A/N: Hello everyone, I'm Pencilboy and I like to welcome you to my first ever fanfiction story! Whoo-Hoo!

I have been thinking about doing this for a few months now, and I believe that it's finally time for me to give it a shot. So before we begin, let's give some context for this story. This is pretty much a story where the characters of RWBY are set in a Superhero AU, kinda like in the style of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with a mix of other superhero/summer blockbuster movies. I'm not saying which ones or else I may spoil the plot and that's the last thing I want.

One last thing. RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth, Not me.

Now with that out of the way, let the story begin!


The light of the morning sun shined through the curtains of the bedroom, bringing life to the messy room. The walls were coated with a layer of red paint with some of them being covered with posters of either movies or superheroes that seemed to be several years old. The room didn't have very much furniture, only a table that had a computer with some games consoles sitting right next to it, a swivel chair to accompany said table, a bright red bean bag sitting in the corner of the room, some Cheshire drawers to store some small articles of clothing and a single bed, not too far from the window, covered with a black and red bed sheet that currently housed a small girl. She looked to be around 15 years of age, with black, neck length hair with red tips. She was wearing a black tank top and white long pants with pink roses as decoration, along with a black eye mask shielding her eyes from the brightness of the sun. The sounds of the girl's snoring were loud, loud enough to make it seem impossible to get her to wake up. For her sister, however, it couldn't be anymore easier.

Three loud knocks came from the door that led to the hallway of the house, echoing throughout the room and causing the sleeping girl to stir and eventually rise up from her bed with a groaning noise coming from her mouth.

"Ruby, are you up yet!?" A female voice asked from the other side of the bedroom door.

"I am now." The girl known as Ruby replied, her voice clearly showing signs that she hadn't fully awakened yet.

"Well get yourself dressed and come get some breakfast or we'll be late for school again!" The voice said before the sounds of their footsteps could be heard walking farther away from the door until there was silence once again.

Ruby groaned for the second time that day. She didn't want to get up. she wanted to stay in bed all day, get some extra shuteye and then walk around the city for a little while, then come home by dinner time and go back to her room to work on her 'project'. It wasn't the most exciting of days, but anything was better than a boring day at school. But she had no choice in the matter.

She removed the eye mask from her head, revealing her bright silver eyes to the sight of her room in all of its unorganised glory. Throwing the covers off herself, Ruby swings her legs off the side of the bed and looks to the digital clock resting at her bedside. 08:03 AM it read. 'Guess I'm skipping out on the shower again.' Ruby thought to herself. This wasn't the first time she had to miss a shower due to her sleeping in, but she had gotten used to it by now. She lowered her feet into her favourite pair of fuzzy wolf slippers and slowly started to stand up from her bed, stretching her arms and letting out a massive yawn in the process. Using the little energy she had in her, Ruby made her way over to her wardrobe to find the clothes she would be wearing today.

She fished through the racks of shirts, trousers, dresses, hoodies and jackets until she found her favourite set of clothes. A red shirt with a black long sleeve undershirt, a short-sleeved hoodie that was a slightly duller shade of red, a black skirt, a thick pair of black stockings and a pair of black and red trainers. After getting dressed and cleaning herself up a little bit, she walked out of her room, down the stairs and into the kitchen.

The first thing that Ruby noticed was her parents. Her father, Taiyang was sitting at the kitchen table, reading this morning's newspaper while drinking a cup of coffee from a mug that read '#1 Dad' on it. Meanwhile her mother, Summer was over at the kitchen worktop, finishing up the freshly made bacon and eggs for breakfast while humming a tune that Ruby swore she heard from somewhere before. Maybe from one of those pop bands that her mother used to listen to in her youth.

"Morning sleepy head." The cheery voice of her mother broke Ruby out of her thoughts. "How's my little rose petal today?"

"Sleepy and wishing she was back in her bed right now." Ruby said as she took her place at the kitchen table.

"You won't be saying that after you have some of my home cooking that I know you love oh so much."

Summer handed out three plates filled with bacon, eggs and beans in front of Ruby, Taiyang and an empty seat at the table. Ruby began to dig into her morning breakfast in a slow manner, taking her time to cut the bacon into smaller pieces. If she was hoping to power through the school day, she needed the energy.

"So, mind telling us why you didn't get up out of your room until now?" Taiyang asked as he put down his newspaper to eat the breakfast sitting in front of him. "Don't tell me you overslept again?"

