would die. There was still far too great chance of that. Then there was a sound that made her heart skip a beat.

"Selina" Bruce said weakly with great effort and pain. He tried to find the strength to move his hand up to her beautiful face and wipe her tears away but he was too weak to do so.

Selina knew what he was trying to do so she took his hand on hers and gently guided it. She held his hand against her cheek as tears fell down on her cheeks.

"You're gonna be okay handsome. You hear me? You WILL be okay! I'm NOT gonna let you leave me" Selina said with her voice filled with emotion just as Bruce began to fall unconscious again. Selina looked Bruce affectionately and gently ran her finger through his hair while wondering just how her life had come to this. Wondering how they went from flirting on the rooftops to all of this. She wasn't sure how the hell all of this happened but she was damn sure about one thin. The Batman was hers. And hers alone. Somehow down the road she had managed to steal his heart. And she intended to hold onto it and never let go. She loved him. She loved him so much that she wasn't sure if she could ever put it into words. Not that she needed to. She was sure Bruce was very aware just how she felt about him. And she knew that he loved her. He might try to deny it from time to time but she knew. She knew the Batman better than anyone.

"Don't worry handsome. Kitty's gonna keep you safe"

Bruce woke up in his own bed in tremendous pain. That wasn't a surprise. He knew that he had several broken bones and a few severe cuts on his arm and chest. Considering that he had just gone face to face with the justice league the injuries were substantial but he had expected worse. But it was over now. Now he would focus on healing so batman could resume his standard operations as soon as possible.

While lying on the bed Bruce could feel something odd. A sharp pain that was strangely out of place among his newly acquired wounds. Bruce looked down to his chest and saw catwoman's claw digging into his skin. His eyes traced the arm to its very lovely owner. There she was sleeping right next to woman who had saved him. The woman who loved him so much she would sacrifice her own life for him. The woman who stood up to goods to protect him. The woman he loved beyond reason. The only woman who truly understood him and accepted him as he was. The woman he might one day...

"Morning handsome" Came a soft purr as Selina woke up and moved her claw from his chest. She was not in her catwoman outfit anymore but she had kept the clowes on in case those justice league bastards tried to get to him again.

"Morning Kitty" Bruce said and gave her a rare small smile before his face turned back to normal.

"Last night. I don't remember much after taking a hit from superman. Tell me what happened." Bruce said with his demanding batman voice.

"Okay. But where to even begin?" Selina said with a playful smile. She loved when he turned all batman. Sure he was scary when he was like that to most people, especially to criminals but she had always found it sexy. Very very sexy. But she forced herself to set aside her dirty thoughts (for a moment) and started to give him her version of the last nights events.

After answering Bruce's many questions Selina decided that Bruce had heard enough. She silenced his next questions with a lustful kiss. Every time he opened his mouth to speak she would intercept his lips with hers until he finally gave in and started kissing her back.

Somehow Selina wound up on top of Bruce as she tongue wrestled with her dark knight. They were so caught in the moment that they failed to notice Alfred entering the room. (Well actually they both had noticed him but they choose to ignore him). Only after the butler cleared his voice did the two separate from each other and formally acknowledge Alfred's presence.

"What is it Alfred?" Bruce said after a brief moment of awkward silence.

"I'm sorry to barge in and interrupt you and miss Kyle but mister Kent and his party are requesting to meet you, sir." Alfred said with his usual proper manner.

Selina gave Bruce an angry look as he instructed Alfreds to escort them into his office. She didn't want him anywhere near those bastards and she certainly did not allow him to get up from this bed in his current condition. So when Bruce tried to get up Selina pushed him back down to the pillows and stared into his eyes. He could see the worry in her eyes. He decided to compromise for her sake. He instructed Alfred to bring his guests up to his bedroom and Selina could stay there with him.

"Miss Kyle before I go might I suggest you find something more appropriate to wear before I let the guests in" Alfred said with absolute politeness as he stepped out of the room.

"What's wrong with my outfit?" Selina asked genuinely surprised and while Bruce smiled. When she looked down she noticed that somehow that sneaky bat had managed to strip her down to her red lace underwear without her noticing a thing.

"Oh" Selina looked at Bruce who was now grinning like an idiot.

"How the hell did you do that?" She asked as she got up from the bed in search for some clothing.