
"That must mean that you're the famous Alex that Kara speaks so highly of. It's a pleasure to meet you."

She extends a hand out to me in greeting, and I shake her hand firmly while also not letting go of Kara's. I saw the way she reacted when she saw us holding hands, and it would have been scary if it weren't so funny! Thankfully, Maggie also noticed and stepped in with a smile, dimples out in full-effect, to try to ease the tension in Miss Luthor before the phone she's holding shatters from her death grip.

Thankfully, for the phone anyway, it worked.

I tried to hold back the laugh. I really tried. A little snort escaped, but I don't think anyone else noticed since Maggie and Lena are in the middle of introductions and Kara is staring at Lena like she hung the stars.

'She is kind of gorgeous, but why is Kara staring at her like that?'

Yeah, I recognized her as soon as we reached the table. It's my job to know who she is, as well as the rest of her family, thanks to her father's unethical business practices and her brother's hatred of aliens and all-out war on Superman in Metropolis. I just didn't think I'd run into her in a Chinese restaurant hanging out with my little sister, of all people. She's been under the radar since graduating at the top of her class from MIT with multiple Master's degrees in Business, Engineering, Computer Science, and Physics and has stayed out of the limelight that her family name brings by living her private life under a pseudonym, away from the public eye. She'd put as much distance between herself, her family, and the family business as possible until she recently began moonlighting as the Chief Financial Officer of LuthorCorp in the wake of her brother's downfall, but only remotely, as she hasn't been seen in Metropolis in years. Before that, she spent months at a time traveling the world alone, or otherwise living a quiet life in Ireland.

From what we've gathered about her, she seems to just want to live a normal life, and she had been able to do that very thing until her brother was convicted of mass murder and given 37 consecutive life sentences in prison and the media began speculating about when the "Elusive Luthor" would come out of hiding and step in to take over the reins as CEO.

At least I don't think she'll actually follow in her brother's xenophobic, anti-alien footsteps. According to our intel, she seems open-minded toward aliens, harmless in that aspect, and genuinely good, but never to be underestimated. She is a certified genius with one of the highest IQs I've ever seen, so I will be keeping a close eye on her, especially while she's spending time with my sister.

'Maybe I can get my hands on some hidden cameras and bug her apartment while she's away. All I have to do is follow her home and then sneak back into town when no one is expecting me and…'

"It might work better if we try actually sitting in the chairs instead of standing next to them."

Maggie's voice pulls me out of my thoughts as she moves to pull a chair out for me. I take the offered seat across from Kara, and Maggie settles next to me.

"So, Alex, Kara mentioned to me that you're studying at Stanford. That's impressive!" She smiles at me, and I can't stop the return smile.

"I am" I say. "I've got one more year, and then I will officially be Dr. Alexandra Danvers, PhD."

"What are you studying?"

"Bio-engineering, actually" I tell her. "Honestly, I love all things science! Chemistry, biology, physiology, medicine, technology." Her eyes light up and she looks sincerely impressed, and coming from a genius like her, I take it as a great compliment. Kara beams at me with pride, and I just take it and bask in the warmth of it. Otherwise, if I overthink it, I'll start feeling bad for keeping secrets from her. I hate lying to Kara of all people because I know how much she looks up to me, but I can't let her know about the other thing I do. Even though I'm doing it for her protection, I would lose her trust, and she may never want to talk to me again. I'm not ready to risk losing my baby sister, my heart, and I hope that my secret never gets out.

"Nerd." I look at Maggie, and there is nothing but love and tenderness in her eyes as she looks back at me. She smiles at me as she squeezes my thigh under the table, and I am turned to goo. She has always had that effect on me. She makes my heart flutter.

Knowing that my sister listens to my heartbeat and needing a subject change, I turn my attention to her ask her how she and Lena met. She immediately launches into the story of their meeting in the library late last night, pancakes at the diner, and the tutoring session this morning, with Lena chiming in from time to time. The rest of lunch goes just as smoothly with lots of easy conversation and laughter, and even the stiff, guarded Luthor has been replaced with a more relaxed Lena, one that I'm really starting to like. Kara's energy generally does that people. It puts them at ease. I can tell, though, that I make Lena nervous, as Kara's protective older sister, and I'm perfectly okay with that. To be completely honest, I'm feeling a bit smug about it, and I'm definitely going to use it to my advantage for as long as possible.