"What? Me? Overslept?" Ruby faked a laugh in an attempt to throw her father off her trail. She didn't want him to find out that she had stayed up all night looking up weapon designs on the internet again. "That is probably the funniest joke you've ever told. I didn't oversleep, I was up all night studying." Ruby had a... interesting fascination in weaponry. Whether it was sword and shield, AK-47's or Futuristic laser guns, She would always be amazed by either its build quality, design, functions or most of the time - the sheer coolness of the weapon itself. Her family knew this fact all too well.

"Huh, I remember you saying that the last time you slept in." Ruby's laugh died in an instant upon hearing her father's response, mentally facepalming herself for using the same excuse she used plenty of times before.

"It's ok, I'm just messing with you, sweetie." Taiyang reached out to Ruby, playfully rubbing her hair. "But still, you can't just stay up all night until 2:00 in the morning just to look at weapons."

"I know but I just can't help it." Ruby said. "Weapons are just my thing right now, and I want to keep up-to-date with all the latest news around them."

"Ruby, I don't think it is normal for a girl of your age to take a liking to tools of murder and destruction." Summer stated, looking to her daughter with a look of worry on her face.

"It's alright mom, it's just an interest." Ruby gave her mother a heartwarming smile that washed away any worry she had in her - mostly. "Besides, it's not like I'm building a massive superweapon, right?"

There was silence for about 15 seconds. Both of her parents gave her a look that she couldn't tell if it was a look of confusion or a look that said 'your joking, right?'. The silence was broken when the three of them heard a fourth voice give an opinion.

"Ruby's right you know. I mean, the only weapon that she is capable of making is her own snoring." The voice said with a joking tone to it. Ruby turned to its origin to see a female figure, leaning against the kitchen door frame with her arms crossed and with the world's biggest smirk plastered across her face. She had bright golden hair and lilac coloured eyes. Her clothes consisted of an orange tank top that exposed her midriff, a brown leather jacket, blue loose fitting jeans held up by a belt with golden buckle and brown work boots. It was her sister, Yang Xiao Long.

"Oh come on!" Ruby shouted. "My snoring isn't that loud!"

"Really? Because I swear I can hear it through the walls." Yang chuckles as she walks over to her seat and proceeds to sit down.

"At least my snoring is better sounding than your god-awful puns." Ruby retorts, her mouth curving into a grin.

A fake gasp escapes from Yang's mouth as she puts her hand to her mouth. "Ruby, I am hurt that you would call my brilliant puns awful." The two sisters look directly at each other before they share a laugh together over their playful banter. Their parents look to them with warm smiles.

To say that Ruby and Yang had an unbreakable bond between them would be the understatement of the century. When they were just little kids, the two of them would always be out in their backyard playing with each other until the sunset. Yang would keep Ruby company whenever their mother and father were out at their jobs or were too busy to come play with her, Even reading her bedtime stories at night. Whenever Ruby was bullied or harassed at school, Yang would be there to defend her little sister, even if it meant skipping class or roughing up the bullies and getting into serious trouble. However, sometimes Ruby would help Yang through her own struggles. One occasion she could think of, off at the top of her head was the day when Yang lost her right arm.

Ruby glanced over to her sister's right hand to see the familiar sight of the yellow and black paint coating the metal limb. Just thinking about that day gives her goosebumps from head to toe. She could only remember bits and pieces of what happened, but she didn't want to remember the rest. It would hurt her to know every single detail that caused her sister's accident. All she cared about was that Yang was safe and was back to her old self after a month of recovery, thanks to Ruby of course.

She snapped back to reality as she feels her mother's hand rest upon her shoulder. "Is something the matter Ruby? Is something wrong with your breakfast?"

"Y-your cookings fine mom. I'm Just thinking about... something." Ruby answered, returning to her breakfast which she had barely touched.

"Are you worrying about your high school graduation?"

Ruby thought about it for few seconds until she could give an answer. "Okay, I am a little bit worried about graduation, but it's ok. I can handle it."

"What are you so worried about?" Yang asked, sounding Optimistic. "Every teenager has to go through this at one point in their life. Heck, I'm going to be graduating alongside you in a few weeks, so in that case, I should be just as worried as you are right now."

"You weren't the one who got to skip 2 years of school because she was smarter than the actual course." Ruby countered.

