Title: Moments

Author: tiashew14

Genre: romance mostly, might be some action and humor present

Pairing: ShikaTema

Raiting: PG-15.

Fandom: Naruto

DC: the original story belongs to the author. I'm only responsible for my own imagination.

Author's note: First of all, the story takes place after Shikamaru Hiden. I'm actually referring also to Gaara Hiden as well. Speaking of light novels, I've loved them more than the anime version. That's why I use them as references at some point later on.

Secondly, I'm not native English speaker, so I believe there would be some mistakes I'm unable to see by myself. Sorry about that.

Finally, M rated content will not appear until some later chapters. First chapters are pretty innocent, haha.



Chapter 1: Desert Flower

It was already two whole years since the Fourth Shinobi World War. Two whole years and another couple of months. And for the first time since then, everything was peaceful. Nothing big came by Kage's offices ever since the Country of Silence.

It was peaceful.

And boring.

Shikamaru was sitting in his office, staring at the sky.

Even though the huge pile of documents were waiting for him, he couldn't help but slacking off. The whole shinobi world was so goddamn peaceful that for the first time since chuunin exam he felt that he was getting closer to fulfilling that dream of his average and boring life. He should have been happy about that.

And yet, it was kind of disappointing.

He was looking at the sky. The setting sun painted it into bright orange. It was beautiful, and yet lacked something. Just like Shikamaru's life now.

There were no clouds in the sky.

And there was no wind.

Shikamaru smiled.

Thinking about the wind made him remember one certain face.

Come to think of it, he hasn't seen her in a while. Not since their first date and then Naruto's wedding.

Yeah, the best way to give up your average life dream was to invite the most troublesome woman he ever knew in.

And yet, He felt that it would be nice to see her again.

Looking at the orange sky and thinking of her made him remember something that happened long time ago…

…The sky was slowly turning bright orange as the sun was setting down. Last of few people already left long time ago, after all, nobody wanted to spend the night on the cemetery. And yet, one person was still there, looking and a gravestone in silence.

"Shikaku Nara".

His father.

It was couple of days since the Forth Ninja War was over. Although the exact number of casualties was still unknown, the losses to shinobi world were devastating. His father was just one of the many.

The war can't be won without sacrifices.

The young man in front of the grave knew that very well, yet was still unable to put his thoughts together. He grew up watching his father's back, following his footsteps. And now that he's gone Shikamaru felt so goddamn empty inside.

"Are you crying?"

He didn't hear the footsteps. Well, that wasn't surprising. She was a well-trained shinobi after all.

"I'm not."

She came closer and stood beside him. Straight posture, sharp look in her eyes, golden hair tied on the back of her head, simple yet tattered clothes she wore on the battlefield, not a hint of a smile on her lips as if she still was in the middle of fighting. She was the exact opposite of the term feminine, and the last thing he needed was another lecture.

What a drag.

Temari sighed.

"Maybe you should." Was her answer.

Well, that was unexpected. For a moment Shikamaru thought he heard wrong.

"What about emotional training?"

"It usually doesn't work when the family is involved," she gave a faint smile. Now when he looked closer, Temari didn't seem as strict and sharp as always. 'Tired' was a better word to use. That's right, she probably hardly got any time to sleep, since both of her brothers were injured and needed rest. Thinking something like her needing rest wasn't in her character. Putting everyone else before her own interest was just the way Temari was.

"I mean, even I would probably cry my eyes out, if something were to happen to my brothers."

Shikamaru tried to imagine her crying, but it was no use.

"Did you cry when your father died?" He scratched the back of his head.


Well, just as expected.

"Don't get me wrong, but my father was different from yours." She continued with tiny hint of sadness in her voice. "Maybe, he did care about us deep down in his heart, but he was sure not to show it. Not a single word of praise or sign of affection, that's just who he was. Hours of harsh trainings and unsatisfied look on his face that was the reality of my childhood."

Shikamaru didn't know how to reply. It was amazing enough that she started talking about her childhood. It was probably the first time when Temari shared something this personal. No, actually something personal in general.

"What about your mother?"

She laughed.

"I was only three when she died. Of course I cried."

Shikamaru tried to imagine Temari as a kid but yet again failed miserably.

"Hard to believe it."

"I bet."

