A/N-I am so sorry for my slowness in updating, my muse has been cranky as of late. Thanks so much to the usual suspects who were instrumental in helping me get this story done. This is mostly complete, and I marked it as such, but I may tack on an epilogue chap or two, and if I do, I'll post them here. So this one may pop up again to show another scene or two in the future.
Again thank you so much to all of you, seeing comments, messages, likes or follows on stories are such a sweet reward, and I get thoroughly excited whenever I hear that some has enjoyed something I've written.
Chapter 15
As Remi and Roman sat in the van, they watched the home they'd known for years burn to the ground while a few agents tried to put it out using water pumped from their pond. "Are there any personal belongings you'd like me to try to salvage?" Mayfair asked.
Remi looked at Roman and the two shared an unspoken thought before Remi answered for both of them, "There's nothing, except…" she opened the door of the van while Mayfair tried to stop her, clearly concerned about other traps or explosives that may go off at other locations around the farm. Remi whistled and waited until their dog raced over the hill, dashing with ridiculous speed and then coming to a very obedient halt at her feet, sitting and awaiting a command.
Sarah reached out to pet the dog, who stepped back from the girl suspiciously. Remi remembered the way the dog had allowed Kurt to pet him the very first day he'd been at the farm, which was quite unusual for the canine.
"What's his name?" Sarah asked.
"Name?" Roman questioned, perplexed.
"Yea…what do you call him?"
"Dog," Roman replied, like Sarah had lost her mind.
The four were moved to an oversized ambulance for treatment and to await transfer to the FBI. After Remi's wounds were stitched up, she asked Mayfair, "Am I going to be arrested?"
Mayfair shook her head, "Why would you ask that?"
"I was part of Shepherd's group. I want to know if Roman and I are safe, or if we'll be in jail by morning."
"You are safe. You have my word."
Remi hoped this was true, but wasn't used to trusting anyone in law enforcement. She watched while Kurt was being tended to, the EMTs checking the head wound and concussion he'd sustained quite recently.
Sarah slept on a gurney while she received IV fluids, her body and mind exhausted. Remi noticed that Sarah began to dream, and it looked like she was experiencing a night terror. Remi stepped away from her conversation with Mayfair to calm Sarah, since Kurt was still being treated. Before she could get there, Roman sat next to Sarah on the gurney, and leaned down and began whispering something.
Sarah woke and shot upright, wiping tears, clearly shaken. She sat right next to Roman, her arm against his, and he continued to whisper. She asked a question that Remi couldn't hear, and Roman begrudgingly nodded. Sarah leaned her forehead against Roman's shoulder as he continued to speak. Remi returned to Mayfair, allowing Roman to be the calming force in a situation for once.
Later that night, while they were being transported to the FBI, Remi opened the provided computer to review footage to see if she could find any useful information to share with the FBI that may help them capture Shepherd. It contained most of the data Gord had taken from the farm. She found the video of Roman and Sarah's captivity, and reviewed it. Part of her feared discovering something she could not un-see, but she had to know what had happened.
In the first segment of the video, it appeared that Roman hated being tied back-to-back with Sarah, but when she really began to panic and cry, he'd turned over his shoulder toward her and said something. Raising the volume up as high as it could go, Remi was able to hear Roman humming a song she'd hummed to him as a child after their parents had been killed. As the video progressed, he eventually allowed Sarah to lean back and rest her head on his shoulder.
Remi continued to watch, largely because she wanted to know if anything had happened between Doyle and Sarah. She knew Kurt would be crushed if Doyle harmed his sister in that way. At one point later in the video, Doyle came in and began to unlock Sarah's shackles to take her away. At that moment, Roman went berserk. He didn't just act strange or unpredictable, he appeared to be possessed or rabid, flailing around and biting Doyle's arm when he reached for Sarah. Roman kicked Doyle's knee, making it buckle back painfully.
Once he had Doyle's attention, Roman made one threat Remi couldn't understand in the footage, no matter how many times she replayed it. Doyle punched Roman hard enough to silence the teen, but for some reason, Doyle left alone. It was clear, Roman had saved Sarah from Doyle's lecherous proclivities.
