Chapter 1: Aftermath
The Auditor is no more.
The Agency Against Hank Wimbleton, once a mighty titan, was reduced to shattered remnants. Three fighting legends, Hank, Sanford, and Deimos, had finally won the battle for freedom from the dictatorship of The Auditor; a godlike, evil entity that had threatened not only the citizens of Nevada but all of humanity.
With all three Improbability Drives destroyed, things were finally back to normal. The sky was silvery gray and the sun was shining bright, a sight that they fought with their lives for.
Hank, the strongest of the three, had died more than eight times and was resurrected again and again by supernatural forces, against his will. He was returned from his monster-like state into a relatively human form, courtesy of experimental Antithesis and stolen AAHW medical advances. For reasons unknown to anyone else, Hank decided to keep and constantly wear his infiltration outfit.
Sanford had survived the slaughter without meeting death once. Per request, he was given a new hook as an exact replica of his previous one, as well as a brand new sedan.
Deimos, however, was killed at the climax of the entire struggle but was revived by their god-like leaders, the "Higher Powers" after the war had ended. According to the deities, and unbeknownst to most other Antithesis personnel, Deimos would be the last revival made for the sake of "preserving natural order." Deimos received a custom-made MG42 light machine gun (the "Man Grinder 42" as the hacker himself liked to call it).
They were given a home with no need to seek work; the compensation funds they received from Antithesis supported them like fat kings for the rest of their lives. It was a two-story mansion set nearby one of the many reviving Nevadan cities, yet isolated by dense forestation that exploded from the ground after decades of suppression by the Improbability Drives.
But most importantly, it meant a fresh start in Nevada that was previously denied to them by the war that crippled the nation and the people who lived in it. To them, that was the most important part of the gift; of being able to wash off the blood that blemished more than just their clothes. Except, there was one problem.
The stains wouldn't come off.
The trio wasn't seen with any sort of hero status. To others, they were seen as demons that thrived in the joyous slaughters of AAHW men. Many soldiers that were forced against their will to fight for The Auditors. Many of which, were survived by friends, families, and lovers that prayed desperately for their safe return to seemingly deaf gods.
Dissenter be damned.
Hatred is a powerful force; one that not even The Higher Powers could mend. By no means is it invincible, yet what would Redemption entail? What would it take to reach Salvation?
It's the cusp of destiny; the balance of society teeters and, once again, up to the three men to pave their paths to their own futures.
Starting Credits:
Cover by Kyuri_08 (Kyuri Wang)
Story by: Spirit9871, Sacrom, Alias-Maxima, Bravo, and ieatdragonz
Extra OC's: by Spirit9871
A/N: Happy Madness Day, ladies and gentlemen! Originally, my team and I were thinking about uploading Final Salvation in its full 37-chapter glory after the entire thing's been rewritten, but we've decided to give you guys a little taste of what we've been cooking up all this time on the sidelines with a preview of the first five chapters!
Soooo, here we are guys; Final Salvation Version 2.0. It relieves me that we're coming back here to clean things up; the original was honestly a huge mess now that I look back at it.
So what's going on now? Well, after we reached the end of the second season of Hank's Legacy, we're setting that to the side for now to improve on Final Salvation and even Never Forget. Does that also mean Hank's Legacy will be fixed? In fact, yes. A lot of repairs are necessary; repairs that we've long tried to keep in the back of our minds.
Now, you might say: "Wait a minute, Spirit! What if I liked the original version? Is it lost forever?"
Don't fret; we have that planned out as well. Though the original version would have to be revised over with these new chapters (due to the site's rules on no duplicates of stories), on my profile I will make a download link available for the first, original 2012 version once the full version of the rewrite has been uploaded. Three download links will be available in case if the first two fail.
Be warned though; it's not pretty. We take no responsibility if you choose to bleach out your eyes after reading the old monstrosity.
(Or, you know, you could just read it and laugh at my pain.)
...Anyways, rather than have credits and all that (since that's already in the original) we're doing something different for these edited stories called: "Changelogs." These logs are just here to show you that we actually did something with the story as well as point out some changes to what may have been signature moments. It will be there for every chapter so bear with us.
1 - More description added.
2 - Grammatical errors removed.
3 - Narration and dialogue improved.
4 - Diction enhanced.
5 - The universe is a better place.
See? Quick and painless, like a booster-shot.
The original plot will not change for those of you veteran readers who are wondering. Perhaps some character personalities and such will so that it doesn't seem like just one person speaking with different names, but other than that, the basic idea is still there. Events will still follow the same timeline though the execution will be different. Again, if the original story has been removed from this site, go for the download link on my profile if you want to compare what's different and same; the Changelogs are there to help you as well.
Author's Notes also won't be that long after the first group of chapters unless there's something important to mention.
So yeah, that's pretty much it! Special thanks to MCG, Sacrom, and Alias-Maxima for helping me out with these fixes; I'm sure the final version will look great with their aid.
Hopefully, those of you who were with me for the original will enjoy the new changes and for those of you who are new to this, welcome to my first ever story! We did all this for you, so we hope it'll be worth it in the end.
(Veterans, please avoid spoilers in the review section. Really guys, don't ruin the experience for other people.)
Happy reading. :)