"So you were bumped up by 2 Grades." Yang shrugs. "I don't see the big deal about it."

Ruby stared at her sister with piercing eyes. "The big deal Yang is that everyone believes that I was moved up because I'm special in some way and I hate it when people say that about me. I just want to be treated like a normal girl."

Her father stopped eating his breakfast to wrap his arm around his youngest daughter to comfort her. "Don't say stuff like that. Nobody thinks of you being different to any other teenager." She faces her father with a raised eyebrow. "Just because you were the smartest student in your year doesn't mean you're automatically a super special person. It means that you are just as normal as any other girl." He paused for a moment before continuing. "And besides, you'll always be special to us sweetie, so stop worrying about what everyone expects from you and let me see that cheerful smile that everyone knows you for."

Her father's words made Ruby feel a whole lot better like all the stress and worries she was facing had suddenly vanished in a puff of smoke. "Thanks, Dad. You're the best."

"That what it says on the mug." Taiyang jokingly said, raising said mug and taking a drink from it. His family attempted to hold back the laughter escaping their mouths, mostly Yang.

After the laughter subsided, Summer directed her attention to her children."Okay you two, finish up your breakfast and leave your plates in the sink. You don't want to be late for school now."

"Sure thing Mom." Both sisters said simultaneously as they continued with their breakfast.

As she was consuming her eggs, Ruby had a strange feeling entering her head, a feeling that told her something about today was not going to be normal for her. But why? The morning started off just like any other day of school, except for her sleeping in and her family's talk over graduation, but even that seemed normal to her. What was so different about today?

She didn't ponder on it any longer as went back to her breakfast.

The door to the garage is swung open as Yang and Ruby walk in, now with school bags hanging from their shoulders. Both walk past the family car and headed straight for a yellow and orange motorcycle that was leaning against the wall. Yang grabbed it by the handlebars, pulling it in front of the garage doors, then she began to pat the bike lovingly.

"Hello, Bumblebee," she whispered. "Are you ready for another ride today?"

"I still can't believe you gave that thing a name." Ruby interrupted

"Don't say that in front of her!" Yang yelled, briefly looking at her sister before looking back at Bumblebee. "You'll hurt her feelings."

"Feelings?" Ruby rolled her eyes. "Honestly, you treat that bike like it's your own flesh and blood."

Yang kicks down the bike stand and walks over to the shelves, looking for something. "Oh come on Rubes, you practically do the exact same thing, only you do it to that weird sketch of an oversized pickaxe in your notepad."

"First of, Crescent Rose is not an oversized pickaxe, it's a scythe," Ruby explained. "And secondly, it's not a real thing, it's just a concept lying there collecting dust."

"If it's a concept, then that means you can build one, right?"

"I mean - that's not - what I meant was - urgh!" Ruby brings her hands to her head in frustration, Making Yang smile at her sister's attempt to correct herself. She always knew how to get under her sister's skin and make her freak out in the most hilarious of ways. It was just one of her ways of showing how much she cares for Ruby.

She continues her shelve searching until she finds what she's looking for. "Ah-ha. There you are!" Yang victoriously shouts, pulling out two bike helmets, one coloured yellow, the other coloured red. She tosses the red one to her sister and then proceeds to strap the other one to her own head. Ruby fumbles with the helmet before eventually catching it in her hands. After putting it on, she walks over to Yang who was already sitting on Bumblebee and sits behind her.

"Hold on tight now." Yang tells her sister, who nods her head in agreement and wraps her arms around her waist. She fishes through her pockets, brings out a set of keys and pressing a button to open the garage, then she inserts the keys into her bike and turns them, causing the engine to rev into life.

She kicks the stand back up and drives out onto the road, heading towards the city.

The tyres of Bumblebee came to a screeching halt as its driver switches off the engine and takes her helmet off, shaking her hair back into its messy state.

"We're here." Ruby looks up from her sister's back to see a building made of concrete and metal that was about 3 stories high and extremely wide from her point of view. The place was Signal High School, the biggest high school in the country. The school has been around for years, providing both Humans and Faunus with equal education opportunities since its founding. It has been called by many as the best high school anyone can go to.

To Ruby, however, she only knows one thing to call it: Prison.

She removed her helmet and stepped off Bumblebee, waiting for her sister to lock up the bike so that no one would steal it. If anyone did try to steal it, they would be tasting one of Yang's infamous knuckle sandwiches, metal edition. Unfortunately, this would sometimes cause the police to get involved and they would always arrest her for assault before releasing her the next day.