Initially, Sarah looked frightened of Roman and the insanity he'd displayed in front of Doyle. After a few moments, she calmed as he'd spoken to her. All of the wildness he'd displayed had disappeared, and he returned to humming his calming song before Sarah rested her head back on his shoulder.
When the medics were done with Kurt, it looked like he was going to Sarah's side, but Remi grabbed his arm and asked, "Sit with me a minute?"
"Okay," he replied, his attention torn between her and Sarah.
"He stopped Doyle from taking Sarah off on her own," Remi said, nodding toward her brother.
"Roman did?"
"Yea. I watched the video. It doesn't appear that she was ever alone with Doyle."
Kurt blew out a long sigh of relief and surprise. "I owe your little brother one."
"We both do," Remi assured. "But look at him."
"What? He's really annoyed that Sarah's leaning on him?"
"He isn't annoyed. Just confused. I know it's weird, but…Roman is never the calm and comforting one. I think he likes it, being the protector to someone who really needs him. I think…it's good for him. My brother isn't a bad person. He's just…the person left deep within him needs to find out how to come out again."
Kurt nodded. Remi could feel the protective brother side of Kurt worrying about someone as unstable as Roman so close to his sister, but he was content to keep a watchful eye.
All of them arrived at the FBI Office in New York City, and were brought in together. Remi's fight-or-flight instincts were in high gear, since willingly walking into a law enforcement office seemed like insanity. The elevator dinged and slid open, and the four of them, along with Mayfair and several other agents, stepped out. Immediately, everyone in the office stood and began to applaud. Mayfair stepped to the side and signaled that the applause should be directed toward four of the youngest and least officially trained people ever involved in an official operation.
Remi glanced at Kurt, who appeared just as baffled. Sarah smiled shyly, but almost stepped behind her cohorts. Mayra, the woman whose granddaughter was killed by Doyle, stepped out from the crowd to shake each of their hands before a more dour face approached and extended his hand to Remi first. "Director Theo Davis," he said, formally. "The FBI, the American People, and our president all owe you our gratitude. With the intel you were able to secure, we stopped the attacks planned all across the country. Sixteen distinct militia cells were discovered. Our local agents have raided or will raid all sites tonight. The fight is far from over…but thanks to you, we won this battle."
He introduced himself to each person, shaking their hands and offering his gratitude. Roman glared even as Remi elbowed him to accept the handshake. He finally did, although he rolled his eyes, looking every bit the angry teen he was.
As they were led to a conference room, Kurt asked, "Where's Gord?"
"Some of the intel we found was heavily encrypted. Mr. Enver is working with our team of tech specialists as we speak," Mayfair replied.
"Why are you holding us here?" Remi asked worriedly.
"It's for your own protection," Mayfair assured. "You're all heroes. And that means that until we find Shepherd, Oscar, and any of her sympathizers, you're all targets."
The FBI's initial plan was to split up the entire group into four different homes, but all four obstinately agreed that they wouldn't be separated. Remi calmly told Mayfair and Director Davis, "If you try to split us up, we'll disappear, and I promise you will never find us again."
Davis laughed, but he seemed to know that, at the very least, it would be quite difficult to find them, and the FBI needed them.
It took a few days for the FBI to prepare the documents they needed, working furiously with the US Marshals, but Kurt and Remi won, and all four of them would be put into protective custody together, under assumed names.
For the time being, they were relocated to a ranch in Vermont. This ranch was close enough that Mayfair could keep contact with them and ask any important questions, or bring them in to testify, but far enough away from their homes. Most importantly, at the strong urging of the FBI psychiatrist, the wife of the ranch owner was a respected former-FBI counsellor, who could provide much needed therapy. They also suggested that the normalcy of farm work might be comfortingly familiar for Roman and Remi. The ranch was large enough to have a team of two Marshals stationed in their own quarters in case there was an emergency. It seemed obvious that the FBI really needed their help and testimonies.
Two days later, Kurt, Remi, Roman, Sarah, and Dog were all sent to the Brattons' Ranch in Vermont, leaving any belongings behind except those on their persons. It was the start of a new life. Sarah worried about her father, but she was only told the FBI would talk to him, and that hopefully she could see him once Shepherd had been apprehended.
