*I do not own Fire Emblem*

This story contains mature content.

Author's Note:

I am a big fan of what could be with Jakob and Corrin. I do not enjoy their support dialogue in the game so I did not add any of it into this story. Please enjoy!

Chapter 1

Corrin's life was full of constants. She was constantly stuck in her tower. She was constantly watched. She was constantly undergoing training in multiple facets of life. The only thing that was not constant in her world were the people. Corrin was lucky to see the same person twice in one month. Her sweet little sister, Elise, would come as often as she could, but she was under a just as strict training regiment as Corrin, if not more so. Xander would come to visit her in order to spar, Leo would come to help her with her studies, and Camilla would come to make sure she was being taken care of and threaten the staff if she felt things were perfect for her little sister. She loved her siblings more than anything, but they were not often available to her.

There was one person who she saw as a constant in her life. One person she knew she would see everyday and whenever she wanted. Jakob, her butler, was always there for her. Jakob was hired as her butler years back, to be honest, she does not remember a time without him. He was only a few years older than her but he had always displayed the demeanor of being a mature and responsible servant to the royal family. When he started working directly for her, she thought he was pretty young. Her previous butlers had always been much older.

She liked Jakob from the first day. He was a little uptight and serious for someone so young. Actually, he was really uptight and very serious. More than what she was comfortable with. She tried for a while to get him to relax when they were together to no avail. The harder she tried, the more uptight and uncomfortable Jakob became with her. Eventually she stopped trying so hard and just acted normal around him. After a few years he relaxed only slightly around her and began to smile more.

They were older now and they had numerous conversations and many memories together. She knew he would always be there for her. Jakob made the days in the tower bearable.

"Milady…" Corrin jumped in surprise at the sound of the deep voice calling for her. She was so lost in thought that she did not realize that Jakob had come to her room. Corrin felt close enough to Jakob that she did not even attempt to hide her shock. "My apologies. It is time for your tea and I brought you a change of clothes for bed."

"Thank you Jakob." Corrin stopped to consider something for a moment.

"Lady Corrin?"

"Yes Jakob?"

"If I may be so bold, you appear to be conflicted. I am at your disposal if you wish to discuss what is troubling you."

"Jakob, you know you can be bold at all times with me." Corrin stopped before continuing. "Could you please stay and enjoy this tea with me? I do not wish to be alone."

"Of course Milady, I shall stay with you for as long as you desire." Jakob sat at the small table in Corrin's room.

"Why did you start working for the family?"

"Pardon?" Jakob was caught off guard at the personal question. Corrin had asked him personal things before, but never in such a straightforward manner.

"Why did you start working for my family and in the tower? You were so young and I am told that working for the royal family is something you are born into or work up to after many years. You have been with me for so long but you have never spoken about how you got here."

"I do not wish to bore you Lady Corrin with such trivial matters such as my past." Jakob said pointedly.

"Jakob, you know you mean a lot to me, so of course I am genuinely interested in you. If you do not want to discuss it, please just tell me so. I feel insulted when you assume that I would be bored when we are on the topic of you."

"My apologies. If you want to hear, then I will gladly discuss the details of the events that led me to this life." Jakob paused to collect his thoughts before continuing. "I was born into aristocracy. My parents had more important things to do than to raise a child. At a young age they sent me away for training in order to become a servant to the royal family. As you remember, when I began working for you I was atrocious at serving as a butler. Fortunately for me, you took pity on me and requested that I were to be your personal butler. Through your nurturing and patience, as well as Gunter's extremely strict training, I believe I became an adequate butler."

"Jakob you are a wonderful butler and I have never had pity on you at any point in our time together. I took an interest in you because you were always so serious and I thought that I could try to make you smile. Plus, I had a crush on you."

"I appreciate your humor Princess. Although, without your kindness, I am positive I would have been tossed out of the tower." Jakob avoided thinking too deeply into Corrin's declaration of past affections. "Lady Corrin, it is getting late, you must rest."

"I want you to stay longer. There is more I want to know Jakob."

"Milady, I cannot permit you to be up all night. It would be a disservice on my behalf."

"Jakob. I am ordering you to stay with me." Corrin learned early on in their relationship that if she wanted Jakob to loosen up she would have to throw her weight around at times.

Jakob let out a sigh of defeat and sat back down. "As you wish."

"I hope you don't mind but I would like to change into what you brought me before we continue."

"Of course, allow me to step out."

"Do not bother, I can just go to the other side of the room and change behind the partition."

"You must be more careful, Milady. I would hate for someone to come in and get the wrong impression.

