AN: This is my first fanfiction, so -wait, this is my first story at all. In any case, please be lenient. I'm still in middle school, English is not my primary language, and I don't even have a proofreader! Constructive criticism is deeply welcome, and thank you for reading.

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Natsu gazed up at the sky, clothes tattered, as destruction and chaos descended.

The dragons raged across the sky and rained magic upon Crocus, the capital of Fiore.

They had taken too long to close the Eclipse Gate. Far too long; well over 20 dragons had crossed, and they were practically immune to all magic, except Dragon Slayer Magic. There were only 7 in the country who knew it, and they had all but fallen.

Tensing his legs so as to challenge the dragons once more.


Stopping his jump, he turned around and saw a familiar Time Mage, Ultear.

"What's wrong? Apart from the dragons, that is" Natsu asked.

"I may have found a way to stop the dragons!" Seeing Natsu open his mouth, Ultear quickly cut him off. "My Lost Magic has a forbidden technique, Last Ages. It uses the caster's magic to turn back time. If you don't have enough magic, it uses your life force instead" Ultear finished grimly.

"Knowing you, you'd probably sense the magic, run over here, and stop the spell. So I've come to tell you beforehand; this is our LAST hope." Turning away, she ran off.

"Damn it, you know as well as I do that you have no chance at pulling it off in the state you're in" Natsu said, catching up swiftly.


"So let me help"

"What!? Didn't you hear me? It WILL kill you!" Ultear stared at him, aghast.

Natsu shrugged, his signature grin cropping up on his face once more. "So? If it fails, I die anyways. Plus, I get to save all my friends too!"

Sighing, Ultear caved in "It's your choice. I am casting it anyways, so I could use the extra help. One last question; are you completely sure?" Ultear looked deep into his eyes, wanting to see if he showed any signs of hesitation.

Natsu nodded once again, grinning. "If it means I can save my friends, I am."

Sighing, Ultear started casting the spell.

"Lost Arc of Time: Last Ages!"

. .


At Tenroujima

A man dressed in a white sash and a black coat, lined with gold, gazed up at the sky. "Natsu… So you used that spell... Interesting…"

Meanwhile, at Fairy Tail's basement

A purple crystal, encasing a young girl, lightly glowing. Sending off waves of magic, a small apparition, with the same appearance as the aforementioned girl, shimmered into existence. Assuming the position of one deeply in thought, the Thought Apparition began thinking aloud.

"Hmmm… With this, the timeline we once knew is long gone… Perhaps I should reveal myself once more?"

She disappeared, giggling to herself.

And that's it for chapter one! Oh, and I am ignoring the part where the dragonslayers are from 400 years in the past. It's really hard for me to work that in.