
Yeahp, I'm already releasing this.

And the next chapter isn't too far behind either, so you'll have it within the next week probably.

Anyway, let's set sail for adventure!

"Finally, took a while to hunt this down, but now I have them all." Muttered a young man with platinum blonde hair and green eyes wearing a simple white t-shirt and blue jeans with red sneakers as he walked on a sidewalk near a park, holding something in his hand.

The object in his hands was a plastic casing with three black medals inside and a green-blue colored USB key with an M shaped brain on it.

It was the DX Kamen Rider OOO and W Movie War Core Medal Set EX, which contained the black arthropod medals, and the Memory Memory.

It was also the last set of Core Medals he was missing to complete his collection.

The red avian medals, the green insect medals, the yellow feline medals, the blue sea creatures medals, the white large mammals medals, the purple dinosaur medals, the orange reptile medals, and now the black arthropod medals.

He now had all the medals used by Kamen Rider OOO to achieve his forms.

Well, the black medals were only theoretical as he'd never used them in the series, but he still wanted them to have a complete collection.

Suddenly, he heard a small noise from in front of him, looking up to see a red ball bouncing across the sidewalk and onto the middle of the road, and a young boy running after it, though thankfully the light was red so it safe for him to cross.

Smiling a bit as he looked at the boy for a few moments, he went back to observing his newest find, before a more… worrying noise reached his ears.

He looked back up quickly, seeing a pickup truck swerving down the road, able to see that the driver was passed out at the wheel at that.

His eyes widened as he realised the boy was in danger, taking a split second to think about it, before dropping his newest acquisition and took off running.

He reached the road just as the boy finally noticed the truck, picking him up and realising at the same time he wouldn't be able to move out of the way in time, so instead he threw the boy forwards, making him land on the other sidewalk, before he felt the impact on his body.

It was… an interesting experience to say the least.

The force of the impact detached his head from his torso, which allowed him to see his body being turned into a bloody and gory mess, while the boy looked on horrified.

Before his head touched the ground, his lips quirked upwards with his last thought 'At least the kid is safe.'

And with that, nothingness claimed him.

He didn't know what to expect when nothingness claimed him...but he was pretty sure it wasn't what came next. Instead of some kind of judgement hall or pearly gates, or even fire and brimstone, he was...sitting in front of a tea table, with an old man that honestly looked a LOT like his grandfather.

He blinked in confusion, before looking around the area, and then refocusing on the man "Um… Grampa? Is that you?"

The old man smiled before laughing softly "Oh, no young man, I'm not your grandfather, though I must admit, it's kind of you to base your vision of me on him."

The young man nodded slowly at that "Uh, alright then, can you tell me who you are in that case sir?"

"How polite. Well, since you asked so nicely, I am God, it's a pleasure to meet you Lumen Arkos." God, apparently, said.

"Pleasure to meet you as well… though, it's Arcus, not Arkos. I mean, it would be hilarious if my family name was the name of my favorite pairing from one of my shows, but, you know." Lumen said with a shrug and a small smile.

God blinked in surprise "Ah, I see, I'll have to update the records then, it seems Gabriel made a mistake when entering your family name."

He then cleared his throat "Now then, I assume you must have at least a small idea of why you are here?"

Lumen nodded "Well, I died after I managed to get that kid out of the way from the truck. So I'm guessing this is where you decide whether I'm going to heaven or hell?"

"You have the first part right at least, but, now, you aren't going to heaven or hell, not yet, though I can at least say that what you did pretty much guaranteed you a spot right here, it counterbalances the rather small list of sins you have, honestly the most prominent one is greed, and even then it's rather controlled, the most you did was hoard your money and then spend portions of it on the things you wanted, which, honestly, I find sensible." God said, pulling out a list from nowhere.

"Well, I guess that's nice to know, but, if I'm not going to heaven or hell, what am I here for?" Lumen said, raising an eyebrow at god.

God nodded as he put away the list "Right, well, you see Lumen, I brought you here because, honestly, it wasn't your time to die yet, and that's not only bad for you, but it's also annoyed the grim reaper, by the way, he promises the drunk driver will have his soul tortured a bit as a way of making it up to you."

"It wasn't the kid's time to die was it?" Lumen asked worriedly.

God shook his head "No, no of course not, that boy is going to die when he's 76 years old with his wife holding his hand as he goes peacefully in his sleep."

"Oddly specific but also nice to hear at the same time." Lumen muttered.

"You see Lumen, what I'm going to do is offer you a chance to continue your life, though, sadly, I can't let you just continue in your birth world, so we need to put you someplace else. Which is why, so we can be impartial about it, you're going to spin a wheel."

Lumen blinked as he processed that "I… think that makes sense. Right, ok, where's the wheel then?"

