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*Bartholemeow has joined campaign*

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(Disclaimer-bot) I do not own RWBY or star trek, they are owned by their respective companies.

(Bartholemeow) This Idea I got from analyzing the character of Jaune. Sure, he's not that great a fighter in the show, but he is one heck of a leader. Wouldn't he make a great captain of a starship? I think so.

(Disclaimer-bot) we are not going to have Jaune paired with anyone just yet, but might at some point.

(Bartholemeow) yeah, what he said…

(system) campaign starting in… 5... 3…2… please enjoy….1

U.S.S Juniper

By Bartholemeow… the cat.

The USS Juniper showed up at a time when the First white fang war was drawing ever closer, while not as famous as the USS Atlas, it's role in establishing a solid border between Territory's was vital in the first the first years of the war. It's crew, however, were a bunch of rookies. Until their first captain died and was replaced by a seasoned captain (Even though he was from the same class as them) who had led the Colony fleet to Terra Prime. That, however, was the first in many missions he would be recognized for…

- James Ironwood Admiral of the First Fleet.

The Senior staff of the USS Juniper Was patiently waiting in shuttle-bay 2 for the new captain of the Juniper to arrive. The crew currently only new his record and his name-Jaune Arc, the man who saved the colonization fleet that settled Terra prime

In order from the force field to the exit door stood First Mate Lie Ren, Counselor Ruby Rose, Major Pyrrha Nikos (head of Defense), Major Nora Valkyrie (Head of security), Lieutenant Sun Wukong, Lieutenant Neptune Vasilis, Lieutenant Blake Belladonna (Communications officers), Doctor Weiss Schnee (head of med-bay/sickbay), Lieutenant Yang Xiao Long (Lead engineer), and a few other bridge officers.

"Shuttlecraft from Star Fleet Command is arriving" Beeped the onboard A.I. Making a few of the staff to suddenly tense up as they all looked for an approaching shuttle craft

Jaune Arc was an interesting man, to say the least. Instead of your typical Star Fleet uniform. He wore an armored variant. Why? Well, because he had fought a Grimm in a pit for the safety of the colony ships, he had been given white armor as a token of virtue and honor. Star command let him Ware it on top of his star fleet uniform. On his back was a standard Phaser rifle, and on his belt, was a typical phaser pistol.

Currently, Jaune was sitting on a bench in Admiral Ozpin's personal shuttle. Right next to him was Doctor Oobleck, and in front of him were the pilot seats. Glynda Goodwitch was populating the right pilot seat, as Ozpin himself was on the right one. All of them were currently Waiting to Dock with the USS Juniper.

Turning to Jaune, Oobleck asked, "what do you think of it?"

"of what?" Jaune asked confused.

"The Juniper of course," Oobleck said chuckling a bit, "with its four main warp conduits and advanced warp core, it's like a smaller version of the Atlas"

"that is why I chose it… but I'd like to judge the crew before I make an opinion of the vessel as a whole-including the people who make it function." Jaune said looking at shuttle bay through the front viewscreen while Oobleck nodded his head in understanding.

"The USS Juniper Has Authorized us to Dock," Glynda called back, as she began maneuvering the Craft into the Shuttle Bay.

As the personnel offloaded on the Shuttle Bay floor, the senior staff straightened up and First Mate Lie Ren stepped forward to greet the commanders.

"Welcome aboard The USS Juniper, I'm First Mate-acting captain-Lie Ren and this my senior staff and bridge crew", Ren gestured to the Men and Women Lined up.

"It is a pleasure to be aboard such an interesting vessel such as the juniper." Ozpin stated before gesturing toward the group behind him "These are my trusted staff, but you already know of them don`t you?" Lie Ren and Ozpin chuckled at that while Jaune examined Lie Ren and the senior staff that was lined up.

"hmmm… you seem familiar, have I met you all before?" Jaune said from behind Admiral Ozpin.

This got Everybody's attention. Ren and the others studied him carefully Until Major Nora snapped her fingers.

"I know! You're that captain that everybody talks about." Earning a facepalm from Jaune, 'not what I meant'.

