Ch. 7: I'm No Picasso

Disclaimer: I do not own Hellsing

The day after horseback riding, the sky was filled with gray clouds that dropped torrents of rain upon the camping grounds. This ruined everyone's moods and Integra said in a surly voice; "Someone forgot to check the bloody weather!" But Walter kept hope and positivity alive by allowing everyone to spend the day in the cabin instead of in their tents. That was a good thing for the cabin was quite spacious for everyone to be comfortable and it was well furnished. Most importantly it was dry and warm. Walter put a on a kettle to boil and bought out paper and pencils.

"How about some drawing?" he suggested.

"I wanted to play a game" said Alucard.

"Every time you play a game, you're either a sore loser or a sore winner. You are no fun to play with."

Everyone else nodded their heads in agreement while the vampire king huffed. Seras also had an idea for the drawing; "We could write down suggestions of what to draw and everyone randomly pick one."

"Great idea, Seras" said Pip, who did not want to spend all day thinking of what to draw. So everyone wrote down a person, a thing and an animal, the slips of paper were folded and placed in a jar and then everyone picked one and drew it.

About forty-five minutes later everyone was ready to show their art work. Alucard had to draw a motorcycle, Seras got a bunny; (she drew more than one bunny of course), Walter had to draw a house, Pip got a computer and weirdly Integra had to draw the Queen.

"Someone is clearly fucking with me" she sighed. Everyone's pictures looked like what one would expect of their ages and artistic experience. Of course everyone thought that since Integra grew up all rich and fancy, that she would have exceptional drawing abilities…yeah that didn't happen. The drawing of the Queen was a stick figure with what was supposed to be her hat and a big round head.

"Are those parentheses lying down?" asked Walter squinting at the image.

"Those are her wrinkles" deadpanned Integra.

"That drawing is so bad, it should count as treason" said Pip, who immediately hid behind Seras when Integra fixed him with a nasty glare.

"Well how about we draw another?" suggested Walter and all agreed. And when they revealed their pictures again, Integra's drawing was another "Guess what the hell this is game". It was another person; a circle head with two inverted triangles, several triangles sticking out the top, a stick body with two large circles in the front.

"What is that supposed to be, Master?"

"It's Seras, you moron!"

"How is that supposed to be me? It looks nothing like me!"

"Then two circles are…." started Pip, who didn't dare finish the sentence. Everyone looked at each other, then at Integra.

"Well, she clearly isn't flat chested!"

Seras turned red and grabbed the paper and tore it up. "Sir, your artwork borders on insulting!"

"Strange, Sir Integra has remarkable penmanship…this is something I can't understand" sighed Walter. Alucard however was having fun and sliding another sheet of paper to his master he said; "Draw a horse" and why Integra obliged him, no one would know. Maybe she figured out a new way to punish people. When the commander was finished drawing the horse, everyone was floored. The horse looked as if he would gallop off the page and into reality.

"This is magnificent, master."

"So pretty!"

"Wow, way better than the Queen picture."

"What a lovely picture, Sir."

"I know." Wait….I know? Everyone looked at Integra and she said; "I suck at drawing people."

"You could have said that in the beginning" said Seras.

"And miss the looks on your faces? Where is the fun in that? Also Seras, your bunny needs a lot of work."

Everyone decided that Integra's drawings of people could be used as punishment because who wanted to be drawn that badly.

"Walter, how about I draw a picture of you?"

"No thank you, Sir"

"I insist and I expect it to be framed." Walter sighed and if anyone asked, Integra figured she could tell them that Alucard drew it.

Chapter End

Author's Note: Who knew that Integra couldn't draw people? She can't be good at everything.