Hey every one of you writers, readers, reviewers, and all other manner of folks out there! You know it, you love it, and if you're thinking what we think you're thinking, then you're doing some good thinking! From the mind that's brought you many a MARVEL crossover such as A Spider's Focus, Avenging Normandy, and the Code Avengers Series, it's a new epic tale of heroes, magic, and more from the studio of lyokoMARVELanime! And now, give it up, for that one-of-a-kind, crossover crafting, legend building, miracle worker: heeeeeeerrrrreeeee's...lyokoMARVELanime!

[audience applause mixed in with some boos]

AN: Hi-ya everybody, and let me just say right now, you are well in your right to boo me right now, hence the reason why the audience is giving that reaction to the announcer dude. Let me explain: for those of you who have been following my other, more recently updated stories or who have spoken with me via PM, I'm sure you're well-aware by now of how I have said that I would not be accepting any new challenges or starting any new stories any time in the near future until my other current stories were completed, and I assure you, I was fully intent on following through with that promise. However, that was before I saw a challenge posted by "Spiderfan626", for a Kingdom Hearts & Avengers EMH crossover, and I just could not help but think to myself, "Hey, this is right up my alley!" I mean, I felt like it was begging me to do this, so I said, why not go for it, and immediately spoke with the challenge-giver to let him know I was taking him up on that. Now, here we are.

Sora: You know, I have to admit, it actually feels kind of exciting to be doing double-duty for you, seeing as you've now got this story in addition to Kingdom Hearts: Dual Keys. I mean, this is the first time I've ever been in two of your stories at once.

Wasp: It's actually not as easy as you think, Sora. It can get pretty hard at times.

Iron Man: Speak for yourself. Aside from Spidey, you and Cap are the ones who are featured as major/main characters the most of his stories. You know, like say Justice Marvel, Avenging Normandy, Shield of the Cosmic Era, Avengers Academy, and let's not forget about the Code Avengers Series.

Wasp: Um...Tony, I've only officially appeared in two of those stories. And before you argue about my appearance in Justice Marvel, I'd just like to remind you that said appearance was actually a guest appearance of the Code Avengers version of me. Not the Justice Marvel one.

Roxas: Just tell me that I'm going to actually show up in this story, because I'm getting a little impatient waiting for you to finish Dual Keys so you can start on its sequel.

Xion: Yeah, same here.

Naminé: Yeah, that goes for a lot of the rest of us who only started appearing after Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories came out too.

AN: ...Really? Are you guys really going to go diva on me in the first chapter of a new story?

Roxas: I'm just saying...

AN: Just be patient. You'll get your chances to shine, both in the sequel to Dual Keys, and...in the sequel to this story.

Naminé: You've already started thinking about a sequel for this?

AN: Well yeah, actually. The events of Avengers EMH Season 2 need to be a whole separate story from this for a multitude of reasons. That actually brings me to the other reason accepted the challenge for this kind of story. This is the first time I've done a Kingdom Hearts story that was an actual crossover, or just a major AU of the original story to this extent, and I'm kinda hoping this could act as my sounding board for future, similar stories. I have actually thought of a couple different Kingdom Hearts AUs that had a kind of High School setting to them, but I've never really pushed forward with them yet for many reasons, the first of which being that I was nervous about how well I could pull it off. So please, when you're reviewing, let me know what you guys think about how good, bad, cool, sad, or whatever else my efforts are. I'd really appreciate the feedback this time.

Now, with all of that settled (and now that I've said everything I can to hopefully quell any hate flames), let's get into things right away. Oh, before I forget, this is actually an alternate version of the first game, so this will be at the time when Sora first got the Keyblade. And I'm going to be skipping over the events of Destiny Islands, because that all happened the same way in cannon. Avengers, to the chapter!...

I do not own anything from either the Kingdom Hearts or MARVEL franchises or any other franchise mentioned in this story.

Chapter I

It was supposed to be the greatest thing that had ever happened for him and his best friends. They were supposed to just go to bed, rest up, and then set sail the next morning so that they could find the other worlds, one of which being the home of the lone girl of their trio of best friends. Finally, after all the years of just sitting around on the islands of their small world, just pretending to go on grand quests, the three of them would be having a real adventure, just like they had always dreamed of doing ever since they had come together as friends. So how, on the eve of their voyage, did it all go so wrong, right to the point where their dream of adventure had been completely turned around into a nightmare?

Young Sora was not quite sure what had happened. One minute he was in his bed having a hard time getting to sleep both because he was so excited for what was coming the next day and because of some things his friend and "secret" crush Kairi had talked to him about earlier that day before they left for home. The next minute, a storm seemed to have rolled in, and he was heading out the window and over to the island that he and his friends would always play on to make sure that the raft they had worked so hard on was not harmed by the storm. At least, Sora thought it was a storm, until he had arrived on the island and looked up at the sky to see what looked like a giant orb of shadows hanging directly above the island. He paid it little mind though when he noticed that both Kairi and his other best friend, Riku's boats were at the dock as well, and his friends quickly became a higher priority for him. He barely paid that much attention to the strange, shadowy creatures that suddenly rose up from the ground around him, aside from running away from them, and he did not stop running until he located each of his friends, only to lose them again due to mysterious circumstances seconds later. What happened next was so hard to believe that Sora was sure that you would have to have been there to believe it, because he ended up fighting a giant monster that appeared to be made of shadows on what could only be described as the ruins of his home, which were now floating high up in the air while everything around him was drawn into the slowly growing, dark orb. The only thing stranger than the monster and the location of his battle, was the weapon he had to use against the beast.

He had no idea where it had come from or how he got it, but Sora was just glad that, unlike his toy sword made of wood, this mysterious sword was able to destroy the dark creatures easily. He still had little to no idea as to why it was shaped like a giant skeleton key with a gold guard, silver blade and teeth, and black handle though. The teeth of the key-sword were shaped like the crown symbol that Sora wore around his neck, making Sora even more confused as to just what kind of sword this thing was to begin with. That mystery was just a minor thing for Sora at the time, because just when it seemed like he was going to be able to deal with the monster that was apparently destroying his home, he got pulled up into the dark orb as well, and promptly passed out seconds after going through and landing on what felt like cold steal.

Sora could faintly remember hearing muffled voices afterwards, but he barely had any idea what they were saying. He was sure that he heard mention of a doctor and a director or something along those lines, but that was about it before he saw what he could only assume was a pair of women, one with short, black hair and the other with long, red hair just before he had passed out. That was probably a few hours ago, and now Sora was awake again, slowly taking in his surroundings. From what he could tell, he was resting on a bed in a dull-looking room that had no windows or lights save for the ones in the ceiling above him, and he could swear he heard what sounded like a muffled, roaring engine coming through the walls, so he quickly assumed that he was probably on some kind of ship at the moment. Even though the room was as bland and dull as could be, it was still a much better sight than he was at the moment. Physically, Sora himself was fine for the most part, save for a few scratches, but his outfit was most certainly ruined. His red jumpsuit had more than a few tears in it, while his black hoodie was missing one of its white sleeves and the actual hood. One of his white gloves was also missing two of its straps, but both of them were seriously frayed, and his rather large, yellow and black shoes were so banged up that Sora was honestly surprised that they were not falling apart at the seams. He was honestly surprised that his loosely worn blue belt and crown necklace had come out of the entire thing unscathed, but that was a small comfort when faced with the reality that he was now alone with no idea as to where his friends were or even where he was at the moment.