After finishing locking up Bumblebee, Yang walked to Ruby and gave her an encouraging smile. "So, you ready for another exciting day at your favourite place in the whole wide world?" she asked, putting heavy emphasis on 'favourite'.

"Ready as I'll ever be" Ruby replied dryly. The two sisters start walking to the entrance of the school and enter the building.

As soon as they entered, they could immediately tell that they were in school. The wide open halls, the massive amount of students walking to their classes or chatting to one another, the clear, clean floor that would become dirty again when lunchtime came around, the rows upon rows of lockers that were bolted to the walls, the countless doors leading to the same identical looking classrooms, it was all here. Just your average boring high school.

"So, should we head to our first class of the day?" Yang asked.

"You go on without me," Ruby replied. "I'm gonna need to grab something from my locker really quick."

"Er, Well I would but here's the thing." Yang paused, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. Ruby looked at her with confusion in her eyes. "I kinda… forgot… where our classroom is."

"WHAT?!" Ruby shouted, her jaw gaped wide open upon hearing Yang's excuse. She couldn't believe that her own sister had forgotten where their classroom was again. She had only one question on her mind. "What happened to your timetable this time?!"

"I, er, lost it?" Yang answered, but Ruby could tell that even she didn't know what happened to it this time. She would agree that Yang wasn't the smartest person in the school, but she certainly wasn't the dumbest either.

With a sigh, Ruby started to walk away. "Fine, come with me." she muttered reluctantly, as Yang began to follow her to her locker.

The two of them walked down the hallway in utter silence, only waving or saying hello to other students. It was only until they reached their lockers, which happened to be right next to each other, that Yang decided to break the ice.

"What do you need from your locker anyway?" she asked. "I thought you have everything you need in your bag."

"I do," Ruby opened and started to rummage through her locker. "I just need to get some history books that I borrowed from someone."

Yang raised an eyebrow. She noticed that Ruby intentionally left out the person's name and that only made her curious. Her sister would never hide something from her unless it was something that would get her into a lot of trouble or it was something that was really, really embarrassing. She had to find out what Ruby was hiding.

"And may I ask who this 'someone' is?" She teasingly asks, watching Ruby pull out at least 3 different books from her locker and then closing it.

"Oh, you know," She nervously replies as the two began to walk back up the hall to their first period. "One of our friends gave them to me so that I could study for that history test."

"I don't remember you asking Blake if you could have some of her books."

"I didn't ask Blake, She didn't have the books with the details that I needed, I ask-" Ruby couldn't finish her sentence as she collided into something, sending her falling to the ground and dropping all of her books. She hit the ground hard, bringing her hands to her bottom and rubbing them to comfort the pain. It was always common for Ruby to get so wrapped up in a conversation with someone that she completely forgets where she was going, which would lead to her smacking face first into something. But this time, it was someone.

"Ruby Rose, watch where you're going, you dolt!" An annoyed voice rung through Ruby's ears as she looks up to see a girl with ivory white hair staring back with light blue eyes. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail that just reaches the top of her back, with some flowing down from the sides of her face. She wore a simple white dress with a pale blue sash wrapped around her waist along with an ice blue, elbow length bolero jacket that was red on the inside. The girl also wore blue ankle length socks and black strap-on school shoes, making her seem shorter than usual.

Ruby starts to pick herself up off the floor, thinking of a way to apologise to her friend. "Sorry Weiss, I didn't see you there."

"Maybe we should get your eyes checked," Weiss complained, crossing her arms. "Because that's like the fiftieth time you have knocked yourself to the ground!"

Ruby wasn't hurt by Weiss' comment, in fact, it brought a smile to her face. She knew that her response was because of her upbringing in Atlas, the city of dreams. Weiss' family were the owners of a company called Schnee Tech Industries, a tech firm dedicated to the research and development of new advances in technology ranging from household items to military weaponry. Because of this, the Schnee's became one of the richest families on Remnant. As a result, Weiss' early childhood was one of loneliness and obedience. She had every decision made for her, made by her father. She was unable to make any friends back in Atlas, the only 'friends' she made were with any business partners connected to the company. So some people would find it laughable for the daughter to one of the wealthiest families in the world to be best friends with two girls who were nowhere as rich as her. But that was far from the truth.