God chuckled as he waved his hands "Slow down a bit, I still have more to say. Now, I'm gonna let you bring a few things with you, anything you want, and I'll even let you write a letter to your family if you'd like."

Lumen nodded "I'd like to do that yes."

God nodded "Alright, so first of all, what would you like to bring with you?"

Lumen put a hand to his chin as he thought about it. "If I brought a toy with me, would it become the real object?"

God chuckled a bit "I think I see where this is going. Yes, it does, it's pretty much a universal rule that when an object passes the border between realms it starts to react strangely, such as a fake item becoming real, or a video game spitting out some of the gear you've obtained in it."

Lumen nodded at that, before looking back at God "In that case, could I bring my DX OOO Driver and a few core medals with me?"

God laughed a bit "Of course my boy, it's a simple thing, though I will have to put a limit on the number of medals, how does 7 sound?"

"At least two full combo and an extra medal… sounds good, in that case, I'll take the three green medals, the three yellow medals, and the Taka medal." Lumen said with a nod.

God snapping his fingers, and sitting on the table in front of Lumen was what he had asked for, the OOO Driver, and the 7 medals he had chosen.

"Now then, if you'll step up to the wheel and give it a spin, we can figure out where you'll be going." God said as he snapped his fingers, making a large wheel like the kind used on gameshows appear.

Lumen nodded as he went towards it, but before spinning it, he looked at all the options.

Some were definitely promising, such as Naruto, Fairy Tail, Bleach, and RWBY, others were more scary, like Attack on Titan, Evangelion or Devilman.

Then there were the ones he didn't really know what to say for, like Dragon Ball, One Piece, and Highschool of the Dead.

"Well, here goes nothing." Lumen said as he grabbed hold of the large wheel and gave it a spin, pulling it as hard as could.

He kept watching the wheel as it spun and spun, not seeming close to stopping just yet.

"Huh, guess that was a good swing then." Lumen muttered as he looked at his hand before turning back to the wheel, which was finally starting to slow down. As it started to slow, he got worried every time it rolled over some of the more horrific anime worlds...before finally stopping...on One Piece. He blinked at that. One Piece wasn't really one of the series he followed much, that was more his sister, but he knew the gist of it. A young pirate setting out to find the greatest treasure and become the Pirate King. Seemed light hearted and comedic enough as far as he knew. "Well, at least it wasn't Attack on Titan…" he muttered under his breath.

"Be glad I didn't put Berserk on that list, I think that would have been counterintuitive." God said simply as he motioned for him to sit back down.

"I think putting in Attack on Titan, Devilman, and even Evangelion is already pushing it," Lumen couldn't help but comment. "Thanks though for not putting in Berserk."

"Now then, you're going to the world of One Piece, and chances are, you'll be a pirate. Don't worry, as long as you don't act like a stereotypical pirate, you still have a chance at heaven when you'll die." God said simply, trying to wave off any concerns.

"Well, that's good to know then, considering I wasn't planning on pillaging villages, murdering people, or raping women in the first place." Lumen said with a bit of amusement.

God laughed lightly "Now then, why don't you get to writing that letter to your family, don't worry, they'll get it with perfect timing."

"Somehow, I think that means after my funeral." Lumen muttered as he grabbed the pen and paper that appeared in front of him suddenly and started writing.

Roughly an hour later, he was done writing the letter, putting it in an envelope and leaving on the table, before eventually looking back up at God "So… now what?"

"Well, now I'm gonna send you to the One Piece world, preferably some place you can actually do something, or, you know, be on the path to something." God said before snapping his fingers, and Lumen barely had the time to open his mouth before he was gone in a flash.

A young girl woke up slowly in her room, opening her eyes and looking up at her ceiling.

Though it was currently the afternoon and she was fully dressed in a black dress.

Her green eyes were red and puffy, and her long platinum blonde hair was a mess.

It was understandable seeing as she'd cried herself to sleep after her older brother's funeral.

Slowly, she sat up in her bed, looking around, focusing on a picture of herself and her brother on her desk, grabbing it and looking at it with a soft smile before hugging it.

She was soon broken out of her thoughts however as she heard her mother's voice "Marie! Come downstairs! Quickly!"

Blinking, Marie looked towards the door in confusion, wondering why her mother's voice sounded so hopeful and excited.

After a minute of deliberation, she walked out of her room, coming down the stairs and into the living room, where she could see her father looking stunned and her mother crying, but, not tears of sadness like earlier, tears of happiness.

"What's going on?" she asked in a quiet voice.

In response, her father lifted up a letter, which she looked at for a moment before grabbing and starting to read.

Immediately, her eyes widened as she recognized the handwriting.