Everyone expected Roman to have difficulty acclimating, and, while it wasn't easy for him, he worked hard, and the Brattons kept him busy. Remi and Kurt were both used to strict regimens and order. It was Sarah who had the most difficult transition initially, one day a typical high school kid, the next day kidnapped, a witness to an FBI raid, and then shortly thereafter in witness protection. She was forced to leave her school and friends, and even her father. While Kurt didn't care for Bill Weller, Sarah still loved him.
Kurt and Remi demanded full custody of their siblings, but were denied. The judge worried they weren't stable enough to care for teens who had been through the things they had, so Kurt and Remi also had to attend therapy. They were given the residence adjoining the Bratton family to maintain as their own so they could show they were fit to care for their minor siblings. It was better than losing Roman and Sarah. They could all see each other daily, work and eat together, and it was technically more togetherness than Kurt and Sarah had had in years.
Two weeks after settling in, a car came onto the property, and Kurt and Remi found the guns that Mayfair had agreed to allow them to keep for their own protection. Both were immediately ready to fight. Mr. Bratton came out from the main house and held his hands up. When Remi opened the door, he said, "You have visitors from the FBI."
Mayfair had come, bringing the still grateful Mayra, and Kurt, Remi, and their siblings met with them in Kurt and Remi's residence.
"How are we adjusting?" Mayfair asked as they sat at the dining table.
Sarah crossed her arms, "When can I go back to school?"
"That's a complicated question."
"Am I going to graduate, or do you want me to hide here for the rest of my life?"
Mayfair, surprised by Sarah's more assertive attitude, said, "We've put together papers for you all. Roman and Sarah, here you go." She slid birth certificates and forged school records onto the table.
"Who are John and Samantha Bratton?" Roman dryly asked.
"For now…you are. You're siblings, the niece and nephew of the Brattons. You'll be enrolling in a small private high school. For now, a Marshal will be on the premises, covertly, of course."
"I've never gone to school," Roman argued.
Mayfair diplomatically replied, "You'll have tutors to help you. It's time we establish some normalcy, and we have to start somewhere. You both deserve an education, a life."
"We can't afford private school," Kurt interjected.
"Mayra's taking care of that," Mayfair explained.
"Why?" Sarah asked.
Mayra replied, "My granddaughter had a substantial trust fund. Making sure you all receive a proper education seems like a good use for it. And if you want to attend college, I'll be happy to help with that as well."
Watching Remi's eyes fall to the table, Mayfair said, "A tutor will come in, and help you study for your GED. Unless you'd like to enroll in school?"
"GED is fine, thanks," Remi replied.
"What are your plans for the future?" Mayfair asked, her eyes on Remi and Kurt.
"I owe the US Army eight years, ma'am," Kurt answered.
"I'm aware. But Director Davis made some calls…if you're willing, the FBI would like to recruit you for some special projects. General Neal was willing to work out the details with us. Of course you'll have to attend training. There are college requirements as well, but, given the circumstances, Davis and others would like to put things in motion and allow you to complete your studies over time."
Kurt glanced at Remi, awaiting her thoughts.
"It's your life," Remi whispered, making efforts to sound unconcerned.
"The offer…" Mayfair continued, "is for both of you. The practical skills and knowledge you have is something that cannot easily be learned in the classroom."
Remi squinted at Mayfair, "Both of us?"
"In a very short time, you two have become quite the topic of conversation. You have almost natural abilities…you work exceptionally well as a team. You're young and at a crossroads. You'll have choices in this life. We know you could wake up tomorrow and decide to carry on Shepherd's work. You could join up with her or someone else. I'll bet if the CIA has the chance, they'll make the same offer. We want you to work with us."
Kurt and Remi stared, stunned.
-13 months later-
After months of searching, Shepherd was finally in custody. Kurt, Remi, Roman, and Sarah could finally drop their aliases and begin the transition to a more normal life. They no longer needed to be in protective custody. Remi and Roman both preferred their new names. After a brief period of adjustment, everyone was calling her 'Jane' somewhat naturally. She and Roman had been given the names Jane and John, respectively. Just as they'd changed their names when taken in by Shepherd, they agreed this was a chance for a new start. Somewhat ironically, her birth name had been 'Alice Jane' and his had been 'Ian,' a form of John. It almost seemed like a sign, because they'd both reclaimed the people they'd been born as and become someone new.