Weiss was a long time friend of Ruby and Yang. They first met when they were just in the 1st grade. She had moved with her older sister to Vale from Atlas due to… family issues when she was 7. Her sister thought it would help her socialise with actual kids. Normal kids with normal lives. But on her first day of school, no one even attempted to be friends with Weiss. It wasn't because she was new there, it was because the other students thought she was too good to be their friend. Every lunchtime, Weiss could be found sitting at a table all by herself, eating the food she was provided with by the school board. The scene was depressing, to say the least. One day, while she was eating her lunch in the familiar but uncomfortable silence, a girl who was 2 years younger than her sat down right next to her and began talking to her. It was a weird feeling that Weiss felt. The idea of talking to someone about her life or about theirs was foreign to her. She tried to ignore the girl's conversation, blocking her out just like she had done with the other kids and it seemed to work when the girl finally left her when she had finished her food. But then she came back the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that. Every day at lunch, Weiss would always be accompanied by this enthusiastic girl, talking about whatever topic she could think of. She tried her best to push her away, but it was no use. The girl's determination was stronger than anything she had witnessed before. Eventually, Weiss decide it was time to throw in the towel and began to engage in the conversation. Surprisingly, she found that the girl was incredibly friendly to her and helped her with any problems she was having, either at school or at home. Weiss finally had someone other than her sister to talk to, someone who treated her like a normal girl, someone who called her 'a friend'. And that girl was Ruby. Since then, Ruby was able to help Weiss break from her lonely lifestyle and change her into someone with a new look on her life. That still didn't change her personality, however.

Weiss let out a soft sigh and smiled. "Anyway, how are you two this morning?"

Before she could say anything, Ruby was immediately cut off by Yang. "Well so far, I'm having a very 'Weiss' morning! Eh? Guys?"

Both Ruby and Weiss just glared at the blonde, groaning over her unfunny pun. After taking a breath, Weiss spoke up. "I'm gonna to pretend that I didn't hear that." She turns to look at Ruby, who was picking up the books that she dropped earlier. "What about you Ruby, how are you today?"

Ruby let out another yawn before answering. "I'm fine, although I am still feeling tired from reading these books last night."

Yang noticed her sister's lie and attempts to correct her. "I thought you said you were looking at weapon designs again?"

"Sssshhhh! No, I wasn't! I was doing research for the exam."

"Clearly." Weiss muttered sarcastically. "Speaking of which, I take it that those books you just dropped were mine?"

"Um, w-well yes, they are. I was going to give them back to you during class today. I hope you didn't mind me keeping them for a little longer than usu-"

"Woah, Woah, Woah, hang on a minute!" Yang interrupted. " Those books belong to you, Ice Queen?"

Weiss pinched the bridge of her nose. She hated the nickname that Yang had given her when they first met. It was due to her cold attempts at making friends with the blonde, so in truth, it was her own fault that she was given that name, but it still was grating on her. "Yes, Yang. Those are my books. The books that Ruby borrowed and was supposed to give back to me last week!"

"I'm sorry, I just needed them to study a bit more, just to be sure that I am ready for this test." Ruby picked up the fallen books and handed them back to Weiss who put them straight into her bag.

"Well give me a little warning the next time you decide to keep my books from me, okay?" she stared at the Brunette with her ice-cold eyes, only getting a nod in response. "Good. Now let's get to class. I don't want to be late because of your clumsiness."

The Ice Queen began to walk away, leaving the two sisters to think for a moment before they started to catch up with her. As they were walking, Yang leaned towards her sister.

"So, why did you really ask Weiss for her books instead of Blake?" She whispered.

"I already told you, Blake's book didn't have the details I needed but Weiss' ones did." Ruby replied angrily, yet quietly. " Why are you asking anyway?"

"Well, it just seems that you are hanging out with Weiss more than usual. I mean, you help each other with any school work, you follow her home and sometimes stay there until 7:00 and now you're asking her to give you some of her books to help you study. You usual ask me or Blake for help first, so why are you spending more time with Weiss than-" Suddenly, Yang stopped like something had just clicked in her mind. Ruby was scared when she saw her sister's lips contort into a shit-eating grin. Whatever she just thought of couldn't be a good thing.

"Ruby, do you have feelings for Weiss?"