His answer was coming soon enough, right after he realized he was not the only person in the room. "Good to see you're finally awake," a female voice commented, drawing Sora's attention over to the speaker.

When his eyes came to rest on the woman in question, the first thing he registered was that she had red hair, and since his vision was still a little hazy, he could have sworn that the girl before him was someone he knew quite well. "Kairi? Is that you," Sora questioned.

"Sorry, but I'm afraid you've got me confused with someone else. My name's Natasha Romanoff, codename: Black Widow," the redhead replied. It was at that point that Sora's vision finally cleared up, and in place of the girl he had long since developed a crush on, stood a woman with long red hair, sharp green eyes, and fair skin, dressed in an all black suit that hugged every curve of her body, while the collar was opened a little at her neckline, along with a pair of gold bracelets on her wrists, and a studded, yellow belt that had a red and black hourglass symbol on the center of belt buckle. "I have to admit, I never thought I'd get the chance to meet a Keyblade wielder, let alone that said wielder would be so young," Black Widow continued. "Still, I can't help but wonder just how experienced you really are."

"Keyblade," Sora questioned as he finally sat up, slowing his pace a little when he was suddenly hit by a little dizziness due to rising too quickly. He then noticed the key-shaped sword he had been using earlier resting against the wall nearby, and in a flash of light, the blade had vanished from where it was and reappeared in his hand. "I'm guessing this is the Keyblade?"

"You mean…you didn't already know that," Black Widow questioned, her surprise barely evident at all, given how even and controlled her voice and facial expression was.

Sora shook his head no, drawing a sigh from the redhead in response. He was about to ask if she knew anything else about this thing when he suddenly remembered something a little more important. "Wait a minute! What happened to my island? My friends?! Riku? Kairi," Sora rapidly fired off.

"Calm down, kid. We're not going to be able to answer any of your questions if you're asking so many of them at once," a new voice interrupted, diverting Sora and Black Widow's gaze to the room's third occupant that Sora had not noticed until just now. The man in question had dark skin, black hair that was grey on the sides, and a brown, right eye, while his left eye was hidden behind a black eyepatch. His outfit was much different from Black Widow's, since it was a dark blue-nearly black full body suit that left only his head uncovered, while a white gun holster was strapped over his chest, a white belt circled his waist, and white gloves covered his hands. His outfit was completed with a pair of black boots and a red circle on his chest that had an eagle on the inside, clearly acting as a badge to signify the organization he was part of, though from his posture and stern expression, it was a little more likely that he was probably someone of high authority in said organization. "I'll take it from here, Romanoff. You're dismissed for now," the eyepatch wearing man told the redhead, and the woman in question silently left a minute later, her stride even yet attractive at the same time when she did.

With Widow out of the room, the two men fell into a tense silence as they stared each other down for a minute, until finally, the man of authority took a seat in the chair by the wall and gave a small smile to Sora as he said, "It's been a few years since I last saw a wielder of the Keyblade, but given how young you are, and how you seem to have no clue about just what that means, I'm going to assume that you're either just starting your training, or you just got that key of yours. Not only that, but I'm guessing that you probably didn't come here willingly, given how you appeared on the upper deck of my Helicarrier earlier today."

"So this really is another world," Sora asked.

"Yes, it is, or at least I'm assuming it's another world in relation to where you come from. Now before you go demanding anymore answers, I'm going to need to ask a few questions of my own. I suggest you answer them all honestly. Is that understood, kid," the man informed him. The question at the end was clearly more of a statement that it was anything else.

When Sora would have just nodded in reply, even if he was a little irritated at being called "kid" but he still wanted to know something else first. "First, tell me who you are."

The man stared at Sora for a minute or so before he finally smirked in reply. "My name is Nick Fury. I'm the director of the Strategic Homeland Intervention Espionage and Logistic Division. We call it SHIELD for short. Now perhaps you could tell me your name, kid?"

"It's Sora, and I'm not a kid. I'm fourteen."

"I'd hate to break it to you, Sora, but until you've really been through half the things that I and some of my best agents have been through, or even half the stuff some of the Keyblade wielders before you have been through, you're still a kid in the eyes of a lot of people," Fury chuckled. He then became serious again as he started his questions. "Now first off, I have to ask, do you know anyone by the name of Aqua?"

"Uh…No, I don't think so," Sora shrugged, but he then found himself pausing to think for a minute before adding on to his answer. "But I do feel like…that name should sound familiar to me for some reason. Why do you ask?"

"That's the name of a Keyblade Master I met personally. I would've lost a lot more than my left eye if it were not for her," Fury explained before he returned to his questions. "I'm guessing this means you don't know anyone named Terra or Ventus either, do you?" When Sora shook his head in the negative, Fury moved on from that topic to the next obvious one. "Where are you from?"

"I'm from Destiny Islands," Sora answered, honestly. "It's a pretty small world, actually, and that's part of the reason why my best friends and I wanted to go out and find other worlds."

"I see," Fury nodded with a small smile, finding that honesty both relieving and a little amusing. Being caught up in spy work day-in and day-out hardly ever meant you would encounter someone as honest as this kid seemed to be. "Now, what's the last thing that you remember before you came here?"

Sora was about to answer Fury's question, and likely would have done so in excruciating detail, when suddenly the lights in the room flickered on and off a few times, pulling them out of the conversation. Even though he was not from this world, Sora knew that this most likely meant something really bad was about to happen, and Fury's quickly forming scowl only reinforced that point. The next thing either of them knew, the room suddenly felt like it was sinking at a rapid pace while violently shaking as faint explosions could be heard from outside and an alarm began blaring loudly. When the shaking finally settled enough, Fury turned to rush out of the room, and Sora was about to follow him when the dark skinned man turned back to him with a wave of his hand and ordered, "You stay here, and don't leave this room unless absolutely necessary!"

Fury was out the door before Sora could protest, and the boy was probably going to just plop down on the bed he had woken up in with a pout on his face had something else not just materialized onto it before he even got close. It may not have been the same thing as the monsters that had appeared on his island before whatever had happened to his home, but somehow, Sora just knew that this oddly-armored, yellow-eyed creature was the same kind of monster as the ones from back then. At first he thought it was probably not going to hurt him, since it shared a resemblance to that of a knight, but when it suddenly lunged towards him, clearly intent on attacking, Sora knew that was not the case, so he rolled away and slashed through it with the Keyblade, reducing it into nothing more than faint smoke when he struck, while a strange, heart-shaped crystal seemed to be released into the air afterwards before it too vanished. Sora did not pay that much mind, because he had a feeling that if one of those strange creatures was here, then that meant that there were probably others as well, and as far as he knew, nothing other than his Keyblade was able to destroy them. Fury may have told him to stay put, but he also said to only leave the room if it was necessary. As far as Sora was concerned, helping to take out those monsters was definitely necessary. Besides, he still had a score to settle with these things for what they did to his home.