Maggie and I excuse ourselves to the bathroom after our empty lunch plates have been cleared and dessert is ordered. As we're washing our hands, I catch Maggie's tell-tale smirk in the mirror. I narrow my eyes at her, knowing what she's going to ask.

"So, what do you think of Kara's new friend?"

"She's fine" I say, confused as her smirk widens into a full-blown grin.

"What is it, Sawyer?"

"Your sister and Little Luthor are what, Danvers."

I'm not even surprised that she knows Lena's identity. She's a damn good detective. I turn and face her fully, and she turns to face me. "What do you mean, Maggie?"

"Little Danvers likes Little Luthor, for sure." I open my mouth to interject, but she raises a hand in a gesture that says "hear me out" before I can utter a sound. "Don't worry, it's definitely mutual. Have you seen the way they look at each other? They've been gushing about each other the entire time! You can't deny it, Danvers."

"Well, duh, they like each other. I doubt they'd be hanging out together if they didn't."

Maggie rolls her eyes and scoffs, the smirk returning. "Come on, Danvers. It's so obvious that those two are into each other! I've never witnessed so many lingering looks, casual touches or so much flirty banter in my life, and seriously, HAVE YOU SEEN all the lip biting? They like like each other!"

"I don't think so, Maggie." I can see that they're already fond of each other, but I don't think it's more than friendly. Plus, Kara's like that with all of her friends, right? Right? "Besides, Kara is still getting over Mike."

"Kara's been over Mike. What she's not over is her friends abandoning her for him. Your gaydar needs a tune-up, babe."

I love it when she calls me "babe." It makes me almost forget everything in the world except her in the moment. She gives me that smile that is only reserved for me, and I lean in and place a gentle kiss on her lips, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her into me. Her arms wrap around my neck, one hand in my hair, the kiss going from gentle to hungry in an instant. After a few moments, she reluctantly steps back, leaving me breathless.

"We better get back out there before Kara comes barging in with a search party."

She's right. It's happened before, and to say that it was embarrassing would be the understatement of a lifetime!

"$20.00 and vegan ice-cream that those two get snuggly before the weekend is over." She holds out her hand and I shake it.

"You're on, Sawyer. Lena doesn't even seem like the cuddling type."

Maggie says nothing, but flashes her confident smile, and I immediately begin to re-think this decision. She's usually right about these things, but this is Kara. I know my sister better than anyone. She can't be right this time, can she? Am I just oblivious?

We get back to the table just as our desserts arrive, and the four of us fall back in to easy conversation. I haven't seen Kara this happy in months. It's in her smile, it's in her eyes. It's in her relaxed posture. It's in the easy way that she throws her head back in laughter. Kara is finally happy again, and I know that a lot of it has to do with the green-eyed beauty sitting next to her. I just want her to be happy, and if this friendship with Lena makes her happy, then I will fully support it, and whatever it may become. I'm still a little in denial about that though.

'Kara's never mentioned being into women, has she? Only that sexuality was never a "thing" on her planet.'

"I kind of miss heckling the other team. Are you sure you don't want to go to the game, even for a little while, Little Danvers?" Maggie turns her own version of the puppy eyes onto Kara.

"Sure, as long we all go together, and you guys don't ditch me. It will be fun!" Kara excitedly looks back and forth between Lena and me, waiting for us to say something.

"Are you sure about this, Kara?" I'm concerned for her and about her potentially running into her friends. I don't want her to be sad all over again. If Kara gets sad, Alex gets angry, and you don't want to see Angry Alex.

"I'll have you, Maggie, and hopefully Lena there with me." She adds that last part shyly, sneaking a quick glance in Lena's direction. "I'll be perfectly fine."

"I'm down to go," I say. "What about you, Lena?"

She looks surprised that I asked her, but then Kara used her puppy eyes to seal the deal. She looks away from Kara and schools her features. The professional business woman is back as she says, "I'll accompany you to your football heckle-fest on one condition."