They stood in silence for a while. Only the wind far away from here played with Hidden Leaf's trees.

"I only got to meet your father couple of times, but still... he was an amazing person," she said in a small voice. "I kind of admired him."

"Me too." Deep down inside Shikamaru probably wanted to cry. It would be easier that way for sure. And yet...

"I wonder, what it would feel like to be brought up by him."

It wasn't easy one to answer. Not unless you're capable of putting simple truth into simple words. Just like Temari.

"Well, he wouldn't want me to cry for sure." Answer was simple enough.

"Then, what would he want you to do?"

Another simple question that is impossible to answer straight away. Shikamaru felt that his brain left its comatose state and started working again.

"To think about future."

"And what do you see in the future?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure everyone here has only one word in mind for that."

"Peace, huh?"


"How are you going to achieve it?"

Shikamaru was startled for a bit. It suddenly became clear to him, what she was trying to do. It wasn't a compassion, that normal people were expected to show at the times like this. But Temari wasn't normal, after all. She was gently pushing him to do what he did best. To think.

"Why me? Kakashi will be the next Hokage, and then Naruto after him."

"Naruto, huh? He is a symbol of peace. He actually managed to unite all of shinobi world, but that won't be enough. It'll take a brain like yours to make this whole peace thing work."

He looked at her, just to meet Temari's glance. Straight and serious as usual. Her light green eyes were staring right into his soul. And somehow it didn't make him feel uncomfortable. Who would believe that of all people in the world Temari of the Desert, who is known to be just as scary as she's beautiful, believed in him. But what was even more surprising is that Shikamaru for the first time didn't feel pressured, but on the contrary he was kind of happy.

"Honestly, not a single clue."

She chuckled.

"Thought you would say that."

He just smiled back.

"Let me help you."

Of all things that she said this evening, this one was the most unexpected.


"Who knows, what future has in store for us, and how the things will develop from this point on. But I want to be a part of it, that's for sure. And somehow on the battlefield I got the feeling that you're the one who can do it. That's why I want to help."

As serious as ever. It would probably take a lot of guts for a normal girl to say something like that. And definitely not in such casual voice. But, as it was said before, Temari wasn't normal. Yet, hearing encouraging words from her was rather new. It made Shikamaru wonder if it was all for her speech.

She continued.

"I mean, such lazy ass crybaby will definitely need my help."

There you go. Everything is back to normal. Usual Temari is back.

He just smiled hearing those words.

"Then, I'll rely on you from now on."

It was amazing how just couple of minutes ago he was all depressed, but now all the hard feelings were gone. It would be stupid of him to deny the effect this woman has on him. Come to think of it, it all started back then during chuunin exam. If it wasn't for her and Naruto, he'd probably still be a gennin, without any perspectives or hopes for future. Even without knowing it herself, she was always pushing him forwards for a long time now.

Or... she actually knew it all along?

Well, it doesn't really matter.

The truth is, he wouldn't make it on his own.

"So, when I feel useless and depressed..."

"I'll scold you."

"And when I'll lose my way or lose any hope..."

"I'll encourage you."

"And when I'm being lazy and complaining that everything is such a drag?"

She turned towards him. And for a single moment she was brighter than orange sky or even sun itself.

"I'll kick your ass!"

As Temari grinned happily it was the first time when Shikamaru for some unknown reason instead of "troublesome" thought "beautiful"…

A lot of things happened since that time. And he himself had changed. But somehow these feelings grew stronger since then to the point when he actually couldn't imagine himself without her anymore. No matter how much of a genius everyone said he was, Shikamaru couldn't fully understand his own feelings.

He was sure of one thing though. That her smile was like a sole bright light in this dull world.

And that he, sort of, missed it.

"Is that so?" Hokage asked after hearing to her report. His voice sounded tired.


"Well, that's bad news for us. We're grateful for your information. This issue will be discussed during the next Kage meeting. Although, if what you say is true, it would be hard to schedule it. We'll send messengers to all villages, as soon as possible. Let Gaara know that we are to meet in three weeks' time in Hidden Cloud village."

"Roger that." Temari nodded.

"It's past midnight already. Are you planning to stay?"

"I'll be leaving at dawn. Storm season is starting in the Land of Wind. If I stay any longer it is possible that the message would be delayed too late for Kazekage to participate in the meeting."