The young Keyblade wielder would have gotten right to work had it not been for one small problem: it turned out that Fury had locked him in. Sora could not help but bite back a curse when he realized this, until he glanced at the Keyblade, pausing to think when he did. The idea may have been a little bit odd, but then again, everything about the last few hours or so had been strange, so it was not like he had much to lose at this point. After stepping back from the door, he aimed the Keyblade directly at it, and then watched as the tip of the blade glowed before shooting a beam of light directly at it. A moment later, he heard what sounded like something being unlocked, and when he approached the door this time, it opened without any trouble at all. Sora smiled in relief of this and then raced out into the hallway so he could find anymore of those strange monsters, hoping that no one had been hurt by them yet. What he found so far instead was a bunch of different men and women dressed similarly to Fury, firing at strange…people for lack of a better word.

There was really no better way for Sora to describe the other guys that he saw, because they were all strange and different in more ways than he could count as far as he could see. There was one man dressed in green armor that suddenly turned into a tornado, a man who looked like he was made of stone that was turning other people into a similar state just by touching them, and just a few feet away from him, he could see what looked like man mixed together with a lion and a bird charging through some of the uniformed men who were firing at him. One managed to avoid being hit by the animal-like individual, but he was soon wound up in a long cable of some kind and hauled over to a man in a blue and orange outfit as said man chuckled darkly. Seeing the man in trouble, Sora was about to rush over and stop him, when someone else beat him to it by blasting the man in the head and the stomach.

Turning to the shooter, Sora only gained a brief glimpse at a tan woman with short, black hair and dressed in a similar uniform as Fury's rushing past while something small seemed to be flying alongside her, and Sora could have sworn the small object had looked like a person. The two were soon stopped in their tracks when more of the knight-looking monsters suddenly appeared in their path, and the small person quickly started firing energy blasts at the monsters in an attempt to get rid of them. Even though the energy blasts seemed to have more of an effect than Sora's toy sword had on the first ones he had encountered on his island, it did not seem to slow them down, because they were charging the two women again shortly after. Thankfully, that was when Sora jumped in, slashing through a soldier than had jumped at the two just as it was coming down on them, and he was quick to cut down the remaining three soon after, clearing the hallway of these monsters for the moment.

Sora then relaxed his battle stance after glancing around to confirm that there were not anymore monsters around and turned to the woman and her small friend, only to find the latter was now right in his face with her fists ablaze with yellow energy. It was at this point that Sora was finally able to get a good look at the small person, and he could now clearly see that it was indeed a small woman, probably about six inches tall at least, with fair skin, bright blue eyes, and dark brown hair. More than that, she also had a pair of yellow buzzing, insect wings protruding from her back, and was dressed in a yellow and black stripped dress that left her shoulders bare, with a black choker around her neck, black sleeves, yellow gloves, black pants, and yellow boots, with a pair of yellow antenna that were worn over her ears completing the outfit. Sora had to admit, whoever this small woman was, she did look pretty cute, but that was little distraction to the fact that she was glaring at him with her fists charged with energy like she was ready to shoot at him at any second.

"All right tough guy, I don't know who you are, but you better just give up quietly before I zap the heck out of you," the small woman warned Sora, who's only response was to raise a questioning eyebrow at her.

"But I just helped save you guys. Why should I surrender if we're on the same side," Sora asked.

"Easy Wasp. He's not one of the supervillains," the other woman told the small-sized one. Hearing her say that, Wasp lowered her glowing hands, letting the light from them go out when she did, but now it was the other woman's turn to glare at Sora, or at least, that was what it seemed like she was doing to him, but he figured that she was probably just giving him what counted as a neutral look for her. "Still, last I checked, you were unconscious and under observation. What're you doing out of your quarters?"

"Well I was going to do what Nick Fury told me to and stay there, but then one of those monsters appeared in my room and tried to attack me. I figured that there might be more of them, so I came out to try and help you guys beat them, since so far, the only thing that I've seen able to destroy those monsters was this Keyblade," Sora explained, gesturing to the weapon in question at the end.

The serious woman looked at Sora for a minute before she asked, "How are you so sure that only your weapon can destroy them? From what I saw, Wasp's stingers seemed to have been doing something against them."

"Because those are a lot like the monsters that appeared on my island before I ended up here, and when I tried to fight them with something else, it didn't work. Then I got the Keyblade and suddenly I was able to take them out with one hit," Sora rapidly explained.

Wasp was just looking back and forth between the two for a minute before she finally stepped back in and said, "Well, he did try and help us, so, I think we can trust him." She then glanced around again as the ship shook for some reason and exclaimed, "This is now completely crazy! How did this happen?"

"It doesn't matter. Right now, we need to get to the bridge," the uniformed woman told Wasp before moving to run towards said location.

"No," Wasp snapped, turning her glare on the other black haired woman. "Ant-Man was in the Big House when the explosion happened. He was with all the supervillains. We have to help him, now!"

"We don't have time to help him if we want to get things under control, and to do that, we've got to get to the bridge."

"You can't be serious, Hill!"

"So this Ant-Man guy is a friend of yours, right Wasp," Sora suddenly asked, reminding the two that he was still there. When Wasp nodded to him, Sora smiled a bit and said, "Well in that case, I'll go with you to help him while Miss Hill goes to the bridge."

"Agent Hill," the uniformed woman corrected.

"Sorry," Sora quickly apologized before turning back to Wasp. "Besides, if there's a bunch of bad guys down in this Big House, then there might be more of those monsters there too, so I have to come with you and help out."

Wasp just stared at the kid for a minute until finally, a grateful smile crossed her face and she nodded. "Thanks kid."

"My name's not 'Kid.' It's Sora."

"Well it's going to be 'Water-Rat' in a minute if you two don't get moving soon. In case you forgot, the Helicarrier is probably sinking into the Hudson right now, and there are supervillains running all over the place," Hill informed him, and with that, she raced off for the bridge again.

Wasp just rolled her eyes at the agent before looking to her new friend and waving for him to follow after her. Sora was instantly hot on her trail after that, running as fast as he could, both to keep up with Wasp and to make sure that nothing happened, and for the most part of their trip, they did not encounter anymore monsters or bad guys. That good fortune ended eventually though when they came across a few more of the same monsters from earlier, only this time, there were some of the ones that looked like living shadows with beady yellow eyes and long antenna that Sora had fought back on his island as well. Sora wasted no time in destroying as many of them as he could, and during that time, Wasp proved that her stingers were able to destroy some of the creatures as well, but only after several consecutive blasts. When they finally made it through, Wasp and Sora could only gasp in shock at the sight of what looked like the ruins of a large building filling up the room, some parts of it even going up through the ceiling and the floor beneath their feet. This may have looked odd to Sora, but for Wasp, it was definitely a bad sign.

When Wasp spotted a flash of light from of the windows, she immediately flew towards it, hoping that it was Ant-Man using his powers in order to avoid getting hurt right now. Leaving Sora to try and climb through it as best as he could. He just had to hope he managed to catch up to Wasp before something happened to her or her friend.

