AN: This fic is based on a Canadian show called Saving Hope. If you've seen it, don't give anything away in the reviews. If you haven't seen it, I strongly suggest you check it out. It has lesbians who don't die.

This fic is dedicated to rmpcmfan who has graciously taken the time to review every chapter of my last two fics and I appreciate it beyond words. Thank you so much.


Derek glanced around the apartment and, finding it empty, took several cautious steps across the room as if afraid of disturbing his surroundings.

Glancing out the window, he could see the London Eye in the distance and, beyond that, the River Thames and the expanse of the city beyond. His heart was somewhere in his throat. London?

It just didn't make sense. Things always made sense and if they didn't, then he reasoned through them until they did. But the more he reasoned through it, the less able he was to pinpoint the series of events that led up this moment.

The UnSub had led them on a high-speed car chase, of that much he was sure. Reid and Rossi had been in pursuit while he and Hotch blocked off his route with their SUV. Things became less clear after that. He'd ended up pinned between the two vehicles and then…he wasn't exactly sure. People talked at him and he'd insisted he didn't need to go to the hospital. He assumed he'd blacked out after that.

That explained none of what was happening to him right now.

"Hello?" he called out again, desperation edging into his voice this time. The confusion was starting to get the better of him, giving way to rising panic. "Anyone?"

The apartment was furnished like something a realtor might show you and it didn't look like anyone had ever so much as sat down on the sofa or made a meal in the kitchen. It wasn't a home. It was vaguely familiar in a way he couldn't place.

His introspection was interrupted by a black streak dashing down the hallway, startling him. Just as suddenly, the movement stopped and two green eyes stared suspiciously at him.

"Sergio?" Derek said, taking a few slow steps towards the cat. Sergio immediately arched his back and hissed at him, baring his claws. "Sergio, it's just me, relax..." The cat had never been the biggest fan of his, but he'd never behaved like this before.

It took a couple seconds longer for the pieces to click into place in his brain.

"Emily?" he breathed once they did. 'Okay, I must have some sort of brain trauma,' he thought to himself. He was clearly having some sort of massive hallucination. "Emily, it's me! I think I need help..."

No response.

"Emily, please..." Hysteria was rising in his chest. Hallucination or not, if he could just see her, somehow everything would be okay, he was sure.

Then, he heard something. A key turning in a lock somewhere. Instantly, Sergio forgot him and leapt onto the table beside the door, awaiting her attention.

As soon as the door closed behind her, Emily seemed to collapse back against it, all the tension bleeding out of her until there was nothing left but an empty shell. She closed her eyes for a long moment as if she were making a wish, but when she opened them, nothing had changed.

Sergio mewed for her attention and a soft smile crossed her lips. "Hey, Serg," she greeted, scratching him between his ears. Satisfied, the cat leapt down again and trotted off.

"Boy, am I glad to see you, Princess," Derek said, crossing the room to gather her in a hug. She'd make everything okay somehow.

But she didn't seem to hear him or even feel his embrace. In fact, she didn't even glance his way.

"Emily?" He spoke a little louder this time. No matter how upset she might've been with him, she would never just ignore him like that... When he got no response a second time, he got frustrated. "What the hell is going on?"

He was startled by a familiar deep chuckle from somewhere behind him.