Kurt didn't really mind work on the ranch, although bailing hay didn't offer the same thrill he felt after a taste of law enforcement. He was dying to start training in a month. Jane immersed herself in her studies, excited for the opportunity to learn, and knowing perfectly well that if she didn't receive her GED, she couldn't begin training. She, too, didn't enjoy the more mundane life at the ranch, and was excited to get back out there and try to do some good in the world, or at least kick some asses that desperately needed kicking.
John/Roman and Sarah attended a small private high school nearby. After months of therapy and the ordeal they'd faced while kidnapped, the pair had become fiercely protective of each other. It was the first real bond John had made besides Jane and Shepherd. Sarah treated him with a kindness he didn't really understand, but that only made him even more protective of her.
Late one evening, Kurt returned to the bedroom he and Jane shared, and found her in the corner she used as a study area. Jane was lying on her belly on the futon, feet alternatingly kicking off the cushion and popping back up while she doodled in the corner of her dictionary-thick study guide.
"How's it going?" he asked.
She glanced over, and automatically went over their nightly checklist. "John?" she asked, using Roman's new name.
"In his room," Kurt responded, since he'd just checked.
"In her room."
"All checked. Windows and doors. Alarm set."
"Okay," she smiled, knowing the day was finally winding down. John and Sarah had earned the privilege of living in the house with Kurt and Jane instead of in the Bratton Residence, but that privilege could be revoked at any time. Jane and Kurt had become a pretty good parenting team, even though caring for teen siblings wasn't always easy. The Brattons were in the next building, always willing to help, but the young couple tried to function on their own. Since she'd been spending much of her time studying, Kurt had taken a leading role in caring for the younger siblings.
"Did you call the school and find out what they wanted?" Jane asked.
"Is he in trouble again?" she asked after her brother.
"It wasn't his fault," Kurt defended. "Some guy was bugging Sarah, John stepped in."
"Some guy was 'bugging her' or 'talking to her'?" Jane asked. "You two are going to have to accept that she's sweet and pretty, and that, some day, she's going to have a boyfriend! You're both so damn overprotective. She deserves to date, Kurt."
"I know. But Sarah said this guy was being a jackass. John saw it and stepped in."
"Oh," Jane said, at first relieved, then concerned again. "Is the guy hurt bad?"
"Your brother's really trying," Kurt sincerely responded. "He pushed the guy away from her but, for the most part, he talked instead of getting physical. There was no bloodshed this time."
Jane nodded, at least for the moment, her brother wasn't going to get kicked out of school. He really had grown in the space of a year. "Maybe counseling is helping."
"I think so. Technically he threatened the guy, and the school could have taken action…but given the circumstances and John's general improvement, the principal actually seemed kind of proud of him. The kid is getting himself under control, at least a little. He needs to stick with therapy, but he's gonna be okay."
"I hope so," Jane wistfully commented.
"But back to my original question…" Kurt said more enthusiastically, "How's the studying going?"
She dropped her head so hard that her forehead made a thudding sound on her book. "If I don't pass…you can go without me."
He chuckled, lifting the lower part of her legs and sitting in their place before they fell onto his lap. His hand moved to the center of her back and rubbed comfortingly. "You'll pass."
"Seriously," she replied, sounding defeated, "Don't let me hold you back. If I'm not ready when it's time to go, start without me."
"I would never leave my wife behind," he joked, since their fake papers from witness protection named them as Kyle and Jane Sellers, a young married couple.
"We don't need our fake identities anymore, so I guess that means our fake marriage is annulled." She rolled on her side, propping her head on her hand. "You don't owe me anything. You can go next month, either way."
"If you don't pass, I'll work here and help you study until you do. Not because I owe you…because I love you. We're in this together. Training would be boring as hell without you. We're a team. Trust me, if I can finish high school, so can you."
"It's different when high school is the first school you ever go to."
"I picked up a new book of practice tests to help," he said, producing the heavy volume from beneath the side table next to him.
"Thanks," she replied, trying to smile, but clearly tired of studying.
He opened the book and read, "Find the transverse axis, the center, the foci, and the vertices of the hyperbola …is this in Latin?"