Things seemed to only go bad for Hank Pym lately. First a peaceful trip out to the borders of Wakanda to study vibranium turned into a fight for his life when a mercenary named Klaw attacked him with a sonic weapon, then there was that attack that happened near Greyburn that lead Janet to start going on about how they could do more to help as actual superheroes again, and of course, there was also the issues he had regarding the Big House and the prisoners inside of it, which Fury just brushed off by basically telling him that he was living in a fantasy land when he could be doing more good as a super powered soldier. Granted, seeing Janet take down Whirlwind so easily, despite her lack of training was pretty awesome, but all he wanted was to help people, be they good guys or bad guys. Others may think he was crazy for thinking like that, and part of him had to admit that he probably was, but he just had to believe that these criminals could be a beneficial part of society if they received proper rehabilitation. At the moment though, his current patients were making it very hard for him to prove that point.

He had no idea what had happened, or even how it was possible. One minute he was having a talk with the Mad Thinker, and the next thing he knew, the power to all the cell doors had been cut off, letting the prisoners loose, and the Big House was going from being at a size that was comparable to a model of specialized prisons, to a full-sized building, and when you consider the fact that it was onboard the Helicarrier…well, suddenly having a building just materialize in the middle of SHIELD's flying headquarters was not typically a good thing. He was just glad that the Helicarrier was not flying above a heavily populated area at the moment, last he checked, but that relief was soon replaced by annoyance when he found himself battling it out with his patients in a fight for his own survival. So far he had to endure escaping and knocking out Mandrill and King Cobra, getting tackled by Griffin, and now, he was enduring a beating from Whirlwind. That last one would probably have been less painful if he did not have to endure listening to Whirlwind rant on and on about what he was going to do to him and the other SHIELD agents for sending him into the Big House, though, but it also served as a good reason for Hank to at least try fighting back a little more when the tornado creating villain got to a very specific point in his rant.

"And then, I'm gonna find the bug girl and tear her apart," Whirlwind boasted, not knowing he had just crossed a very serious line with Hank. Nobody and I do mean nobody threatened Janet in front of Hank without paying a serious price for it, and Hank most likely would have delivered that particular justice personally by beating Whirlwind to an inch of his life had he not spotted something that would have dealt with Whirlwind for him just before he was lifted up by the front of his suit.

"I'd let you tell the Wasp yourself, but you're about to get knocked out," Ant-Man snarled at Whirlwind, and he then shrunk down to a smaller size, escaping from Whirlwind's grasp, and leaving him wide open for when Griffon came flying towards him in an attempt to attack the size-changing hero as well, taking out both villains at once.

Hank likely would have dropped very far down to some unknown point of the Helicarrier, after all, when you are barely more than a few inches tall, you would often feel like you have entered a whole other world, when his angel swooped in and caught before he could even hit the water below him. "So how's your day been," Wasp asked as she carried Hank out of the ruins of the Big House.

"Painful and I don't think it's over yet," Hank groaned in reply as they got out into the hallway. Neither of them were prepared for when an odd creature that seemed to be made of shadows suddenly sprang up from the ground the minute they got out and lunged at them, but thankfully, they received another rescue, this time in the form of a boy with brown spiky hair, dressed in an odd tattered outfit, wielding what looked like a giant skeleton key as a sword.

The boy quickly sliced through a couple more similar monsters before returning his attention to the two small-sized heroes and asked, "You guys okay?"

"Yeah, we're good," Wasp nodded to him, drawing a confused look from Hank.

"Friend of yours, Janet," Hank asked.

"Oh yeah," Wasp gasped, as if she had just remembered that the two boys did not know each other. "Sora, this is Ant-Man. Ant-Man, Sora."

"Hi, nice to meet ya," Sora smiled to Hank, throwing the man off a little.

"Uh…likewise," Hank nodded before he remembered what had just happened. "What was that thing just now and what did you do to it?"

"I was hoping one of you guys could tell me, because I've never seen those things before until just recently when they showed up on my island. As for what I did to it…well, I'm pretty sure that I destroyed it," Sora shrugged.

Hank would have said something in protest against destroying what could likely have been a new life-form, but Janet was not about to let them forget about their current problem. "Uh guys, maybe we should continue this conversation after we get off the sinking Helicarrier?"

Both of the other two nodded in agreement, and immediately started booking it for the exit along with Wasp. Well, Hank was right alongside her in rushing for the exit. Sora was following close behind him since he had no idea where the exit even was. Thankfully, they were able to find one that was not completely flooded with either water or agents that were trying to evacuate, and Wasp had soon flown both Hank and Sora to safety on the docks nearby. They were all about to breathe sighs of relief now that they were out of that mess, but when they heard the sounds of something big rising out of the water, they could not help but start worrying again. That worry only grew when they turned towards the source of the sound and gaped at the sight of a massive facility that looked like it was attached to some type of barge had risen up out of the water and was now floating in mid-air, especially considering that it did not look like it should be able to do that.

The only thing that was more out of place than a flying building that should not be flying was the two men that were floating above it, or at least one of them did not seem like he should be flying from what the three could tell. They were able to confirm that at least one of the two people in the sky should not be up there after a few minutes when they realized that one of the two was actually a SHIELD agent, and it looked like the other man, who was clad in a blue and white outfit and had a shaggy mane of hair, was trying to crush him just by flexing his hand. Seeing that someone was in trouble, Wasp immediately charged up into the air again, hoping to help, leaving Hank and Sora to do nothing more than watch as thunder suddenly clapped through the air. A minute later, it looked like the shaggy man was hit by something hard, dropping his hostage, which was caught by Wasp seconds later. The shaggy man would have gone after Wasp and his now freed prisoner, but he was quickly held up by a blonde man in Viking armor after the hammer said blonde had thrown returned to his hand.

"Who's that," Sora gasped in awe when he saw the flying Viking.

"That's Thor," Ant-Man replied in a tone that made it sound like he was stating the obvious. Sora's only response was to look at him with a blank expression that was asking for more details. "You know, like as in the Norse god of thunder." Sora's expression remained unchanged. "He's been on the news a lot lately, like last week when he helped stop the Wrecking Crew from destroying at least half the city." Still no change. "Are you seriously telling me that you have no idea what I'm talking about right now?"

"Hey, give me a break. I literally just arrived in this world a little while ago. I can't be expected to know everything about everyone so quickly," Sora said in his defense.

Hank just looked at Sora like he was a crazy when he heard that, but just when he was about to call him out on that, Fury's voice suddenly called out, "I thought you Keyblade wielders were supposed to keep the existence of other worlds a secret in order to protect world order."

Looking in the direction that the SHIELD director's voice had come from, Hank and Sora discovered that the person Wasp had just saved was actually Nick Fury himself, and he was now leveling a small look at Sora while keeping an eye on Thor's fight with the unknown supervillain from the corner of his eye. "Didn't you get that memo at some point during your training, Sora?"

"I didn't even know what a Keyblade is or that I could use one until it just appeared in my hand out of nowhere while my islands were getting ripped apart by those monsters! How do you expect me to know about stuff like that," Sora protested, earning concerned looks from both Ant-Man and Wasp after the latter had came to stand next to the former.

Hank figured it was better to leave this strange conversation for later, because at the moment, there was something a little more important going on, and he had a strong feeling about who held a great deal of the responsibility for this whole thing. "Anything you'd like to tell us, Fury," Ant-Man demanded with an accusing tone, and he was not just referring to the strange conversation that the man was having with this mystery boy.

