Sorry… again, for the extra long time to update. I just didn't know what to do w/ this story. Well, I'm back from my "Betrayal hiatus" and here is the new chapter. Since this is the showdown I had to play "Clint Eastwood" By Gorillaz while typing. Hehehe.

Bulma pulled away from the kiss with her cheeks burning. Was it from anger at Vegeta for being so audacious as to kiss her or because her knees were weak? She had to admit that she felt something during that kiss, maybe it was a flicker of the way she once felt for him.

No. There was no way that she was going to let him back in her life. Not after what he did. She was with Goku now. She loved Goku… right?

'Yes, I love Goku." Bulma reassured herself. She cleared her throat before beginning to talk again. "I said go."

Vegeta's face was blank. He couldn't believe that she was still kicking him out. What the hell was wrong with her? Couldn't she see that he was here to get his family back?

Vegeta stood stock still for a moment wondering what was going on in Bulma's head.

Just then he got an odd feeling. A tingling. It was the bond that they shared; even though they were separated they still shared the bond. All of a sudden Vegeta's mind was full of phantasmagoric images, words to be exact. Bulma's thoughts were now racing through Vegeta's head.

A smile spread across Vegeta's face. Bulma must have really felt something because her thoughts were being sent to Vegeta accidentally. Vegeta concentrated on catching a single train of thought. The smile quickly fell from his face.

'I hate him! I love Goku now!' Just happened to be the thought that Vegeta caught. Could it be true that Bulma really didn't want him anymore? Could it be true that she really did feel the human emotion, called love, for that low class idiot? Vegeta's face was emotionless again. He couldn't believe what was happening.

'I do love Goku… right? Damnit Bulma! Stop questioning it!' This last thought slammed into Vegeta's head with huge force. Wait… maybe she didn't feel for Goku. Maybe Vegeta did stand a chance.

"Why the hell are you still here? Let go of me!" Bulma screeched. Anger was rising in her again yet this time it wasn't only toward Vegeta, she was livid at the fact that she still wasn't sure whether she was in love with Goku. She wriggled free of Vegeta's hold and glared daggers at him.

"Why am I here? Because you still have feelings for me." Vegeta stated slowly capitalizing on Bulma's uncertainty.

Bulma froze. What the hell did he mean by that? Surely… 'Oh fuck!' Bulma thought as the realization of what had just happened hit her.

The smirk reappeared on Vegeta's face larger than ever. The onna had finally figured out that he was able to know what she was thinking.

Bulma saw the sickening expression on Vegeta's face and couldn't hold back anymore. Before she knew what she was doing she had slapped Vegeta with all the strength she could muster.


Goku stood outside of the house he once shared with his wife and young son. Surely this place that held so many wonderful memories couldn't be the place that he despised so greatly.

He lifted his hand prepared to knock when the door was flung open and a younger version of himself hurtled into his abdomen.

"Tousan!" Goten yelled while hugging Goku around the waist. "What are you doing here? You never come over here." Goten said while still squeezing his father with all of his might. Of course Goku had spent a little bit of time with Goten since his return but after Chichi found out that he was staying with Bulma she barely allowed Goten over at all.

"Well, I came over to see you and your brother." Goku stated with his broad smile in place. He bent down and lifted Goten into his arms. "So where is Gohan?" Ghoku asked.

"He's in his room doing homework. I swear he's so boring. All he does is study and hang out with his girlfriend." Goku chuckled at what his son had just said. It was obvious that Goten hadn't found out just how wonderful women were.

Goku felt someone standing in the doorway and looked up to find Chichi leaning against the doorframe. "Long time no see." She stated coolly.

"Hi Chichi." Goku stated. He didn't want a confrontation so he was going to try his best to be civil.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be out traipsing around town with Bulma?"

"Don't be bitter." Goku was already sick of her and they hadn't even been around each other for two minutes.

"Bitter? Bitter? I can't beli-"

"Chichi, I came to see my kids not to argue with you." Goku stated cutting her off.

"What if I don't want you around my children?" Chichi asked a cold flicker in her eyes. It was at that moment that Goten decided to cut in.

"Mom, Dad what's going on?" He asked from where he was standing behind Goku.

"Goten where's Trunks? You two should go and play." Goku said while lightly pushing Goten toward the house.

When he was well out of sight Goku began speaking again. "What do you mean by that?" He asked an expression of half suppressed anger on his face.

"Exactly what I said. What if I don't want you around my children."

"Look Chichi, I don't know what your problem is but-"

"You don't know what my problem is?!" Chichi yelled. "Maybe it's the fact that you come back and you don't have time to see Gohan and Goten. You come back after all these years and the first place you run is to Bulma!!! I'm not stupid. I know what's going on between you two."

"What's going on between us? I know you're not upset because I'm with Bulma now. You're the one who started all this. Nobody told you to start sleeping with Vegeta." Goku stated calmly.

"You. Weren't. Here." Chichi stated while stepping toward Goku. "You can't be mad at that. Maybe Bulma could, but nobody told Vegeta to come to me. What did you expect me to do? Huh? Sit around and wait for you to come home? No one knew when that would be. You probably wouldn't be here now if I hadn't had sex with Vegeta, would you?"

Goku had to think about that last statement for a moment. Would he be here if she hadn't cheated on him?

       Hehehehehe. Well, I let this sink in and I promise you will get another chap real soon so don't despair.  ^_^ Oh and sorry for the ridiculously shortness of this chapter.

        Ps sorry for any mistakes I don't feel like spell checking. ^_^

      *strolls off into the sunset humming the clint eastwood music*