She laughed, "Patronizing me?"
"No," he shook his head. "I don't have a damn clue how to do any of that."
"You'll remember if I show you," she said, taking the corner of a well-scribbled on piece of scratch paper and solving the problem as she explained it to him.
He grinned at the ease with which she'd done the problem. "Told you you'll pass."
"Go to bed," she said. "I'll be there soon."
"I want to help you study," he insisted.
She raised an eyebrow, knowing the look. "What exactly do you hope to get out of it?"
"The satisfaction of knowing I was there for you when you needed me. Plus…I'm not going to training without you, so we need to make sure you're ready for that test."
"Okay," she answered.
He flipped through the book and poked his finger into a new page. "In genetics, what are the phases of transcription?"
"Initiation, elongation, termination," she replied immediately, like the question was far too easy and he was wasting her time.
Checking the answer in the book, he replied, "Very good," and then tugged off one of her socks and tossed it across the room. Her face scrunched in question, and he added, "Rewarding your correct answer."
She looked up, disapprovingly, and replied, "So I study hard, get an answer right, and you get to take off my clothes."
"Sounds right."
"Sounds unfair."
"Trust me…the reward will come." He flipped a few pages, and asked with a suggestive glance, "What is the first law of thermodynamics? Sounds kinda hot…"
"Are you asking questions that you think you can spin into something dirty?"
"No," he exaggeratedly huffed. "Everyone knows that…," he peeked into the answer key and read in complete monotone, "the first law of thermodynamics is that energy cannot be created or destroyed."
"So smart," she giggled, sitting up and unbuttoning the top button on his pants.
"Woah," he scolded, "haven't you ever played strip poker? You start with the coverings in more boring bodily regions and work up to the exciting ones."
"I haven't studied strip poker," she lamented. "Maybe we should put this book down and work on that for a while."
"Focus," he insisted, tugging off her other sock.
She pointed at the sock, "I didn't even answer a question, so why did you reward me by taking off more clothes?"
"I obviously read my answer from the book. That's cheating, so you won a point," he said before raising his eyebrows and searching for another question.
"My turn to ask a question," she stated, her eyes narrowing in a fake scowl.
"What's five plus five?"
"Wow," he shook his head as he scratched his thick stubble. "This is a trick question…but I'm not falling for it. Five plus five is fifty-five."
Her cheekbones almost seemed to lift as she laughed, amused even as she tried to yell at him.
"What?" he asked. "No good? Well, if I'm wrong, I'm wrong, and you get another point," he added, tugging off her loose sleeping pants before unceremoniously dropping them on the floor.
Holding her ankle in one hand, he reached for the insanely ticklish spot behind her knee and watched while her limbs contorted and tensed at the sensation of his fluttering fingers, and she fell from the futon to the floor, laughing before she twisted his finger just to the point of pain so that he'd stop.
Still laughing, she rested her chin just above his knee. Her eyes moved around for a moment before she asked, "True or false…even though you're a huge pain in the ass, I love you."
"Uhh…," he gazed up at the ceiling, but couldn't lie about this one. He crossed his fingers for luck and attempted his answer, "True."
"Correct." Jane stood and pulled his shirt up over his head before she knelt on the ground between his knees.
Just the feeling of her palms pressing into his thighs made him twitch in his jeans. Her tongue barely touched her lower lip, a suggestion so fleeting that he could have blinked and missed it. Kissing his abdomen just above his pants, she unzipped them and pulled them off. She softly caressed his sex, encouraging his hardness through the thinner cotton of his boxers.
"I could really use a study break," she suggested. "Maybe de-stress a little?"
"I can help with that," he replied, his mouth falling open slightly as her fingers slipped through the opening in his boxers. Pulling her hand away, he cleared his throat and said, "After we're done studying. Just a few more questions."
She growled and argued, "No more questions. I need to clear my head so I can think," and pulled him down on the floor with her.
As soon as he was on top of her, staring into her mischievous eyes, he felt everything else disappear. Then she pinched the sensitive place between his hip and the top of his leg, her fingers climbing upward along the space on his abdomen right next to his hipbone, the only places on him that were really ticklish, and she watched him try to squirm away, laughing as she got her vengeance for the way he'd treated the back of her knee moments earlier.