"Not really," was Fury's only reply before he turned away and tapped his ear piece. "SHIELD command, this is Director Nick Fury. I am declaring an omega-level emergency. Every SHIELD agent, every Hulkbuster unit, the U.S. Armed Forces, they are all now under my direct control."

"Wow, Nick Fury is actually worried," Wasp whispered in disbelief.

"I'm guessing that's a bad thing, right," Sora asked. He did not really know what Fury was talking about when he had contacted his allies, but he could understand enough to know that Fury had just placed a lot of really tough and important groups under his command like that.

Ant-Man only nodded to Sora before he looked directly at Fury again with a glare and asked, "Who is he?"

"The boys call him Graviton. I know him as Dr. Franklin Hall," Fury shortly replied.

"The physicist? No one's heard from him in years. Not since he joined SHIELD. What happened to him," Hank asked while retracting his Ant-Man helmet to reveal his concerned expression and light brown hair.

"That's classified," Fury half-snapped just before lightning lit up the sky behind him while thunder claps boomed loudly from where Thor and Hall were battling.

"I don't think that really applies anymore," Sora warily pointed out. He wished he could something to help out, because it was pretty obvious that Thor was struggling against Dr. Hall, while the empowered physicist was barely even breaking a sweat against the Thunderer. Despite that, Thor just kept on trying, even going so far as to charge his hammer with lightning before throwing it at Hall, but it did just about as much as Thor's other strikes had, and Sora was left feeling utterly helpless since he could not do anything but watch right now.

Apparently, his feeling of wanting to help was shared, because Wasp soon lost all patience from simply watching from the sidelines. "We have to do something," Wasp insisted. "If Thor can't stop him, he'll come into the city."

"Don't you think I know that, Wasp," Fury demanded.

Hank was about try and talk her down, but Wasp was not about to hear of it. "We're talking millions of people! I'm not going to let that happen!"

"Jan, wait," Hank called out, but Wasp was already flying off to try and help Thor. Hank then looked over to Sora and asked, "Can't you do something to help?"

"How many times do I have to say that I didn't even know I had powers until a little while ago before you guys get it," Sora asked, honestly feeling a little tired of having to remind people of this.

Fury was about to question the spiky haired teen on that, but the three were quickly distracted when they heard Hall yelling at Thor about how he could alter gravity's effect on anything before increasing it on the Thunderer and sending him hurtling down into the water, and it did not look like he was going to be coming back up again anytime soon. Hall then started to make a beeline for the shore where Fury and the other two were standing when he was stopped in his tracks again by Wasp, who only gave him one warning to give up before she started zapping him from all directions. It ended up being more irritating than anything to Hall, because he simply waved flexed his arms and sent Wasp flying down into the water, watching as she skipped across the water's surface like a skipping stone, much to Hank and Sora's concern. Fury was not quite as worried as the other two because he soon heard the distinctive sound of repulsor jets flying overhead, and turned just in time to see the gold and red armored form of Iron Man arriving on the scene. Sora eventually picked up on this sight as well, and it was just in time to see Iron Man slam into Hall and send him crashing into the bay with a quick blast from his repulsors, freeing Wasp from the gravitational hold he had on her.

The two then seemed to hover alongside one another for a minute, clearly having a quick chat before they suddenly dived down to fly along the water's surface in the direction of where Thor had been sent under, indicating that they were heading out to try and help. They never got the chance though, as Graviton resurfaced again and flew right into their path, and a minute later, Iron Man was sent hurtling upwards uncontrollably into the sky. That proved to be the final straw for Hank. "What are Graviton's upper limits," he asked Fury.

"We've studied him for years, and as far as we could tell, he doesn't have any," Fury replied. "What do you think you're going to do, Pym? Talk him down?"

"No, it's too late for that," Hank replied, and he then tapped the right side of his belt. The instant he did, he was lit up with an aura of blue energy that only grew brighter as he grew bigger, right to the point where his size was comparable to that of a sky-scraper.

When Sora saw this, his jaw instantly dropped open, and it stayed that way even as Hank stepped into the water and slowly moved out towards Graviton and Wasp, leaving him with Fury, who was now looking at him skeptically. "You're really not going to do anything to help," the SHIELD director asked in amazement.

"What do you want me to do, grow wings and fly out there," Sora asked.

"How about a little bit of that Keyblade wielder magic? Last I checked, you guys could cast a variety of spells," Fury rhetorically asked.

"What? I don't know any magic," Sora protested.

Fury could only stare at him in disbelief before he sighed and said, "The worlds must really be in trouble if they sent a wielder who was this much of a rookie here." He then looked to Sora again and asked, "Please tell me you at least know how to turn your Keyblade into a vehicle of some kind."

Sora was about to protest and remind Fury that he barely knew anything about being Keyblade wielder once again when he was suddenly hit with an odd headache. It felt as though something had suddenly snapped and was now trying to force its way into his head, and it must have been working because Sora was suddenly assaulted with a number of strange visions that ran rampant across his mind's eye. Some of them were of a beautiful woman with blue hair and eyes, others of a strong, tall man with brown hair and blue eyes, while others still seemed to be through his own eyes, and they were not since whenever he saw his reflection in those, he saw that he looked like a boy that was probably a year older than him and had blonde hair that was a bit less spiky than his own. It did not matter who appeared in these visions though, as they all showed each of these individuals summoning Keyblades of their own, each unique in their design, and then transforming the Keyblades into some form of flying vehicle. The blue-haired woman's taking the form of a two-part bow-and-platform device, the brown haired man's resembling a bike, and the blonde boy's becoming a winged waveboard.

Visions of seeing these three people form vehicles from their Keyblades continued to run through Sora's head, until he suddenly started to feel like he was gaining an understanding of what they were trying to tell him, along with a strange new feeling as well. When he finally opened his eyes again, it was right at the same moment when Fury had shoved him out of the way in order to help him avoid being flattened beneath Giant-Man due to Hank being thrown back by Graviton. Fury gave Sora a look that told him to stay down for a minute and then looked up at Graviton and shouted, "This is between us, Hall. Do whatever you want with me, but no one else has to get hurt."

"No, you wanted me to create a supersoldier, but I've become so much more," Hall boasted. "I'm beyond human now. I'm going to crush you and show the world their new master's power. Destroying the city will be a good demonstration. Goodbye, NICK FURY!"

A moment later, Fury was lifted into the air again, and the minute that Graviton had clenched his hand into a fist, the director of SHIELD was crushed by an intense gravity field. Instead of what one might expect when a human being was crushed in such a manner though, Fury actually ended up exploding in fire and metal, revealing that at some point, Fury had traded places with a robot duplicate, much to Graviton's irritation. It must not have been too big of a deal to Graviton though, because he was soon turning his attention to the city, and with a wave of his hands, he began lifting a large chunk of it up from the ground almost as though it was nothing. Now it was Sora's turn to get ticked off, and he knew what he had to do. So, he summoned his Keyblade, raised it up in front of him, and then closed his eyes, thinking about the feelings he had when he was watching those visions before. After another moment or so, he pulled his arm back, and swung it forward, tossing his Keyblade high into the air. A second later, he saw the Keyblade disappear in a flash of light, and then be replaced by a silver motorcycle with yellow highlights and a pair of extensions on the front that indicated it had some long-range firing power in it. When the vehicle swooped down next to him, Sora immediately jumped on and took off into the air towards Graviton as fast as the vehicle could take him. There was just one small problem with this idea.

