Hey, guys so I've adopted this story from remypie1746 so the first 4 chapters are hers and yes I pm'd her and she gave it to me with full permission thanks to her and plz no hate. good luck and read on Charlie

Bracken held Kendra's hand as they walked down the path. Ever since Bracken returned he spent every moment with Kendra. Their favorite spot was the naiad pond, they would sit there for countless hours talking and watching the rays of sunlight dance across the surface of the lake. On the walk there, Bracken let go of Kendra's hand and turned to face her. "Kendra, I have a surprise for you." He said softly.

"You know I hate surprises Bracken, tell me now," Kendra said hastily as she moved her face so it was only a few inches away from his.

Bracken sighed and looked into the distance dramatically "Well I guess you will have too…race me there!" Bracken took off sprinting to the naiad pond.

"Bracken!" Kendra yelled after him. He responded by running faster into the trees. Kendra jogged after him. She was not far Bracken when she saw him disappear into the hedge surrounding the pond. She came around the side and to the opening so she wouldn't get leaves in her hair and stood dumbfounded. Everywhere there are fairies, thousands. Gliding in all directions in all colors. Bracken stood in the only gazebo that was completely woven with hundreds of beautiful flowers. Dozens of flowers she didn't even know existed was made into gorgeous arch around Bracken.

Kendra walked forward dazedly as Bracken reached out his hand for her. Then, Bracken knelt down. "Kendra Sorenson." Bracken said "Every time I see you it is like it is the first time. Your smile is so beautiful it makes me forget my own name. I have never felt this way about anyone in my entire life. I have enjoyed every single second I spend with you and I never want to leave your side. Kendra, will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" he asked.

Kendra was speechless. After a few seconds she regained her composure, "Oh Bracken" Kendra said, "Of course!" Bracken stood up allowing her to throw her arms around him and hug him tightly. But it was all ruined when there was a scream from the woods.

"Who was that?" Bracken asked

"I don't know" Kendra replied, "But it sounded really familiar."

"It is probably Seth, Raxtus is visiting again and probably scared Seth," Bracken concluded, anxious to get back to where they left off.

Kendra didn't look okay, though. "It sounded like…no" she shook her head as she trailed off. The scream was heard again. "Bracken we should make sure no one is hurt, let's check it out." Kendra decided as she started walking briskly to where the scream came from. Bracken reluctantly followed her.


Kendra arrived at the location where she thought the sound was from. It kinda was near the old manner, but more towards the location of where the centaurs live. There were a small clearing and some bushes to the side. There was a deep swamp. From the right came two nasty trolls running away from something. "That's the last time I mess with a grungy boy" one of the trolls murmured to the other while running away.

"Come on," Kendra whispered to Bracken. They walked in the direction the trolls ran from. Kendra pushed aside some bushes and a tree branch to reveal a teenage boy with black hair and his back turned to them. He was wet and muddy like he took one too many swims in the swamp. He also looked like he had fought off a few troublesome trolls.

The boy heard Kendra and Bracken rustle in the bushes and probably thought they were the trolls. "I thought I told you to scram!" the boy yelled.

Kendra knew that voice too well. She got up and strode toward the boy. She came up behind him and grabbed his shoulder, and twirled him to face her. "Navarog!" She sneered. He gave her his best charming grin.