This is just a story that was stuck in the back of my head since

This is just a story that was stuck in the back of my head…a long time ago. OOC, AU, and a cheating girlfriend. Please just r/r and NO FLAMERS!

Disclaimers- Don't sue me!

If Only He Knew…Prologue


It was spring at Osaka, Japan. The weather was warm and cherry blossoms fell to the soft ground. Among the students, there was a young man about the age of 19 by the name of Heero Yuy. He was a typical guy: a steady girlfriend, popular jock on the basketball team, smart, GORGEOUS, tall, muscular…but enough about him. Relena Darlian was almost the same as him with few exceptions. She was 18 ½, smart, pretty, semi-tall, and popular, but not as popular as Heero. Relena and Heero grew up together in Aichi as best friends and Relena secretly had a crush on him but never told him in fear that it might ruin their friendship.

Since college began in the fall, Heero was growing apart from her. She really didn't care until she saw him and his girlfriend, Kinomi…kissing…Being the sensible person she is, she kept her jealousy to herself and pushed it to the back of her mind and headed on with her life. One day, Relena was walking back towards her dorm when something caught the corner if her eye. She stealthily crept behind a tree and saw Kinomi..kissing…ANOTHER GUY! What a b*tch! Relena was surprised, angry, and happy all at the same time. Was she supposed to tell Heero-kun and break his heart or keep to herself and let him continue to be happy? What was she supposed to do? Later that night, Relena couldn't fall asleep. The secret was killing her! She had to tell him the truth. Even if it meant that Heero wouldn't believe her, but she had to try. "Heero-kun!" screamed Relena as she ran across campus to Heero the next morning. "Relena-chan. What's up?" "Well, um…please forgive me…" "For what?" "For me telling you that I saw your girlfriend kissing another guy and I think she maybe cheating in you." "Nani?" "Please, believe me!" begged Relena. "You…you're lying….you…you're just jealous!" Heero yelled. "Iie! Believe me! You're my best friend! Why would I lie to you?" "You WERE my best friend. Sayonara, Relena-chan…" and he stormed off. Relena was in shock. How could her best friend deny her? Tears swelled in her eyes and spilled from her cheeks. She should have never him. It would have been better off that way. "If only you knew, Heero-kun. If only…" What did you think? Good prologue? Please r/r or I won't continue! I am really slow when it comes to fanfics so please bear with me…ARIGATO!