He flipped her under him, his leg locked behind hers while his body pressed hers into the floor. He reached past her head and grabbed the book. "You've lost study break privileges," he chastised. "You have to do at least one more question before I let you have your way with me."
Jane couldn't seem to stop giggling. "Let me have my way with you?" she scoffed through a tear that emerged from her laughter. "You're delusional."
"Quit using your fancy book learnin' words," he teased back. "Page 437. Question 6…"
His voice dropped into a low groan as her hands slid into his boxers and she flipped him back over. "I'll answer whatever questions you want. But first, I'm gonna suck you off."
"Sure okay," he almost instantly answered, head nodding, everything forgotten as her one hand cupped his balls and the other wrapped around his shaft. As if her words alone weren't enough to make him instantly fall under her spell. He was only human, after all, and that offer was far too good to resist.
"I'm gonna lick," she whispered as she flicked her tongue over his lip, "and kiss," she demonstrated again, "and suck," she tugged his lower lip between hers, making him lift his head from the ground slightly to follow her before she added, "every single inch until letting you finish is an act of mercy."
He just nodded, mind numb, dick hard, completely willing to do absolutely anything she wanted.
"Be good," she rasped, making every hair on his neck stand on end, "and lie there where I take what I want."
He closed his eyes for a moment, just to get himself under control, feeling the way she moved down his body as she made the last of his clothes disappear. He knew without looking that she was gorgeous, hot as hell, and it almost seemed wrong that a woman he loved and adored so thoroughly could be so wicked and seductive as well.
In truth, it didn't take much to turn him on. He didn't need elaborate seduction or games or role playing to keep things interesting between them, but she truly seemed to enjoy his body as much as he enjoyed hers. Of course, with the demands of life, sometimes all they had was time for a quick moment before the next thing happened. But when they had time together, they liked to make it count.
The study book open and forgotten near his hand, he felt her fingers move over his body, her mouth making good on her earlier promises.
They had been in their relationship a few months before she'd gone down on him the first time, in spite of the fact that he had been more than willing to do so for her at any opportunity, but he never once pushed her to reciprocate. He'd made a few joking suggestions, from time to time, but never, ever wanted her to do something she didn't want to do. He never wanted to be one of the people she looked back on with loathing. He sometimes wondered if that was why she'd been so giving once she'd chosen to perform the act. She never hurried him, or acted like it was a chore, and that just made it so much hotter. She behaved like she was doing exactly what she wanted to do. Then again, every intimate interaction between them seemed to demonstrate just how much she adored him.
But as she licked and caressed and teased like she didn't have a million things to do or a test a few days away that could change her life, every synapse in his brain fired to carry the sensation of hotly coursing passion all through his body. She fucking owned him. There was no point in denying it, but he didn't have to be entirely passive either.
He sat up quickly, startling her and provoking a sort of annoyed and baffled expression, like she couldn't understand what she'd done that would make him want to stop her so abruptly. "Did I do something wrong or—" she began.
"You're perfect. Don't stop," he pleaded, his hands reaching for her hips and lifting her, turning her and directing her to stand above his head, facing his legs. This did nothing to ease her confusion.
Her feet on the floor on either side of his head, he gazed up from the ground, pulling her panties down before he lifted her by her hips and carefully lowered her body on top of his, bringing her knees next to his face while she knelt over him. He put his hands on her butt and gently pushed her down, bringing her sex to his lips. She gasped approvingly the moment his tongue slid between her parted flesh, the sound translating into a tingling sensation all through his body.
At first she sat up, her body rigid with arousal as she hovered over his head, the shape of her perfectly perky ass before his eyes. She pulled off her shirt, the only piece of clothing she still wore. His hands reached around and moved up the front her body, feeling the taut muscles along her stomach and the ridge of her ribs before he palmed both breasts and rolled her nipples, noting the shape of her body and picturing his hands on her in his mind as he explored.
He began to regret pulling her away from him earlier, missing the wet heat of her mouth, the smooth dancing of her tongue, and skilled massaging of her hands. It took all of his power not to push against her back, to encourage her to lean forward a little more and wrap her lips around him again so they could please each other at the same time.