'Hey there Mom, Dad, and Marie.

I know this looks pretty strange right now, since you most likely found this letter right after my funeral, but, I want to say that, obviously, I'm sorry I had to die, but I couldn't just let that kid get run over like that, you ought to know the feeling dad, I mean, you are a Navy Seals (Is that how you say it? Doesn't really matter if you know what I mean). So, to get down to the really important part of this letter, I did in fact die, but then I ended up meeting God, yes, the literal christian God, though he wasn't as strict as the bible leads people to believe considering he thought it was fine that I hoarded my money a bit. Anyway, after I met him, he told me that I wasn't supposed to die when I did, nor was the kid thankfully, and that the driver who run me over is gonna get tortured personally by the Grim Reaper (yeah, he's real too apparently) before going to hell. So, as a way of apologizing, he's letting me continue my life in another universe, though sadly I couldn't come back to you guys. He even let me bring a few things with me, so, Marie, if you go through my stuff (I know it's you, don't deny it) don't be surprised when you find the OOO Driver and 7 of my Core Medals are missing, I took them with me. As for where I'm going, he made me spin a wheel, and it had a lot of options, like Naruto, RWBY (I would have loved going to Remnant, no such luck though) Evangelion, Attack on Titan, DBZ, and Highschool of the Dead (on one hand, beautiful girls everywhere I look, on the other, zombies). In the end, the wheel stopped on One Piece, and I now regret not watching it with you Marie, the farthest that I know is them going up the Reverse Mountain you showed me, and after that, it's a mystery to me. So, chances are, I'm gonna end up becoming a pirate (sorry dad) and I apologize in advance mom if I do or say some things you don't approve of. Sorry if any of you get an aneurism or I end up breaking reality.

Sincerely, Lumen.

P.S. God said something about putting a surprise in your computer Marie, he didn't say what it was though.'

Marie couldn't hold back the tears or her smile as she read the letter.

It was definitely Lumen alright, no one else shrugged off supreme weirdness like he did.

When she looked back up, she could see her father had recovered a bit from his shock and was holding her mom close as she continued to cry happily at Lumen being alive, even if he was in another world.

Wordlessly, Marie put the letter down on the coffee table, nodding to her father as she went back to her room, quickly turning on her computer as she sat in front of it.

When it finished booting up, she quickly noticed a new folder sitting right in the middle of her desktop marked with the word Present.

Raising an eyebrow, she clicked it open, seeing two more folders inside, one titled Anime and the other Manga.

Curious, she opened up the Manga folder, and what she saw made her blink a few times as she read it.

One Piece: Desire Cruise.

Looking somewhat skeptical, she clicked on Chapter 1, which opened a new window, settling on a cover image.

The image had the usual One Piece logo up at the top, with the words Desire Cruise in cursive beneath it.

As for the characters on the cover, they were all drawn in the recent manga art style instead of the old one from several years ago, showing the Strawhat pirates as they were before entering the Grand Line, the Going Merry standing proudly behind them, and in the background were two faces, both familiar to her.

One of them, looking towards the right, was her brother, as if he'd been drawn in the art style of One Piece, while on the other side, looking towards the left, was the hawk inspired mask of Kamen Rider OOO.

Clicking on the button for the next page, it opened up to the normal message from the narrator, speaking about how Gol D Roger had attained wealth, fame and power, the people knowing him as the Pirate King, and then the words he uttered at his execution that sent countless souls towards the open waters, and, honestly, she couldn't help but read them again.

'You want my treasure? You can have it! I left it all in that one place. Now, you just have to find it.'

As she turned to the next page, she blinked as she skimmed the panels, showing the ocean, seagulls flying overhead, before focusing on an unnamed island somewhere in the East Blue, and finally, showing a figure lying down on the beach of the island, which was quickly revealed to be her brother, fast asleep, making her smile somewhat.

Knowing there was more to come, she turned to the next page.

Slowly, Lumen's eyes opened, his arm reached up and blocking out the sun that was shining overhead.

After blinking the spots out of his eyes, he sat up, looking out at the sea before him as he took a deep breath of the salty sea air, reminding him of the times when his father showed him around a docked battleship when he was younger.

Then, slowly, a small grin spread on his face "I lived you drunk asshole." he muttered lowly.

At the same time, a ship with a goat figurehead was visible as but a dot on the horizon.

Yes, it's short, I know, but this was just setting the basic scene of the story.

Now, the scene with god, that's pretty much a reference to the anime that has smartphone in it's title which I can never fully remember for some reason, you probably know what I'm talking about.

Thing I also want to note, I want to thank Timeless Dreamer Neo for the help he provides in writing these, so thanks a lot for the assist man.

Anyway, see you in the next chapter.