"WHOA! How do you steer this thing," Sora shouted as he tried to control the bike that had been his weapon just a few seconds ago. His attempts to control the vehicle seemed to leave much to be desired, considering that it would either shoot forward or back at uncontrollable speeds, or just waver in the air as he tried to slowly move it in any direction for a few minutes, and looking at this, one would think that it would take weeks before he even had a basic handle on how to make it move right. Thankfully, Sora was able to figure out something in order to make it move in the direction he wanted it to go, and he immediately directed it straight at Graviton. The only problem was that he did not know how he was going to attack the man once he was close enough.

There was not going to be much time before Graviton took notice of his approach, so Sora figured that he should forget figuring out how his new bike's weapons worked and just hit him the only way that he could think of at the moment: by ramming right into the psychopath! By the time that Graviton had finally taken his eyes off what he was doing, it was already too late, because Sora had already slammed into him, turning so that one of the struts on the bike would hit the supervillain when he did. Sora smiled at seeing that his attack had worked, but his mood soon changed when he realized that he had forgotten about the fact that Graviton was the one who was currently holding up the airborne part of the city, which was already starting to drop back to the ground again. Before he could start panicking, he realized that the city was falling at a much slower pace than it should have been, and he immediately looked down to see Thor was holding it up as best as he could until the city had safely dropped back into place. A minute afterwards, Thor burst up from under the water again, showing that he did not get crushed beneath the city's weight, and drawing a relieved sigh from Sora when he saw the blonde.

The only problem was it looked like today was going to be full of jumps between relief and panic for Sora, because just as he thought everything was okay Graviton burst out from beneath a city street looking really mad. Sora would have flown right at Graviton again, but before he could, his bike suddenly vanished in a flash of light, becoming replaced by his Keyblade, which was currently in his right hand. Naturally, since Sora was currently several feet up in the air, the boy immediately started plummeting towards the ground, even as he flailed his arms about in a vain attempt to keep from falling, until something finally grabbed him by his jacket, and he turned to see Wasp had him in her grasp. Sora had to wonder how the small woman could even hold him up in the air at that size, but he disregarded it for the moment when he saw Graviton get slammed down into the street by Thor's hammer. After quickly exchanging a couple of nods with one another, the two were soon flying right towards Graviton so that they could help bring him down, knowing that Thor would not be able to stop him alone.

"I recommend you stay down, mortal," Thor growled at Graviton. He did not like being shoved down under water like he had been for so long. Graviton just laughed at Thor as he rose up into the air again, but before he could attempt to boast, Sora suddenly dropped down from the sky and hit the bearded man with his Keyblade as hard as he could, sending Graviton flying away from the Thunderer again, while Thor could only gape in shock at the sight of Sora's weapon. "Odin's beard! A Keyblade wielder," Thor whispered in awe.

Any questions Thor had about the boy were put on hold when he realized that Sora's landing had not been anywhere close to being graceful, though the sudden energy beam from somewhere above him, courtesy of Iron Man helped too. Thor was instantly next to Sora, helping the boy to his feet while the armored hero landed on the ground to stand above Graviton, and asked, "Are you all right, Keyblade Master?"

"Yeah, I think so," Sora groaned with a nod of thanks. He then moved to stand next to Iron Man along with Thor and warned the supervillain before them, "Unless you want to get hit again, I suggest you give up."

"You really should listen to the kid," Iron Man advised, though he was giving Sora an intrigued look from the corner of his eye.

Graviton was instantly up again, glaring at the three when a massive foot suddenly came crashing down behind him, and he turned to see Giant-Man standing above him as well. "You're sick, Franklin," Hank told him. "You need help."

"Or possibly more zapping," Wasp offered as an alternative as she flew in to stand alongside the others with stingers charged.

Graviton did not take any of the heroes' words well at all. "No, no, the power I wield…you are NOTHING COMPARED TO ME," he shouted, proving this by spreading his arms out and sending all five of his opponents crashing into one of the surrounding buildings with his gravity powers. "I'm stronger than all of you! I'M THE STRONGEST ONE THERE IS!"

The minute that last word had left his lips, something big landed on the building behind him, and Graviton instantly turned to see a large green giant in torn purple pants, who merely smirked at him as he growled, "You sure about that?"

Graviton did not get a chance to answer, because the green giant instantly lunged right at him, tackling him hard, and sending them both flying through the air until they were on the other side of the nearby bridge. With Graviton no longer in the area, the heroes were free to move again, and they were all immediately racing over to where Graviton and the green giant had gone off to, though some of them with a bit more difficulty or slower speed than others. Somehow, Iron Man and Thor were the first to arrive where the two had landed, which turned out to be a pier on the other side of the bridge, only to see that the two's fight had already brought out a great deal of destruction from destroyed shipping containers to massive craters in the ground and even a few toppled cranes, while Giant-Man, Wasp, and Sora arrived a few seconds later, the last of which had once again transformed his Keyblade into a bike after a couple of tries, and was now struggling to keep a steady flight in the air. Even though they had all gotten there so quickly, none of them had joined in right away. They were not sure if they would even be helping all that much given how the green guy was pummeling Graviton so hard. Besides that, some of them were a bit shocked at the sight of the former for different yet similar reasons.

"Is that the Hulk," Giant-Man gasped in shock.

"Isn't he supposed to be, you know, the bad guy," Wasp asked.

"But if he's a bad guy, how come he's helping us fight Graviton," Sora asked, honestly confused as to why they would think someone helping them was a bad guy.

No one was able to ponder the Hulk's reasoning for being there too long, because Graviton eventually found a break in the gamma giant's beat down of his person to halt him in his tracks. Iron Man took that as their cue to get back into the fight, and immediately shouted for everyone to charge in and attack, but it did little good, as Graviton was soon pinning them all down to the ground as well with but a simple wave of his hand. For some reason, Sora had managed to stay airborne a little longer, but like last time, his Keyblade suddenly returned to normal without him wanting it to, and he was forced down into the dirt with everyone else as well. "Look at you fools," Graviton mocked. "I possess the power of the universe itself! I AM POWER!"

As if to prove his point, Graviton allowed his powers to lash out and create a tornado of debris around him, and he kept gathering more and more items into his orbit, showing that he was planning to bury each every single one of the people opposing him beneath the objects in one fell swoop. Seeing this prompted everyone to try and at least stand up again, but no matter how much they struggled they could not even so much as lift up more than a finger, and even that was proving to be a challenge. At least, that was the case for most of them, because after a hard push or two, Hulk was back on his feet again and slowly moving towards Graviton, much to his irritation. In response to Hulk's attempt to fight back against his power, Graviton increased the gravity around the gamma giant again, pushing Hulk down to his knees once more. It did little good, because Hulk was standing up again a few minutes later. Graviton growled as he forced another wave of increased gravity down on the Hulk, but again, Hulk pulled himself up, defying all laws of physics that Hall knew of, much to his shock.