"What condition is that?" Kara says what we all want to say.

Lena nods over to the waiter and then turns back to us with what I can tell is her trademark smirk and says, "The condition is that lunch is on me today." Before either Maggie or I could protest, the waiter reaches the table with the check presenter, and she's slipped her credit card into it and is giving it back to him.

She's quick.

As we're finishing up dessert, I look out the window and see that the beautiful beast that we walked by earlier is still sitting in all it's glory in the parking lot.

"I'd really like to get a closer look at that motorcycle parked out front before the owner leaves! Do you think it would be weird if I were to go check it out? Do you think the owner would come out and think I'm a crazy person?"

I catch the look of amusement that passes between Kara and Lena before Lena says "I'm sure the bike's owner wouldn't mind at all if you want to go ahead and check it out. I'll be right out." I was out of my chair and halfway to the door before anyone else even moved. I pushed out the door and came face to face with a dream on two wheels.

I just stand there and take it all in for a moment before I slowly stalk towards it, as if it were prey. This thing is so badass! I vaguely notice when the others file out behind me, and Maggie and I begin a slow, admiring trek around it. Kara and Lena stand together quietly, both with smug little smiles on their faces, but I can't focus on that when this gorgeous piece of machinery is sitting right here in front of me.

"I would love to take this thing for a spin!"

"You ride?" Lena says as she steps up beside me.

"Hell yeah, I ride! I love it!"

"Maybe I'll let you take it out for a test drive before you leave tomorrow."

I meet sparkling emerald green eyes and say, "This is yours?!"

She smiles and nods. "I built it myself."

'Whoa! Be still my heart. She just got A LOT cooler!'

From beside me, Maggie lets out a low whistle and quietly says, "Beautiful and smart. Way to go Little Danvers!" Her voice is barely above a whisper, teasing for my ears only, the accompanying smirk exudes her confidence in winning the bet. I narrow my eyes and stick my tongue out at her like the mature adult that I am, then glance quickly over at Kara, knowing that she heard. Sure enough, her face is tomato red and she's fidgeting with the helmet in her hands.

'How did I not notice that helmet before?'

"If we're going to make it to the game, we'd better get going," Kara says from where she still stands behind us.

"She's right," Maggie says as she glances at her watch. "Should we all ride together in my car?"

"What about Lena's motorcycle? You can't just leave this here!" It's not even mine, but I'm in protective mode.

"if you don't mind following me home, I can park it in my garage and then I can jump in your car and we all go to the game together. It's on the way to the stadium."

"Sound like a good plan. Alex, Kara, and I will follow you" Maggie says.

"No," Kara interjects, "I'm riding with Lena!" She pushes on the helmet and steps toward Lena and the motorcycle.

"O-okay, well you lead the way."

Maggie and I walk the few feet to her car and we turn and lean against the hood as we watch Kara and Lena getting on the motorcycle. Kara's arms immediately go around Lena's waist and hold her, and Lena's left hand automatically covers Kara's hands, her thumb trailing soothing circles across the back of her hand and fingers.

Lena's speaking softly to my sister, no doubt words of comfort, and Kara melts into her. It's very sweet, and I think I might owe my girlfriend money and vegan ice cream, but I won't tell her that just yet.

Suddenly, Lena turns the key, bringing the engine to life, and I almost miss the way Kara jumps at the sound as my knees buckle. I'm so thankful that I was leaning against the car, otherwise I would have fallen on my ass!

"Getting all hot and bothered? I thought only I could make sounds that make you weak in the knees" Maggie says as she doubles over in a fit of laughter.

She sobers up quickly as I say, "Keep it up and you're sleeping on the floor tonight."

"You play dirty, Danvers."

"Only with you, Sawyer," I say with a flirtatious wink.

Once in the car, I look up and see that Lena is still talking to Kara and doesn't remove her hand from where it covers Kara's until Kara nods against her shoulder. Then she places both hands on the handlebars and they slowly take off out of the parking lot with us following behind them.

'I hate losing bets to Maggie. WHY do I keep making them?'