"I understand." Hokage nodded. "Go have rest now."


Past midnight was a very humble way of saying it. It was already half past three in the morning, just couple of hours before dawn. Looking for an inn would be just the waste of time. Although she planned to arrive to Hidden Leaf much earlier, the weather in the desert was just as rough as people of the Sand village. Sandstorm lasted for 12 hours. And so she was half a day late. If it wasn't for that storm, she might have had to spend some time with that guy. Although she'd still end up helping him with paperwork. You could just look at Hokage's table to know that they're overwhelmed at the moment.

Well, if that's the case, then maybe she still got a chance. And, no matter how small it was, still worth taking.

She smiled to herself and headed to his office.

Temari knocked.

"Shikamaru, you there?"

There was no answer. Well, that's something you would expect half past three o'clock in the morning. And yet, it took just a little pressure from her knocking to make the door move.

It was open.

Temari pushed the door. It was dark inside. Night wind slightly touched the papers all over large table, probably making even bigger mess than was before. Among all this chaos was the man she was looking for.

"You should reply if you there..." she stopped in the middle of sentence. It was no use talking to him right now. After all, Shikamaru was sleeping.

The scene wasn't unusual, but it still made Temari hold her breath. Which was stupid, since he didn't wake up to her voice. He looked very peaceful in his sleep, just like Gaara usually does, when he collapses in the middle of paperwork. Thinking about her little brother made Temari feel like taking care of Shikamaru too, even though that was something she would usually feel only for her family.

Temari took a deep breath. The feeling did not disappear. It actually grew stronger.

She couldn't help it, after all.

'What the hell am I doing?' She thought pulling her scarf off.

It was plain looking piece of cloth, quite common for people to wear in Hidden Sand, especially when it's storm season and the dust in the air makes it impossible to breath. Although looking plain, the scarf was made out of high quality wool, it was very light and very warm. Temari knew that it would be impossible to find a blanket here, so for now the scarf will do.

Before she realized what exactly she's doing, Temari ended up sorting out the papers on the table.

'I guess it can't be helped.' She thought to herself. 'It's all your fault for looking this cute in front of me.'

She already made peace with the idea that she cared for this lazy guy. And that was another thing she couldn't help but feel. Just looking at him made Temari think: "He needs me!" The words she would never be able to ignore. It was a complicated feeling, but, well, which feeling is not? It was hard to be a girl in shinobi world. But, truth to be told, just being a girl was already hard enough.

She didn't make a sound, but somehow deep inside she still hoped, that he'd wake up. On the other hand, he probably didn't sleep for days working that load out. So it was better to let him sleep. She hated how frustrated she was at the moment, but yet again the warm gentle feeling in her heart made her extremely happy. See? Being a girl is hard!

She put the last document in the relevant pile and looked outside the window. The sky was getting brighter.

"All right, you've got about half an hour to wake up." Temari whispered.

The night was slowly losing all of its colors. Temari didn't need to look at the sky to know that. Instead she was staring at the guy in front of her, once again wondering what exactly is it about him that makes her feel this way. She couldn't come up with an answer.

When the first ray of light showed up on the horizon, Temari left.

Shikamaru was still sleeping.

Shikamaru was dreaming about flowers. Which was strange enough that he even saw a dream. The flowers he saw reminded him of his friend and teammate Ino, whose family held a flower shop. And yet he never saw flowers like that at their place. White sharp petals on a slim yet strong stem, it's leaves were just as straight as an iron blade. It wasn't pampered, it wasn't brought up by caring hands of a gardener in the field of green grass. This flower was growing against all odds in the earth that is unsuitable for living. With only the sand around it, the flower was still growing beautifully up to the sky. And it was one of the prettiest things Shikamaru've ever witnessed. But it wasn't the flower, that made him think this way, but it's smell. The desert dust mixed together with the sweet fragrance covered Shikamaru like a warm blanket. And this scent reminded him of certain someone. They've worked together long enough, but only few times, when she'll be really close to him, Shikamaru could caught a trace of this smell. She never wears perfume, she's not the type after all. It was her natural scent that made his mind go crazy with all sorts of thoughts he would never expect himself to think. Although it was nice to dream about her, Shikamaru suddenly felt a glimpse of regret, as if he missed something important.