Ruby flinched when she heard her sister's question, her face turned redder than her shirt. How could she say such a thing? Weiss was just her best friend, not her girlfriend. This was probably the craziest thing her sister has ever said just to get a reaction out of her. And unfortunately, it was working.

"What?! No! No, no, no, no, no!" Ruby practically shouted, causing her sister to step back. "Why would you say something like that! Especially when we're in school!"

"Ha, I knew it! You do have a crush on her" Yang laughed uncontrollably. She couldn't help herself, it was just too good to pass off. Her little sister has fallen in love with Weiss Schnee, the same Weiss Schnee who didn't want to even be friends with her, to begin with. She wanted to be proud that her sister had found love, but she also wanted to tease the heck out of her.

"I do not!" Ruby retorted

"Yes, you do!"

"No, I don't!"

"Yes, you do!"

"No, I don't!"

"Yes, you do!"

"No, I don't!"

"Yes, you do!"


"Geez, could you be anymore louder?" The sister's little argument was interrupted by the sound of a calm, yet irritated voice. They looked behind them only to be startled by the sight of a girl with black hair and amber eyes. She was wearing a black and purple striped sweater over a white button-up shirt with grey jeans and black slip-on shoes. To top it all off, she had a black bow tied to the top of her head. Weiss had turned around to see what all the commotion was about and saw Ruby and Yang breathing heavily like they got the fright of their lives, and the third girl, who was smiling over their reactions.

"You gotta stop sneaking up on us like that Blake." she stated after piecing two and two together. " I swear, one of these days, you're going give one of us a heart attack."

Blake simple chuckled at Weiss' joke. "Don't worry. I don't think I'm sneaky enough for that to happen."

Blake was somewhat a mystery to her friends. She barely talks about her childhood to anyone but herself and Yang, most likely because the two were the strongest of friends. All that her friends knew about her was that she grew up in Menagerie, an island just south of Anima that was entirely inhabited by Faunus. She then moved to Vale along with her parents when she was about 8, but she never stated why she moved to begin with. She met her friends not long after she started going to school, it took her awhile to warm up to them, but she eventually trusted them enough to be friends. Well, she didn't trust them with all of her life, but at least she was open to being friends with them.

"B-Blake?" Ruby asked, still trying to catch her breath. "How long have you being listening to us talk?"

"Not for long." Blake shrugged. "Only the part about you having a crush on someone."

"Wait, what?" Weiss confusingly asks, causing Ruby's face to return to its bright red state.

"I-I-It's nothing!" She blurted out "S-S-She doesn't know what she's talking about. It's all a huge misunderstanding!"

"See! You're trying to hide it!" Yang points an accusing finger to Ruby. "That proves that you have a crush for-"

"I don't have a crush on anyone!" Ruby quickly yelled, hitting her sister in the arm to shut her up. "Now, can we all just get to class before this discussion goes somewhere it doesn't need to!"

With that being said, Ruby stormed off from her friends to find her classroom. Everyone just stared at the 15-year-old gets further and further away from them. Weiss then turns back to Yang and Blake with an important question.

"I don't suppose you two are going to tell me who this 'crush' is, are you?" She demanded.

"I think it's best if we let Ruby tell us who it is in her own time." Blake answered calmly. "She may not want to reveal it to us right now, but she's going to have to tell us at some point."

"I hope you're right Blakey." Yang worryingly replied before returning to her cheery self. "Come on, let's catch up with her."

"That I can agree on." Weiss exclaimed before the three girls started to follow where Ruby was last heading. They hoped she wouldn't still be mad at them over the discussion they just had, but Ruby was always a cheerful girl and they knew that in time, she will forget everything that happened and forgive them. It was just what Ruby does.

Meanwhile up ahead, Ruby was grumbling to herself about what just happened back there. She couldn't believe that she reacted like that to them. She did have some arguments with her friends before, but never anything this extreme. She started to think of a way to apologise to them when they have free time, but then she started to think about the question that started this problem.

'Ruby, do you have feelings for Weiss?' That was the million dollar question on Ruby's mind. Did she truly have feelings for Weiss? And if she did, then why now? She has been friends with her for a long time and not once had she had romantic feelings for needed to know if her sister was right. But that can wait. Right now she needed to get her head straight and focus on the current task at hand, and that was to get through the school day. She would have to develop her relationship with Weiss at a later date.

With the multitude of unsure thoughts flying through her brain, only one of them was concrete enough that she knew was true:

Today was going to be a long day.