He lapped at the damp recesses offered to him, trying to lose his thoughts in her body. His hands clamped on her hips, feeling this was becoming more intense than the patient session of foreplay he'd expected. As his tongue pushed inside her as deeply as it could, he finally felt her hands wrap around him again, and before he could even hope for more, her mouth swooped down over his sex, hot, and soft yet firm, and so inviting.
They'd been together so many times in the past year that their bodies instantly moved in a practiced rhythm. His hands moved over her torso, holding her sides as he slid between her swollen lips while he sampled her.
The muscles of her inner thighs began to quiver next to his ears, always a sign of the approach of her climax, and his hands latched onto her ass and held her firmly there, lavishing her sex with affection until she tried to twist away, then rolling onto his side to follow her, wanting to stay with her until the last pulses of pleasure faded.
He felt her mouth tighten as her cheeks hollowed, sucking so firmly and fully that she pulled him toward inescapable liberation from the tenseness she'd created.
Even as their passions receded, they continued their touches, tongues and lips meeting spent flesh as arms wrapped and held the other's torso to keep them close. She continued to softly suck as he grew limp in her mouth, and he kissed her most delicate places, neither allowing their offerings to become too overwhelming but not quite ready to stop either. These touches were almost solely expressions of affection beyond gratification.
She finally turned her body around so she could face him, her arms looking weaker than normal, but she still seemed to have more strength than he did as he remained heavily weighted to the floor. Her body sank against him, her mouth finding his in a slowly lingering kiss that left him wishing he was already hard again so he could be inside her while she kissed him like that.
She got up after a little while, leaving him there, his hand draped across his stomach. His eyes focused for a moment and found the book he'd brought, and he suddenly remembered his original plan. He tried to grab the book and close it, feeling like the timing was not quite right, but she came back and dropped a pillow on the floor for them to share and let a blanket billow down over them until it came to rest against their skin.
"You're study obsessed," she teased, taking the book, still open to the page he'd left it on.
"I'll take that," he said, watching while she pulled it beyond his reach.
"What was that question…page 437, question 6, is that right?"
"You don't have to decide right now," he said.
"Decide?" she stared at him like he had six eyes. "Decide what?"
"Nothing," he replied. "Post-sex brain fog."
With obvious confusion and disbelief, she looked at the question, then sat bolt upright. She read it again, this time aloud, "Jane, will you marry me?"
She appeared to be so taken aback that he felt his heart sink. Maybe this had been a terrible idea. "I'm sorry," he began.
She shook her head and turned to read his face. "Are you serious? You did this? You put this question here?"
He nodded. "Couldn't be more serious. That's why I wanted to ask one more question before our study break."
She didn't answer right away, her eyes falling to the book, tracing the shape of each letter.
He was beginning to feel like the biggest idiot in the world. "Look, I know we're young, but I also know beyond a doubt that I want to be with you, but I also know it might be too soon for you. There's no rush. We could be engaged as long as you want. Now that Shepherd's been caught and our fake marriage is over, we're going to training, moving on with our lives…I wanted you to know that, as far as you and me are concerned, nothing's changed. At least not in my mind. Pass or fail, I'm not leaving without you. I still feel…" he knew he was rambling, and paused. She'd barely said a word.
Then she read beyond the question, "Answer key on page 613."
She flipped through the pages and found the ring he'd taped into place beneath the words, "Yes, Kurt, of course I'll marry you (some day when I'm ready)." She freed the ring and studied it. "How did you afford this? It's beautiful."
"I had that money saved up for Sarah's college. Since Mayra's paying for that, I figured…damn, Jane, I'm so sorry…if this is too soon, or—"
"I want to marry you," she answered, bobbing her head. "Of course I want to marry you."
"Wait?" he said, beaming like a complete fool who was completely shocked by her response. "You do?"
"Yes!" she replied, holding out the ring and offering her hand.
He held it up, waiting a moment for her to nod her agreement one last time, and then he slid the ring into place.
"How did you put that in the book?" she asked, staring alternatingly at the ring on her finger and the man by her side.
"Some computer geek that Sarah's friends with at school. She matched the page, printed it up and I glued it in."
Jane shook her head as she thought, then she stated, very clearheadedly, "We're going to get married."
"Yea, baby. We are. Whenever you're ready."