When he woke up, the regret was even stronger. And Temari's scent didn't disappear. It was hardly an hour since dawn, and yet he couldn't tell the exact moment he fell asleep. One thing he knew right away is that at some point of time he wasn't here alone. As he rose up from his table something fell down from his shoulders. A plain piece of wool as light as a feather and just as soft. It was the very same scarf Temari usually wears during the stormy days in the desert.

Shikamaru looked around. The papers he'd finished working on weren't in the total mess anymore as he remembered them to be. Sorted out and neatly placed in a way the guy like Shikamaru would find too troublesome to even bother. And yet this sight was too familiar.

He felt sudden sting of pain in his heart when he realized that regret was real. And so was the dream.

He rose to his feet. Maybe, there's still time.

Shikamaru grabbed Temari's scarf and some urgent documents and ran to Hokage's office.

Kakashi was still there.

"Shikamaru? What's wrong?"

"Just finished working on those. You've asked it as soon as possible."

"Not at five in the morning..."

Shikamaru just shrugged.

"Can I ask something?"


"Someone from the Hidden Sand came tonight?"

Judging from Kakashi's face, Hokage probably wanted to ask how Shikamaru even knew about that. But yet, it was hard to tell when you can only see his eyes. He might be thinking about something completely irrelevant now.

"Yes. Temari of the Desert brought an urgent notice. Apparently there is an information leakage in the Hidden Sand. They've noticed that the all the scrolls they receive have been unsealed and then sealed back. The same thing is happening with the radio connection. There's going to be an emergency Kage meeting in three weeks. And for that I'm going to need three more people to deliver the message."

"Only three?"

"Well, Temari herself will bring the news to her village. According to her it's too dangerous for messengers to walk around desert right now, due to the storms. That's why she left as soon as we made a conclusion on that."

"She left at night?"

Shikamaru could swear that Kakashi's eyes were laughing, when Hokage realized the real reason why Shikamaru came in so early in the morning.

"She said, she'd leave at dawn."

It wasn't too late!

"Kakashi-san. I'll be leaving for a short while, is that ok?"

"You would leave even if I said no. Fine, go."

"Thank you." As he ran out, he could swear that Kakashi murmured something like: "Youth~"

Shikamaru ran to the gates. Two shinobi on guard duty were yawning. It was almost the time to change shifts.

"Hey," Shikamaru asked breathing heavily. "Did you two see Temari of the Desert passing through the gate?"

"She left about half an hour ago. What about that?"

"Thank you. I'll be right back."

And he ran out. Hopefully, they won't report him as a missing-nin after being absent for an hour.

But he had to make it no matter what. He wasn't even sure, what he was going to say, but still kept running as if his life depended on that.

"TEMARI, WAIT!" He shouted as soon as he saw her back. It was useless to hide his presence and, truth to be told, he didn't care about any of that. She looked beyond surprised when she turned around.

"What are you doing here?" She asked when he came close enough.

Shikamaru tried to catch his breath.

"Next time... wake me.. up!"

Her face went from surprised to serious again.

"You'll probably work yourself to grave, if I were to wake you up every time."

She was right. And yet, he just didn't want to miss another moment with her like that. Those moments are rare to begin with, and if he slept through another one...

Shikamaru knew one thing. He didn't want that to happen, no matter what.

"I don't care," he said.

"Well, I do." She crossed arms on her chest. A gesture that her little brother would often do.

"Next time..." he took a deep breath. It was that stern look in her eyes that made him hesitate a moment. "Next time let's eat out together again."

The very same look that sometimes gave him shivers disappeared. Her facial features softened, as she chuckled.

"You didn't have to run all the way here to ask me out." She chuckled again. "Fine."

The stinging feeling of regret disappeared from Shikamaru's chest.

"Here," he gave back her scarf. "I'm returning this."

"Thanks." She wrapped the scarf around her neck in few precise movements. "I'll be going then."


"See you around," she waved at him.

It was about after ten steps, that Shikamaru called out.


"What?" She turned around.

"Be careful. On the road." He scratched the back of his head. A desperate gesture to hide his embarrassment.

She was startled for a moment. And then gave him her usual grin.


When she left, his heart was still beating like crazy. To think that it was the same person, who can make him shiver in fear and shine with happiness...

Girls are scary.

But sometimes it was just worth it.