"Nothing is that powerful," Graviton protested, raising a hand so that he could focus on constantly increasing the gravity around Hulk, for what good it did. "I control gravity itself!"

Hulk just kept pushing and pulling against the overwhelming gravity well that was trying to force him down, and even from so far away, he could see that Hall was starting to sweat a little in order to keep him where he was. In the end, Hall finally brought an end to his tornado of debris, and directed every object that had gathered in his orbit down at Hulk, intending to bury him under its weight. Seeing that this was proving to be more successful than his previous plan, Hall could only grin until he felt something bite him in the back of his neck, causing him to lose focus. Since he was so focused on Hulk, he had failed to notice Giant-Man shrink down to Ant-Man and then call out to some nearby insects for help, and one such bug had just came through, providing the temporary lapse in focus that Hulk needed to finally break free and strike back on Graviton. Even after that first bug bite, Graviton was being forced to endure several more to his back, so he could not focus long enough to stop Hulk from leaping up and tackling him again, sending him flying across the pier and freeing the heroes from the gravity fields holding them down.

Hall was pinned down beneath Hulk for a few minutes before finally managed to throw up a gravity field that would keep him safe long enough to send Hulk flying up into the air. He figured that if he could not bury Hulk beneath the Earth, then he could hold him in the air long enough to smash him to a pulp, and with nothing to push his weight against, Hulk would not be able to resist at all. It probably would have worked if it were not for the fact that Iron Man came to the rescue with a repulsor barrage that made him lose whatever focus he had in keeping Hulk airborne. It did not stop the containers and boulders that he had thrown at Hulk from continuing on their path towards him, even as he dropped down, but Hulk did not let that stop him. He easily smashed and bashed aside whatever got too close to him, until Sora suddenly flew in front of him, switched out his bike for his Keyblade, this time intentionally, and then sliced through a container that would have hit them both in one fell swing, much to Hulk's surprise.

"You…you're helping me," Hulk whispered in surprise. For as long as he could remember, no one had ever done that before and he been convinced that no one would ever so much as try to do so for just as long.

"Well of course. You're helping us stop the bad guy, so why I shouldn't I help you out? Now let's get him," Sora replied with an easy-going grin.

Hulk just stared at Sora for minute before he smirked in reply and returned his attention to bashing, smashing, or leaping over crates on his way down to Graviton, with Sora slashing and spinning over all the rest as he descended towards the villain at nearly the same speed. Once they were finally close enough, they hit Graviton with all of their might, sending him back down onto the ground once again. Graviton soon retaliated by pushing them off with a tower of earth, but he could not do anymore than that, because Wasp soon came in to pelt him with another stinger barrage. She continued doing so until she saw Iron Man get into position above them, and she then raced aside so that she was not in the path of the unibeam blast that Iron Man fired at Graviton, this one packing possibly even more power than the last one. Even after Graviton managed to raise a slab of earth to defend himself from the constant stream of powerful repulsor energy, Iron Man did not let up, mostly because he needed to keep Hall busy long enough for Hank to finally get to where he needed to be.

He did not have to wait long, because it was just a few minutes after Graviton had raised his newest shield that Hank had turned into Giant-Man once again, grabbed an abandoned freighter, and tossed the sailing ship right at Graviton, crushing him beneath its explosive weight. Nearly all of Graviton's airborne objects came down to the ground after that hit, but the last of the heroes was not about to take any chances of letting Hall get back up again this time, as evidenced by the lightning storm that suddenly broke out above them. As he hovered in the air with lightning flashing around him and charging into his hammer, Thor eventually began to spin his blunt weapon above his head, and eventually shouted, "For MIDGARD!"

What followed next was an explosion of lightning unlike anything anyone had ever seen, and when it struck its target, a massive dust cloud was thrown up that blanketed the entire area for a few moments while Graviton's screams of pain seemed to echo all across the city. When the dust finally cleared, Graviton had finally fallen to his knees, covered in dirt, soot, and grim, barely able to even utter a word because of how much of a beating he had just suffered, and above him, standing triumphantly, were the six heroes who had just bested him in battle.

"Humph. Who's strongest now," Hulk huffed rhetorically with his arms crossed.

"Definitely not that guy," Sora joked as he shouldered his Keyblade with a grin.

"You had the power had the power to do anything, and you used it to put millions of lives at risk," Giant-Man scolded as he returned to his normal size.

"Pretty sad," Wasp finished, and she then fired a single stinger at Graviton, knocking him down onto his side, just to ensure that he would stay down this time.

The heroes just stared at Graviton after that for a few more minutes, just to make sure that they were not relaxing their guard prematurely, and when he did not get up again, Thor turned to his comrades and smiled brightly as he wrapped Iron Man, Hulk, Sora, and Hank in a tight hug and declared, "Come! Let us celebrate!"

At any other point in time, Sora would have eagerly agreed to any kind of party, but he had quite a few reasons for why he was not in the mood for one right now. First and foremost was the fact that he was tired from having to get into the middle of that fight after surviving whatever happened on the Helicarrier and the fate of his island. There was also the fact he knew nothing about this world in general, let alone who all of these strange people were aside from the names he heard each of them being addressed by, so he had no idea what to expect from a party around here, or with these people. More than that, he was starting to reach the end of his rope when it came to asking so many questions and not getting an answer for even one of them. Sure, he now knew that his sword was called a Keyblade and that it could, apparently, turn into a flying vehicle, but that still did not explain why a lot of people he's met here so far have freaked out about it now and assumed that he apparently knew magic for some reason. Plus, he also wanted to know what had happened to his home and friends, and if any of them were okay, then Sora felt that he had to go and find them, wherever they were. Of course, the fact that practically an entire army had just shown up and was now aiming all of their weapons at them was also killing any party vibes too.

"Step away from the Hulk! He's a fugitive from the Cube," a SHIELD agent ordered the heroes as others moved in closer with weapons ready.

Hulk just growled in response, ready to start smashing his way out until Iron Man suddenly stepped between him and the agents, and shouted, "You want the Hulk, you go through me."

"Yeah, and me too," Sora added, dropping into a battle stance once again. "The big guy here just helped save us all. He's a hero just like the rest of us, so why would you want to try to hurt or arrest him?"

Sora did not get any kind of answer from the agents, probably because some of them thought they would be wasting their time trying to explain it to some kid that they thought was clueless, but some of them did seem to waver in their stance a little when Ant-Man, Wasp, and Thor all moved to stand in between the agents and their big green target as well. Hulk on the other hand just glanced around in surprise. Sure, he might have figured that coming here and working with these guys would help others to see him as a hero, but he did not think that they would actually stand up for him like this when these guys came in ready to take him down again. More than that, one of them was just a kid, and yet he was not even the least bit afraid of him. Hulk was not sure what to make of this spiky haired boy with a giant key for a weapon, but he was starting to think that maybe he could like him. It did little to ease the tension that was hanging in the air though, at least until Fury suddenly made his presence known again and stepped to the front of the gathered agents with Agent Hill at his side.

"Stand down," Fury ordered. "We've got bigger problems than the Hulk. Seventy four supervillains are now on the loose all across the country, maybe the world by now. Not only that, but the monsters that appeared on the Helicarrier, they appeared at the Vault and the Cube as well, so there's a strong chance they're all out there as well."

