This is what happens when I'm in an unusually inspired mood, feel like writing angst, and have Creed's Weathered turned up waaay too loud.  I got to thinking one day, "What if Gohan had survived what was supposed to be his final fight?  What if Trunks had died instead?  What if Gohan had been the one that traveled back in time to deliver the vaccine and warn the Z Warriors of the Jinzouningen?"  This is what flowed out of my pencil over the weekend.  Well, this and a picture of Mirai Gohan in Goth clothes, but we won't go into that.

MG: *in his Goth outfit* You like questioning everything, don't you?

I have a very inquisitive mind.

MG:  I noticed.  Readers, pay attention to how much Anshin tortures me in this fic!

Whaaaat? *innocent face* 

MG:  You enjoy torturing me way too much.

So?  I like seeing my Bishies suffer.

MG:  *inches away* Uh-huh.  Someone help me!  Make her stop with the overly-angsty Mirai fics already!

Not gonna happen, Gohan.  You know you love me.

MG:  *rolls eyes* Sometimes I wonder why.

HEY!  *growls* Okay, let's get on with the fic.

MG:  Aren't you forgetting something? 

Oh yeah, disclaimer.  Lemme check…mmm, nope, still don't own DBZ.  Dang.

MG:  I would run for my life and my sanity if you owned DBZ.

*Vegeta Smirk* Then you've got nothing to complain about as long as what I write remains nothing more than fanfic.  Now on with the story! (Oh yeah—this begins in the middle of Gohan's Final Fight from the Trunks special, so if you don't know what the heck's going on, tell me and I'll rewrite it, 'kay?)


            The battle continued to rage on as the rain poured down on the city that now lay in ruins.  The tide had changed—the confident demi-Saiyan was now loosing.  However, he had fully expected it to be his final fight.

            Lightning flashed overhead, and Gohan noticed a streak of light racing towards them accompanied by a familiar ki signature.  "Oh, God, no…" he muttered to himself, watching the form approach.  "Trunks, I told you to stay put!  This is my battle!"

            A kick to the back sent Gohan flying, and he found he was unable to right himself.  The forms of the Jinzouningen appeared above him; each had a hand raised in the attack position.  It was almost over…

            The pseudo-ki began to rain down all around him, burning his already-battered flesh and tearing through his gi.  Suddenly, a shadow came between him and the blinding curtain of energy pouring down form the Jinzouningen.

            "No! Trunks!  What are you doing?" Gohan yelled as he caught himself.

            "I can't let you die, Gohan-san!" Trunks called back as he used his body to shield the older man form the blasts.

            The shower of energy ceased, and both Jinzouningen dashed towards the two half-Saiyans.  Trunks was badly injured, Gohan was worn out from the battle, and neither had the strength to retaliate.

            Juunanagou plowed his fist into Gohan's stomach, knocking the wind out of him.  Gohan doubled over, choking and gasping for air, then his hair faded from gold to black as his eyes rolled back and he fell to the ground ten stories below.

            "You shouldn't have come, kid, " Juhachigou said, holding up Trunks by the throat.  The boy was already too far gone, and merely hung limply in the female Jinzouningen's death grip.  Juhachigou put her hand to his chest and charged up a blast.

            Juunanagou hovered a few feet away, his arms folded.  "Do it already.  The rain's messing up my hair."

            "With pleasure," his twin replied, deploying the blast.

            She dropped Trunks's lifeless body, looked at her brother, and shrugged.  "That's the last of him.  What about the other one?"

            "I dunno.  But who cares?  We can deal with just one of them any time, but the purple-haired brat was getting annoying."

            "True…let's go.  My clothes are getting all wet."

            With that, they took off into the darkening sky.

            Gohan forced his eyes open.  He pushed himself up out of the puddle he was lying in and shook his head in an attempt to get rid of the dizziness enveloping him.  He coughed once, then flopped onto his back.  His head hurt, and it was still raining.  He suddenly sat up straight as a thought hit him—

            'Where's Trunks?'

            He looked around frantically and tried to find Trunks's ki, but could sense nothing.  Another bolt of lightning illuminated the sky, and something caught Gohan's eye—a limp, bloody figure lying in a puddle about twelve feet away.

            Gohan froze as his heart caught in his throat.  He stared at the body a minute, then stood up.  On shaky legs, he walked hesitantly towards it, all too aware of what he was about to find.  His entire body went numb from shock as he fell on his knees next to the young boy.

            "Oh my God…Trunks…"

            He slowly reached down to lift Trunks.  "I'm so sorry…man, what am I gonna tell your mother?  Oh, God, I'm so sorry, little brother…"

            Gohan cradled Trunks's body close to his chest as he rocked gently back and forth.  His body shook with quiet sobs, but the only thing that wet his face was the rain falling steadily from the heavens like angels' tears.


MG: *blinks, his jaw slightly slack* Dang, girl, I thought you liked Trunks more than that.

Well, yeah, I do.  I mean, he's my second-favorite character!  I just…have a really weird fetish with extreme angst.  So what do you think?  Pleeeeeeeease review! *gives chibi eyes*   I'll give everyone that reviews a plushie of their favorite anime character!

MG: Resorting to bribery?  Again?

Shaddup, Gohan.  So…yeah.  If I get enough reviews, the next chapter will be typed and posted tomorrow.  Homework permitting, of course. *gags*  Well, ja ne!