I got some things I have to say and some of you may not like the answer. I received a letter/information from college which I desire to be in, and I have been accepted. That made me happy, but not only that, I have to do somethings which is important and I cannot share that information with you. Since this is private and could get me in a lot of trouble if I were to share this in both college, considering "Security and Privacy" is strict in campus. And why am I discussing this to you? And why you all may not like it is because i won't be writing any stories and chapters anymore, I'm sorry, but if you knew what the letter said, I have lots of things that will take my time, believe me.

If I were to tell you what I need to do, the list and task could "hint out which college I'm going, aka, my location". I thought it was dumb, but they were very serious with this information.

Now that I'm saying my goodbyes I like to be truthful to how much fun I had writing these stories...well not the first one...i'll explain later. It means a lot to me that some of you read and like them. And I like other writer's stories. :) Reading the response from the reviews and their thoughts were enough to let me you all cared.

But I didn't write stories and chapters for reviews, actually, I didn't write for any reviews, favorite, followers, or anything else. I was impatient with my time at work and studies where I needed to do something to pass the time. So I started reading books and articles, then I came across a fanfic story of gravity falls. Later the loud house. This might sound crazy, but wanting to pass the time I read fanfic, since I'm very impatient with the school calendar and waiting for a response from all colleges that I sent my application. For some of you who would understand, school can be stressful to go through to reach the end of the year graduation. Although waiting for another chapter is not my desire to do when I'm in that situation. So that's what I did, why not write?

Even though my first story was crap, but at that time I didn't care if it's bad, I just what to pass the time and take my mind off from school and work, and waiting for a response from colleges. This might sound mean and rude, but at that time I didn't care about reviews, followers, and favorites since I'm not looking for those, not even if it's good or awful responses, rather pass the time. Although I did care about reading other fanfic stories, but not mine. Heck, even from the first seven chapters of this stories, I didn't care.

Until I noticed how important it is to write a story and I should care. Even though I added some science into the stories because of my addiction of learning that subject, it showed me how smart and curious I was. And that was my motivation to write, the reason to keep on writing, my fascination of science and sharing it to you all in a loud house fanfic way. Plus, my impatience.


1. share my thoughts in possible reaction with science (I sound like Lisa), and share that information with all of you.

2. very impatient with college responses. -_- (I'm that desperate)

What's your motivation to write, if you're a writer?

Well, goodbye, you were and still are wonderful readers and writers! 3