"How did this happen, Fury," Iron Man demanded, having a very painful recollection of when he ran into the shadowy creatures at the Vault.

"I don't know, but we can find out together. Come work for me. As SHIELD agents you can make a real difference," Fury offered. He then looked to Sora and added, "More importantly, with SHIELD resources, you can get all the answers you're looking for in no time, Keyblade wielder."

Sora was tempted to take Fury up on that offer. If there was a chance that he could find his friends with SHIELD's help, then how could he refuse? Plus, Fury did seem to know a lot about his Keyblade, especially since the man admitted to meeting someone else with one a while back, so maybe he could help him figure out how to better use it. At least, that was what he was thinking until Ant-Man stepped forward with some very serious accusations. "No, this is your fault, isn't it? SHIELD created Graviton. Whatever you had Hall doing, it changed him. You kept it under wraps, and this happened."

When Fury said nothing in response, the six knew that Hank was right, and Sora took that as his cue to give his response to Fury's offer for him. "Sorry, but I'd rather figure this out on my own than work with someone who would do something like that. Besides, I've already gotten a few things figured out, so who's to say I can't figure out the rest on my own," Sora stated. He then paused for a minute to think before he added, "That being said, you are right."

"Wait, what? I thought you just said you weren't going to work for SHIELD," Wasp pointed out, now confused as to where Sora was going.

"I meant about how we made a difference all together," Sora explained. "We're all able to hold our own in a fight and take down a bad guy or two, but against seventy four? No one can stop something that big on their own. If we all work together, we have a better chance of stopping them all."

"The Keyblade kid's right," Iron Man agreed, surprising some of them that he knew about Sora's weapon. "What we did here, it can change things. The world needs us, but not as SHIELD agents. As a team on our own. Together we can avenge the wrongs caused by all these villains and those monsters."

"We can be avengers," Wasp exclaimed in excitement.

"Huh. Good name," Hulk nodded, and the other heroes were all soon nodding to show that they were in on this little escapade as well, though some more hesitant than others.

At this point, Iron Man finally turned to Sora and asked, "So, how's Ven doing these days?"

"Who," Sora asked.

"Ven…You know, Ventus? Blonde spiky hair, green shoulder armor, jacket that's white on one side and black on the other, carries a green star-shaped good luck charm…Any of this ringing a bell?"

"He doesn't know who that is, Stark, and I doubt he knows anyone by the name of Terra either, do you, Sora," Fury interrupted, stepping into the conversation again. When Sora shook his head in the negative, Fury sighed and said, "Well, if you won't join SHIELD, you guys should at least let me fill you in on what we know about those monsters."

"Are you saying that you were aware of the Heartless and did nothing to prepare for them," Thor questioned.

If Fury was surprised that Thor knew what those creatures were, he did not show it, and instead just replied, "We never had reason to believe they would ever come here. Until now, even I thought that they were either just as real as the boogeyman, or just didn't care about our world. That doesn't mean we don't have some intel on them. Besides, I'd like to hear the newest Keyblade wielder's story, myself."

Sora glanced around at the others, and from the looks on their faces, he could tell that they did in fact agree with Fury in that regard. Sure, they owed him some answers after everything that had just happened, but after working together with some of these guys, he did owe them a few details about himself as well. So, he simply nodded and said, "Okay, I'll tell you guys as much as I can tell you, but I want some answers of my own, and I'm getting tired of waiting for them."

"Fair enough," Fury agreed. "More importantly, I think we should move this conversation somewhere else. After all, it does involve a few topics that are supposed to be kept a secret if I remember correctly."

"We'll move this to Stark Tower then," Iron Man immediately offered. "It's as good a place as any, and besides that, I think the kid could do for a bit of cleaning up."

Looking down at himself, Sora could not say that Iron Man was wrong. If his outfit was messed up before, it was in even worse condition now, seeing as now both sleeves of his jacket were gone, his jumpsuit had a few new tears in it, and only one of his gloves had a single strap now. Add in the fact that he was covered from head to toe in dirt and grime, and you could understand why he would not be opposed to a quick shower right about now. Seeing all of this, Sora agreed with what Iron Man and Fury had suggested, and they were all soon heading off to Stark Tower, while Wasp promised Sora to get him a new outfit to replace his old one, personally. Even as he listened to Tony commenting on how he would make said outfit able to hold up better in a fight than his old one did, Sora could still not shake the feeling that his life was only going to get even crazier by the time the conversations at Stark Tower had ended.

AN: Hmm, I'll admit, this feels kind of long for a first chapter, but it just didn't feel right not having the events of the breakout all in one chapter like this. Oh, and yeah, the Heartless are going to be in this, no surprise, and look at that, we've already got a few changes being brought up: namely some encounters between the people of the MARVEL world and the heroes of Birth By Sleep. Plus, Sora's already learned how to summon his Keyblade Glider. For those of you who are thinking it's appearance sounds familiar, you would be correct. Sora's Keyblade Glider here is the same as the one he had in my first Kingdom Hearts story: Keyblades of Future Past.

Thor: Not entirely original, my friend.

AN: I know, but I didn't really want to waste time thinking of a whole new design for the thing.

Thor: Oh...yes, I suppose that is not original either, and I can understand your reasoning. I was actually referring to the title of the other story for the Hearts of the Kingdom.

AN: Oh. Right, well, in my defense, it did originally start out as just a Kingdom Hearts version of the X-Men title by the same name, so...anyway, before anyone gets on me about giving Sora such an ability already, let me just point out that Sora doesn't exactly have the best control over the thing at the moment, as we saw in the story. Not only that, but realistically, it was the only thing I could do to give Sora a way of getting around quickly. I mean, Thor, Iron Man, and Wasp can fly, Hulk can jump really high and far to get anywhere fast, Ant-Man can just shrink down and ride on someone's shoulder or an ant, Hawkeye's got his Sky-Cycle, Cap has his motorcycle, and T'Challa...well, he's got his own cool ship for getting around and doesn't really need a cool vehicle to keep up because of his training to become the Black Panther. Since Sora has Ven's heart inside of him, I thought it would make sense that he would have a vision about how to summon a Keyblade Glider and get it like that, a lot more than having Sora just suddenly learn how to use something like Flowmotion from out of nowhere.

Sora: Makes sense to me, even if Flowmotion is really cool. Hey, am I gonna learn how to do that sometime later on in this story?

AN: Well get to that later, Sora. Just like how we'll get to quite a few details on the explanation behind how so many things about the Kingdom Hearts mythos are known to some Marvel characters in the next chapter. That being said, I've really got nothing else that I feel like I need to add, so Onto the Preview!...

At Stark Tower, Sora is finally fully acquainted with the members of the newly formed Avengers, and then regales them with the story of what had happened to his island. When he finishes, he's then told of the previous encounters that the people of this world have had with Keyblade wielders, about the monsters known as the Heartless, and a few other things as well. Just what secrets will be uncovered, what will Sora do with this new information, and how will this affect his adventures now that he's a Keyblade wielder? Find out in the next thrilling chapter.

Please read and review, and see ya real soon, fellow true believers!