Corrin stood up and walked over to the door where she flipped the lock. "There. No interruption and no misunderstanding. Relax Jakob, you have helped me change many times. I just enjoy your company. Stop making things so difficult."

"Pardon me, but I have only ever assisted you with your armor, you have always been fully clothed." Jakob was struggling to hide his reddening cheeks.

Corrin stopped at the other side of the room before stepping behind the partition to look at him and stick out her tongue. Jakob made sure she did not see the smile cross his face. Corrin was not like other women. She was free-spirited and that was what he admired most about her. Despite basically being a prisoner all of her life, she was always so full of life and joy.

His attention was drawn back to Corrin when he heard shuffling from her removing her clothes and throwing them to the ground. Jakob made efforts to try not to look over at her changing. Of course he realized that Corrin was a stunning woman and that she was standing only feet away from him naked. His responsibility and duty had never allowed him to think of Corrin as anything but his master. That type of behavior was unacceptable. As Jakob was actively avoiding looking in Corrin's direction, Corrin was thinking about what it would be like if Jakob were to ever show an ounce of interest in her. She was a woman after all and Jakob was very attractive. She realized that she was being naïve and Jakob was not the kind of man that would ever cross that line with her.

She sighed and put the thoughts from her mind and quickly changed into her nightgown. She preferred to never be weighed down by much in the way of excess fabric. Her armor consisted of undergarments and metal plates. Her night attire was no exception. Clearly, when Jakob brought her this tiny dress he had not intended to be with her while she was wearing it. She smiled to herself when she thought of what Jakob's expression would be when he realized what she what changed in to.

Jakob was adding sugar to Corrin's tea when he looked up as Corrin was stepping from behind the partition. Jakob stopped what he was doing, catching himself from dropping the spoon in his hand. Corrin was wearing a small black nightgown that was anything but modest. The hem of her gown rested at her upper thighs, barely concealing her round butt underneath. There were small straps that draped over her slim shoulders, which did nothing to help hide her cleavage below the low hanging fabric.

"Princess…" Jakob was at a loss for words.

"Please sit Jakob, my tea was more than fine."

"Yes, ma'am." By sheer force of will Jakob fought of the blush that was rising to his cheeks. Due to etiquette, Felicia was always the one who woke Corrin in the mornings as he prepared breakfast for her. By the time he would arrive in Corrin's room, Felicia would already have her cleaned and dressed. This was new territory for them and he was unsure on how to handle it. Gunter had never taught him how to properly handle his master being half-naked in front of him. Gods she is beautiful. Was the only thought Jakob was able to form inside of his mind.

Jakob remained stoic in the face of how she was dressed. Corrin could not believe how uninterested and unfazed Jakob was, if anything, Jakob seemed to be more shut off from her than he was before she changed. Maybe he was never going to see her more than his master and that she would benefit from just giving up on him.

Corrin returned to her seat at the table and tightly crossed her legs. They sat in silence, lost in their own thoughts, while they drank their tea.

"Can I get you more tea?"

"No thank you Jakob. Can I please ask another question?"

"Of course Princess."

"Are you happy?"


"You don't seem happy. You don't smile. We have known each other long enough that I have decided to be completely forward with you. I have been trying for years to make you happy or to see your smile. I have been unsuccessful so far in my attempts."

"Milady, it's not…"

"I feel as if it is a chore for you to relax or allow me to enjoy your company." Corrin appeared if she were going to cry.

Jakob quickly moved around the table and knelt before Corrin and held her hand firmly in his. He looked her in the eyes before beginning. "Lady Corrin, proper etiquette does not allow me to partake in such actions. Please allow me to say that being in your service has not only made me a better man, but it has made me truly happy. Unfortunately servants do not always get to do the things we want to do or act the way we wish. Despite those restrictions I am still happy and I will remain so as long as I am serving you, Mi'lady."

Corrin reached and held Jakob's cheeks in her hands. Jakob closed his eyes at her touched, savoring the warmth of her hands and tenderness of her touch. He reached to hold her hand on his face. Time stood still at that moment, both afraid to break their connection. Both being unsure about what was happening.

It took only a moment for Jakob to realize the position they were in. He was quick to break their touch and regain his composure.

"Lady Corrin, I must bid you a good night. You have a big day tomorrow and you must get rest. You are meeting with King Garon."

Corrin looked down at the floor in an attempt to hide her disappointment. She had never touched him before and she was not ready to let go. "Of course. Thank you for staying."

Jakob gave her a small bow before cleaning up the tea and leaving Corrin to herself.