"While I may like the fact that you're familiar with your new captain, I would strongly suggest we take this somewhere else?" Ozpin half asked-half ordered.

"Even though I think you all have heard of him. I'd like your new captain to introduce himself", Glynda stated before she sat down at the long table in the meeting room, that had been commandeered for their use.

Jaune stood up from the chair he was sitting on.

"Hello everyone, my name is Rear Admiral-Upper half-Jaune Arc, and I'm guessing you've heard of my actions over Terra Prime. Even though you probably have heard much about my past, DO NOT make assumptions about me. I once read in a magazine that I'm secretly Ozpins child-I can tell you now that what the magazine said is wrong, and do not believe everything you may read or hear about me." Jaune sighed and continued with his introduction.

"Anyways, I will be in command of this ship and her crew for the foreseeable future of this vessel. Now, I believe Ozpin will brief you all on her new mission.", Jaune said before sitting down as Ozpin Stood up.

Ozpin walked over to the screen at the front of the table and typed a few things into the keypad on the side of it. Everyone paid attention as a map of the neutral zone between the white fang and the federation. Blake narrowed her eyes as Ozpin began to speak.

"Now I'm sure you've all heard of the recent attacks that the white fang has been doing against the border stations along the border of the neutral zone and past that into our territory," Ozpin paused for dramatic effect as he gauged the reactions of the people in the room. Lie Ren seemed neutral as always, but some of the others such as Dr. Schnee frowned or even grew worried. Jaune, of course already new Ozpin's plan and watched Ozpin silently. While Glynda and Oobleck just watched the crew's reactions.

"Of course, we at Star Fleet command have been strengthening patrols at the Main systems such as the Mistral and Vale systems, but we haven't been doing anything at the systems close to the border. These systems haven't been patrolled as much as the Maine systems, and some even have lost contact. Your mission will to patrol these border systems and make sure they are held tight. Now some among you may feel this job is a bit big for a simple hunter class ship, but a big ship will be too big a target for the enemy. Therefore, your ship has been selected for this role. It's Medium sized design will keep it safe, but won't attract the attention of the white fang. From now on the primary mission for the USS juniper will be, to protect the federation, to seek out forgotten worlds, to boldly fight those who would harm the innocent."

As Ozpin and his staff boarded the shuttle-craft, Jaune and his new crew stood by and watched. Major Pyrrha looked towards her new captain as he saluted Ozpin. She could see a faint, but noticeable hint of nervousness in his eyes as he watched the shuttle doors close. She turned back towards the shuttle as it took off and exited the Shuttle bay but kept an eye on her new captain.

Thinking back on what he had stated before about them seemed familiar she looked closely at Jaune Arc and was vaguely reminded of a Nerdy guy that everyone seemed to pick on or ignore at the academy. But he couldn't be that guy, right? She, of course, would have to talk to him later-just not right now.

Captain's log – "star date 24011- Today I have been given command of the USS Juniper and her crew. After getting off the shuttle-craft I took here, I recognized some of the crew. One of them, however, stood out to me. Pyrrha Nikos. During my time at Beacon academy on Remnant, she was my partner for a project involving defensive maneuvering in nebulas and how to deal with shields. I forget the details of what we did and how we completed it, but I never forget a face. Anyways we were debriefed on our mission and I met some of the crew. When I met Major Nikos, she had a red tinge on her face and asked if we could talk. We chatted a little before I left to set up my Quarters before somebody got in there before me. Setting up my quarters was uneventful and I set up a guitar for later when I'm bored.

Anyways that's it for now, this is captain Jaune Arc captain of the USS juniper signing off."

well… well, what a surprise. Jaune Arc has returned to his School-Mates at last. I wonder what adventures he will bring, heh...heh. HeH-*cough-Cough* ugh."

(Bartholemeow) so what do you think? Was it good? Was it great? Please review and fave. And thank you for the support of my first fanfic.

(Disclaimer-bot) We must go now.

(Bartholemeow) Ok fine, but one more thing. A new chapter is coming out soon

*Bartholemeow has finished chapter 1*

*Bartholemeow has re-written chapter 1*